HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 13•855 , . WEDNESDAY, NOV, 30th, 195,5 re -- and :a11, to ach ne in the and '• was een and. ,ac her all-, )m-. un- • , • for . the • late 'ork .ach rea. be. and 'ort ,nod•• ;, ized jor- 6488 ' L he Gere that. iga-. !end .hat, 1 of • ,the wa$ and pried the on. •the uth- gton. that an, had,. nted' n to gave. this •.,up said have nous been • .H� it in • fol. Zt in, did )ther and.. t the Pat and id be .• dist-•: rola Tilton and i,and. the: in an it or ' Pc was ighly'.•. quirt'. .n of- while • main • 1Mr. kme•a job' Years' enc. con sf act-_ Litton, from vrorks' tax'. THE L rt*NOw SENTINEL, LTJCKNOW, ONTARIO S..CuntyMunkipa ;evewed In Wawano.sh Terwnshirp business took second place to county and school af- fairs at the West Wawanosh nomination meeting on. Friday, J W. Joynt was chairman' and stated 'that it was a' credit the economical way in which town- ship and school business was, •,conducted in comparison 'with .some other municipalities, Reeve John Durnin 'dealt chief ly ,with County matters, and not big they increased- .County rate, '-.said he coultIn't foresee-: any chance of• redudtion,. and more likely',, an rna. crease. in. .the, rate, with grants', of •$35,000 and $15,000 being asked • by ':Goderich and Clinton hospitals.. for building and remodelling programs . re- spectively. (It • has been recom- mended •that the $35,000 ' ,grant be made to . Goderich. and ' $6,000; to Clinton), . A • mill • on .. the County rate raises -approximately $55,000. 'Increasing coag of highway construction and, maintenance raised. the, question of • whereit will ;end; and if the municipali- ties can continue •to bear the load. without still bigger provincial grants ' which • now, amount to '50 percent- on—construction • and I maintenance, and .80 percent . on. bridges. . : . - Reeve• Durpin,''who' is a Mem- ber of the County'.•Horne Com- mittee, 'stated that • the `building. andrenovation. costs ,of $476,000 ',were within less than $10,000 of the; original estimate. Of .94 resi- dents -of:the :home,, 12 are • oyer 90 years of age, ,and 26 ;'between 80 and• 90.. He reviewed pr-oduction_.figures • Orr'. the County Home farm, and ,agreed .-with .Brown' Smyth—,that the opinion prevailed they 'would be . abetter ',off without the farm. The 'Court House , is expected to ,be .'completed by spring; and the- Committee, is hopeful of staying within the . $700;000 • es= • B... OF WI SHOWS INCREASE IN a Irl S LOANS,_..DEP-OSITS,6-EARNfrNGS Friday. Providing strpng evidence ,of the widespread • participation of creased, •• , Why Difference In H.S. Rates? Mr. Ralph. Munro Of Auburn, West • Wawanosh representative on the Goderich District Colleg- iate Board, said that the `'levy, on the • •Goderich area was $83,000,' and he could giveno assurance it would, be less. .He referred to the losi,. of eight members, of their staff, and of the differences of opinion over salaries, but. felt they .had as, good 'a staff as ever. Transportation costs: are about -$20,000 • per._year.,x butt • would be double if all pupils .were pick- ed up at the door, West`' Wawa nosh. folk were reasonable in this regard and they had no trouble settling transportation • problems this Township, • he said. - Brown Smyth asked . why it was that the , Goderi'ch high school rate was so much higher, than Lucknow's. 'Speaking dir ectly to Mr.' Kinkead, he said that no less an authority than Mr; Kinkead, in opposing • the establishing • of the •Lucknow dis-' trict, had said that with •so small. an assessment . as the Lucknow areaw,ould have the costs. yOauld be prohibited, • It • was . inferred. by YVIr::1VIun- that '=probably the salary•• scale had much .to 'do • with the differ- ence. ifference. He said that. Collegiate re quirements called for , a, perc'en- tage of thestaff to have special ist qualifications: - ' Weeds and :Warble Spray With the afternoon growing late members of Council, Lorne Durnirt, Orville McPhee, Harvey Culbert and Eldon Miller. ,spoke _briefly.,..-the---disc�uasio enn ri g . pertained' chiefly to weed . cut- ting: and spraying,. how '.effective or otherwise it had. been ,:and' When.'it should be.: done. / Arising • from a ..claim paid by' the Township for .a cattle beast injuredin being - sprayed for warbles; - there were,• different opinions..eicpressed as to the ben_•: fit of carrying' insurance against. Such claims, which •was. the first the: Township had'`ever faced, and had been supported by a veter inary's certificate. ` Harvey : Anderson; a member timate.. • , ' 'West' Wawario:sh will . now be - Conte responsible.. for a share of • the maintenance of •Auburn •Main Street and .the 'old 'route road, that has reverted-_ t� the town- - ships .concerned, with completion Of the County road . by -•pass. It shouldn't.., be too; expensive . to keepup, was Reeve Durnin's • opinion,' as• the main street hard- top was .in good shape, and they • would ,hard -surface • from the, bridge to. the new. road. - eeve 1 ari n on th nesieforesti7 ation • activities in the; County: Under this scheme .there ' have . • been 533,000 trees planted inpri- 'vate lands- in the past three Years:. There 'are 1,377' acres in the Huron CO. Forest on 10' tracts• '. of land. ' '- In West Wawariosh this :year 32,600 trees were planted on ; 28 acres. : From the O'Connor 'tract in Ashfield 117 Christmas trees were sold last year for $96.72, and front the Stingel tract, ' 1121 trees brought $1;008.55."• - Explains School Taxation 1VIr. J. H. Kinkead, Public School, 'Inspector; addressed •the' meeting, . explaining . the system . of public school ' taxation. The' generalschool rate provides a poo ..fxbrn_.siw_hich: each ,school sec- tion, large or small, draws $600 dor each n -teacher school and • each additional 'teacher. t. In Union 'School .sections 'the share of school costs Percentage -Wise', and 'I divided •r King-. kead used Fordyce -as -an example where West Wawanosh• ratepay- .ers assume 70 percent of school costs and East W awanosh -30 per- • cent. • . • He said that where • children. live -Three' miles or ' mre`Yfrom a school the Act specifies • that something must be done regard- ing their . transportatioh.. In West ._-Wawa'nosh --many-have ...upwards to three miles .' yet don't come under the "must" status - .1 -re explaited the system , of •Governnient grants h detail, and expressed the opinion that they were not likely to be in-, its branches in the- development of Canadian .business from coast to coast, 'the Bank of Montreal reports the highest figures' in its. history for loans, adeposits and investments for the • 12 months -ended October 31 last, Resources have increased by a quarter-of a-million dollars to the unprece- dented figure of $2,796;000,000, ac-' cording to the 1314th annual state- ment ,issued •this. •week Eby B of M: manager, ,Murray, Couse. • - Maintaining its traditionally strong liquid position, the 'II of M reported qu,ck assets • of $1,730 million; which is equal to 65' per- cept of all its ,public liabilities. Contributing ' heavily to this position is the large investment portfolio, valued at $1,214 mil- lion which -notwithstanding the enlarged. 'demand' for credit. shows an increase of $44 *million over thetotal for investments - a year ..ago' One Billion in Loans The very substantial increase • in loans is noteworthy, inasmuch. .as total, advances have now pass- ed the billion -dollar mark.. Cain-. mercial and `other loans. rose '$134 million and mortgage loans, un- der they N.H.A. were up from, 10 to- -5- • - - - 1 m Ilion dollars, wh4ecall= loans, reflecting lessened -activity in the securities market, showed a • decline• of $21 million. As a whole, loans. rose `$154 'million to ago.. 1 te We wish to thank the people of Lucknow andsurrounding area for the kind' con- - sideration • shows us while working here• for the past three months. - • PAGE THIRTEEN , W e have one more;week's wor _k' • ANYONE 'WISHING. A FREE: ESTIMATE, • Phone Lucknow L� m�•. a bton Kt .F�m&: Insl tionCompany, Botw• ell .a total of • • $1,057,444,000: • Most notable of the increases in the iteins making up the balance. sheet is the rise in ' deposits to $2,591 million, , up .' from • $2,365 million . a year ago. Increase' in Earnings' After--- rov- fortaxes of ----After-providing - g or t. x. $7,043,000, the B ...of M reports earnings of $8,042,146' for 1955, compared with $7,344,274, a year From this shareholders receiv- ed $6,521;346.--half-a-million dol-. lags Tess than the •: bank is ,paying in taxes. Total payments to share-, holders in 1955 ran to $1.45 per share, compared with $1.40 ` a year ago, The difference between pers- everance • and obstinacy is that one coines'frorn •a strong W -ill and the other from a'strong won't li'et, le NMOs a ane adgorigarVWk aagfer ritrinr a i► n Itr.Vrr IIcm :, Piga Come;in See our wide selection d L of the trustee board, said that ,6 teachers' salaries. represent 'from..0 70 ' to 75 percent of . school costs. Schools are, the nation's. 'biggest business. and . we • should do all. :in our power to see our children get ' the best education possible: .Trustees Ted Mills and 'Jim Cur- ran replied...., Others 'called on were Brown Smyth,' L: C. Thompson, Assess or Ken .Scott, Marvin Durnin and Rae Watson.' M. Watson, a newcomer td the Township, .•expressed ainazemenf at ' the value •received. 'for . the money., spent in, municipal: and school, services which he felt were gogd in' all departments.: se�cairl , ie ked. forward. to :a pleasant time and happy, livelii hood' in the ..community. 000. Large Selection .o Mirrors ' 1 •Lamps Smokers.. End .Tables Coffee Tables Cushions' Air 'Foam. Pillows Bridge Sets Card Tables Hassocks • ,. Clothes Hampers ELECT NEW MEMBER ' • TO OLDER BOYS PARLIAMENT A. new member' to ; the 014er. Boys' Parliamentwas elected last Friday night in ,Kincardine. Bill • Gottschalk • of Tverton will represent, the South Bruce Con stituency •when the Older. Boys'. Parliament meets in the Parlia- ment Buildings at :'the : end of the • OUR LAY -AWAY' PLAN - • IS'Always • A Service • • ` T:o; Our Customers Former riierrnber John Rey t. nolds, .who is now a Member of ~the cabinet, -gave an enthusiastic reportof the way the Parliament operates. He spoke highly of the tt fine Christian fellowship that prevails. . ' ' ,•The Tiverton boys,' under the g( leadership of Mr, John 1VMacli'ad- I, t rr;-c ondueted-ti e -worship _Stir ring messages were given by Rev. TJ. A. Brydoi and. Rev.' G: A; Meiklejohn. - ' :BORN -__� _ •_ ._. TAYLOR --;in Wingham General 1fospital, on ,Thursday, Novem- ber 17th, 1955, to- Mr. arid -Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Wizigharr, a dau ghter. • OCCASIONAL C'AIRS' from .10.75 '__ $• up -TEN =PERCENT OF' all - CHROME .SETS in stock,. . UMW Christmas • And- here's for the Children Kiddies Fiirniturel Tricycles, : Wagons, Doll Carriages, Doll Strollers, Kindergarten Sets, Child Rockers, Kiddie Cars, 't Children's Lamps, Kroehler • TV Chairs. House:. irnishin __..s Ambulance Service . Funeral Service • •'Phone 181 Day orhigh#- • • ' ;dp1 +!'urt wt'roor velsorionimmarttorrari,w�Jum Timor,# 11141 .04 4 '