HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 15`30th, 1955;
if To
• girls have •
,he •• evening -.
the ''Session.
well. talked
had been
gave. 'book-
. Time. was.
an to sell.
ith , taps.••
• .
ve. •..
• .•
WEDNESDAY,NOV,, 3Oth, 1$55
We are .tbe only, Manufac-
turers in this part of Ontario
' of • high Mass .monuments`
who. import granite 'from the.
Old `Country in the rouagh• by:
the carload and process from
the rough' to . the.•finished
, Monument. No.... middleman;
When choosing a monument
Cottle • and see one or the
largest selections in Ontario.
Established' over 'sixt'y years.
Write or phone Walkerton 8
.and reverse' charges. '
rrrrTer�c�aC7st) -Cptete1)ralfifgE
'stem ,In Kinloss A$ Permanent
-(by our Kinlough Correspondent)
'Mr. Alex MacLeod of Lucknow,
and former road superintendent
for Kinloss Township; was chair-
man -for the"Kinloss nomination
meeting held last Friday at. Holy-
rood. • •
, Reeve Harold Percy, spoke' on
business transacted at the County.
Council •.sittings in. June 'and. No
temLber, including the County,
grader,. the County engineer's ap-•
pointment'• fr om 14 applications
and the neve: concrete.`bridge 'et
Pihkertbn in etjnory of the� ,late
George :Stephenson; County en .
ineer. Mr. • Percy said .. that . in
.regard to 'indigent hospital pat
rents the amount .of $20,000 was
paid, in 'the ,County: In the calf
• vaccinati.on sch'em'e ' ' 12,0.00 ,
mals received- vaccine,'
Bruce County Museum •(.tfe'
former Southampton'' " p u b.11,i.e
school)' which was purclased''for
$1.00, 'houses 4,0OQ articles by 'do:.
nation' .or' loan :. During the first
few' months there were 9;000 Vis-
itors at •'25c admission fee. To
hospitals ; ..in the area . grants. of
$25;000. were given. •
• Druce ,.County .library • serves
135 schools at a cost 'of $10..00 for
when`: you. purch.as:e
.one pail of
Swift's Calf. Nursing
eleven 'filling
—Phone 9, Lucknow, . Ont..
at 8.30 Pard.
_..... . AS FOV
GET 'f�'Ot.�It :`CHS I T
from. the choice °selection of turkeys and .chickens
g ' • . '
being given away. at these 'bingosr
V •
each school section where adults
'end children alike may • benefit
from better reading material.
Schools in. the . Towntship which
are benefitting by 'chis mobile
library service are S.S. ' Nos. 1, 2,
''"► 7 end 8. •
. Counci11oi Speak
1Vlurray outlined • Ow
municipal, drainage system,' He
said, "We, in • Kinross. have 'more
municipal drains than any Muni-
cipality that I know of". kr. Mur=
ray pointed; Out that many are
old and need repairs.' He, felt that' '
if a complete drainage program
was carried out , it wouldbe• more
dressed the: meeting and stated
that .although new in the coun
cl, he 'had enjoyed • the work,
Anbtlier matter, referred' to by
'the Reeve, was the.. Township.
dump located on Con. 14 at the
rear. of • Arthur B`reck°les.. prop-
erty. This will be ready this fall.
Suitable . signs . will be 'erected.
The ,equalized assessment was
also explained by. ,Mr, Percy.
.Mr. .Wtlliarrn M'acintyre, ,road
superintendent; Outlined,wor k
done , on the roads, inluding
snowplowing, road improvement;.
grave -1 c;rusliingTa7dibtdge build-
ing.. •
The • treasurer, • ,Frank Thomp
son, explained some of the : de
tails 01 .the 'fipancial 'statement
He thanked • the. 'council .for '.th
co-operation . which. he has re
e• .
• The tax collector,' Gordon Wall;
ekpensive` at -the time. but ;would
be permanent.' We..should 'take "an
interest in.. :,our. municipality; ' Its
was moved by' Art . Breckles . and
seconded !by P. •.A., Mur ray that
resolution be, forwarded to' the
'department re• .• 'Te.. Municipal
Drainage Act. Three . drains were
completed 'this' year. in: the Twp.
namely, the Nine Mile, the Kree-
mer-Murray ° and .the Kaake
Farish Moffat,'..'. speaking on
•social welfare, ;stated that each
year brings greater . 'demands..
Five years ago new ibridges were
found necessary in the Town-`
ship, •one of which • is ' now com
pleted. He "said a tremendous
amount of work has :,been done.
iri various places • in . the town's'hip.
Many ofthe township .roads are
in better condition, than -those of
the ' county. .-
Wallace Conn spoke of snow-,
plowing in : the township which
is•'a costly ,'figure: He also men-':
ed the --nee 4 n Whi -have
been placed through the tovyn-
ship. This project was undertak-
en by •the'Carefree'-Forurn, Con.
.4, and through thecourtesy of
the Toronto' Daily Star.. r
Elliott`' Carruthers, yvho:. along
with Mr. Conn,: had served' .for
only a portion of the year, aa-
thanked the board andel ratepay-
ers •for the splendid 'eo-operation
as_-this-coin-pletes h=is tenth year
as . tax collector., . ' °
'Allister Hughes, chairman of
the Lucknow, District ` H i gh
School, 'outlined 'school expendi-
tures and . was prepared `to 'ans-
wer ' questions.:. • •
Messrs. Harry' Lards and Rich -
and Elliott' extended the coinpli
Merits ' of the: season. •
F'•FE R Si. V O U.
New fast ,train ft* Major Western Points
Convenient .Train: to • Molar and .Intermediate,
Western Points
Completing 27th Year •
'Mr.. J, R. - Lane, 'who is corn-
petin _ hi .27th. term , as° Clerk,
spoke :briefly. and explained tax-
ation .which 'included county,
telephone, Public and. High school
taxes.' • '• •
'The m.eettng' closed with the
- .fat Fon al 41 t to --
The Colwanash Junior Farmers
and Junior: Institute heldtheir
baht t 'art Nov'e2`0er: -23rd -at;
Carlow 'Hall with a. good' crowd
in attendance • • •
Rev. George::Watt of Dungan
non' said -grace.- Jim Scott;- presi--
;dent, of the Junior Farmers, pro-
posed a toast to the ,Queen,.'. A
word of welcorne ,was given .by
Jeune • Nivins; Mrs. Arnold Alton
lei in a number. of . sing. songs,
S Theall .Saturday.
;.; �.�e� Yon At Rem �
, -,.•:• Lit`le'' thanked ,the. Tiger•
ply � ir��� YN' ?•�^ GV '.i I' *or...
�V +�a/� ••\f�'
r..i •i. �.�1�+ 1'+I�►�+N1 4�I�1.. I +r. �/ {�. �''. x�� .'��1� 4`.•+�• ��A
�' r..': ......�.:." r '^"_ �;ti. .,�:�`n +%.Y: .X:�kM'.w : '.K..: m'..',.t.G,.;:...X+."su.. E�"';tiw�;:.;,. '::,, ,.,-. t.Y,.V.. : a 'eRX�: a:d�'d,,.:k. d u'kct :• - Y... %:••,.L'� ', ..An:.,_ _ •_ __ ... -'. ::aext '.'M ;� '...r''.x.•a"`
• Wide range .of'modern accommodations tomtit ` •
every budget. •
• -Enjoy economical meals -or -snacks on both traifrs in -
the Coffee Shop. Dining Car'service is also provided
.Inquire about the money-
saving Family'Fare Plan
• Ticket agents can have
a drive -yourself car
waiting •for you oia
arrival if you wish
.For reservations and
information seer write
or phone.your local
Canadian. National
Passenger Agent:
'fi' im w Y,:1.A.r •^^cc ic"`ct• J£ `fix{W`{'' ':: 3;.'•'',n"' '�7.a .t"v`v, fiv
.. t. '.•:d::�1�v,uv•'''.•:•`v.af'xv;:t' ''";..;+'„a'2ty,.a ++2 •. i�•;ac: . .
Dunlop Institute for' t
dinner; served; •
A brief sketch of the past
year's --progress wasread by the
secretary ;of each: club, .
':A few brief remarks,were,i ade
by Arthur' Bolton,.'assistant agri
cultural representative, . Clinton.
Mrs. Dorothy •Filsinger, home 'ec=
onomist `instructress; Walkerton,
and Rodge•'.Swass, assistant farm
editor, Wingham.
Lorne Hackett. introduced, the
guest speaker; Mr. Grant Magin-
nes, who spoke tin ` television
hi:eh- i's- 6f -great interest tb the
world today and especially,.:the
surrounding • communities since
Winghatn has opened . their TV
eta -tion. •
,» Chester•.Hackett gave a Vete of
thanks to. My..•Maginnes for his
interesting talk.
Entertainment ' .numbers • b .y
V.ercon Vanstone and Jirt Stott
were 'enj oyed throughout the .pro..
e elicious' gram: 'The program wa;; closed
•with the Queen., • '.
Ahfield Presbyterian
Mrs.. P. A MacLean was in•
charge of the ' November .':n eeting
of . the W.M,S, held at the home
of Mrs. Wm: MacDonald, and
gave the' opening ,pryer, Mrs.
Wm, 'Ross read the scripture les-
son, with the meditation and '.
prayer. Mrs; Reorb^;r'WilBern ti.lct
cntething of the life of: 3. Eli `
lez ten, who' wrote h; mns. , An
article on' politics in India, p•e- •
pared. `l=,y Mrs 1oTin r'gor, ,
• was read ,by Mrs, .lits:yes. •11t.•s.
M. Olivert;ave an inspiring Tier
dress .on'St. PauL and Mrs. Hee-
tor NfacLear. led ..irr.prayery ;. ';.' -`.
A. A. J. Simpson' read a pap'e:c•
anti the roll'cal) was answered.
15y the name of a di,sciple,:- There
were 31 »resent, and one • baby.
The •'. hostess and the cornthittee
. served 'lunch;