HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-23, Page 2• 'AGE Two • .9 I , 4, LUCKNOW :SENTINEL.. LVCKNOW, ONTARIO e►abut kv..Operetto Presentation I.-11 Win. A. Schmid., Archie M oQ p • Highlighting the 1955 Commence- meat om cknew •'District g... .. ,m mence anent was the operetta, Trial /bY' 'Jury", by Gilbert and : Sulliy'an, under the • direction of . school music instructor, G, M. Fleming .of Kincardine. .' • • , The pertonnances Were staged in the school •auditorium last' Thurs. l*y: . and __Friday, and ',Were well . 'ved. and • ° ch enjoyed The recce: , mu • group: was highly ' ,complimented' en; . the •success' of their initial at- te . pt,, at: this ;type' of. entertain- Ment.• ,The' scene Of the Operetta; was a. Victorian Courtroom, `and principal ' charaet'ers • included; court usher, 'Boddie Y: Wraith.; de- fendant Dale , Haldenby' 'judge, Ken' MacNay; counsel . for ; the plaintiff,' Arn hl. Hartford;. plain= tom,. Ann, Crawford; jury fore- man, John Helm.;Others in . the • cast included, .Dick Murdie, • Jack' Mowbray, Bill Fisher, •Ton Prit- Chard, Eldon Wraith; Bill `Ritchie, J:• - J. Houston, _Archie__MacQuil=: • 1an,' Wilda Reid, Beverley Ash- • :ton;. Ann. Pedersen, Janet Gaunt,' •' Bessie Reavie, Emmeline Miller, Betty Stanley, Louise An ew,: Shirley Irwin Ruth': Steer, • -ar- ' ion Hamilton', Phyllis • :S , th, Anne MacKay, 'Marlene H , ter, Joyce , MaicNay, Elaine MaNay, Lorraine..' Hamilton,:' Sara ane Bannister, Patricia Welsh, hir- . .Si ley. McClure; Ruth: MacGi ivray. 'Mr. Allister .Hughes, ch firman. •of the High School Iloard,, acted: as program chairman" .fo,I both evenings and. each program was receded by musical .selecti'dns. by preceded. the school band under the dir egtion 'of' Principal P.W. i oag: •Guest Speakers; •Rev: Wm: Henderson'of.'Walk erton; a former graduate of Luck - now School and a native now:Hi , High of' the'- village, was th'• guest •speaker on Thursda` even ng' and chose as'his.subject, :'"E, ucation and its . Relationship to, the Church". In introducing the speaker, Mr. Hughes paid. trib- ute . to the Hendrson fan -lily, and expressed his appreciation' on be- half of the school for the • lecturn 'on the platform donated. by them.. On Friday 'evening; :the audi- ence ,Was privileged to • hear M. al• ' of George. ' Jefferson;:. principal. Clinton ?public. school •who. chose his topic, "Aims of' Education, as �P ►, 'past, ,present and 'future" ,inWards Presented ' The ' followin • presentation of ' g awards was' , made to successful academic and athletic students on 'both evenings. • , • ' Finlayson' • Bros. shield for. Grade 9 proficiency:, Jim. Peder- sen; Wm. A..MacKenzie shield for Grade 10. proficiency, Louise. An- drew and Emmeline 1Viller•: (Pre- sented by Campbell 'Thompson) . ' Senior. boy's:' athletic champion- ship, Ken MacNay; ;intermediate, Douglas Stanley; junior, Donald' Johnston ' (presented,. by '• Rev. 'H. L. Jennings). a' • ' Senior girl's athletic champion- ship„ Marion Hamilton;' intermed- iate, 'Joyce' MacNay .junior, Bar-• bara Murray -(presented by W., B. Anderson). • . Grade 9 English 'alp, ' Sara Jane Bannister; Grade ''10 history cup, Louise Andrew (presented by Rev. G. A.;,. Meiklejohn). , Lo -La -Le H o;m a Economics' shield, Sara Jane. Bannister; pub- lic speaking. cup,. •Sara Jane Ban- `sister (presented by Miss Joan Cormack). • Grade 13' Science cup,. Mack• MacDonald; .Grade • • 12 Language cup, 'George .;Richards; ,Grade ll Math cup, Archie ' MacQuillan (presented : by William MacDon- ald).• a uillan ,(P`resented by . r. E, Little). . Women's Institute scholarship for highest marks in, • IGrade • 12, Ernest Gibson (presen'ted by Mrs. Charles Cook).• - Miss F. E. MacLean Memorial trophy, Mack MacDonald (pre- sented-. by Gordon Fisher). Literary Society • , Scholarship, Mack MacDonald (presented by :George Richards), Mack Mac Valedictory trophy, Donald; School Citizenship Aro.; by: Gladys.' Kilpatrick (present- 'p ed' tty . Q. Jefferson)'... , Dr. . W. V. • Johnston shield, Mac .:MacDonald. (presented: by', A• E. McKim). !Certificates icates . and Diplomas, ' • Internediate ',certificates ; .(Gr, 10), Barbara. Hewitt, Janet. Gaunt, Emmeline Miller, ' Hugh MacMillan, Bill. Marshall, Mar- ion Hamilton, Douglas • Smith,. Marlene Hunter, Charles McQuil- lin, Joan Donaldson; Phyllis Smith, Boddie Wraith;' ' Betty Stanley, •Roberta, Helm, 'Beatrice Gibson, Anne ' MacKay.; Ruth Ma,cGillivray, Lorraine Hamilton, Ruth , .Steer ,• Irene • Roulston, Louise Andrew, 'James West, Arnold ,Hartford, John Mowbray; (absent) 'David Kirkland, Aud- rey • Thompson, Grant Curran; ;(presented by Rev.. Wm. "Hen- derson)'. Certificates for English read- ing: ' Louise Andrew, Jane t` Gaunt, Donna Woods, Beatrice Gibson,' Roberta:.Helrn, Emme- line;': Miller, Marianne' , West,. Doris Miller, Marlene • Hunter, Joan • Donaldson, Ba Hew- 'lit; (absent) Ar n : •ederseii, Eliz- abeth ` Webster, . Lois • •Johnston, Ross '• McDonagh;‘ "Marvin •Mac Donald, ,Edith' ' Marshall, ` Belle Graham (presented by 'Rev., Wm. ,Henderson. • Secondary' School . 'graduation diplomas :' (.Grade 12),, Beverley Ashton, Percy Barr, Chas. Chiri; ibson, Noma ,Collinson Ernest • G , , • Grade 13 Band Members shield, Bell '.'Graham, Dale Haldenby., Mack :MacDonalds; Grade' -12 Eng - Lois Johnston, „Beverly MacKen- lish shield, Ernest. Gibson;;� Grade ; zie, Kenneth 'MacNay, Isabel MacNay. ON ANNIVERSARY A surprise party was held , at. the home ,of': Mr:, and Mrs:" Alli- son Collins,. Kincardine, on Sat- urday, November 12th iii . honor of her parents, Mr., and, :Mrs. Chas. Burt of Kincardine,, and formerly of Kinlough, .on their 45th wedding anniversary. A dinner' was served the fan ily who • are .Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MacMi11an: (Helen) , and family, 'Mount. Forest; Mr. ' and' Mrs. Al'- sti . Collins (Edith). ',and. dau- li nom. Ed .. ghters, Kincardine; ; Mr. and Mrs., Bern` :Norris ,(Anne) and. family; Toronto; Mr. .arid' Mrs: '' James` Burt and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.,, Ted Burt and Edward, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Burt 'and;family, all' of Kinloss Township; Mr. Robert Burt,.' Camp Borden;' Miss Norma. Burt and Mr. Lou. Corridgan, Of Toronto. One grandson, ,David Burt of Toronto. was Unable •to attend. The' evening was. • spent play- ing, games, They presented their parents with : an 'electric , blanket.. MacPherson,:. Robert . ' McInnis, Edith ;Marshall,' George Richards, Audrey • Stanley '(presented , , by Robert Rae): secondary School. : honor grad- uation diplomas (G.r'ade 13): Erl- ma Percy, .. Sybil Barger, Mack MacDonald', • Jim :Hackett .(pre- sented • by Gordon Fisher). • The: above yvinners were ,piped to the' stage by Archie, McQuil. lan. Valedictory ' Address, Mack • MacDonald, son `of Mr. and Mrs'• W F:. MacDonald , of Kinloss' Township; ' gave the val- edictory ;address• on 'F, riday• night. Mack 'graduated ' from L.D.ILS.• last; year . and is : presently : 'at: Western, University, London.. . Thursday • evening the and On Y .g. 'ece. , enjoyed ''a.. piano :duet . by twin ,sisters,' Joyce `:and. Elaine .10 •1 WEDIIPSDAY, NOV; :22nd,' 1955 KINGSBRIDGE Mrs7.1r.EiVynclif ,of Toronto spent the ;week -end visiting with • Rev. H. Van Vynckt and " the Lienman family: at the Rectory, Mrs. Sheridan returned to her home here after • spending the past week in' HaMilton, . and has • resumed her ' duties. • as .. teacher after attending the . funeral of her d, the .late• Patrick Sheridan. , • • • Mr. Ray. Dalton recently pur, chased the 50 -acre farm previous. owned." by the late Jas. Wallace. The reception, and ,dance, held; in .the parish_h_ail on Friday ev- _- • ening for the 'newlyweds; Mr., do Mrs. • Cyril Austin, ;'was largely' attended. 'Rev. °Fr. Van Vynckt; • .., in his address to the : , young, couple,' • eon'veyed, eorngratulai.iens and best wishes " from the many. - friends present, and .:Matt . Foley Presented • •themwith a, substan- tial purse.. . " Miss Mary Sheridan, Joh . , n O'Neill and Douglas ' Friiyne of , Toronto spent . the' week=end• here.. bp Sunday evening . the film , "Boy's Town", founded by y :Rev. Father. Flannigan, was shown in our school rt.)," Rev. Van Vynckt, andproved-Ito be most 'interesting • Mr.' Cletus Reynolds ,has &en a patient in St. Michael's hospi- tal, Toronto, 'for, the -past Week; after being struck :by'ti'h' .far when' he • was visiting relatives there,' enroute to his home in .Sudbury.• Congratulations to Mr. & .Mrs. Mark. Dal:ton-1, . upon the . brth Of datighter," Goderich Hospital last • :week. •Mr. and Mrs. Alvih Moran, • newlyweds, • spent theweek-end. with relatives here. ‘.B01161. .HAMILTON—in Wingham "Gen-- eral • Hospit1;' on. Thursday; . No vember 1' h, 19.55, to : Mr. 'and Mrs. D aid• Hamilton, 11.:R 2, .iucknow, pa SOLI. ; DALT • •^-at Alexandra .Fi 05 1 tar,.: _.goder'ich,- `:.on No, vember 15, .1955, to Mr. and •Mrs:. MarkDal- ton,. R. 3, Gaderich, . a daugh•ter. .iii/i iii Wt. • •• iii-ii�iS/ii/iii-'-ii i9 i/i .. ��iii".."..."."•:".•i ..."•.".".."."*" 4.7 • i", 1Ve. • vii i/� iii ••••' 4,/ . %i'i,4/4i4:4i✓ It -.Pays to • Shop at Red and White LOOK THESE BARGAINS OVER? 2 • n' • • • ecia Aylmer , TOMATO .CATSUP:' .':11 ozyar'= 19c • 'Clark's PORK AND BEANS 20 Boz. -- 2' for; 35c • G:M� KrunchieGrnd • PEANUT BUTTER.. 1.6 oz. far 3 5+c ice, i V oz. Miracle. Whip, 32 oz. jar: -- Pard Dog • Food __ __ • 'Solo ''Margarine, 'lb. pkg. -Oxo-Cubes;--1-2 --1-2 to pkg.' Beefy Oxo,. '.5%. oz. _ Mazola Oil, pint tin • Swift's . Allsweet,• 1b.' pkg, 1c 69c 3 for 35C. 29c 29cH 47c 39c -35c< , 25c. 79c 65c: 2for' 33c. Borden's Chocolate Malted Drink, ,lb. tin. r ._ 5lc 'P1en,:..lb. tin Swift's Cleanser Johnson's Pride,:8 oz. ;bottle Johnson's Beautif lor, pint tin. 2 for Old Dutch -Cleanser, . 22' oz. tins '. 'Cheer, giant 'pkg. ',APersonal:. Ivory Soap .:4 for 29c •:Ivory Flakes, ,.pkg. ��� _ : 41c Ivory Snow, Green •Giant NIBLETS. CORN 14 oz. 22for 33c Oc; Camay Soa ;p-tatTi -- _ ' 2—for 25c • Camay Soap; regular _ 3 for: 25c• Blue Premium Duz, large „_. '41c� • Blue .Premium ,.Duz, giant • �� '81c •Royal Instant. Puddings, 7. -flavors _. ___ :2 for. 25c ", wide , range of C'HO;ICE.•.FROZEN...FOODS• • for . your selection. • HAnsen's., hnstaant king and, Fluffy White Frosting, both,' for Libby's "Sliced' Pineapple; 20 oz.':__._ Llby's Crushed. Pineapple,, 20, oz., ,Ati t Mary FI uit:Jeake, black, :lli *Pablum. Mixed Cereal; .16 Noz. R..and W. Instant Coffee, large 5 oz.. jar' ..''Early Riser. Coffee, lb. / • aker`s-Chocolate-Chips,: 6 0z. 5c `off Gay, 12'. oz.:bottle __ :: 32c 10c' off Gay, . 20 oz, ;bottle • z 49c. Red and. White Evaporated Milk ._ .2 • for,. 25c Kraft''Cheez Whiz, '8 oz: jar: ::..:. ;`35c •P. an esc 0 coy Mi hu thi r •0 .a . *h Ro en din • :Te da3 Mr. �NSr; 27t wil ser C,h � ' be :35c` 33c. 33,c 59c 3.5c.' $1.39 '138. 89c� Z7c_ • . • n •con • 1 gre is'.i Fruit B• Vegetables. (Best 'Buy), Florida .Marsh:.SEEDLZSS GRAPEFRUIT; size 96's 10; fey r 49c Sweet APPLES; -31b. Jeuo-. ag-2 A Famous for qualA it TASTEPOTATOES,. q ' ,, , i ItN' 10 1b,d hag ....: .. 29e Tender, Crisp, California HEAD LETTUCE; large head ._.,. 19c' Mild;..Flavoful CUCUMBERS ,.. ..2 for '25e ...-..COUNTRY KIST PEAS 15 oz. tin -- 2 for 21c Aylmer DEEP BROWN '\iBEANS 20 oz' 2 for' •37c tore Phone 26 Free, Delivery: .A i/��ii/ii.-ilii iii/ilii yi ..-- ,.� � � �; , •, ; , . ,. ,, ., __ .., .. '.. • -.. •.a.�,...+ r : +a. nr�a= a,�usrm�+aa•.s- , v«Ga�a .a�_.•a- .Wsr. ,ti � /, /. /. /^f✓*�.r eV*, 6„, •� / //•l'- i-�'�'/Li: .,„; Y* 1