HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 51955 N; e .:, 7 001 WEDNESDAY,; NOV, .30th, u1955 elery Arm„` th sday; fitted. Roy ey, •.. CY View ;E Ago e 138 ' .r .': ,�" a ' THE LUCKN'OW SENTINEL, LUUKNOW, ONTARIO , WINGIIAM Wednesday, Thursday, :Nov. 30: ;.Dec. 1 RICHARD BURTON, MAGGIE MCNAMARA,' int "PRINCE OF. ,PLAYERS" The biography of Edwin Booth,. the famed Shakespearean actor. In the course of the ,story scenes from "King, Lear", "Romeo and Juliet" and ."Hamlet" are presented • °Friday,. Saturday, December 2-3 r ''REX I HARRISON, V IRGtNIA MAimv,,.in • KING RICHARD ND iHECRUSAD E RS•'` A costume adventure melodrama adapted from Sir Walter 1 Scott's classic •"The. Talisman' . . , I TINEE S R • MA T A . URDAY AFTERN(fON' AT 2:00 p:m Manaay_, .Tuesday, Wednesday,.December ` mbar '5-6-1 MAUREEN O'HARA, ANTHONY QUINN, in "THE MAGNIFICENT MATADOR", A strong human interest story of a famed Mexican mat- ador, whose deep concern for a younger' matador, is interpre- ted Eby his 'followers as. a . sign of cowardice. • A' diet is .a 'system which helps • ou tocontrol • your, appetite un-. 111 you're'. hungry. • your. r at' t no. CE 4, 1 .11 Ror TER -OP lbs .4 )=OP -eeks " le, so • age ,, place tt tt ITER 41, : Vet, .1•. Imes, .; t 1. eat. 3 writ• lit i ciph,: iq ,w Of .E gives ;; Ids of local' form. I 7.;0-0.1".4 �PT . L. 10t0l i CO-OP AUTO 1NSURANCE Can Now. Accept TOWN -RESIDENTS &' COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well : as the farm;.' business, For information cdnsult T. A..CAMERON, LU.CKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 .JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, 'Phone 2terr:23• G. ALAN .WILLIAMS Optometrist' Office on Patrick': St., just off the Main St. in. WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination• OpticalServices : '. Evenings by appointment. 'Phone: Office .770; Res.' :291 AN). EXPLANATION To The Ratepayers and Fellow Citizens: The section,`of the County Ass,. essor's : report • on the ,assessment of the Vilalge cif Lucknow Which wasread at the nomination on Monday„ night was taken -.from t'he ' Minutes; •'of the June'.` 19.55. • Session of County Corincil. , T'In .1954,.. when 1 .was :working on the 1955 Roll, there ;were 'cor-, sections and adjustments made, but there :was no : mention .; . or discussion ori Towering the. 14nd ''Values. . Mondaynight was the first• I hadever' heard ' of &it .from any- one. Hoping this •explains ray' situ ation. • Yours truly A: C. AGNEW. ff1`LL..-..MELVI LLE DIED SUDDENLY • William' Wesley Melville, hus- band of Lyla Richards, daughter of Mr, and Piro. Dick Richards of Paramount, died suddenly at his hoine .in Alliston on. Satur, day, November '19th • •from a .cor- onary thrombosis attack. He was. 51 years of age. • ' • He had never had..a •a previous' seizure, , and was in his usual good. health. '.He ' had been 'busy in' his, garden and work shop, that. Morning :aria collapsed, dying: in atantly at' the.luneh'hour.. f Besides his widow : he .is sur vived' iby • two daughters, •Betty Ann,,12 and ;Barbara'`Jane, 9. f 0 o '. . • The. 11 wi'rrg, m part;'. 'is the obituary 'which appeared in the • Alliston 'Herald: ELECTION' MONDAY (Continued 'from Page 1') Seat,. In -event-of an election' be- ingnecessary. in this, connection it would be the following '.Fri- "day, ri"day, :De'cenabet 16th. Fill : Trustee • Slate • :. '. ' €'{iblic School . Trustee Charles Webster arinou.0 ed en Monday night..thathe wisned to retire, from the •' School Board, a wish held -e -x etweed-twe�3�e As the qualifying deadline .ar- :rived on . Tuesday night, Mr. Webster, Was. again pressed: into signing up •.toprevent a vaeaicy, a�d: ... -on ' the--scho _of bb The other retiring trustees who 'had previously qualified. were H. M. MacLennan' .and Tack Fisher. Ewart 'Taylor and Donald Mc Kinnon had .been noininated•,• as trus-teea -•-but -•neither.... -':chose_._ toy. stand.. ' .•" a • Nominations were as follows: For Reeve • Alex Ma0Leed,..by A. W. Ham= ilton °and S., Sherwood: A. W. Haniilten by: Alex Mac- Leod and W: G. Webster... George Joynt by Stuart E. Robertson ' and V. A, Mowbray. • Virden'. Mowbray by Stuart E.. Robertson and George' Joynt. V. Robertson b A Stuart L R Y Mowbray and • arve"" y �`` `.`ebstei For Council. W. O. .Webster. by S. Sherwood and Donald MacLean. . • Alex MacLeod by Donald Mac- tein and S Sher -wood" • George Joynt by V. A. Mow - bray and Donald' McKinnon.Otto Virden ' Mowbray by Petersen and.' George W , 'Joynt. Donald ',McKinnon by -G.. W, ;lo„int and Stuart .Robertson. • --For4e%uiol_- .usteea ._ John Fisher by A.. W, Ramp:: ton and Donald ' MacLean. • li. ' M, MVlacl.,enn:an by. Charles' -Webster-and Jack Uishet . Chatles Webster by Jack Fish- er and. Gerald Rathwetl: ,Ewart Taylor by. Chas Web- ster• and' Jack Fisher, .flonaid McKinnon by G. Rath- w ell and Chas. 'Webster. N. BENTLEY: NTANT' P'UBLIC--`ACCOU Monthly Accounts Business and Farre Tax; Returns.. • • Boer 478 Tel. 1011 GODERICH, • ONT. JOHNSTONE'S,, FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76 Day or Night ',. Anibulanice 'Service USE OF . FUNERAL HOME At Not Extra Cost Moderate Prices Established 1894 INSURANCE Co -Operative• Life Insurarioe -Co.-Operaii`ve • iiiin obire Insurance . Mercantile &. Farrn Fire Insurance • _`Etonoinie4-1* `nd-ftellable;--- See .T. A. CAMERON ••LUotrAiOVW ' 'Phone' 70-00 •Dtinganhoa V. Bill' Melville : was the kind of man . who .. makes ' communities like ' Alliston', good' comr unities in which to live. He.was a home maker of the first. order and with much help frown •Mrs Melville he had: made. their grounds and gar- den one of the loveliest in . town:. This interest was carried over to the community at large by 'his activemembership in the Horti- cultural Society of which he was vice' president. He • never -played a sensational • part in town • af=. fairs but did more than most in assuaning' his ' duties as a citi- zen:: Currently ;he w. sa :member. of the ptibl'c $chool board.'; The •story' of Bill's . career 'is remarkable and gives ,one an idea of the :vigorous and- purposeful stuff , of • which he: was made. ` He happy appy.' in ,his work., But it. hadnot always ban so::J.ust four years 'ago he began -making for himself a .new 'career` in ,teaching... He left .the • security . of his work as caretaker of Alliston Public School and 'began'. the 'uncertain adventure into a new . field. The ,:uncertainty lasted only a Short time.. He loved teaching and ,.by •taking special summer courses and :: doing extraprePar_a='. tory work all, through : the ..:year he. 'finally. qualified ' for . his per- manent first: class certificate: This: he received` in;`August of this year..Since that time :he had be- gun, on work on his Bachelor of Arts degree, • His church was also an import- .ant' part of Bill's life. He was not only an active «mernber of. St. John's -United 'Church; he was a Sunday School teacher , and; this year, president •of the Men's Club. The day followipg his death .was Laymen's Sunday at St, John's when `Bi11 would have been ..tak- ing ,a ,pi orninent place 'in the ::ser vices she had hel • ed to arra]: e. • He .:was, em,ploYed as aales- man in Toronto when he enlisted' 'forarmy service in January 1940.. •Prior to that he. was . a mem-; bei ,of ,the Toronto Scottish re; serve •regiment. •Following enlistment he became an instruc- tor for Officer Training Corps' in the Machine; Gun Training Corps and,• i.n . spite . of his best efforts to get. overseas,. lie •.rernaiiied in this capacity until his, discharge din 1940, *hen ` the Melville .fam , fly took up residence' in Alliston. At the time of his: death he was teaching at Barker Public School, • RCAF station, Camp Borden. Biliwasactive'in a great many community organizations. . Soon after the .war he was'.instrumen- tal in 'Or ga zin a Teen .:Town nr g in the community. He was a for cri• er president of theT,,Burns- PAGE FIVE IayIiouse Theatre Two Shows Each. Night at 7.30 -• Saturday, Matinee at, aid FRIDAY,. SATU. RDA, DECEMBER 2, 3 Francis the Talking Mule never had ,so much .to ,tel and • you've never had so much'to Iaugh about, in ' , "FRANCIS JOINS .THE WACS” • • starring . Donald O'Connor, Julia Adams, Chili Wills, Mamie Van Doren. .. •' COMING* NEXT WEEK , Walt Disney's. Story of "ROBIN HOOD" Mrs. S. Melville 'and Mr:. and ,.......4......)•,......•....7.44.......7.#4. Mrs. S. •Gre'enman from 'Palmer � ston Mr..and 'Mrs, 'Orland 'Rich- Enquire For Prices.: ards and Mr. and Mrs. R. -Rich- , ards of .Luclk.now;; • Mr. and` Mrs. .on 'Dick Richards and Mr `and Mrs. Ray` Richard's of Elesherton; Prof. : KILN DRIED and, Mrs. R. N. Richards, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. P. S. MacDougall of .Chesley;' and . Mr. and Mrs.;. Spanner and Rev. Graham of Te- . or ronto. TOWNSHIP 'ACCLAMATION f Q3 ntinued ,.from . Page • 1) Tom Howard by Michael• O'Neil' and Louis,' Hogan. • ' Donald ` MacKenzie by .Roder= ick MacKenzie and Clifford Croz- ier. • For School Trustees Jack Gould . by Bob' Simpson and• Duncan Simpson.: Marshall • Gibson by Howard ,Barger. and Gordan ' Barger.: • Walter • Alton by `Charles . An derson and. Harvey Ritchie. . West ' Wawanosh Township Clerk John'; Foran , :presided fo'r. the : receiving., of nominations . at West Wawanosh • Township'. Hall on Friday; and there', also only, the.e,ight'. present office holders; were: nominated to: fill that num- ber of.'seats . on the Council arid. School Board.: All norninees sign- ed up following _the_; ratepayers' .meeting, to leave the personnel unchanged, Reeve John S. Dur-' run,. Councillors Harvey Culbert, Eldon.. Miller, Lorne:. Durnin; Orval McPhee and school, trust- ees.. Harvey ,Anderson, Jim Cur- ran. and''Ted Mills. The ether'twb trustees whose term runs for an- . -other are Wallace .Miller and Wm. Webster. Nominations were as .follows:. For Reeve • John .$Durnin; by Howard Sproul and Charles". Me.Nee. • For • Councillors Eldon Miller by" Gordon Mac -:Pherson • arid Robert Lycns. Harvey Culbert by ''Orval : Mc-` Phee and . Charles McNee . • . :Orval McPhee ,by Edwin• 'Mills` and., Wm. Webster. ' Lorne Durnin' `.by Wm, • Web- ster'• and • Edwin Mills . ' his ''For 'School Trustees. • ' :Harvey Anderson by Howard Sproul and Charles McNee. Jas.. R. Curran by Robt:"Lyans and !Gordon'MacPherson: Ted Mills Iby Win._ 'Wetbster and Howard Sproul. Albert Tayibr, by 'Lorne Dur - Town Line Far -in- • -Forum: H -a -was - arid • • OTHER 'GRAINS in• truckload. lots LUCKNOW :. DISTRICT -Co-op Phone 71, 'Lucknow A'. rein and •Leo Foran. **ever.,•as'' Mr. Taylor was not present and' his noaninators could 'notvouch: that he, had . consented to be nom- inated, his nomination; could not .. be accepted. • WE ARE • • 4 • • Y t. .'i• SALE'S: BOOKS, AND RESTAURANT PADS M a q u r d Ct c a e o e• JOHN DICKINSON & co. (C A M A D A) LIMITED Place Your' Order At THE--SENTINEL----OFFICE, Phone . 35, Lucknovrr` Junk: Something you keep ten. years' and -lien throwaway' lila: weeks 'before you, 'need it. itrO D#0.11,s '! '0M9'f 010f.iti P, IiA' '.M '00iii'#1!4'>RC'r#/!!'tarimer l imetir interlil i . b itt Suggestions • FOR ALL "THE FAMILY We suggest you do your Christmas Shopping Early : while stocks are complete. secretary -treasurer • of •the South 4: USE OUR LAY -AWAY PLAN Simcoe Teachers Association; an executive member of the Men's • Teachers Federation, a 'member of.'theboard. • of the • Su icoe ..Co. operative Medical Services. 'Each' surnrnei' he acted as.. instructor at the Bleak :Down • Park Army Training , Centre and was also. instructing in. motor'] echanics. at night school. The funeral service, took place dri• iVf'oiii ay "`"N"oveinber 21; from` :St, Johns United Church. It. was 'Conducted ' before an overflow, congregation by Rev. J. F.. Shil,- tiott .M .-Frank- T ttn•rriori, as -solo- ist, rendered "I Can . -Hear My Saviour :Calling". • Relatives and . friends who air tended from a distance included, fir.. =Wand Mrs. Caudle, Mr. and WARM WthITE t FOOTWEAR Women's. Rubber • r .Nylon ,Overshoes Men's, Women's and Children's Slippers, Men's and Ladies' Luggage• Skate Outfits WATCH FOR OUR FREE DRAW Ladies' Matched Set by ' McBrine 10$00ra �$a rine Footwear` For Alt 'lie Family :.riY1 •kite4t., ri•;:r+iA044•Pa.a sitt;OW'gXelt00?+1404 .444 4, 144tY 401041 4+r i c _ C ,alinI. i 2 7.1R11 �Xii �.. .d#eo1,iY1. ,. •;, 'ice .:. .. • • •. la.K.,i.7bl...::.:t.1..(:.k,..:�.>.Y..4Vr3kr,P>Iti..A