HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-30, Page 1A 1955 left ---a: entinel• `. urt in vas re 1. costs, illision n Con. ,:• S• 1). . e min - :a fee :• child=: ie, •taro .:. an giv: nersis im 9.00'. Parade n g t h e ger, and voted:. X10 and, to en- oiigan- °arade". ch . the dr Day onation y to as - Ind ex- ith the for the T'nomp- ominat- a slate neetipg: 11111,11.‘" 171rd #2.50 A Year a , vane --$1.00 'Extra To U.S.A. _ • . �-••-�-, _ LUCKNOW, ONTA13Ip'WEDNESDAY, NOV, 30th, 1955:. ection For cancy ouncil SIX'1'EEN PAGES • Next Monday December th,. 'ow electors w' n o L' c s uk. .� L :... g. the polis to ' 'ballot: • on, their •1956 'reeve, while the, following •Fr- day evening, December .9th, •'a second` nomination "meeting is being .required -10 fill a vaeancy on the Council Board:: , . The reeveship contenders are Reeve A. IW; Hamilton and;'ox- reeve S. E. Robertson. These . developments oceurred • on• 'Tuesday, following Monday night's nomination :meeting. At .this meeting there were five men nominated..` for the reeveship,' five ' :for' the: four Council seats' and give for the three trustees re.-' quired. " •'In his . address Monday night 'Reeve A. W. Hamilton stated he would be a: candidate for the p ;' q ,ed '..afterfor'qualified the .meeting;, . Three members of` Council;` lex MacLeod, George Joynt and . A; Mowbray, resigned, their i Y� ,gn er reeveship nomination. • at • the meeting, with Councillor Joynt stating he. would'stand :'next year: :The fifth nominee was S. E. Robertson, former reeve, who was. unsuccessful 'a year age in standing for re-election, .when , he .was 'apposed by',Mr. Hamilton. ' .Mr.' •!Robertson qualified as . a :candidate for. ' .the`:"reeveslip, late Tuesday afternodn, and' . these two gentlemen'will again battle, it out for the'chief `executive's position; . Balloting takes place next Monday: between 'the .hours of 9.00 . a.m.. ' and • 5:0.0 pm:, with ••polling booths at the '•Legion Hall, Municipal' : Offiee and . the . Tow.n Hall. •• Vacancy On:Council Meanwhile though .a •r.eeveship election:. was' shaping. up, •a va- cancies loomed on • the Council Board and• Trustee Board. Councillor • V. A. Mowbray stated at nomination •meetin that ` he 'intended to , retire and he stuck with this announcemerit.. Councillors `dVlaeLeod . and -Web-. • ster qualified on Monday. and Connell Joy , day. Only other nominee besides ►Mr. 'Mowbray was,' Donald . Me-, ' Kinnon; and he too • had stated very definitely on Monday night. h ,_ • e; -.would not-�-s�tand:�---.----• To fill the vacancy a nomina- tion meeting has ibeen :called :.for 'Friday, December, . 9tii,,•: from 7.30 to • 8,30, . to ..receive the nornina tion of" candidates .to fill this one (Contiinued on 'Page 5) ims, any, 14.89 !tree >4:98 ash= ' ;8.95 - ard- g.7,95w ossy prig, 69e ACCIDENT VICTIM .DIED EARLY MONDAY. The- ' death '�� of . Alex ,Kraern.er, 61-year•=bid Kinloss Township farther, occurred in hospital in London early Monday ..morning.. • He suffered. .a severe `lung, in HONOR PAID. jury early in November, in a. Eall. • front an apple , tree on the Stat SOU R -H NIEMB EMS ,ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! !All Township Boards Re turnedFrom now until Christmas. —which incidentally is littleByAcclamationLast : Friday more than three • weeks away —we appeal to advertisers to have. their copy in. early. . .,Anyone ''requiring, large space, • and particularly; those who are • not ` regular adver'- .. • : tisers, must inform . us of: their requirements by':Friday� .preceding publicatioir to per= mit arranging ... apace •' de- mands in the following : issue. ters' farm on • Con. 10, .Kinloss, nations Were the'order•of the day° last Friday in the neigh:. }boring o townships' of ;, Ashfield, Kinloss and West ' Wawanosh,; where ,a11 three muncipal • boards, and the retiring ni.emiber:s' of, two Schoolsarea•,boards, were return-. ed without opposition.` More than, that only the bare number : of candiciates required to .•fi11 each ;!board were nominated. • However, the 'meetings ,; were. fairly well attended and a- •gen- owned by P. A. Murray. The climax to the .most event- 'enol discussion of county, town ship: and school• affairs were en- 'between WI year in the history of Luck- tered into. ,Re• orts of these meet_: .Mr: Kraemer s home is � Kinloss and; Riversdale, now 4-H Beef Calf Club activi- 1 g tags ' ..appear elsewhere in this Besides his wife he is survived ties, came last Friday night when. issue, •. , by three 'sods, Harold in. the West, a complimentary banquet.- was • ' ' Lorne • of Toronto, and`..Linas at tendered the • Club 'members by Kinloss Township a Kinloss Board for the ensuing home ' and. by four daughters, the:sponsoring organization,. :the Margaret, of Milldmay, Florentine Lucknow Agricultural Society year is comprised of Reeve Iiar- of Toronto and Marie ,and Aniuta : The Anglican ladie catered•old Percy,: elected by ballot early g s in at home,, for :delicious turkey .'banquet caused year to fill the vacancy __ --r . -• whitki was: sere d t by, th h : of Reeve e .cleat e o. an over-- •David Carruthers,. and: •Councih FRANK TODD' PASSED flow crowd csf about 225 .persons lors•�F. A,• Murray; ;veteran' mem- AWAY ON MONDAY. : who more :than taxed the :.cap -.,bei: :,,by term of s . •ce,•, Farish acity of the banquet Ball.. • ,Moffat Wallace Con nd Ehi `t .. of The 'death of Frank G: Todd, :.Wm. Maclntyre was chairman' Carruthers, the. 'latter• two •hay. a lifelong resident of the `St ' Hel- and Jack: Hall and Steve. Stoth- in !been elected' a s priri� g,.p gbye• ens community, ;and a, widely ,ers• led in.a sing song with. Mrs: election ' ' . known breeder. of. Angus cattle, Jessie • Allin as ianist. ° P, : Nonririations"received by Clerk'. occurred in Wingham; :' Hospital ;'� Congratulations : . no end were J: It. Lane were as follows.. ' 'early. Monday evening. He :was 'showered,• u o p n Murray Gaunt, For Reeve :. -'• 78 years:of age 'and had 'been in winner .Of'Queen's'by' o the Quineas . HarQld Percy, ,Frank Maul - 'declining, 'declining health for 'a time frorn..aiid• .on 'Barry McQuillin and den -:and William Stanley. a ''series of paralytic 'seizures.. David Kirkland, `the beef ' jiudg For" Councillors .; • The funeral.. service was held • trig; champions of Ontario.•• . . Wallace .Conn by Jame on Pet- Y s, 'at: the • Johnstone Funeral .Home, ti 'ece :and:'Russell o 's: Lucknow,. on, ,Wednesday after- A letter of congratulations was pr R s read from David Andrew of Cal ;Farish :Moffat by Irwin Car - neon. under auspices.,of Old .Light a and a' tele a ruthers and James McGillivray. Lodge, I:ucknQw; • of • which • he 'w., � gii' m froze Jolie Y W. Hanna, ,. m.P.P.; who" is• in Elliott Carruthers.. by 'Jas. ,Burt ;was .. a : past..master Interment :l_... :... • . and. • Florida.' wanes McGillivray ;was in Greenhill.';Cemetery, '.Solos_ were sun b. '` P: A. Murray Dan McInnes g y, Aria • Todd Y accom partied b : Norma .: Murray: -and Harry Levis.: Y. Y. . INFANTS.BAPTIZED Agricultural Representative . G. Ashfield Township • ., W.. Montgomery toasted:..the Calf .In .Ashfield: Townshi onlya P Ab the'morning service in the'• 'Club: ' members •,and outlined' the bare Wiini in r -uf-candidates' were United Church on Sunday;: Rev; growth of these .clubs, of . which' nominated fore the council and G: A.': Meiklejohn baptized three there were. :54 , in -Huron alone. school :positions, but the ' reeve- children, Lorraine Anne. Boyle, this year. _ .. • : ship. :had,three :'nominatioris: "Be-. ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jim He .stressed not. to'. lose sight.. of Boyle; Barry • Blake ` Morrison, the fact ".that it 'takes at.least son of Mr. and.Mrs. Gordon 1V1or- :ten boys or girls to:•make .a club nisch 'and Margaret, ; Isabelle .and that the -parents `and •Club Montgomery, .daughter of : •`1VIr, leaders .,sacrifice a good•'. deal 'in rid Mrs, Gordon Mont Amery, pi omotir g • their : activities". • He • •g •. presented • framed. pictures from • the " •Agricultural.. 'Office • .to. ;the night .SOME HUNTERS three. boys, as mementos, of their, sides Reeve .:Blake, Councillors Bradley •. and Ritchie were also nominated • for the reeveship: Friday's' meeting gave no in- dication of a possible election, arid aby early evening all candi- dates had qualified for their posi- tions held during the previous year. They include' •Reeve. Cecil el ievernents.: Alf --t hee- boys '. lake; out -cruors John .Bradley, GOT THEIR .DEER made 'veru creditable . replies. of Tom Howard, Donald MacKenzie, 'thanks" and .appreciation which Andrew Ritchie and school area ' The . deer season came to a space . prevents enlargin • 'upon: trustees .Jack' Gould, Marshall. close' on ` Saturday ' nigh•t, with George; Kennedy, one of the'' club Gibson and Walter Alton. e ` ce :.p . adex�,-,tra � tide d efoptzient .r._pther __merr3bers-sof— thea==school of Club activities in Lucknow, board, whose two=.year term does' and Tom Todd, the other leader, not expire' until next year, are 'introduced the . Club members, . chairman •Clifford. Crozier, -'acid who. In addition to the famous Roderick MacKenzie.: trio, are Betty Afton, Joyce Lit- Nom,i"nations received by Cleric - • JIM HAC K ETT JOINS RC.MP1 dim Hackett, 19 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs- Wilfred Hackett of • Con. 10, Ashfield, "has. joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 'He reported for duty : at Ottawa on Tuesday where he will re- ; ceive a.$ix months', basic training course. • • Jinn :was in Toronto last week receiving, his final medical tests and returned home 6 -spend the week-endViti his pgrei5•ts oefor leaving 'for • Ottawa, Presented •With Luggage Jim' has been a' member ,,of. rather t n •• alis a .P-pp.ng. 1 _reult=--s sfor__. mangy hunters;, although several ,kills :were reported in -this dist.:. trict. • . • • 'Lorne ' ,Johnston's • party got four deer • with ' Lorne,.bringing down three of them for. sure, and _ t1,e•,_ Ann 'Todd, Jim Lyons, Craw -'.Treasurer Donald 'Sim son Were: both he and Russ. Farrier. firing ford McNeil, .Leroy,.Rintoul, Don -.p • 'shots 'into the fourth..one. •ald Reid, Jack Kennedy,Ivan Reeve • • • Cecil Blake by den 1V!'gle' and With 'Lorne and Rriss'ell for .the McQuillan, . Neil Rintoul, . Bob. Eldon ,Culbert: full four days were Ezra 'Scholtz Harris. Bob Irwin, and .:Sandy, .. : Andrew Ritchie,ibY 'Cyril'Camp- and am - anu Milton Plunkett l?. ' kett and his 'son MacKenzie, • bell arid Gordon Ritchie.. • Ronald of •Toronto: ,Others join- S. B. Stothers presented tray- I `John: Bradley by Marshall Gib - gen. and Howard. Barger. .For Council Andrew' Ritchie'by'Gordon Rit- chie and Cyril Campbell: John Bradley. by Marshall Gib- son :and Howard Barger- (Con:tiued on Page 5) ed them part time: . • Lorne says that he was :never more than '60'rods' 1rom his car at; any time and then- got all four deer within . a ..couple of miles of Whitechurch • on .both the : Brune and Htiron.. sides of Highway 86.• Others who got single deer in eluded George Whitby, Bill Hun- ter; unter, Bob' MacCallum, .Bakers. Another ` .aiig—which . nclud George Fisher, Arnold Lougheed,heed,. Ward Howard, Art,, Clark, and 'some Visitors, • bagged five for ell•ing alarm ,clocks to 'Murray, David and Barry on behalfof ,Wm. A. .Schmid. Eleanor Reed played' violin numbers With ac companiinent • by her mother, Mrs. •Allan. Reed, . • S `E"Rbei=tson `iiitrodi%cerlh guest speaker, J A. Carroll, asL sistant , deputy minister of the Tiepartrrient of Agriculture, who said the achievements .being sec- =ognized that ' evening weren't chance, • but had their . basics foundation when the fair was organized ninety years ago, in Hackett ' 'United:choir the biggest take in this "vicinity, this .im,portant beef cattle' dis- . Church r gge , • and after' the afternoon service Bob IVMcCallurn of Dearborn: tact, • • on Sunda presented with and formerly of Luckriow, got his' ` Mr. Carrol' spoke of 'the' ink - id, y he Was ortance of a • riculture in our -a set -of higj;a:g "on -lb lf-�of--the- the-• i-r'st day -•--of _th-e seasoi•i..arid. p _ cangl-.e.gatiori and the choir. The missed a good chance as it ended,. p presentation was made, by Corney I3ob is adorned . a 1 •• er . . and Prank Alton • .• patiently for hours on end. •Get- far above l -.other countries. • TNFATT. DIED LAST WEEE The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jfrrr-B 1 rad ey wlio Was. -born'-pre- n-atur`ely in• Kincardine Hospital on. Tuesday, morning of : last week, died late' that afternoon in Ch`ild- ren's War Memorial' Hospital, London, • ' In an ''oxygen .tent in Ross --S•hie+1s-car-•-the-infa�it was rush-: Canadran economy and the ef- o r a stump -quite urte fiency with which it is operated,' hadp-q MRS.. JOHN JAMESON L' AID' TO REST MONDAY • The death :of Mrs. 'John JamYe-' soli .occurred at Baker'<s Private Hospital. on Saturday • after lengthy illness: She was 83years of age and had been a lifelong reSident of. Ashfield and Luck- now. The funerali was helcL;on Mon- day from . • J. ohnstone's Funeral . Home to Greenhill` Cemetery. ON CFPL-TV . . On his . farm show last. 'Thurs- day evening. on CFBL-TV,` Roy. Jewel interviewed Murray Gaunt, • Andrew Gaunt and George Ken nedy, as well . astwo previous Huron County ' Guineas winners, 4ob Hern and, Jack Kinsman.. In he interview.'.Jack--,Kinsman-ren- \° plied that . in 1946 his 840 -Ib. 'champion sold for 45:50: a. pound LEAVING' PARISH • v, John Prest, rector. . of the Bervie inloiigh-Kingai+f.. parish is •being transferred to the Luc -an- • Clandebaye 'charge' .at , the first of the. year. No successor to „Rev.' Prest .has been named. WEEKLY LESSONS IN: ARTS 'AND; CRAFTS: Mrs,' T E. Morgan 'has been - engaged engaged by the Lucknow.: Public School. Board to give- .weekly: les soils in Arts and Crafts at the ,Public School. She will give one.; . 'hourlessons' to•students of.°Roems 2i. 3: and 4, commencing •thisFri- `:day. `afternoon It', was 'explained at the: nom- ination' meeting ,on: Monday by Trustee Charle•s Webster, that arts --and crafts instructi- ' on :h'as been added. .to: the curriculum on the advice • of the inspector. Mrs: Morgan will receive $ 7'5:00 .` . per classropin..per' annum, with: an 'additional :$50' tray 'ng 'al lowance: ' The • Board ec n, es a Government Brant: of $450, for teaching ;.these subjects, which will .nrare--than' take. -.ease -off -tile cost; ,of' tuition and supplies. RECEIVES COMMISSION Lloyd— I3ehdersthi : sonsTof Mr' and ,Mrs,: 'jack .Henderson, Boun- dary West, recently ' received the ' Air nonce commission : of Flying 'Officer:. Lloyd has .been in the, RCAF for 16 years, : He has been stationed at Downsview, for a• :. , : timer but early ' in the New'' Year is 'being posted to Bagotville,' Quebec.. P.O. Henderson, ' Mrs. Hender- son and their two .daughters,. A.drice and Lillas spent the wcck • end here with his'parents. . MEETING SETS SANTA PARADE �'. • Irk At a meetingof the Lucknver Businessmen's Association' .'last Week, Saturday,' December 10`th, at 2,0.0 .p,rn. was the .date set for'. the Santa Claus parade. The free s.l?oivs for the children will be. one Week later, Saturday, De- cember '.17th, with ,one showing in -the morning and another hi the • afternoon, 1,nvitations have ` been stent' out by the•C`•h n'jnon to' district organizations request:• .ing floats •in .the parade, zuicl a big day is hoped for. • Committees .set up at the l'3usi • Jing, s- quite:-musical-He_..pixy .-tng-cold-xe:_retuyned ..to t e_gr ed cornet in the Lucknow District' to". turn on the heater, and . de-. • 4,14h School...band and. was also cided to drive to •nearby' Black- school 'pianist for a time. ' lie was horse to, flit rip vrrth gas. When a member of .the'.quartette "The . he got • back, hoof: marks in the: Four Lukno. , a `' and �la: -. snow- showed only ton plairrly c w °ads p Y p ed''saxa hone inthe Aristocrats •that he had company while, he orchestra. was absent—two of them:. rr: z a rt::ta .m....a.!... ;: . :....' fro .,.. *,,5,r ,. .tg..:aero sm LL...4.. .tr. :z :rare the •speaker • was thanked by Alex --MacNay `secretary ofT the Society. .. ,. ▪ .. Others called on were William Turnbull of. Brussels, Elston Car- diff, M,P A.tidy Robinson, M,P.,. Donald Blue;. John 'Diirnin, Cecil Blake and Harold; Percy. - • ed to London' with 'a police' •escor e' in an • effort . to save the little tot's life r' Iii ` conclusion thel`a relit o the specially honored' boys were asked . to take a bow, Mr, ,and Mrs.. Andrew Gaunt, Mt-.. and ..Mrs. Gordon Ki kland and .Mr. And Mr:,. Fred !i eQuilIin. . Werra'iKrd.�/o440* j i ii j s:.��Mu4 nessmen's meeting •Were enter= -tainment 'Gordon- _Fisher_Chas: Short, Mrs: S. Mullin, Roy Fin- 1•ayson; floats, Gerald.• Rothwell, Bob . Finlay, Russ Button; adver- tising, }Cam Thompson; collectors, Lloyd Hall,. ;south stele, Don Thompson, north side.