HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 11mpact,. • me ' .50 . ►,60?,7.: • Crazy. peppy at 70.-. Contains' tonic due ,solely to.. any ;men and. Tonic Tablets rely day. New • c.. For sale at . ti WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30th, 1955 FOURTH CONCESSION Mrs: -• ' i sl an - Ba spent the week -end in Toronto. ..Miss Betty Hamilton, who at- tends Teachers' College at Strat ford, is practice teaching at Ay- ton this Week, Telephone subscribers' on Line 26 are rather confused this week • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LvcI,NOw, oNTARiO •PAGG EL�EV' as our line 'has been divided with new line numbers. It shoal make- r," service though. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack ,Nee. h m am d , Suzanne and Janie of Corunna, spent the , week -id at the home of Mr. andMrs: Lloyd MacDou- gall. •• • Mr. `Archie MacDonald of Kit- chener and son Ross of Hamilton were up for the hunting season. ,Several pth deer ' were very elusive in these parts. Envy,. stands between many a roan and• success. 'Until you are big enough, to .honestly and sin- cerely glory in' the success of others you'll never get very far. • r:+r�'::rt:Yfi• e F„acts ehnd the Figures No doubt about it, we Canadians have, on the, whole, ;had a good year. in 1955. And, although you.,may not think of it; the: facts show that. you •personallyplayed a useful role in helping Canada reach its, great height of prosperity duringthe•past year: For .it• is your money, 'together with the savings of millions of other Canadians across the . country, that helps turn • the wheels of our industries and our commerce: The B of M puts, your savings ' to work, in the form of loans and investments, so that Canadian enterprise can have., the. day-to-day . financing, it needs to build, to employ,' and to Only with such ' financial assistance are Canadians• able•to enjoy the benefits of a high standard of living. Clearly,. the facts behind the figures in the B of M's :1955 annual repbrt show that the dollars you' save work hardand long • to' secure not only )"our :own future, but also the future of our nation.:. a 'THE MONEY YOU 'DEPOSIT; At the end of the .Bank's year, October -34.1955, over two million Canadians had on deposit at the B of the sum of $2,591,326,311-=the:highest: year-end total on record.'Although much' of this money belongs to institu- tions and.: business firms, more than half of these deposits represent the personal savings of Canadians in every walk of life . savings: that are bringing bene- -- ts_to you -and to Canada. THE MONEY. 'WE LEND: The money you •save at the B of M'•is helping to ensure our country"s expansion and 's progress —.in the form of ,1 loans to Canadian-faruYers, r - 0 miners, fishermen, .oilmen, 1:1 , .lumbermen: and, 'ranchers; to Industrial, and; business enterprises; to. Provincial. and Munici al Governments; and to salaried people • .P • . in all walks of life.;As of October 31, B ofiM loans to• taped ' $1,0.57,444,001 --the' highest in, the Bank's his. tory. In untold ways, these dollars are contributing dynamically . to, the maintenance and improvement of our standard of living.` THE MONEY WE. INVEST: At the close of the year, the B of M had $975,361,31.9 .invested in high-gradegovernment bonds and_ other public• Securities whichhavea ready market. This. ;inoney is •Helping° tofinance gov-. • eminent ..projects for the % ' ' betternnent of the . country and the -welfare -of --Cana- dians at large. Other securities held by the Bank -- which include a diversified list, of high-quality 'short-term indus- trial issues -- bring total investment to $1;214,559,875. My bank has just 'completed its 138th year. with resource's. _, .. -a-nrouriting-tryt2;79-k134;9611 - - the highest figure in its history. The B'of 1MI's growth, i part of the growth of this &m-imunity. ..and of' all Canada, and.I am v proud '' of the part my BANK' custorxiers have,in 70? M!!I/ON tapA01AN! •.1 • this story of progress. G.• MURRAY. COUSI, Manager ' LucknoW Branch, Bank of Montreal 5 , riy:m I�SgF'-w�..X.•a:}..:�:d if NLIi..;:.:,.�:..`..i:S_1:... '�,� 'kriWetFe:k:'aavt:s' .'raksi'a 4 a r • KINLOL. GH Rev. 1?. J, and Mrs. Lane of Clinton spent Thursday with •the Lane families here, Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm' of Luckno%v visited on Thursday' with Mr. and Mrs; Per- ry Hodgins. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith and Mr.' J, R, Lane were dinnerguests of / Misses Margaret and: Belle MacDonald on Friday night. •'Mr. and,. Mrs. .,Olen- Pinnell, Bobby, Sandra, .Nancy: and Deb= bie , of. Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. William Pinnell of neat. -Kincar- dine- ear Kincardine visited with.friends here on. Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Wall was at her home here during the Week:' Mr. 'and . Mrs. John •Emerson. showed .their pictures which they took . in the British Isles' in the Presbyterian Church on Thurs day evening, in aid of .the WMS. Other program and' refreshments made a very enjoyable evening. • ,Mr. and Mrs. Norrnan'•Fry and infant. daughter. of Clinton • spent Sunday - witha Mr, _ :and Mrs. W. E, Haldenby. . . The Deceinber meeting • of the :Holyr-ood .Women's' Institute will,, be held on Thursday, December 1st at . the • Ho1'y, rood hall with Mrs. Jack Ackert .' hostess. Roll call, ' gift :exchange (50C); topic, History, of :holly;, motto, Blessed' are the peacemakers; impromptu program by all children> present; contest, • A, homemade . 1Christmas card; directors, Mrs. Sam Farni er, . Mrs.. Ernest' Ackert, Mrs. Morgan Johnston, Mrs. Richard Elliott. For the •month of: December the ,Anglican services will beat 1.30 •Friends here' are sorry to Yearn that , Mrs. M. Dudley is '.a bat= • ient . in Wingham ,• Hospital. • We wish . her improved health, We extend sympathy AO Mrs. Howard Harris in the passing of her mother, the late )Mrs J. Jam-. ieson,. at Lucknow The. funeral was .held on Monday. afternoon..: Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Wap. Lloyd of London :were recent .visitors with. relatives here. PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. LarrY . Frj- - and family . of Kincardine, :. Mr. s.• Brindley of •Riversdalevisited at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Dore on ;Sunday. -. Mr. and' .Mrs., Stanley Hutton of Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs. 'Cliff of London, -Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser of'.Toronto were .visitors at the home of -Mr. .and ,Mrs. Jack' Farrell on Sunday. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Jack , Binkley,'; & •Mr, and •Mrs. Arthur Heale, Mrs., Anne Long of . Toronto were week. -end visitors with . Mr•'s. Vic-: Coria Sniith. , ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Oscar Armstrong of Bervie. visited: at •the -home• of their daughter, ,Mrs. Frank Cur- rie' on Sunday. • ' • • Mr. and Mrs.. Andrew Patter .son spen Sunday at the -home of Mr. and Mrs; Button Collins. On Friday evening; a social '-ev ening 'will be ,held • in • Purple 'Grove School when slides Will. be sh own' on Mr. and : Mrs. John Emerson's , trip to the British Isles: • Tell' of Trip Overseas On' Thursday evening of last week the 'W.M:S. of'Kinlough. held a social evening' in:the Pres byte--r-i-an hutch o -T :Revn-Minn-e-y: was chairman for,'a• 'short pro gram . which was. fiillowed by .filrris' and, a traveltalk of Mr. and. Mrs. John Enierson's recent ` trip to the British Isles. 'A silver,•col- lection was` taken up in aid• of the '•W.M.S. after which lunch :was served. LANGS 'iDE • placed, did not awing to not augl-.ati r -g Thug-'-ecem-her-~-~ • meeting is to be held December 6th, the place announced, next. Sunday. Gift •:exchange to cost be- tween 35c to 50c. ' . Mr. and Mrs..Gerdon Wall, Jan- ice an -ice . and' Douglas visited Sunday afternoon with.• her mother,. Mrs, Arthur. Mrs.. Frank :Miller and Bettyat- tended a shower near Tiverton on. Saturday afternoon. for a niece-. and -visited with. friends. Marlow. and Bud Crowston. were Sunday visitors at : their home. A good cr9y,d attexided Parra Vorum at the home of .Mr, and; Mrs.. Elmer'HuMilan on Monday evening, last , . 4 This neighborhood was a hive ,of activity in general with. others: 'last week owing to the deer Seas-- on. eas-on. Several hunters were very much disappointed. •Miss Margaret 'Moffat and. Miss Christena Moffat of Toronto were visitors with Mr.' Foster 'Moffat. Miss Emma. Richardson; • returned . with thein. CRUEI: • AND UNUSUAL. , This unpleasant ' distinction made for offenders is "cruel and unusual": Sosay some about the new, -license legislation dealing - with drivers convicted in high Way accident _Cases.___ __ s I. We wonder! . !`Unusual cer- tainly. Out "cruel"? Let us see:.. Mr. X overcoifident one even- ing because "one, or ,two for the' .. road" .had given hint an exagger_ ated ideaof his mastery:over• his - death machine; • : killed :a boy. The- boy heboy was at ' fault but •she. died Tragedy ' crashed. ' into ` a home when that 'car struck. , . An extreme -case? . Yes, but only one ..of the many., Surely such ' offenders are' fortunate -Ilia' t eir :red• licenses: don't have to, be worn conspicuously' on their per- son, 'even . as the 'Scarlet- Letter. • . in Colonial days. ; This red .license will serve , as a constant reminder of a dang- erous :.weakness, It is . expected • that about 2,000' Ontario motor- ists • will •be: affected annually... Cruel? No! :Congratulations, toy : our highway minister, the Hoar, James, N. Allan,' "and our legisia_• tors.-'Advt; pg. x •• The Christtna5 concert for the children is to be held in the. church on Friday evening, De_ cember 2hd at 8 p.m. Ice crearn ,and cookies will :be served. This ends "the -_'Sunday—School -'-Until welcome'' spThe"November 'Ladies'~ Aid vvac held iri` the .church with a <snial:l attendance. The 'election of : oh L firers Which .1, was to have •taken' as Tooled. 'To ' Repair ` All Makes . Of Tractors, Maehhies & • Shop Work ACETYLENE & ARC WELDING . . ICI NLOUGH GARAGE •` ' i • W, .BRECKLES .' Phone 48-r-20;, Ripley THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS HALD»E N BY •ELE�CTR IC., MOTOR SERVICE Armature and ' Field Winding, Brushesi-Bearings,---Etc •---- Repairs to" °Fractional and Integral Horsepower Motors, -Mso • Electric Fans, -Vacuums,- Clippers, Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlohgh Plume Ripley. 111449 • �'�',yy,,yy err' tlity� r 41 1 �` .Vii Yy dll�..rf� . W '�y®11I��.'' .�,r�...Y.'. ����