HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 12THEELUCKNOW $SENTINEL, LU;CKNOW, .UNTAIiO • It's Christmas shopping. time e and. the plane to .get im .. lovely gifts for.. all' the family is' at . I THF.' ,SEPOY STORE r - ON CHRISTMAS' EVE With. every. $2:00. purchase from .now until Christmas' you will receive a . ticket on our grand drab! to . be made at. 10.00 p.m., December24th,- for three Lovely Prizes SUPER TRICYCLE •with life size pony $31,95 �q';RUBBER. DOLL with, real hair ' • $ 7.75 BOUDOIR LAMP, value. *_....$ 7;95. See them. on display at. The Store and make this your Christmas. Shopping Centre for Lovely, Practical and atr Priced -Right. Gifts for All the Family. WEDNESDAY, NOV;,30th,. 1955. a .e oare 'PHONE ` 108-w VCCI NOI �. carefui Avoi anagemen ora ncrease Village, school and County of- fairs were dealt ' with in , detail at a .21 -hour rateepayers' meet- ing in the Town Halt on ,Monday evening with J. W. ..J oynt act. ing .as chairman., Reeve A. W, Hamilton stated that. $25000 building grants had been paid by. Bruce Co, "to Walk- erton . • and Kincardine hospitals this year bu a• sunitar. g, ant to Owen .Sound as. withheld pend ing construction work reaching a certain point: • • ' He ' paid . •tribute to ' the late George . Stephenson; •former Co, engineer,. •: • • Mr-. Hamilton` pointed • to ' • the soaring costs of indigent patients.' amounting' to some $60,0`00 in Bruce. Lucknow's share has been heavy and will. 'run to approxi - 10 he year of mate y �$ ,000 for t which the County pays 50 per- cent. It Is • our .duy in some cases, but . where families. or the . pat- ient .can'. pay these costs it is their responsibility and, an investiga- tion .liad to be 'made, but so far' they' have . had. .no ..report. from Mr. ,Grant, the solicitor.- 1VIr.- Hamilton said •he, had, favoredre taii5;ing Mr Hetherington as `the solicitor as he rented,. the 'muni-• cipal office. 'at a fee ..cif $240 a year which ' represents about. 'a quarter of - a mill • • Agree To- .School •Equalization Mr. Hamilton recalled the re-' cessar, y.dro• Rates . ` ' �.-+' ✓ ; Y ,"- + : W i X+' I - X- $ 7 1 1Y ; ; , lY' �+1+' , ��•' ) ' �W' -, 7i 7� ' 17 , 1 7 - 7 • l•w • . . , ... YT _ S" u ,- • -' ,a`.... T4 • -�. ,y • ,t• , , . .' YT. Y.F • Y,r .• ,., "Cr K.VS,•, .. , Y ANNOUNCING . . 5 4;w • 0.� it• iscuits oinestic SHORTENING Popular Brands:' 16: oz: - plug.. Tenderfiake- :RD pound._ _.-- 27c best ..for all your baking, lb. _ mato Juic Tip -Top Choice Quality 48 -oz. tin. a. quest from ,Ashfield and West. ' Roads In Good Shape Vifawanosh to review the assess- -Councillor Alex MacLeod re- ment equalization, of the muni- viewed painting,furnace and crpalities in the Lucknow High other repairs to the Town lfall,• School District, and 'with, all and added there was much to' municipalities agreeing;to, ac- be alone, but a little work each cept .their new equalization fig- year would put the building in ures; Lucknow rwould have been first class, shape,. after .being ne- the . only : dissenter, and the Coun- glected for years. . cin considered it wise to, accept He spoke of the awork done in their • new tOsessment figure of reinforcing the; arena, and . of the diamond $ , drainage, fill and; . 1,Q24r 495 rather than have >;hpark e matter ego to arbitration. repair, work, •A street sander was; ..Reeve Hamilton explained that bought for '$60 the Board had obtained an agree He •felt a g rood .job had ` been r ,'rent, with Wingd lam' Hospital to done ,in. applying the prime and. • .have: on record in .the years, to seal coat, to hard: surfaced reads 'come before payhl8 • Lucknow's in the village and that we had share of the hospital wing. better roads . than most other He said tat since their last Bruce County ' urban municlpali= , meeting a request fora building ties. had ' :,C, grant 'to Kincard� HospitalWi1T � Stand Next Year been received in the amount 'of Councillor' George Joynt, nom- $743. He could not say -what this inated for both reeve and coon- or next ,year's Board might do. cillos, said she Would 'stand for .in thin regard. reeve. • a year from noNv ' if the. Assessment Down ratepayers saw fit .to nominate 'Reeve Hamilton pointed out him. that by what appearedto, be a He gave details of. •the work - done in improving athe: linatyipe error , ,Lucknow s .ass- approach essment� as • issued by` the :..County Co the dump and disposal area. Assessor, Was '$180,000 too high. He. felt • the snow plow • would be. The proper ' figure was . $1,024,495. able to get ' in, , this winter ' and In -addition reductionsof about keep the „dump accessible: Cost.:... $90,000 'had. been obtained e of garbage.collection, With a:good•, bring L.ucknow's assessment •more job:Ibeing clone, Was $603. - ' inline with other Bruce muni . • Councillor ' . J o y ri t criticized cipalitie5 and modified . the prob- Reeve Hamilton and. "his major- tem', considerably. The Co. Court• ity" for:' the . purchase of a $488' • Cil : Equalization Committee • had .sump pump.: He said neither he regarded' Lucknow as previousl r nor Councillor Mowbray were .being highly assessed. • Mr • Harn- aware' of the purchase, and 'that. ilton said there were still' clauses. he could have bought an. in the manual ; that . he did not tion.: pump for .• $291, or: a, 'second like, but she " had considered it hand pump for. x$60:00 At that, best, tro go along with it rather he -questiioned ' .the need of it than be' a lone dissenting voice. Mr' Joynt was also critical of .at. CoUntylcouneil. " the 'work 'done in ream facing; the street. He didn't •..think; there - wa$ one'. • percent improvement, and that as far. „as he' was concerned he: 'wouldn't pay for Sunblest PEAS E.. D. Smith's- CATSUP: standard; 1-5 oz-. `tin _ __ for--• 29c ' Home -brand, -11=. oz.bottle- -2 for -3 rise BROOMS, .'4 -string ' new corn,' each 89c li+ The. $8,000 fire truck' debenture retires - in ..1959;—with : •-13533-25- principal' outstanding. The $11,000 street resurfacing debenture •retires' ' in. 1961 with, $7,109 principal outstanding.' The $7,000 Arena debenture re- tires. In 1057. Principal sum ,out:- standing out- standing is ' $935.65. • ,• • , The Wuigham . General Hospi- tat , debenture of $5,777.77. retires in 1965.' Only .the interest 4as,paid this year. , fine --original W-aterw�orl de--- • benture for= $65,000 •retire,, ' in 1971. The System is self-support- ing and;is not levied for in tax- ation'. • Outstanding" principal is .$21,994.26. Sulbsequent, Water System de- bentures Of .$4,500 and. $26;000 re - t.61 3 Ib. Exclusive ring • ,Wagstaffe MARMALADE. 2 -fruit 24 oz. jar _ ........... .'Canada �Yo 1 Table 75 . lb.' bag 1; 4> l D l r •boD b> Curt tiveivet"^ t ver ei crt b vammyo i'r norterioDi�n Follow the Crowd,•'on • Y•our: Shopping Spree, They're All After Our, ' To Be. Drawn Before Christmas • �1 74 +E 7R +wnta RSA,t at cora uviantr, Owaioa �;c %4 4er1 , ff 6' t ff 1i Vitra of fectii a .:int l closin time a` S aturda, Decembei 3rd, 1:955 • LUCKNOW 'PHONE 11'9. • r:c•. M. ♦ •.`: I• J • • 10 'Cents' Per Capita Levy . To belong. to the ..Georgian Bay. Indusr`ial Association 'would cost 10-- cents per capita or appProxi- mately $93.00. This. figure . was: re- ceived late in the •fall, and. join- ing the' Association • would - 'be . a matter ,for the new Board tb de- cide,.'on: - •In reply:. to a query'_ as to . what increased' taxes this year, Mr. • Hamilton replied that it ' was. ,mainly due tohigherschool and indigent', costs, He: declared he' would ;be candidate in 1956 , Reviews Debenture Debt W. G.- Webster, the newest `ill J y t brought 'member on the - Board; who suc- ceeded ' W. C. Attridge as. chair- that' trees h ' ld '� have -- of -the- manee-Go iitt°eer 'dealt Chiefly. • With a breakdown ati� of the' debenture ' debt .'of the village. for only., one tree to lbe" cul. •He : t% � • told. how $81'had. •been. spent in bee The ' $3,500 debenture on'the • digging around the stumps : 'for vat Geddes Block:. retires in 1961, with a bulldozer; :When 'he :brought in yea the outstanding .principal, of a:chain saw operator, •wlio did the $1312.25 and ' interest provided for and is net • levied for in • tax- • the jab for $35.00 with..:anotlier ' of $17:00 spent for top soiling 'and . , I� cleaning up. 32,6 Ilas-Hopes For Factory.aerselling of ,the idle furniture 'fat- . .� 0 Joynt a The Grant: Appointinent , Councillor : Joynt. told of .. the . • decision to. ` get legal advice on.. the. indigent. question in.. the . spring; and.the Reeve•was auth- orized'- to 'see R. S. Hetherington in'theimatter. Mr. Joynt, said that five 'months. ' later and: with an, .: other; bill for .$1,859; nothing. had been done about it,, He, wanted' action and` made the' motion to emplpy Campbell Grant: He, gave. 'details' of the • split dote: on this question Dune or . o `n ou g ,up the' stump question also, and said the t see . sh out n v been' removed . by a`• previous Council as the request; had been R '1 Fla' fail non •J stat .,con .sons 1y,1 ing A.sai ,:cha :like 'wit) beii Cliff and sl Pe mer be to A • rais CO. rais will ties w.itl 'grafi peri mai Abri • ber mit and mower • the, den .90 80•, on•. ,agri the •be to Sl :the •stay to co :.the Str tha • shit of. shot kee opii top wot brie .waaimad„, ire in 1964 and 1972 respective- ly and are 'also provided for out of revenue. ' ' The High School: debenture .of which the Vilfa•g•e bays its.'pro rata share retires in 1972., • Councillor Webster pointed out that' tax- arrears for the years. 1951. to , 1954 totalled '$2,216.58, but hoped this amount' would be reduced ,before the year's' .end: He' complimented. Clerk E. ' H Agndw for what 'the" auditor stat ed were the mpst perfect set of, books of any municipality .he• did, •. Councillor J nt said that the AsSi tory was a main issue now, and • wer .he had hopes that this would be • • '' and going again. in ' the, not far .dist•.: tree, ;ant future. Councillors Were Out Of Town' Ih • replying, Reeve - 'Hamilton said that 'Councillors Joyy'rtt, and Mowbray *ere out of. town 'and'. couldn't be contacted when the, sumrp .pump was purchased in an ' emergency in ' ,repairing a, lire hydrant. He could not. rent or' ,borrow a• pump at, the time. The remainder of the Council ap- proved ` and .. the ' purchase was made -after. the-pump'vvas highlY•. recommended • upon an enquiry• being made through the town of- - ,f'ice .:It was . used ,again while • changing the position off the 'main to the standpipe, and added Mr. Hamilton, we've : had' ,workmen tba ]Ging wa ote_on"-rep' i Jobs around this , town: for 20 years. In reply to the . Reeve's .•query;; town. foreman Alex. Havens con- - e_ purnp_....was:-sati,s'act-.._ Ory, Moreover, said Mr. .Hamilton, the pump was .purchased from S nus ' funds in the Waterworks s attint .and didn'tocost,the tax - (Continued on page, 16) .y. '..a.,.»�•�.x+�..uw�s•...."`%ki�.-4A:S::SRaSW'fF'da�.� '.$..�{AW..•eY�.2c`!tJ,.�::: ..,..T e._...:�.. Cd•.',�.�'s.�r'r.�ad:./�.a.A-06 ...a.«�R�:;:w:J,.ia Sch nip/ • of gen poi tion dor $40 :i II sha pe.r kea wh+ .ers coy • cert H 4Lvi a sorr ing °-V4a to uri.13c Cb and the