HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-23, Page 9:It wEDNEsDAY, -Noy, 22ndt 1955 1.4 41<A; sons Victor , rly of home rs... npbell ;raid- Ichild; con - ['eh on r /as. in ;iment letery, EkS. 11"'ob- an-. Thurs.- id Mrs, •'40tii"* hatt.gs er hn -the- tit, had sa ry, of NEY nesdSy undary blow, °spout' live neigh. guishet, ie fp tile 1611 of 01P.11 nI. "r wiT 4 '411;114111:112471CalliW741P/ife7A1 iLucKNow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO • PAE NINE >V laissigagglyv*aroilltrotIra VV/Zre e..illre""41,<KOD.17.4i045.r.j.11,X,.2.P,A,HOZzif'_..,_ 41? l.,slikar" ,47(Afrei'A/We— 30eirer . _..... .. a X4Itirdellk.WW"raltOriaVairPliVlerN.W1410' ." . . . • . * ,r • i , , : . , , ..,r,..., 4. • ' r . • a a • • urtay aunt WINNER OF THE QUEEN'S GUINEAS 4 avid ir lart ai•ryP • . . ONTARIO 4-1i.rBEEF JUDGING CHAMPIONS' AND ;ALL -CANADIAN COMPETITORS . .• • • LUCIINOVIT 4-H CLUB , . ONLY A CLUB DOING VERY EXCELLENT WORK COULD PRODUCE THESE WINNERS. • • • • • • . • ' • • tilke74311Z141,rt*ragtac.+7S2;lizeinr403+:',2B*4>**KOMOair..**ACKIF,CA.Ni:Kaggi:',..x.X1(ifkS>:014ONilfki.M24ENOtKeimilgri..tx€,Vceine&tinimim.$3140V.Kowii.:Iii:KarelWaiefatirstV4.1• • • ,.... • tuce.:County'Countit. Winds Up • a' . el, • ' • • • al ,e4* WI • • 1 , . • a •Year. Biditiets- illibe*Deriat The, . County Council • of the :County of .Bruce met at Walker-, • :•ton on Monday evening,: Novern; • ber .6t1i, With: ,Warden wmian •C. Winter .ef Walkerton, in the chair: Of 'mor• e than ordinary terest ainong the routine business • dealt- with,• were the folloimVg xnatters!-• . Council unanimously approved• appointment of Mr.' pooh, G. • •Ytindt as Catinty: Engineer; and • road Superintendent. Mr. Yarellt •had . -been chosen . by the Highvvay Committee .and. the Warden; early - July, 'from among 14 applir cants. and his appointment' ..could • not becorne permanent until apr proved' by the whale 'council and the Department of. Highways / Council adopted . the' reccim mehdation of a special ;commit tee appointed. at 'the June SesSiben to investigate, the advisability 6 •setting „up a Juvenile • COurt • in Billed County, and rejected:the idea of Setting up such a:court because . it, was. considered that there are not enough infractions of the •lakv. *by:. juveniles in,. the Ceunty to'. warrant setting, u such a special Court •Property. Committee pre - Served. preliminary plan .of the proposed addition to the Regis- try* Office and thewrenoVation the court:room . in the court • County Treasurer:T. H. Alton, in his •report reminded Council that, that, in keeping the mill rate. at structure he designed, and, the weeds, 13 ' they .had. budgeted for contractor did'. a Splendid, job. A ,Reorrimending • that legislat:on • a deficit of $26,686.26, but in ex- t.i.jt.aIlale plaque: in. honor of .the •be 'passed requiring all seed for ' amining-paymentS' made so far late Mr. Stephenson will be plaq- sale to carry on., the tag the. this year, be has found that some ed .on the bridge names Of . the various types of of the committees will exceed the Committee also reported' Weed seeds in the saMple; the estimates set''.'far Ahern: It that,. $359,000 been spent 1,1tecitieting.. the provincial Gov - far . thiS year on county roads.. eminent to institute sifiae. plan The. lengthy drought made it dif- designed to: reduce -the popula- • ficult to maintain gravel. roads tion of foxes; . this year •and _achieve 'a proper . . RecOmmending that • the pre - Standard in new constniption. In7 sent *Open season 'for patridge*be eluded in this. year's prograin was reduced One-half s�as to 'enable the Widening of three narrow .the birds to becbme re:establi311:•.. bridges on the Formosa Road' ed. • Recommending that: all railway *cars 'be required to be paintrinn• box cars be required to be paint., • ed with illuminated paint for the protection Of the travelling pub - would appear at this' time that. -' the .deficit Will be •greater than estimated . and he cautioned , ' all f. committees to keep •within their appropriations And that • further • new .corrunitments 'for this year should be kept to an •absolute 1 NOTICE is hereby given to the MUNICIPAL ELECTORS OV THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW that in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf I Irequire ;the 'presence of the' Said Electors at the Village Hall in the said , • VILLAGE-OF;LOCKNOW • . at the hour of Seven o'clock and Thirty Minutes • •• in the afternoon of MONDAY, 'NOVEMBER 28th , 1955, for one hour. . • • . • For the purpose of atominating fit and proper persons for the Offices of Reeve, Four 'Councillors and three Public SchOol • TrUstees for the Village of Luckiiow for. the year. 1956, Trustees to hold Office for Two Years, of which all EleetimsAre_hereby required to take ;notice and govern' them'. accordinglY, and if a greater* number Candidates •than required to fill the said Offices are nominated and make the required Declarations, Polls Will be opened in the fol- lowing places: Polling Subdivision NO. One, •Legion Hall; Polling Subdivision NO; Two, the Municipal Office; and Polling. Subdivision. No. -Three,' The Village Hall in the said Village of Lucknow, ,on • ' MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th, • and will*be open fr'om 9 Oselock A;111, until 5 o'clock* PAT. • •. and 'no longer. . • • , • IT SHOULD BE NOTED that When a, proPosed candidate is- not present at the nomination Meetillg' his nomination paper Nyill not be Valid unleSsqhere is attached thereto evi- ' 910 satiSfOtOry to the Ite.turning Officer that the .proposed candidate ConSents, ,to so nominated.," /.• • ' Given 111114er Aaticyatis 15th day of Novetnirer A 5, eD:'195 •• • • 1. AGNEW, Returning Offieer, , . • .T• he Bruee• County Library Co, and • •the building of :two.new OperatiVe Board . presented . to 'ones, ' one. on .the boundary of Council a proposal that a• newauren and Bruce and the other building be constructed next •on. the ‘Miklmay to Neustadt road. • year . at Port Elgin to house the Ask Harbor'DevelOpmenf ••County Library,' at 'an estimated * Council passed a resolution re: cost of $8,000.00, half ,of which would :be borne by the ...County and the remaining half,* by* the Province. This _proposal. was strongly urged by the Commit- • tee: because the present rented headquarters at Port El in are said to have become inadequate questingthe •Derninian n 'Gover- 'anent to institute plan of --har- bor development at the town •of' Kincardine,_ 'not, only to prev-ide -v adequate haven facilities* for es- sels . and furnish' the area con eerned with im roved, service and. freight rates, for grain, fuel and for the Library's expanded op- fertilizers, but also to supply erations. Spetiar. committee suitable base .for servicing ocean was set up to investigate al as- going vdssels. • " • pects of this proposal anct,,,eipit The ' Agricultural.. Committee to next years Catirretl: rec?itYiYded fha 111 view of the fact that calfhood Vaccination The Board reported that -• the Library ,Co-operative serves' ,20has., been very successful': in all ', libraries; and 135 schools, the, late townships in the County That ter representing 3,687 impils. continued ir4erest. by the reeve The Countys Museum, Commit- and. their councils be tnaintained County, . ' an that tee, in' reporting on its first year's throtighoutthe operations, disclosed that the they continually review the 1)n) - Museum has had a Most success- gram within .their towriships, as .', ful season. APpro?cimately, 9,000 only by the most thorough pro peeple visited the institutiOri this year • with' receiPts from actmitr tance m aounting , tO $1;730,60. During the year, 14 schools, with their teachers, were guests of the institution. - It: sis predicted that 4,000 articles depicting the early days .Would *be. housed ,in • 'the , * County Weed Inspector Peter Grant .reported that excellent rer• sults were obtained 'this year United Church Evening AuxiliarY The November :meeting. of the E‘Teriing Auxiliary opened with t ....the president, Mrs. A. Mac- DOnald, • using as her .therne call to Fellowship". Mrs. 'Leo& • ard Ritchie read a current article on 'temperance. The roll call Vitas . well ,responded to by a donation. o'f.canned goods for the. Child- •' ; • ren's Aid-Sheiter at e 4 , a • • . • • • The' December roll call is to be • answered by a favorite scripture • verse and our sunshine.bags. ,:, Nirt.•Ken.lVfurilie reported for the • Conimunity' Friendship, seebretary. Miss';HeleriT-Thompson .gave the •Christiin.. Stewardship ahn, "To always place God first in our , time, ability and then. givinge. 'gram Can contagious :aborpon be Miss Margaret Rae read' an. in - eradicated,' ' teresting article by Miss Mamie. On the recomniendiation of the Gollan representing a typical Reforestation . Corrunittee,• .e Morning* on •the telephone at the ' • Church of all Nations in Ter - onto. Mrs. Vernon Hunter • ducted the Bible study assisted *, by Mrs. -Leonard Mrs. •' , County will. donate,' as •a publij park, to the Provincial Govern- ment, that portion of the .Sauble Forest area, approximately 11 dc,res.- ,L1.y.ing—betwethkn-L-e—,Rivea,L-Mel-.Matrison-and4M-rse-Leawrenc road. and the south bank, of :the MacLeod, A ,favorite hymn:"Will Sauble River; also ten .acres there be *any stars in my crown' ing to the • east of the lc..aretakerls was sung by Mrs; Harvey Web,: from the spraying done on cereal residence..• • • ' ster. Mrs. Grant Meiklejohn play- cropS, and those obteie&I from The following resolutiOns were ed a piano selectiOn. The study . ' • • . , • .4, • 41/1 early spraYing on •ruaalide'S, were gdopted-br-Cotcri011z: - 7:- - 'r 'beak; "The church WeltorrieS-the''- 7-- also, very 'good. Howevei7., most . Urging that the Income Tax immigrant",: was very capably of the.sPraying done in July with Act be amendec1. to provide that given. by Mrs. Vernon Hunter. It. • straight 2-4-D did not give the any 'farmer, Individual or busi, describes how frorh the, time the , :... • desired ,results due to the, drought IleS8 with a* net incomee of, $10,:- immigrant leaves his ' homeIand ' . • conditIons. 'The results' *of the 000.00, or le's who filed an m- by boat, hi, name, ultimate des- .°4, late Spraying appear prornising dome tak . return and no action. tinatien and chinch affiliation -TEIF-finr-150---ta-hWOC• be--ffins, is -taken on -i-t VithirrThlx-morthK-are--all--Se,ot ,cgreati by Marie, Thus evaluated until next year, that his return ,become • final and -when the iminigr,ant arrives .in • On the recommendation of the C011 city:Sive, . ' •, • Canada, he is 'welcomed by a port Highways Committee, the Pink:: • " 117ging the Federal Otiern-` church Worker who is able to crton bridge, ' which was eon. !no ,•t .to -take theasizes to corn- . speak few' or five languages ,,and': structed last year, will be offi, bat the the lamprey eel. in Lake who puts the newcomer in touch daily named "The G. E Stephen, HU/40i and Georgian Bay: : ' . with the minister and'workers of -son llriclp", as' a , tribute to the Recommending • the tightening his oWn• church.. Mrs. Earl White memory of ,the late County En- of regulations goVeriiink the con- read a. missionary purse's 'experl gineer, Mr, George n Stephentroi of seeds from the standpoint fence in •a mall tettlemerit, . in, . son, as this Was the last major Off Primary or, secondary .noxickits •GYpsurriville.. ' .• . ' , • e• • • / ' • .0: , 1 • Amtillifirltiellitti0.1.—* -'',iiiLeA°V.12fiettritz