HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 163 •13 111 ,• • • I(1 11 ict 41) 13 :v17 4.1 • • . . . I, ' ;k44 A • 2 4 't , 6 , • ' • • 1 ;* F • • , •,:. p . • • 71; • • ,414, • 12.i • • "1' ?- • .*AGE SECT THE 14uoralow sionrana., tucKnow orrimuo VW NE.SDAY NOV. •30th, 1955; ..444,44 • Gifts that are sure to •please anyone .on. Your Christmas Shopping List. ' FINE CHINA . • Useful or amental Beautiful WALL PICTURES and PLAQUES ALUMINUM WARE And WROUGHT IRON • i MANY. ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION • RUST CRAFT CHRISTMAS: CARDS. Bti;ced ci"rLpC•se GIFT WRAPPINGS .and RIBBONS I `•• LITCIC.NOW NOMINATION '• (Continued from page 10. payer a vent. •Councilors opposedto the pur- chase could have sent the plum) back, but made no moveto do so, Reeve Hamilton congratulated CoUcillor. Joynt on the • fine job he, had done of putting the dump in order. On Borderline. . • Councillor Mowbray dealt with hydro matters, and pointed out that the peak load, on which the monthly bill it charged to. the local system, mostly occurs 'be- tween 11, and 11.30 a.m., , and generaly on "Wash -day", so that the load is attributed to domestic consurnption jumping. at.. this He ',p•ointed 'OW that local rev; enue As very*.little in excess of, the cost of power and that it will.require 'good Management if we •are -to avoid an increase in hydro rates. • • Hydro which has beenreferred to as •the "rich uncle" in local 'financing can no longer be term- ed that. While they have, a fair .surplus, revenue for the past nine months exceeded extienditUres by only $663. • Mr. Mowbray felt the Board had overstepped a 'little in Pur- chasing the.purnp. • Later, .in reply to a query, he .• • ' stated that the current - check • On; Please feel welcome to call rn and look over ' our complete 3. selection without any obligation , • a AT YOUR FRIENDLY GIFT CENTRE a CHRISTMAS DRAW TICKET With Every $100 Purchase la -$10 Cash 2nd -Large Plush .Elephant • • ' • S 3 the installed 'capacity o comma... cial •users,' •would increase these bills, possibly •up to as much as $1.00, •where extra installations had been Made.' Demand niers • will.be uSed mime vases:. Weald FaVorArbitration • " E. Robertson, • a, nominee for 'the ,•reevesliip; reviewed • details Of how the. Bruce County grant. to Wingham Hospital Was -obtain- ed, which benefitted Lucknow to a sum in ,excess .of .$7;000: He said it was impossible .to,. 'disregard" the new: assessinent system or to withdraw from the 'county, as he had pointed out a Year ago. He would have.welcomed ar- bitration in the': matter of the inla GIFT SHOP 'PHONE:218 larcEmovr.-- •high school equalization, as it would have been. anriPpOrtuY to prove that an error hadT;ieen •rnade in drawing up the original agreement to pay an additional Pk mills, according to the terms •of the actual recorded motion. The stumps referred to were definitely not On privateprop- erty, and if stumps were to be removed, they should have been, taken off the front street to pro- vide additional parking...facilities, rather' than on a side street. Donald McKinnon, a Council\ noininee, said he • had all he could do in looldng , after his .Own-' work. . Public School, Nominees The three retiring public School' truStees,• Jaelt Fisher, a M.•Maer lawman and Chas. Webster Were. called on. Mr'. MacLennan . was' absent but it, was vouched for that he would• stand. „ Cha.s. . Webster said he had. sought to withdraw two years Ago, but •qualified to save an- other nomination and you know the trouble- it brought.' But, he added, any •deciaions. reached in • that controveray •were unani- mously suppor,ted by the. whole Board. • Ewart •Taylor and. Donald Mc- 1Cinnon, also nominated for .trus- tees, acknowledged ,tlieir . • High School *tatters • • Allister .Huglies4 r•chairnren 4.oto.paPils, 24t a...cost to. the ArDES17Zter 2; the High .School g Board, 'Gordon rantg , are • deducted of '$25.51 : Fisher and A. .• McKim were -daily. The gross Cost of educa- grants tothe public ,school• re- ceived in 180 amounted to percent orthe 1054 evenditures. pupila from a closed rural school ttending Lucknovr school are charged to the Section Board at $6040 a pupil, Where parents pay directly the fee is. $25.00 per pupil, and if they own property in the village the fee is reduced •• by that, amount of the school tax on that ProPertY. 4 enrollment ' this year of 178 pupils required, the hiring of an extra teach • ,- The. 1855 ' estimate. for public. school, costs is $18,000..The pupil cost per day in71.954was 65c, • • New Salary Schedule •• The -Wilding costs to Novem-; ber 15th, since construction WOrio was started • on the new high ' seihool, amount to $272,564.77; .; The'taxation levy on the whole • area this year is $30318,98. A revised salary schedule was • adopted this year in • the. high • sohool with type B minimum • $3,400, and type A minimum , .$3,600. The annual increment is, $200, to e. maximum of $4,800, with the principal's maximum at $5;200. . . The response was light to ad- , vertisernents for teachers and the Secretary felt that the condition would worsen in. obtaining qual- ified teachers. • • • Five busses cover a • total of 323 miles a day to transport 129, called on. • The latter was • not present. , . , . : • . Mr. Fisher said the leakage trouble they had was corrected and everYthing was hi fine shape. They, were trying to' operate .the school as economically as 'post-. Able,' but an increase in . enrell- merit to 170 pupils had required the hiring ef, an additional tea - Explains .Finincial Picture T • Donald Henderson, secretary of beth the Public and Mgh Sehool gave his usual excellent report of financial matters, He explained that. provincial ,tion per pupil for, maintenance and 'debenture charges is .$2.47. Ettiniated costs for: 1955 are • $48,500: : • • By. Way of comparisonMr. Henderson pointed •out that - 1948; the -last year Miss McLean Was .ririricipal she received $2,400. A graduate of the Ontario Coll-. ege' of Education starts today at • $3,400: :TO show the trend nine Years, the Secretary ,pointed • out that in 1846; it„cost $18,400,,te, operate both the,Public and high school.'.. :The 1955 estimate is • $86,300 not including debenture. charges. •• •• ligesetioarmOisfOriolotiemiteiriur.pormagiumandgiirtieroatmgiamtroosisraiged&tioliMeogingoi0~.1400_00aisdiumriemPirmagtezoiretoivienitrootiortertanialgitiipodYna • 2, • . . • I.G.A. TqVIATO' JUICE Fancy, 20 oz.. -10 for $1.00 CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE Fancy, 48 oz. 4 for $1 00 • I.G.A. APPLE JUICE • 20 oz., 10 for $1.00 • at WE DELIVER .• • • • :4: • CO4E1V1AN'S LARP P ;re . • '6' .• 1: lb. prints for..$1.00 -; ; • ; t.' -• ...HJEL:L00-ALL7F-L-AVORS . 5•. • '• • 12. for $1.00 •• ..‘* • oRANGE PEK9i .TEA '• Mother. Parker's, .% lb., .2 for $1A10 • •••. :.(5c7off7offeir),.. ' 6 • F. BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES oz. )-- 10 for oz. A for . 1-.G.A4-APPLESAUCE - - f. White, Yellow, Honey Spice, ' 15 .$1.00 2 Devil 17ood, Marble • ti 'PETER PAN PEA.CHES ; 15 oz. - 7 for $1.00 a. tt t4 ; • . ,• , . • . 14.A.. WAX .PAPER . . 100* ft. ,---r, ,442'for :$1,00 . • • : ' : I . KLEENEX • , ' DEEP :BROWN,.BEANS .. . INTERLAKE. TOILET Prissi./i . ,Regular ...7.- 6 for, $1.00 , • • Libby's; .20 oz. -- 5. for ;140. . . • N , 9. milli for .$1.00 , . . ' . .QUAXER :CORN .FLAKES : . I.G.A.. PUMPKIN ' , 6 ..STA,#1..0 . LIQUID STARCH . ' 8' .ca. pkg. • i,..... 8 ...for $1.00' • 28' oz. -- 6 for $1.00 . - Iroz...-7_5_,for$1.00,,., . . , .. , ,. 6, , .1.4EALTilOHDOG---FPOD :KOUNTRY: KIST PEAS; . , 'CAMPBELL'S TOMATO.SOUP. ... ' .1 „ ' • • • . .. l6oz. 10 for -$.1.00 , Stail.dard, 15 0. -.. 8 for $1.00 . . 10 oz. -- 9 for. $1.00' . • ' CLOVER . LEAF .TUNA. . GREEN GIANT NIBLETS. • i !;;::.oirimistilivoailtirtiogiegiiinirgeori•b*044104 . .• ,. FanCY, :14 •oz.:-.-=. &for $1.00 6 •. - - NEW ygArtys .. . • . I. • i Solid,. 7 oz. ....; .for $1.00" 20 oz; ,- 8 for $1.00 ' 1 - inner for. Six I.G.A. CREAM CORN . i ROBINHOOD :CAKE MIX AVhite- 4 for $1.00 4. • 16 - 8, for $1.00 • MORNING MILK ri (By the makers 1pf carnatipn) With each purchase of. $2.00 or more I.G.A. CHOCO MALLOWS you get a 'free chance -;to wnia 'new 46 Biscuits Per-Pkg-**-"--4-f°r-$1-.°°- Year's Dinner for six . *. comnIet 46 s MARGARINE JaillASPBERRY JAM, 24 oz. .kfast 'Club for_$1.00 DILL .PICKLES 24 oz. 4. for. $1.00. AYLMER CATSUP 11 oz. 5 for $1.00 16 oz. 3 for MOO. . LG.A. pEANtrr 1IUTTERueitoar itommoutittire:oignesnagnoatiotosnalio14:$.4444eneetivoalontisnobereartionnuinuo,Nob4044gettantoomoligemrsoomoullisewool,,,zurbanwimagoi,43,64,,,..,„k,,boonenergio with all the trimmings. 12 lib. far $1.00 ., , .00iitirigglitttly$00'iae thar_OZIVIOirriallitetiOrgeker0111114#1141,10,010,1101101ienlaniellittibiZiiiimitiaxialwasibiplidailieVilEnei!1. 33 41 1. 4. 11 4. 41 ,01•• et 1.-MO2V.9.21% ' •