HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR 9. THE, LUOICNOW SENTINEL, •I UDICNOW ONTARIO WEDN'FDAY, DECD 7th,1955; 3 s • APRONS! ' ' APRONS: , New print and gay ' organdy aprons for Christmas gifts. ' EVA • G,REER • Phone 145.-w, Lucknow ' , :WANTED , a Western saddle. Phone 93, Lucknow. . FOR :SALE girl's, white skate - outfit; size 5... -Apply at 'Sentinel. Office. • WANTED • mn,edium, sized used tricycle , and skus. Apply to Box I 97, Lucknow. .: , - BARN' FOR, E --54x54 with lean-to, all.' .steel •roofed. Lorne Wall, R. ' 1, Lucknow. WOODFOR SAL) green, hard- wood tops: Gordon Kirkland, phone 69-r-11 ' Dungannon. ' ;FOR. 'SALE—baby cutter . in . Al 'condition, cheap.' Apply to Mrs, Charles Steward, •Lueknow. • FOR SALEM -H. grinder with 3. HP. ' motor,, good, :condition, cheap. ,Lucknow `Distrrct Co-op.I -SAXAPHONE FOR SALE E flat' . alto saxophone, guaranteed in good playing condition:. " Don 'loinpson, •Lueknow.. FOR ;SALE ,-- 6 'month Pullets, Sussex "Red also nuxed. slabs. Jaok • Hewitt, Blackhorse, 'phone Ripley: 11141. TutiiKE.YS FOR :'SALE Please order your 'Christmas turkeys IT Saturday, December 19th.. 'George' Alton,, phone Dungannon w84=9. LOST=: a pair.: of child's ' brown 'brogues, .left at the dancing class in the Recreational Centre.'Find.- er please phone 17, Lucknow.. ..HELP ' WANTED-- three ladies. with nursing experience and 'a cook, at Baker's Private Hospi- • tal.: E. v. Baker, Phone. `12.9-R.. Lucknow. • • ' HOUSE:`fFOR .: SALE -modern. 8 - room brick house on. Havelock ;S.t...OiLfurnace hardwood. floors_ Apply to Dr.. T. B. Cleland; Luck • now. FOR aSALB-10-20, International tractor, on 'lib'ber, with •2' -furrow 'Case /tractor plow,. .good• condi-' tion, ''cheap, 'both . •for . $175.00 Lueknow _ ,District •to -op, phone NOTICE. The annual 'meeting of , the Bruce • County Council Soil :and Improvement '• Association, Leg- ion Hall, Walkerton, Tuesday, December 6th, , The, guest 'speak- er, Dr: W. Tossell, at °2:00 4 t, 'h; • rf ja• • FOR SALE -1953 Ford' two -door sedan; ..low mileage, new tires, ,new battery. A , one -owner car. 'Bargain ' price. Apply , to Jack. Poli l Lu knovcr-7_-� • FARM EQUIPMENT: ' ,• Stan Hoist. tractor.: loaders,',Pax hog feeders-, McLear', silo unload-.. ers, • Boons =self unloading feed trucks, ‘' portable feed mixers, wagon ,unloaders.. Used and new grain" grinder's and harnmei• mil's: "Sanitary Se -Wage -Disposal Have your septic •.tanks, cess- pools, cellars, etc., pumped arid. cleaned' with sanitary modern equipment: .A11. Work guaranteed 'satisfactory. For. quick service. write ,or • 'phone Louis Blake, Brussels; Ont., . •Phone Brussels 424-6. Average 'size house tank costs approximately $25.00..:• ;A1iTIFICIAL' INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattie• Breeding Association . "WhereBetter Bulls Are Used". Artificial . insemination seilice for all breeds 'of cattle. For ser vice or information phone Clin- ton 242 col �bbetween ;7:30' and 10:00 d., . on Week 'days and :7.30' and S:50 a.rn.: on Sundays.' Notice To Creditors i `en, deceased. All Persons having'.' c,;1 a'i m s against the :Estate of, Amelia Tre- leaven,;. late, of '• the Village 'of Lucknow, in.- the 'County of Bruce, Widow, deceased, who died on .Or about the 19th day :of' September, 1955, are'• hereby notified to send. in their claims duly verified to the undersigned Solicitor .for the ,Estate,." on or before the 17th day of December, 1955, as•. ' after . the said date the .estate • will be ' dis- tributed among, those entitled thereto; havingregard only'. to the claims of which the said Sol- icitor shall then.•have notice. DATED at Lucknow; 'Ontario, this 26th ,day of. November,, 1955. R. -W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 'CARD OF friANKS The .family 'of the • late Mrs. John :Jam'ieson wish: to 'e'xpress their sincere gratitude to the friends ' and neighbors ..who' so kindly' ' reineiraered .our . mother with cards, • flowers and visits while at the Lucknow Private Hospital.,, As Well; • our sincere thanks .arid appreciation to Mr. and':.Mrs •Baker and .th'e staff for t eir kindness to: us'and the kind and sympathetic care given our 'Mother,', to the patients for •their interest, to Dr. M H. . Corrin, . and. to Rev. and Mrs. °McClean; also, for 'lie -baa i ful floral tributes •and cardsof sympathy,. to Mr. Ebner'. MacKenzie for' his .beauti ful solo with Mrs. D. McLean ac- companist . and to Mr. Norman Taylor, organist for the;: service:. Gordon; 'Blanche, Marion and' the grandchildren; , • • ... ....__... ,. 1 COMING =EVENTS-- � CHRISTMAS CONCERT �. �...11nsurelith-rho -mr CIJLROSS MUTUAL The Zion:School Concert' •will FIRE INSURANCE CO. 'for 'be held in Zion. Hall on Thurs ( Reasonable ;rates, sound ro day, Admiss on .bee, l5th at 8.3OE. p.m. tection & Prompt, satisfactory .settlement of -claims. PARISH MOFFAT ' Your Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater 'P'hone ' : Teeswater • '570r-41 CKNK ,BARN DANCE . o . The CKNX Barn Dance • will be presented in the: Town Hall, Lucknow, on Saturday, Decem- ber 17th, sponsored by the Luck= now Agricultural Society. • SCHOOL CONCERT 'The- pupils •of 'as. No. 7, Kin- loss ''(Rapid' City),,' will present their Christina's. concert, Friday,, Dec uiber,16th. at 8.00 p.m. in the ,sohool.. ,Everyone ;welcome. CHRISTMAS CONCERT . At. St. Helens Hall, 'Friday, December 9th . at 8.30 sharp 'by. pupils of'. Fordyce School. Adnnis-. sign' 50c and. 25c. Ladies. please 'bring' lunch. Dance after.. I • ;VESPER SERVICE The Skylarks. 'C.G:I.T. group of South . Kinloss .Presbyterian Church will ' Present a candlelight vesper'' service in the church -on Sunday; ]december lith at 8.00 o'clock; Everyone' is 'invited. YULETIDE MUSICALE sacred Yuletide ': 'Musicale will . be presented, by the Lucknow, District•High School Band in the: High School: Auditorium, on, Sun- day '. afternoen;..December lth ,at 3.00 ,p.m: Silver••• collection. F:. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST ' GODERICI-I FOR'. APPOINTMENT "Phone 1100 For Appointment or Inforniation See Wm. At' Schmid, 'PhQre 1S7 -w, . Lucknow I'NSURAN'CE FIRE, WIND, ' CASUALTY AUTOM.OBIL'h AND LIFE To Protect Your. ;Jai*, ' Insure With • .Tack . To. -M. R.R. 3, IlcD' NAGI�ucknow, ~ Ont.• Phone,'61-5, Dungannon • HACKETT'S BAZAAR: Hackett W.A. , bazaar:- and: bake ;. sale will.• be' held ; in -the Legion` Hall,. Lueknow, on Saturday, :•De- cember 10th, at '2.30. 'Afternoon'' tea served, sewing and gifts 'suit:- able ' for . 'Christmas also on ` 'dis- play. CHR•ISTMAAS, CONCERT ' ...The iCh'ristmas concert •at S S.'I 'o •will Monday, Decemiber..12th, at 8.30, ii Draws Will:be 'made for thirteen boxes: of hometnade -candy. •Ad-• mission 25c.. Public school ch'i'd ren free: CHRISTMAS CONCERT ' S.S'., No'. 5, KinIoss Sixth(Con- .cession) on.cession) will hold their • Chr.ist- ll :-Mas concert in. Holyrood Hann December lath...at `'8.15, Variety program; lunch and a • visit from Santa. • Mrs. Jas. MacTavish, teacher. , CONCERT' AND DANCE :A :Christmas concert and. dance.. 'Will be. •.presented by, the pupils :No. 10, Ashfield beheld n. of o. est , awanos' in . 51. • Helens' .Community Hall on • Thursday, , Dece.rn:ber 15th at 8.30. Ladies please bring lunch. Admission 35c and• 25c. CHRISTMAS CONCERT The .annual Christmas concert • and ' White . Gift service of the Lucknow. -Presbyterian :.Sunday •School, will be held .on :•Friday h ' evening, 'December 16t , at sharp. White gifts and 'offering g are for the Children's Aid. Soc-. All farm, equipment with inform • :Counter Check Books for sale atioe vn". request, • at; The Sentinel Office. New • •Idea. Distributors Phone Carlow 2821 .Goderich, .MEAT FOR .. SALE Good.' beef for sale by the ,'quart'er. Choice light Hereford, steers. Beef .killed under license• p . front the--Departn ent oL .H.e.alth, Raynard Ackert, Holyrood Phone 24-30,, Ripley. REST 'HOME ACCOMODATION' Accoznodation alienable at -earruther's - Convalescent --Norrie. ]Norrie -cooked meats, modern con- venierices, Warm... Registerednurs ing 'available if required in case of sickness. Apply 'to Elliott Car- ruthers, '11...• r• 3, Holyrood phone 27.16 Ripley. • • • • *IN 'MEMORIAM . ' ARR O'I!--in mernary • of my ' .Father, Aiken Marriott, who passed --a oy -one "year-ago, December. 4th; ,1954, A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his, memory -,ever dear. .= Ever rerrretnbered, by his' dau- ghter, Mrs. Worden , Howald . and ROY N. BENTLEY. PUBLIC. • ACCOUNTANT; Monthly_ Accounts , ' Business and Farm Tas :• iety •at Walkerton ,Everybody welcome" • 16•444••••••449.4•64,44.44.0,.•••••.#0.•4••••••••••••4. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant' R. W. ANDREW Barrister and • Solicitor LISTOWEL,ONTARIO• IN. LUCKNOW Every Wednesday' and: Saturday ; Afternoon . Office 'in 'the-,Joynt Block •. `Telephone: Office -135 Residence.°.31-'J G. ALAN WILLi'AM Optometrist t Office on Patrick St., just off. the Maine St. in WINGHAM Professional ' Eye Examination '..Qpti.cal Services Evening Y app s b ' ointment.' • ... 'Phone: ' Office 7.70; Res: "291.. • R� .I ETI -ERISA-TO• N Q:C. Barrister, Ete. Wingham and Lueknow... IN LUCKNOW Each Monda Y . and Wednesday Located in the Municipal Office, • 'Phone *Ingham. • Otfloe 4$9 • : Residence 87 Kenneth J MacKenzie, Op tB(I� ometrist LISTOWEL, ONT, at the former •Wrona Jewelery Store. Ripley,,10 a.m; to 9. p;m. WEDNESDAY, `DEC. 7th ` ' and every . Second Wednesday. Eyes examined -''Classes :fitted • For appointment .._ phone' Roy MacKenzie, :96-,r-24, Ripley. AGNEW` AGENCY Howard Agnew.— Joss Ague* MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents' :Assoc iatioz . GENERAL' INSURANC•,E Established -Over 39 Years Ago • e'li :ephones: Business; '39' ' Residence 138 •McLENNA'N ,and MacKENZIE , :FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted. accord- ing • .Ito .your' :wishes at',your • Horne, • your Church, or ' at . our 'Memorial Chapel ay no tional'` charge. ' • additional . ' ' g AMBULANCE :SERVICE • --phone 1$1 Lucknow; Day.or •Night.., ' INSURANCE 'Co -Operative Life `Insurance Co -Operative Automobile • Insurance.'!' . Mercantile & Farm' Fire . „:Insurance .. • Economical and Reliable, • See . ' A, CAMERON LUVKNOW 'Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon• . Returns Box Tel: i:otf. • 'GODERICH, ONT. • , • N ' -RONALD O;1V1cCANN Public Accountant. • C • I�hofnesN' 61 ONTARIO r Office: Royal Bank Building West Street GODERtCH, ONTARIO Telephones 343J - :•343W STATE FARM MUTUAL' U GMORI-LE 1NSURANC Investigate _Before .In.Yesting._. REUB>1N, WILSON RrR. 3, Goderie4 Phone $0; r-8` Dungannon ttention 'b ,111 MOLASSES -3 c per gallon in 1 our• own drums / for cash. Bring in your barrels to' be , filled not later than December 15th. - EMPTY BARREL . ALLOWANCE q . before December 15th, will be allowed P Anyone having returned empty .molasses drums p.50 per barrel , ti f MOLASSES • a• fforio.le,Whopsotthurierlotioluv, II. %._MO.LAS:S.ES . s' the answer, to_:making -the best' 4. tli use of poor roughage or unpalatable hay. i, �, hay !'. � MOLASSES—fed with , increases digestibility 24% ' ti grain � -, • increases .... '' .`; Al MOLASSES—fed with digestibil- ,.1f-,.1 i f{�.- : , ____,t • • MOLASSES—is an inexpensive nutritious feed, ingredient. of . �.a. .. See- Your Co*Op For :four Requirements_,_ • 'Residences itattexrbury St • f ••• ck,rthwDIstrit CoonI 'PHONE. 7t, Y UCKNOW' . • • �� s ,rte, - ,4 .440.4 11•N!'A�A0M1N 04NAJ.ONN.0A1A V4144.0** iI#, r4;##:., If�r� e'C'�ffM�� tea each' +tone+at,�ir�llar�t,ar 4..~,i +f0004 #;atfia"°, tsm�,cmc+r:.arskd-, r:,.X.+a,;.w«aao,c:.p...x� -sY :..:� :,ez ec •. ',.. �caac r.s:•�M,x,:A tr`.,e3new�zn mrzczi,4t ..