HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-23, Page 5WEDN SSD'.1.Y, NOV. 22nd, X1.955 Ink. 1 , .LUjnTow' SENA LuararOW,. rices 'Siash� • 1954 Fora:' Customiine with radio m.41;415 1951 Chef, Balaire Coach, Powerglide,` fully equipped Two 1954` Chev. Deluxe .Sedans, fully'°equapPed „.. $1,650; Four,1954 Chev Sedans,. fully.: equipped 1953'.,Chev. Sedan'a; • ` ;; ,;,: ,,. 1953° Pontiac . Sedan $1,295 1951.x' Chev. Powerglide . Sedan ... ..: $ : 950 1951 Chev. D. eluxe Coach $ : 900 1950 Chev. Coach 1949 Chev.: Coach • $ 795 $ 6951948 Pontiac Coach , ,$. 395 PlYmouth Sedan 495.' 1948 $• Pontiac' Sedan ,..,•.. ., $ '495 1947•„ Chewy , 'teetline,Coach, fully equipped :;., ;, 395 1946 'Plymouth'' Sedan �- $ '$•:350 • TRUCKS: 1955 Chev. Piek=Up ..: 1954 Chev. M! -Ton Pick -lip, low mileage 1942 Chev. 14 -Ton : Pick=Up .•. iussels Motors $1,295. $1,095 $•125 •. HuronCounty's Foremost,• Used 'Cat Dealers • • Cash; ..Trade; Terms. _,. Open:Evenings 'Until, 10• CitiesService . Dealer ' Phone 73x" Brussels. larnymnimiInimirrilrlorinlymarwareirowei- , FRIENDS P:RESENT. WRIST WATCH ".:. . ' (Sixth and . Ninth: NeWs) . A .very enjoyable- evening: Was. spent• in S..S:.No. 3 School..Tues day, ' November . 1511i, `when' old' neighbors, friends and 'relatives. gathered to. 'honer Mr.. George ' MeRoberts; who . is now making, ,his home in• Lucknow. An address wasread by Joe Foran, • and Cliff ,Murray make the presentation, of a• wrist • watch, •Mr. .`Mct'oberts ::replied .fittingly. . • .FOURTH • ONTARIO ' —oBTTUAI�IC-_� MRS. WM,• E. GORDON , Mrs Wm. E. Gordon,,a resi- of the. ` Si. Helens- common - aye ity forr sixty years, passed aw.ar Wednesday at Baker's Hosp Privateital in Lucknow. She, was •i 90th' year• ' .and had hospit been alized • and in failing health since "July,, •• Mrs,Gordon,: was; , formerly Maarch Sa lkeld,-' daughter Isaac d arid Elizabeth, ;Tete. pleton 'Godrerlch• Township,. where_ t.as born• on Septem• ber4I6 6.6. , fast W n leer. Gor S'alkel of she "w t1, I$ Miss ,Salkeld/ first•` Game to St Helens iti • about ' 1895, • to make her home . with , her 'widowed sis_ ter, .Mxs R, K. June of °1905, .she . married, ' William Gordon of.,•St',. ,Helens• and they farmed for ten years on the °f Grin now :owned • by. 'Torn Todd, . until Mr. Gordon's death .in 1915. Mrs. Gordon was . beloved and esteemed in the community.. She was particularly• active in church Work and :.held a life membership rr' the:' W 'MWS; ' of "Which she was treasurer ,,,for many 'years. She 'also Served for 'several ..years • as .treas •er of ' the Missionary and aintnance fund of .the. church.. An .ardent, horticulturist, Mrs. Gordon 'spent :much' time among her flowers: arid. when theywere in' 'bloom; and .while 'she -was able, Mrs. 'Gordon always saw "oto it. that there Were flowers in the church on Sunday. Mrs. Gordon was' an Associated Direetor of the Lucknow. Agricultural Society' for nany years, .and as might ,be • ex- :pected,•''was a' director •of the. flower department : at .Fair • time: GOIVCESSION' The "funeral service was .held`' at the McLennan. MacKenzie New.. television: sets have • re- ,Memorial Chapel on Friday, at - gently been installed at the•homes, ternoon conducted by,Mr; Ralph of Mr. ,and 'Mrs. '.George Lock-' Howlett, student pasor of St: hart,:' .Mr arid •Mrs. Lloyd ,Mac- HelensUnted`�'. Church. During 'Dougall, Mr, ' and Mrs. Fraser the service :Mr's. Howlett. sang MacKinnon and Mr, -and Mrs,• W. the by:mn,,,,`When. On My Day F MacDonald..of: Life The. Night •Is Failing" • Mr:- and. Mrs 'Gilb t ''a ilton -:'interment •''Nwas.'.: in:.:1Vfai lari�' t d and family ;visited': WI' Mr. • and, Cemetery, , Goderich; • the pall - Mrs •John Hamilton' nd children bearer.s.being Lorne Woods,:Wm,• of Clinton' last Sunday;' • A. Humphrey, Colin McDonald, Mr.., arid Mrs,. Russell .Beacock and .'three ' children ...of Wiartbn' spent . a day recently at th,e hcime: r., .and Mrs. Ira .Dickie.. Webster, :John ;Cameron.and Gordon MacPherson, Mrs: Gordon 'yeas the last sur-' During, the evening progressive oft M wining .member •of .a family of euchre `was • played :with,•high. Miss • Margaret` MacDonald ..of, four sisters and three ,brothers: scores 'won •bv Cliff Murray (as Sarna and. mi.. Mack ; IVIacDorr Only survivors are nephews a lady). and Bill Purdon-'. The : ald and • Mr: Bill ;Baulch of Wes_ and *nieces including Mrs, • W: A: singing of, oldand new songs' tern: ':University, London, spentMiller; W r.'` Miller and T. J. was enjoyed. with Norma' Murray- the week -end'' with 'Mr. \and.,Mrs Salkeld of this 'community. ... at the piano:, W,' F. 1VfacD•onald : Mack -gave the • Mr: and: Mrs,. Gus K.inahan and ; valedictory ..address' at the corn- ;ST. ''HELENS. Michael • of: London ,Were recent.. rnencement on Friday night visitors with Mr.. arid:Mrs, 'Bill Mr; and'' Mrs,; Lloyd Mact o.u• Mr. and :Mrs, Mel Brown :and Kinahan.• \ gall, Allan ;and 'grace,- spent the.•Bob Murdie • of Kitchener Were s -with M Mrs R. Woods and" Mrs. 1V.lurdie. Miss' Isabelle':MacP.lrersonwas home•;frorn London for the week=. end • Congratulations—to Murray Gaunt On winning.. the ; Queen's Guineas at the Royal. Winter Fair. and to . Barry McQ. tihin •• and David Kirkland who won fourth. 'place in. the Dominion 4-H.:judg- ng eorrtest:-' -.. . • • The Decem.ber' meeting. of the W omen''s . ; .Institute will• be held at the hoMe of Mrs. Andrew Gaunt 'crxi., •Th'ursd'ay, December 1st at .2:30. Roll call,. My favor- ite carol and ..exchange of gifts. Motto, Be of ' good, cheer, Christ- mas is near,',by Mrs Gordon Mac- Pherson. Topic, Miss W, •.D; Ruth- erford. Display; of wrapped gifts by : Mrs. Frank McQiiillin;, Mitt" erses, Mrs. Wm. Purdon, WS.'Al-. lap Miller and Mrs. E. ' W. Rice: Y.P:U,--Meeting The meeting of ;:the St.Helen's Y.P.0 was 'held: on , Sunday. The administration opened the meet with _.A.nn.e Todd, president, in the chair•'. Donna Woods; con- vener of Citizenship and Com . � ,;_,;r.,;...,,�,,., ,,..: , Triunity Service was in charge of • the worship service. Following the .singing of a hym,ri, . Donna read the . scripture: After a short rea.din pia a: -.given The Bible study was' in charge of Mr. Howlett Anne Todd led in Abe. sing song With Mrs.' Howlett as , •pianist Bob Lyons had charge of in Winghain' Hospital. Her many of Mr•` and Mrs. I -lector Coo friends hope to see . her 'home• soon:. Is Your Subscription `Paid? .-�.�a�r�i+�iY�O�liiu�u�s,Y�u�Yl�r�uwr,�o�u.�„�o�o�b�u�tt�.��� • Imperial ,Esso Dealer ESSO '•and ESO: EXTRA. GASOLINE. •Marvelube and Mineralube MOBIL{OlL ATLAS . TIRES".' lways Imperial For The.' Best 1 acDonalcl 1 •� "."•04.6f,rl)41100UrUail1.1/rj,.4••••O••••// U•••,l••••/bile=I•i.li ,.`►,I,••••I,i►11 11i�0#cif• P�. one t 31': Kincardine . ST PRICES'Flog. PAYYNG �HTGHE •' LIVE POULTRY .... niIt was decided that tyetewil)be'no meeting this Sun 'PoultryCulling A Specialty. day Fight because of the Christ - In 'accordance With government ,regulations our potiltrq rn is e cainrtYations in L D.;HYS. The coops are thoroughly washed a1id disinfected , t ieeting closed with taps and the • for your protection. • '4'''benediction was • pr . Howlett. Mei►.. o.r:o...K .......„4....,.. ...► ..„4. l,,..a..., .rr�,e.....io.......... • . s .•"4...• ...".. vStsfxC....w .`,., ^k .... .x-.atc 'r'x:'‘,1-...w�Xz..�..•".:J.0-• f•••0100:.. a:yyt: 0=0.,<—.,,0.400!cxx:s : kt :•.W 0.'-'Yc tom ,..kr a ^' - ,.y ail, iii �fiRi PAGE" FIV1I, THE CONVENIENCE OF OIL ct 'aoltatee WI:NTER''I AIR CONDITIONING - UNITS' FOR OIL �'FIRING An ample supply .of clean,,humid- ified, healthful.air:.., correctly • heated • and 'circulated, throughout your home ...: and with no . at- tention from. you! These beautiful Clare unit's. are completely auto matic and amazingly low in price. Check the advantages listed then come •in to see for yourself, • ished" asement: b No ashes,' no dust no attention needed. • Automatic; thermostatically cora• trolled heat'assures even tempera- . Lute. • Healthful air,. filtered, humid,Red,. evenly' warmed and Ycirculafed. • Economical, to operate. :. • Smart a appearance for modern " fin •. Murdie. Phone . 10, Lucknow, Ont;, Son • PURPLE ;GROVE Quite a number' from`tie grove •attended the presentation for 'Mr, and Mrs. Fred Blackwell at Bei - vie -ori .Friday night.:. Mr: ' Donald Dore spent a few days' at his home here .recently: Miss 'Marville Scott of . Toronto' and Mrs: Malcolm Lane 'visited. at:A, the home; of Mr. and Mrs: Jack .:Emerson recently. Mr .and Mrs ' Burton, Collins and fafnily were dinner guests of.. Mr. .and`Mrs. Claude •Dor'e, Sr:, on Saturday. • , Misses' Edith Stanley-and-Fran- ces tanley-and- Fa n-ces Gilmore of London,' visited at 'Mr. Milton StanleV'•s on Sundaes Mrs. Sutherland and her dau- ght'er,, and, Mr. Trites of ,De- troit, ;:visited their sister, MTS. George 'Emerson, Sr., last week. Mr: • arid Mrs, . Walter Breekles and family and Mrs. Gertie. -Bushell- Russell -and: Bobbie vis-' ited at the home of.Mr,. ';and Mrs.:. Edbur • Bushell , recently.` On Thrusday . evening`• of .this week 'an entertain.tn.ent will. be held in the Presbyterian' church, Kinlough, ,when :films will -"-,be shown by Mr. and M'r's. John Emerson on. ; their' recent trip to served and a collection taken' in aid of the W.M.S. WHITEC RCH We are sorry tb he r •that • Mr.' Jas. Laidlaw had the ,misfortune to • fall' fast . Wednesday :.night when he went out to' prop the the barn doors in the high winds. The doct*o`r § caIled -and twelve stitches were required.. to close the cut` on his head. . Mr.' and Mrs. Carl' Weber,`Ann and .Marlene visited with •friends, in Walkerton on Sunday and on Monday Carl attended the j:.in-, ,era) s,of Mr. Kiages. Mr: and: Mrs. ;' :Groskortli... of.. Unionville .: spent': the, week.d with their ;son, Mr: and. • Mrs. 1:!;., Groskorth. • • • Janet Lorraine, infant' Baugh er of Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Sleight-• - F, holrne, was `baptized ,in the .:.n.r ited.C•hurch on. Sunday. '` BORN—in St. Josepis Hospital, .Toronto, "on .Friday, November J.7.:. -to Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Farm a daughter,. , Carol Elaine. '. a s- ter ; for Brian and Coleen Mr. and Mrs. W. R. and Mrs Garnet Farrier, Wa:, he .' sand Jaitis visited on Sunday ening with Mr: and Mrs. Char i es • MacDonald .at St. Helens. . „ • ;Messrs Garnet. and Rus; Farrier: made •a busineag trip to .. Toronto on Saturday. • 'GIRL ;GUIDE NOTES There were eight Guides' pre- . sent';last Fridayevening, and,:all in perfect uniform except .the C Iain: -Tut"! Ttit!` : What did the -. Y'r- • do wrong?' Ask them ::who .'were ,present. • We square danced for half an. hoar,. had. roll' call 'and then started on the. Morse , code, for Patrol points. Next Friday Will 13e Elie les or a coli Badge. Everyone present. •',and` ready for roll Ball at 7:30 sharp, will 'get an extra :point for her pa TC) .'0•, , i,a.i>aromou•momm• a••1 Ya..,, ,ai•ga••r,., =,••••,i .,4001•:cw440 ,.r i .,:isAikrovawartzga,„ • C ••fYi04.•l••••••S�41•••• flA�•tRi,. .} 11• 10000,0-. //lv0 i1�:Y . y ,... �,:........,..3::•r.:::-.,,s.r00qatiL04.r,�,�a.-;.-:,iC=40.4*„•..'it �.m..,.:.�.. - • • Hoot Mon! It's The Annual • • VI. • 14. p i►tMvi Voe he . CARNECI•E HALL, LUCKNOW "Under' Auspices of the. Kairsliea Women's lnstitute • r C:ARRVTHEIL'S ORCHESTRA and .featuring Scotch Program at 10:.30: p.m, Lunch Courtier with those ,Dclicions- •Nomenv de P i ,%MISSION• 1 Al.. ,•aAY=sir toiti0 ., f1•0•. f j. - m. a vw•y..•.9.Y•5.."aY::Ya:•�:"wY.a