HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 9.1R S wog WED NEP" NOV:, 30th,' 1955 • 1 1 iota S their n her:. Nev. -. y .col- Sat tit of !, and ice to Mc::. ession mov , 'their park- ,park- ne on• perie, ark.. • THE LUCKNOW :SENTIN'ES , I:UCKNOW, ONTARIO r C.ONPAR[ :j F R It's beautiful!. `It's compact! It has more new : features .than ever before. The printwork is superb. It operates with ,ease and speed. Come in let , us show you these Q uiet-titers. Carrying case included '. EXCLUSIVES '1 •• Miracle Tab • Simplified Ribbon Changer' • Super'•Strength Frame • ' 'NeW beauty in printwork • Larger sited. Cylinder • • Free! Touch Method: Instruction; : • Book ' • ,. Budget Terms arranged. 'dr Christmas ive A ewrit r as , Iittle as 10 down ueknQv� a 'wee en#.nel GIRL GUIDE' NOTES There . !were , only . • •two . Girl Guides'. absent ', last' Friday night from. the :regular .:'meeting. :Mrs: °Wellington Henderson came to test the theoretical. part : of the, 0o w : a • ge. e . O owin Guides qualified, Jean Richards; • Joanne Hunter, Joan Crawford. and Nancy Webster.: Miss • John- ston took :the .other Guides on an•Olsservattcsn Walk -after vwhk h they all' met at Mrs. McKim's for camp fire .singing. Mr. Elmer Um- bach is teaching • the Company , so that they will be able .to try for the "Campfire". • certificate, This. is a -company badge and :must be passed every: two years. Next week is Court. of.' Honeur ,at'6:00 •p.rn. •Guides at 7.30. Brush, ,your• hat! ae words. OH 1i= AUXILIARY HEAD The annual pot -luck supper of the Ladies' Auxiliary Was held in, •The Legion Rooms, Tuesday; November 22nd. Thirty-six Mem- bers sat down to a most delight rful turkey supper, Plus • . all. the trimmings and' a few tall stories by the ladies! When supper was: • over, everyone set to and wash ed' up before • the meeting 'part of the evening got 'underway„ The ':bazaar,, which takes ,.place on Saturday, pecember .3rd; was discussed acrid all members ,,Are urgentlyrequested, to, hand ' in their ,contributions. early.: enough to give., the ladieson. the cqm mittee: time to get all set �up for What is hoped. will be a record sale. : • Nominations and election' of of- ficers for 1956 then took, place. with Past President Eva Black: acting` as election 'officer,. Com- rade England • as +secretary, and Comrades E. Lemoine, H. Bush ell D. Anderson . as' scrutineers: pres,, Comrade .Anna :Johnston; .1.st vice pres., Comrade. Joan. Eng- land; 2nd vice pres., . Comrade Marg Wasney; secretary, : Corn •: rade Eunice Reid,, treasurer, Com- rade Sadie . Hanilton;' executjve committee, Comrades Sarah Calf yer, M. Wecl'sh, M. McFarlane, E. Black;. H.. McQu llin; entertain- ment. committee,;K. Forster, . M. Carruthers, M, Hall,' M. Wasriey, A. Thai -risen; • sewing committee, A. Thomson, E Barkwell, A. Mc- Quillin,',:S. Collyer, M. 'McFarlan,. • H. Robirison,. ,A •McLennan; mem_ : bership , committee, S. *MacMil- lan, A..'Johnston, A.•Bushell 'The nomination and : election of standard bearers and - b0ildir g committee was. held over until �' the. ,December meeting: " . .The evening ended with a sing song .and . spontaneous 'entertain-. inent by:sortie of .the ladigs. All.'members with ticket books on the quilt. .are • asked tohave. them :in before the ,bazaar on 'Saturday. Daughters 'of the Kairshea Tle second meeting of 'the Dau- •ghters of'.' the . Kairshea was •held, on satu'rday evening at the home of •1 elen ,Campbell. The presi dent, Johan a Dejang, presided. .for the businesssection. of. 'the LANGSIDE : NORTH The W.M.S. Auxiliary:. held their November meeting' ' at 'the home , of ' Mrs. Lloyd 'Moffat.. The eeting. The roll call.. was ails -`.president, Mrs.. Parish Moffat,. wered ,by a bedroom accessorypresided.. Mrs Orr read the scripture •arid. Mrs Charlie 'rift' wanted for the :girls' bedroom: The leaders :helped• some .of the. girls to make' waste paiper bask- 'ets. The meeting was' closed with'. a dainty lunch" served by the hos tess; • . On Saturday afternoon, • Nov- 4.Qirla m ber�t17; �-,�hhe hlx= ley McClure's for their' 3rd meet- ing Johanna Dejong presided. The roll 'call was .• answered 'by the color used' in the girls' 'bed- r.-oom.:•_ The leaders then read art- icles on the different types of bedspreads. The meeting, . closed' with ` a dainty lunch ' served.. by the hostess.. FORMER WAWANOSH .COUPLE ARE MARRIED . 25 YEARS Mr. and _'Mrs. 'Earl Gaunt ..of Londesbdro,.-and former residents of West-W-awariosh-Township, ob_. :served • their . silver _wedding an niversary on November .12th.'' To mark the event a surprise • Party was arranged by their son and 'daughter, Kenneth and Faye Gaunt, with `over thirty guests preterit to 'extend best wishes and. Present, some lovely gifts. The house was ,attractively decorated for the social evening and a' 3 - tier • wedding cake :centred •the table with tapers on each side off' rt: .• Mrs. Gaunt :was.,forineriy. Olive Lyon of ' Londesboro. For their marriage twenty-five :years ago Tier t*iri sister-, Mrs: Emersan. Hesk 'was bridesmaid, .arid ' the groom's brother,' Aiidrew' Gaunt, • -was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Caunt called on friends ••in:. •this'' 'cOiri.Ynunity last week • .fin,• .gave the meditation ..and led in• Prayer: A review of the Adult Conference at South Kinloss was given;. 'by 'the '.menibers who had attended. Miss Emma Richardson 'gave the offering ,prayer.' Mrs. •. Here Are A. • Few 'Suggestions. For VII FOR THE. HOME• • Genuine Super He .alth Aluminum: Ware.. PAGE NINE u hris.tr...as : _ _ o rs • �. The life tiiue cooking utensil . Sauce pans in all sizes . . . Fry Pans .9" and 11" with or without covers . and alt' equipped with•beat-resisting handles and hang-up rings ... Also Roasting . Pans in different sizes. r,._. SUPREIVIE 'ALUMINUM ` WAREla: t We ; have ,a wide range to choose from, reasonably"•pri'ced. and any piece would make a pleasing gift, See the Bridal ELECTRIC APPLIANCES • 3 Gift Set.. • ' rii Irons, Tea. Kettles, Percolators and Heating Pads . i' 113 0 . FOR THE' MAN QF THE • HOUSE. i '`Winter Mitts, Gloves and Gauntlets,', Pocket Knives and Carpenter% Tools.: 1 IN 1 1 .1111 ti For the Children—Sleighs, Wagons, Toboggans liar se n 3 Sofl Phone 110,..Lucknow, ' Ont. , VVaO_o ►.s ' a• . . 'r eolizlitZsOtievt o e;sa a beek0 'Phone 181 Kincardine PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE , POULTRY:• Poultry Culling A Specialty In 'accordance with government regulations' our poultry coops are thoroughlywashed and disinfected' ' for ;your protection. Caswell gave the topic'frorn.'the ardson; , Literature . sec., Mrs. study book. Miss Emma, Richard- Gordon Wall; Glad Tidings sic, sone presided 'for the election of. Mrs,. Charlie Tiffin; Mission Band. ._. officers, when .the following` .of-' leaders, Mrs...Charlie Tiffin,': Mrs. freers ' were elected: Pres.; Mrs. Wesley Yourr.g, Mrs.. Lloyd: Mof - Bert'Moffat,• viee pres., Mrs: Cas- fast well; sec., Mrs. '"Farish Moffat; areas;, Mrs. George Tiffin; supply Pheg? eatest'.mistake . you 'can a . Mrs. L, loyd .Moffat; Home make in this life Is to be .eon Helpers sec.,. Mrs. Orr; Welcome tinually. fearing you will make and Welfare sec., Miss. E ' Rich- one. • Iti HONORED -AT LADIES' ;' 4 GATHERING' IN ' ASHFIELD The ladies, of the '.Hackett•U.n- • ited Church congregation . 'met E. recently in the ' ehurch . to enjoy • a pot luck supper and social ev- ening, during which Mrs. Cyril Campbell was presented , with a cup••arid saucer and 'a corsage to mark her bi •thday.. } . '. Mrs. Campbell came 'to •Ashfield 9• as -a. -bride—forty-two. years .ago. and has been an active church, worker throtighout the • 'years, •while her:health permitted.• • LOCAL CHURCHES TO HOLD BIBLE 'SOCIETY SUNDAY At a. meeting of the I: unknow Minister%al Association !held n' the Presbyterian Manse. on Mon- ti day, plans • were laid for a united t'` appeal to the .people -of , ,ucknow for • the Bible Society. 'Envelopes' : Will be.provded in the churches•, on Slinday,; Contributions will;be ` brought to. church the next Sung day.... a ' The Rev. H L, '1ennings has been appointed secretary-treasur- h • er pro tem of the local branch of the . Bible Society; Contributions may also be left, at Gordon Eish- er's barber shop.•• • . . Y.rYf Y:-d::,d.:..aawtaR�;,.::.w.:..,;,..:• z�t..•'saXd::..:,,aAcn::, • • Iackstone's res •omrime:noes: ..j; .w , atuxday, . eCernbrer' IVO Yes, ,folks, we are playing • Sante, Claus for °. this sale. We really mean it people, our store can show- you• the way. to. . tip,•,. .SAVE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS -BUYING: !'`Phe prices during this, sale on our large ; stock of BEDROOM SUITES and CHESTERFIELD SUITES SI. , .ka • will.'definitely arouse your interest. SHOP 'EARLY. AND• USE OUR . LOW DOWNPAYMENT • LAY -AWAY PLAN Free:: Draw .. -- -i-LUCK•Y T•ICKETS 3 TURKEYS :WILL BE GIVEN. AWAY' FREE. ,CHRISTMAS -EVE • b ..Make sure you_:.get a Ticket .._.,. _: • ..-.. • STONE'S FURNITUIIE 'Phorie 240 -- GOOERICH,. ONT , `ldvi$ s, .0030 s1 P" wilioioctoill".�' hent tyles taito'%kiro tim Ston ribtoiiK^1lt, t yr`.:r`'v'7+I�t',11, rtC F, ... 4Pte Gl .G:;,J::.Y.Yak.".....,.'•:ti'�.,:.,k:..,i•"sG.;.:.�i(C;':was..w�Y"r�.tlrwaw",•�w,k."'"Krim.':�`t&,'"2:.«'^",.,,N�'.*.S'�p".•.�;`;"'tl..:.�7%"".��:d"«.:�Ym ,gym.•`WW1.•�.y3:.•"Y:w.w1'�.;.�i..:,,w,KL.., �r.�•c'�,.:::.ai,:w «" 401.1.01=11145r. = r,(r1 ., • ; r' r+ y' yAit� ��"4. ,4 1�3 �' r4*'