HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-07, Page 15ICVOT Wing. Wel, 'f The it: sig. ividety ' 1tari% lamed 'gone ,f . age, th for a holy W.eeiss Me, d' Was. ' e f his Vi11.. 1e 11iS'' barn rtered 'nyof s and ily .e and 'know'. ing to e. he. ictory enlist, a the in a )n,. in ply a. ry for. 1922• e he. rated veral nting. • while and ' h he 'iated bard. food i?oc: �thc • . r�id�:� • tip ?r,r� used isk •t}ie' ophy t for loin. • for• went, I :in- v.:let. u•tia-• On is an ;pent: ,rdcn held tome feted •the iter-' ►trtl.•• pall- ;hns. t:son, and 'side. by Pelt SLIT' �• A Un - i >usi by and,' • opNES'.DAYr DEC '7th, 1955 '1I LtricK,Now SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TUARY ""MR is s ion of livestor k shipper and give until he •was lace 'McClean. Elmer iMackenzie more than teighty years had livr to failin . health. the duties due was soloist. Interment, was, in forced • to 1 • ni • t g h. Mt �: Jamieson Greenhill Cerrieter ed in this community, passed y the pall - on •Saturday, November . had acted • as his secretary for .:bearers. being Ewart Jamiesgn; away , six years. 26th at Bakers Private Hospi- = Bob Soak, James Boak, 'Stuart ta1, where she had been' in fail- In her girlhood Mrs•. Jamieson.' Jamieson, Jack Splan and Earl_, health for some time. ' was organist at Laneswill'e Harris.. The flower bearers were ink • Church. She was a•d tat re th grandchildren Dianne and Mrs. Jamieson was '88 years i? p PAGE FIE TE OBI • from. there to LaAckna when Mr. Jain, n w rn 19 9 hnsto e n 1 Home at the Ja ��- u era S" OHl'�T�JA1 o i - �; z tor, 28th; coir ducted . by :her, pastor,. Rey. 'Airs. John Jamieson, who 'for CC"P ma du Ade .. e age She was a daughter of aring addresses in either poetry Wayne' Jamieson, Stuart and of agor prose .and many a time• her Douglas Splan.. Thomas Edward . Finlay and. services Were sought' in this re Mr , s• Jamieson is • survived by ,Catharine. Harrison and was .gard, She was'a good' reciter and. 'ane' son, Gordon of Godier eh and at speaker and f 'thf ; born Mafekiing in 1872. ,She : was at u and. arrived • 'at • th ' parental devoted to her ,church' and to the was ni wort of the W.M.S., of . whieh- .rome ii ..I896 to. John Alexander, She; was a* life member . , so long am es'on,, and, they, took up res- as .her health permitted`:•' a idence ..at' Laurier :where, they • 1Vtrs. Jamieson had' a Pleasing' :. ' cceedecl Mr. Jamieson s mother �u .. .; ;:. .. : pe:xsonal�ty,.niild...but.•forceful in and 'father in operating• Laurie Post Office. In 1909 they a'noved to -the foot of th'e 12th Cdnces- slon; of • Ashfield, ' where they 'fanned and attended Ashfield Presbyterian;. " Church; Iia 1921 they' moved to. Paramount and' two daughters, ' 1VIrs:,C, "E Wilson ".(Blanche) of Saskatoon and: Mrs.* -Howard- Harris --(Marion}' :of Holy rood andbyone brother! 'Stuart Finlay of Elstonv, •Sask., • . iShe 'iwaspredeceased by, her husband, : two daughters, two all her tindertakings, 'and ' hes sons, . one granddaughter, Lor- home was one of kindly hospi- raine Harris; three Sisters. and tality She led an exemplar life two,' brothers Mrs: John Reed and•-niade and retained aYwide (Margaret); Agar garet); Mrs. Will (Min - circle in - g. circle of friends. nie); Mrs: Will Jamieson' (Clara) The funeral and Anson and Robert Finlay. • service, -was held a 19 t THERE'S PRIDE IN' GIVING PAJAMAS TIES•SCARVES • SPORTSK'EAR ? h • Q . 1 - Shirts, Pyjam -.- n .• .' 7serZinoYieaA4Fh ' Qe IF ..I40$r (�i`.� regif. sae; : � . •:. + ,-*, THERE'S ` PRIDE -JS WEARI Over 1,000..penple': filled; the Wingham • 'District High School auditorium .on • Friday • night where 4-H members, parents anti friends witnessed the Huron• Co 4-H clubs achievement • night at which $2;849+. was presented to successful;members. Of ;this 'num fiber 418 were club 'members w11,o: had completed::their project this year,•• .Agricultural representative G W.-'• Montgomery ;reports 14 Calf'. clubs 6: swine, 4, grain, • 1 tractor,•, 1 - forestry„,., white' bean 'and 3; poultry, clubs: 'for a total of 30: 4-H clubs in the :'cour ty-this year.:.Seventy-one volunteer club leaders trained the young' people... Ag. Rep,.. Montgomery ,intro= duced the guest speaker, Mr. Gor- don Bennett, former'. Huron Ag. Rep., .and presently ,assistant dir-• • ector of extension for the Ontario' Department of Agriculture. Mr. Bennett, who, served.' in•,'Huron. 'from, 1948 •to ,1.951,' was. 'recently appointed; presidentof the Ont-' ario Council of 4-H Clubs: He traced the• ,work on a, provincial scale, and commented that pres- ently there Were 18,908 4-H ' mem-, bers .in Ontario. . IDuring theevening the • first l s1a ing of the colored flim on .Huron •County .4-H •: u • s was: seen. The f ilrn .was sponsored 11)y the Co-ops. of the 'area:. ' Bill 'Turnbtill of .B•russels, 'sident of ` Huron . Club Leaders' Association;. ' was . • chairman for the evening , and introduced .the .many . distinguished guests seat 14cl .on the :platforms. Arthur S.• B.oltan,. assistant . ag.. rep: for Hur. "ora, worked with Mr. Montgom- •ery in preparing .the evening, anal announced the presentetic$ns;. • District Clubs Excel • Luckrow Beef..Calf . Club •• and DungannonSwine •Club excelled themselves :in. taking top awards. 'as they -secured. -5 .f.1.1. top stand- • . " Donald Kirkland Wins Two Donald Kirkland;' .,12 -year-old son of Mr. arid': Mrs. • Gordon 'Kirkland, •won the Warden's No vice trophy for' the highest score in the county,for a . first •' year member, .He red, 926 paint's. out • 1,000. Donald ...also was awarded the'G.' W.'Montgomery:$5.00 cash award for being the top swine club sh,o'.yman . this year.'. Murray, .Gaunt . Presented Murray Gaunt,. son' of Mr. 'and Mrs, . Andrew :Gaunt, won the. Tom. Pryde trophy for haying' the highest score -.111 the county, scot: 4 6 s, Neckwear, Jewellery ing 947 out of 1,000,' a watch from Anstett s. Jewellery. in. Clirt ton for having • the top score in,. beef calf clubs, and• the Senator' 'Golding the tdp trophy for. being; beef :club showman.. Judging' Champs Feted- ' . - During the evening. G. W. Montgc ineiiy paid, tribute, : to the Ontario • Beef Judging, -Champs, • David • Kirkland and Barry Mc- Quihin of he -•I ucknow Cluband - said that•'they had .brought ,great honor;:to 'Huron. County..Th'e boys took•`a bow. :Gets Guineas ehequg Murray . :•G'aunt, ` winner of the .Queen's Guineas, at • the Royal Winter Fair, was presented with the''guineas .award,, $25Q. The. pre- sentation was made by• Gordons BAnnett on ibehalf of F. .,S. Thomas,' Minister' Of Agriculture.. During the 'presentations Kennedy • awarded ; the Huron Hereford past president's : trophy to Keith Coates of the.'. Exeter • club for ' having, . the . champion • Hereford 'calf. - The trophy was donated by Mr. Kennedy • and Heber Eedy, of. Dungannon. , Murray, 'Gaunt .:gave a saxia phone and 'wical solo accompan- ied by his:.mother, Mrs Andrew• Connell 'Wingham.-play, organ solo. • .Club leaders. 'of 'local organiza- tions are, Lucknow Beef 'Club Tome Todd' and; George Kennedy;:. Dungannon Beef Club, Chester . .Finnigan and John !Clark; Dun Gannon Swine Club; Arnold 'Al= ton and -••J. D. Durriin. SETmEMENT.OF $12,500 • MADE FOR . CATTLE •LOST. . Settlement .. was made of a case which was at.:' the. County ..court house;' last eek at 'the fall sit- tirrgs of the Supreme Court. 'Pc T.. O'Malley. of ''Teeswater,. plaintiff, sued : C:ulross Mritual Fire Insurance Company for' $18,000.' . `Settlement' was for ,. $12,500 • and .costs. Last:.year O'Malley's barn was destroyed 'by fire and 34 'head. of Mire bred Red Poll -cattle• were cleirned destroyed. 'The d'efen ' • dants • dis_puted the claim saying that some . 'of• the younger cattle were - not 'registered: Campbell Grant,. Q:C., Walker- ton, was counselafor the plaintiff and Frank Donnelly, Q.C•, ..God- erid , acted' for, the Insurance: Company. --- Walkerton 'Herald - Times'. Am- mu- if a obn- •twvn lose 13111•' - Choose• Your Gift Now From These 'Fashiona Cut, •'Smartly Styled Garments FORSYTH SI-I;1R'_S in white, striped, ed, •'.checks and plain colors. Also . sport shirts in various patterns . and colors. Priced from X4:95 nrvir afiartorkept nioortxnia'Arrp+i ac: n<: non, FORSYTH PYJAMAS fancy' broadcloths, and plain colors Pricedfrom $4.95 nrvnrane'i► .7 00,,,,,,,,.. ,„..1 041141n tr.0nde`yn FORSYTH JEWELLERY .B .`xed cuff links and, cuff. .Beautiful �o links and tie -slide sets Priced from $2,50 I ATI NECKWEAR a very large assortment of neckwear including : imported • Swiss silks Priced from . .$1.00• 'rQ . $2.50 SWEATERS Grafi chnere and Tony Day sweaters in a•• large assortment of . colors. Priced, $8.95 NOTICE is hereby Oven. to the MUNICIPAL ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW that•in compliance with the- -Statutes in that ..behalf 1 require the 'presence of the Said Electors at the Village Hall in the :said ' 1 ni l.: w h,. herniz' non,"'th.Tolkg1..0.1.. Itc'vrovIi"o 4 For That Quality Gift That HE . _ I. W�31 Appreciate, You Can't Go Wrong 'at- Pridham's. I Jt.'.`J'eit.'k A,1.Y0d: 01:,ff"dnl:fitiC7`itch4111.'^. h: Viti.V11,i, 4 "'1+:." at4 i%t1f�.�IfOUr•''Qx..7V4. �t 1i`'a`�"J `tw.7�',: Q'AVW9— - .r 4. i GODERICH:. 11,0 P PHONE 57 • VILLAGE` -OF LUCKNOW ' :if .the hour' of ,Seven. o'clock and Thirty. Minutes in the' afternoon of FRIDAY, .DECEMBER 9th - 1955, for one hour " For the purpose—of-nominating.. fit and ,proper persons for:, the Office•of One :Councillor for the Village of Lucknow for the year 1958, 'of which all. Electors are hereby required: to•. take • notice and govern 'themselves accordingly, and if a greater number .of Candidates than required to fill the ;said. Office are nominated and. make the required Declarations, Polls will be `opened in the' folltowing: °places: Polling ub, diiisiun No. One, The Legion Hall;, Polling Subdivision No. Two,. the Municiiial 'Office•; and Polling .Subdivision Three, the• Viliage'•Hall, in the said Village Of. Lucknow, on .FRIDAY,: DECEMBER 16th, 195 arta .'will be open fr am' 9 o'clock A'Ali until 5 . o'clock P,11I. and no lofgei'.. y h day of November A.tl. 1955. , 'C'<lvcry Under ni hzncl dais .3Ot . F. I1. AGNEW, Returning Officer.'