HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-23, Page 9:It
wEDNEsDAY, -Noy, 22ndt 1955
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tuce.:County'Countit. Winds Up
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•Year. Biditiets- illibe*Deriat
The, . County Council • of the
:County of .Bruce met at Walker-,
• :•ton on Monday evening,: Novern;
• ber .6t1i, With: ,Warden wmian
•C. Winter .ef Walkerton, in the
chair: Of 'mor• e than ordinary terest ainong the routine business
• dealt- with,• were the folloimVg
xnatters!-• .
Council unanimously approved•
appointment of Mr.' pooh, G.
• •Ytindt as Catinty: Engineer; and
• road Superintendent. Mr. Yarellt
•had . -been chosen . by the Highvvay
Committee .and. the Warden; early
- July, 'from among 14 applir
cants. and his appointment' ..could
• not becorne permanent until apr
proved' by the whale 'council and
the Department of. Highways
Council adopted . the' reccim
mehdation of a special ;commit
tee appointed. at 'the June SesSiben
to investigate, the advisability 6
•setting „up a Juvenile • COurt • in
Billed County, and rejected:the
idea of Setting up such a:court
because . it, was. considered that
there are not enough infractions
of the •lakv. *by:. juveniles in,. the
Ceunty to'. warrant setting, u
such a special Court
•Property. Committee pre -
Served. preliminary plan .of the
proposed addition to the Regis-
try* Office and thewrenoVation
the court:room . in the court
County Treasurer:T. H. Alton,
in his •report reminded Council
that, in keeping the mill rate. at structure he designed, and, the weeds,
13 ' they .had. budgeted for contractor did'. a Splendid, job. A ,Reorrimending • that legislat:on
• a deficit of $26,686.26, but in ex- t.i.jt.aIlale plaque: in. honor of .the •be 'passed requiring all seed for '
amining-paymentS' made so far late Mr. Stephenson will be plaq- sale to carry on., the tag the.
this year, be has found that some ed .on the bridge names Of . the various types of
of the committees will exceed the Committee also reported' Weed seeds in the saMple;
the estimates set''.'far Ahern: It that,. $359,000 been spent 1,1tecitieting.. the provincial Gov -
far . thiS year on county roads.. eminent to institute sifiae. plan
The. lengthy drought made it dif- designed to: reduce -the popula- •
ficult to maintain gravel. roads tion of foxes; .
this year •and _achieve 'a proper
. . RecOmmending that • the pre -
Standard in new constniption. In7 sent *Open season 'for patridge*be
eluded in this. year's prograin was reduced One-half s�as to 'enable
the Widening of three narrow .the birds to becbme re:establi311:•..
bridges on the Formosa Road' ed. •
Recommending that: all railway
*cars 'be required to be paintrinn•
box cars be required to be paint., •
ed with illuminated paint for the
protection Of the travelling pub -
would appear at this' time that.
-' the .deficit Will be •greater than
estimated . and he cautioned , ' all
f. committees to keep •within their
appropriations And that • further
• new .corrunitments 'for this year
should be kept to an •absolute
NOTICE is hereby given to the MUNICIPAL ELECTORS
OV THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW that in compliance with
the Statutes in that behalf I Irequire ;the 'presence of the'
Said Electors at the Village Hall in the said ,
• .
at the hour of Seven o'clock and Thirty Minutes
• •• in the afternoon of
, 1955, for one hour. . • •
. •
For the purpose of atominating fit and proper persons for
the Offices of Reeve, Four 'Councillors and three Public
SchOol • TrUstees for the Village of Luckiiow for. the year.
1956, Trustees to hold Office for Two Years, of which all
EleetimsAre_hereby required to take ;notice and govern' them'.
accordinglY, and if a greater* number Candidates
•than required to fill the said Offices are nominated and make
the required Declarations, Polls Will be opened in the fol-
lowing places: Polling Subdivision NO. One, •Legion
Hall; Polling Subdivision NO; Two, the Municipal Office;
and Polling. Subdivision. No. -Three,' The Village Hall in the
said Village of Lucknow, ,on • '
• and will*be open fr'om 9 Oselock A;111, until 5 o'clock* PAT.
• •. and 'no longer. . • • , •
IT SHOULD BE NOTED that When a, proPosed candidate
is- not present at the nomination Meetillg' his nomination
paper Nyill not be Valid unleSsqhere is attached thereto evi-
' 910 satiSfOtOry to the Ite.turning Officer that the .proposed
candidate ConSents, ,to so nominated.," /.• • '
Given 111114er Aaticyatis 15th day of Novetnirer A 5,
•• • • 1. AGNEW, Returning Offieer,
, . •
.T• he Bruee• County Library Co, and • •the building of :two.new
OperatiVe Board . presented . to 'ones, ' one. on .the boundary of
Council a proposal that a• newauren and Bruce and the other
building be constructed next •on. the ‘Miklmay to Neustadt road.
• year . at Port Elgin to house the Ask Harbor'DevelOpmenf
••County Library,' at 'an estimated * Council passed a resolution re:
cost of $8,000.00, half ,of which
would :be borne by the ...County
and the remaining half,* by* the
Province. This _proposal. was
strongly urged by the Commit-
• tee: because the present rented
headquarters at Port El in are
said to have become inadequate
questingthe •Derninian n
'anent to institute plan of --har-
bor development at the town •of'
Kincardine,_ 'not, only to prev-ide
adequate haven facilities* for es-
sels . and furnish' the area con
eerned with im roved, service and.
freight rates, for grain, fuel and
for the Library's expanded
fertilizers, but also to supply
erations. Spetiar. committee suitable base .for servicing ocean
was set up to investigate al as- going vdssels. • "
• pects of this proposal anct,,,eipit The ' Agricultural.. Committee
to next years Catirretl: rec?itYiYded fha 111 view of the
fact that calfhood Vaccination The Board reported that -• the
Library ,Co-operative serves' ,20has., been very successful': in all
libraries; and 135 schools, the, late townships in the County That
ter representing 3,687 impils. continued ir4erest. by the reeve
The Countys
Museum, Commit- and. their councils be tnaintained
County, . ' an that
tee, in' reporting on its first year's throtighoutthe
operations, disclosed that the they continually review the 1)n) -
Museum has had a Most success- gram within .their towriships, as
ful season. APpro?cimately, 9,000 only by the most thorough pro
peeple visited the institutiOri this
year • with' receiPts from actmitr
tance m
aounting , tO $1;730,60.
During the year, 14 schools, with
their teachers, were guests of the
institution. - It: sis predicted that
4,000 articles depicting the early
days .Would *be. housed ,in • 'the
* County Weed Inspector Peter
Grant .reported that excellent rer•
sults were obtained 'this year
United Church Evening AuxiliarY
The November :meeting. of the
E‘Teriing Auxiliary opened with
....the president, Mrs. A. Mac-
DOnald, • using as her .therne
call to Fellowship". Mrs. 'Leo&
• ard Ritchie read a current article
on 'temperance. The roll call Vitas .
well ,responded to by a donation.
o'f.canned goods for the. Child- •' ; •
ren's Aid-Sheiter at
, a •
• .
The' December roll call is to be •
answered by a favorite scripture •
verse and our sunshine.bags. ,:,
Nirt.•Ken.lVfurilie reported for the •
Conimunity' Friendship, seebretary.
Miss';HeleriT-Thompson .gave the
•Christiin.. Stewardship ahn, "To
always place God first in our ,
time, ability and then. givinge.
'gram Can contagious :aborpon be Miss Margaret Rae read' an. in -
eradicated,' ' teresting article by Miss Mamie. On the recomniendiation of the Gollan representing a typical
Reforestation . Corrunittee,• .e Morning* on •the telephone at the ' •
Church of all Nations in Ter -
onto. Mrs. Vernon Hunter
• ducted the Bible study assisted *,
by Mrs. -Leonard Mrs. •'
County will. donate,' as •a publij
park, to the Provincial Govern-
ment, that portion of the .Sauble
Forest area, approximately 11
road. and the south bank, of :the MacLeod, A ,favorite hymn:"Will
Sauble River; also ten .acres there be *any stars in my crown'
ing to the • east of the lc..aretakerls was sung by Mrs; Harvey Web,:
from the spraying done on cereal residence..• • • ' ster. Mrs. Grant Meiklejohn play-
cropS, and those obteie&I from The following resolutiOns were ed a piano selectiOn. The study
' • • . ,
• 41/1
early spraYing on •ruaalide'S, were gdopted-br-Cotcri011z: - 7:- - 'r 'beak; "The church WeltorrieS-the''- 7--
also, very 'good. Howevei7., most . Urging that the Income Tax immigrant",: was very capably
of the.sPraying done in July with Act be amendec1. to provide that given. by Mrs. Vernon Hunter. It.
• straight 2-4-D did not give the any 'farmer, Individual or busi, describes how frorh the, time the , :...
• desired ,results due to the, drought IleS8 with a* net incomee of, $10,:- immigrant leaves his ' homeIand ' . •
conditIons. 'The results' *of the 000.00, or le's who filed an m- by boat, hi, name, ultimate des- .°4,
late Spraying appear prornising dome tak . return and no action. tinatien and chinch affiliation
-TEIF-finr-150---ta-hWOC• be--ffins, is -taken on -i-t VithirrThlx-morthK-are--all--Se,ot ,cgreati by Marie, Thus
evaluated until next year, that his return ,become • final and -when the iminigr,ant arrives .in •
On the recommendation of the C011 city:Sive, . ' •, • Canada, he is 'welcomed by a port
Highways Committee, the Pink:: • " 117ging the Federal Otiern-` church Worker who is able to
crton bridge, ' which was eon. !no ,•t .to -take theasizes to corn- . speak few' or five languages ,,and':
structed last year, will be offi, bat the the lamprey eel. in Lake who puts the newcomer in touch
daily named "The G. E Stephen, HU/40i and Georgian Bay: : ' . with the minister and'workers of
-son llriclp", as' a , tribute to the Recommending • the tightening his oWn• church.. Mrs. Earl White
memory of ,the late County En- of regulations goVeriiink the con- read a. missionary purse's 'experl
gineer, Mr, George n Stephentroi of seeds from the standpoint fence in •a mall tettlemerit, . in, .
son, as this Was the last major Off Primary or, secondary .noxickits •GYpsurriville.. ' .• . '
• / ' •
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