HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-16, Page 9495.5 I for'. meet - red a help-.. Lunch p'.in TED VEEK" undy. Cali- 1 and Tor- last Wm rundy Pri was ns ' as resi- h the .' -uhdy, made S. The' . randy.' home rose" ; ?eter.'s fred: a girl id of end at Miss E. A. ed on is •this home will. teeting 'home , • Mac - he roll, •__aide.- • is held Finlay nclance': til ' the by, a le, The d Ise ,an betty 4qurite ,y, The Horse' cut out -'1'ire5e”. u istru eld fol' rich by Ring , to • • • ,,..war'!';":'''•,�n�ll1.�• i" ''' WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16th, 1955. liticRtow,_sg‘x.rmuci.,—i,vciomm-,43NTARia, . " •For :positive results from; . foot ills and associated ' arthritic -.rheumatic symptoms see Mfr. Pickering at..... , SPECIAL FOOT CLINIC' WI NGHAM; Queen's. Hotel Wednesday, .November 23rd 1 a in to :8,•.m: •- Phe► . p ne Wmgham 11. ' 25 years' .• experience Come.; you.'lI '. be glad .you. did! VVFIITECHURCH. Mrs. -Wes . Moore and her, dau- ghter; Mrs.. Jean Mortimer, Tor- onto and Mrs. Carl HenisWortli and Ruth Ann. of Molesworth called' on, Mrs', Kennedy; 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Moore and Mrs; D. week. Mrs. Irene 'Paterson of Toronto Mr, and Mr•s. V,: Emerson: , Spent the week -end. '.with her mother,. Mrs: Taylpr. Mrs. Taylor 'and-^riaughters and .Mr. Grigg;' went home with Mrs. Paterson' both 'of Bel;grave;Mr, and Mrs. ' o' spend,, the •'next week Or two, Bill Brown and'Mr: Lloyd 'Bell of 1:,Yueknow; • Mr. ; and. Mrs, V• • •Mr.' and Mrs J. IIS, Finlayson Emerson' and' and Linda • of Kincardine visited Mr. Jack Aitchison, Lila and Eldon Emerson; "visited with Mr.' and Mrs. WJames on on, Sunday; with ' Mr," and. . Mrs: Sunday. ". Chas. 'Tiffin," Mrs. A Graham spent the The Y.P.S. of the Huron -Malt - week -end with her. sister Mr.' & land Presbtyery met in Chalmers Mrs. .D. Gillies ,of Ripley: ' ' :Presbyterian' Church, : White- Mr. 'and . Mrs. Jack' ' Gillespie, . chur°ch. ' en l 'ovember .: 8th. •The Donna, Barry. and"•Lorraine ' of newly, appointed' officers consist •Sarnia spent the week end with of:: pies.; Ruth Simpson,'. Moles - Mr•.. and• Mrs. 'Gib Gillespie . and; worth; lst . vice pros:,. Douglas Mr.' and .'Mrs.; W, 'R: Farrier. Simpson, Langside; 2nd vice pros., Miss Wirinifred Farrier- of. Tor- Bessie; • Campbell,: Bluevale; sec onto: spent: the week-end,with her Jean Simfh, 'Brussels.; 'treasurer,' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.. R Far irma Forster, 'Whitechurch; c'on- rier:'' yen•ers:': Missions, Bert Mite ell; Keri ,and'' Jim 'visitedwith" Mr.' and Mrs. Vic Casernore in Brant- ford on Sunday.. Mrs.' Dunlap of Kitchener :returned home with them. . .Miss Marg ret . Taylor • is visit= 'ins with friei s . nd : lin Wingharn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Porteous •'of L:ucknow vi'sited on Sunday with ' Mr. and Mrs. Clark' 'Johnson ZION The November meeting; of the W.M.S. weh held at the. home of Mrs Gordon Ritchie 'with twelve in attendance;' .'After. the . opening exercises Mrs. Ritchie took the Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Earl Swan, had the devotional and Mrs, Allan Ritehie gave a read- ing, The 'annual circuit . meeting' will be . held at Blake's,' on No= vember 22nd. 'Mrs George Hun- ter thanked the., W. LS for 4a card sent.ier.Mrs. W G; Hun!tei has' on order • the 1VIissioriary 1Vlonthily,Mr's. Jack Gardner and Mrs., Gordon ,Ritchie gave read- ings, ead .ings, and the study.. book was tak- en by. Mrs: Marshall .Gibson. Mrs. Ritchie took , charge of'the W.A: meeting . Mrs. ' Graydon Ritchie read the .,scripture. It is planned to send a ;. Christrnas 'bait to, Jim Barger. The' bazaar was .discuss- ed, It was• quite :successful. At the close of the meeting the hos- tess served a' delicious lunch as- sisted. "by • Mrs. • Robert Helm: •Mr. Tam . Blake and ' Mr. and Mrs. Lse Ritchie visited Sunday with ,Mr.. and .Mrs. Will Ritchie.; ,Mr. and Mrs. Donald ' Murray and• Marjorie' and Mr. and 'Mrs.' Russel Irvin, Jerry and William a. and . Mr. and Mrs. ; Walter Alton. and Frank spent Sunday -with- Mr-. and Mrs: Nelson, Baynard. LANGS IDE Mi, and Mrs, Graham Pinkney and 'Glyn' of • Ajax. were. ' week- T' erid .visitors `with . Mr.' and 'Mrs: ed Conye . Mrs. Gordon Wall; David . and Douglas spent'the, week -end with her mother, Mrs. •John. Arthur of Auburn. • i . Mrs. Russell Boss returned Infant . Hospitalized Molesworth; Worshp, Ken. IV lac- home the first:• of the week from. Little Janie Laidlaw, nineteen= •Kague,', Wingham;" Evangelisin &; Victoria Hospital, Len Lo•ndon:_:.: months -old. daughter,,of Mr: and 'Stewardslip,, •C•huck Townsend. _Mr. Duinca' .,, n MacCon- Mrs.': Elroy;' Laidlaw, took 'con- Goderich; • Literary;. Marg`Y'Stew= nell were Saturday' evening -visi- vulsioras. on :Thursday even•inty'. • Seaforth! 'The president. tors :with Mr and Mr's. Lawreice and 'was .taken to Wingham Hos- Ruth •Simpso'n, opened: the meet- MacLeod. • • pita], It: is expected 'she` will be . i:ng ;by a call 'to worshi • Hymn ReurnFrom West; : Viisite:d ' able to. come.. home 'on Wednes7 739 was sung. Mary Scott read .With. 9.1 -'Year -Old Grandmother dayi the scripture: Ken McKague .lord. . Harvey Miller returned • from Mr %lila Laidlaw and : •son in prayer•. Irma Forster and. Bert the 'West on l ri'day after. ' help- Ivan spent the . week -end with. Mitchell; were 'appointed' to at- in.g with. the harvest al • Field- friends in'''Powassan: tend the mid -winter council; in ing,• Sask., x and visiting with: his - Mr. and. Mrs.'.'•, Cam 'Sifnmons January:- Cornmittees were' . ap- great grandmother, . Mrs:'•George' and Nanc.. Of 'Londe " h Pointed to l'an for a..stude. • bur-' r-- W._ -Pas . . Nancy n spent the p p nt btitr smore-,and other .relatives. wee sar i k e e sn ht n •� andleadership= a it w ht L Mr:aflech tr e d Main Sask... d rs. �'.. , • sk. Mrs, Passmore; Chas• Laidlaw and other r,.elatives.' Ing: week -end 'At the conclusion whose maiden .x name' was Mary Joanne Laidlaw; who, has been•,of the business part a'soeial -hour Jane Sturgeon; was: raised on' the visiting in: London, returned .with' w'as ` enjoyed .:by . all . North Line; just 'north of-:Bervie them and.celebrates,:her ,94th birthday on • Tuesday, November :15th.• Mr. and Mrs: Wm.. Kennedy • of Wingham and Mr. and 1 f t :. inei tc iinoar Sunday 'visitors with Mr.'.. and Mrs. John Cro'wstori•'and family; 112 Mr.' and -.Mrs.' Len' Conley and da and Lorraine of Toronto .visite Mr: and Mrs. Clayton Meyer with Carolyn of. • Cargill '$isited with ed ,_last ..Frida. -evening ., y --evening vo'th -his= unsattendarice =of 1�•�fficer-s icer-:; -her,• pargn�s, :Mr•.�rid:,_Mrs _Wil arents, ,Rev.. and, ''Mrs: W. J. this year. are. pies'•, • 'Clayton..liam Wall' on *Sunday::_ • Mrs Franklin Page and her brother, Mr.: Charles Flemng of. .North Dakota, attended• :the:.fun- era o. :tier --aunt ' Mrs;-=- Thorn.pson last .week and are vis- iting ..other' Martin' relatives... • Mr. arid Mrs. Archie Watt, .Lin- CUROSS CORNERS OBITUARY MRS. JOHN P. MacPI#ERSON Mrs John P. MaePherson pais - ed "away in St. Peter's Infirmary; Hamilton, on. Sunday morning, November 6th, following a heavy stroke, in her 86th year. Mrs, MacPherson' was formerly Margaret (Maggie) MacDonald of. the 10th. -Con, of West Wawanosh, S was the ' only. daughter •of. the late-� Hugh MacDonald an -Oat rine Cameron; _ 7.__. _ _. , • Fo on�ving her marriage,' , she and her husband lured in Morris- t'on``\ and; then•:moved to Hamilton . in:..1946.: , Mr, MacPherson prede- ,ceased her"in' 1947. Mrs. M'aePherson was a,. devot=' ed worker •for.• the Red Cross and always gave a. hand in the form of knitting and mending to'other patients. around her, although. she. had suffered the loss through am- putation of both .;her 'legs within the past.ten, years. 'She will be: greatly missed'by- friends .and relatives alike.. , • • , She leaves to •inourri tier loss two; brothers, Colin. of St. Helens and John A. of Wingham, also three step -daughters, Margaret• of Hamilton, Anne of'Toronto; Kate Of Chicago, besides' numerous nieces and nephews and cousins' around the community:. ;. Funeral services; were'. ,field: on: Tuesday, November 8th at '2.30 at :McLanaghan and :Wall funeral home, Guelph, with burial in: the family picot at Morriston,..Ont.. • Among those attending. ' the funeral :were' .Mrs. Duncan Mac- -Donald. of''fow.n, Mr.. and''Mrs. Everett, Harris of Goderich; Mr :and Mrs. Pete Jefferson and Mr:' and Mrs 'Charlie 'Jefferson..oi. Don- nybrook; ''1Vlr, and MIS.; Colin MacDonald,. Mrs.. 'Eldon Miller,.,. Mr: and. Mrs.` Norman. MacDonald and Mrs;"•Donald' MacDonald': and'' Dave •MacDonald of $t. •Helens; Mrs.. -Lorne. Wa11, Mrs. Andrew Ritchie; Mrs. :• Graydon . Ritchie;. .Mrs. Pete MacDonald and Mr. John A. MacDonald. of ` Wing_ ham: • KINGSBRIDGE ' Mrs.• J. 'Kasner_Mrs 'P;•: Mur- ray and son Donald of Detroit 1 Spent with' nt the.w eek -en d . pr 1a- 1 ..e tines. here.. Mr • and Mrs:' J. - Kelly and soil of ' Timmins, Mr. and .Mrs. Hod - .gins of Sarnia, Walter . Kelly of London', were at the home of Mr. Mit'. . r1 and Mrs..John' Kelly Over '• the i► •were'li-enol :lar-ni Forum -Starts Bethany. Farm • Forum, held their first meeting. of. the •:season Monday evening at the.home cif p Meyer; vice pees„,Mac Thompson;'- Mrs. Frank Mi11er,, Harvey and Sr. and Mrs. 'Wes' Tiffin, .Mrs: :•ec•-tread;:. Mrs, James- • Wraith; : Allan • visited on Sunday , with Wm: Dawson and 'Mr.' Tome fur- assistant sec: -areas.•; . Mrs, bunt Mr. and. ,Mrs. 1. J. Husk and Mr. don 'spent, the ,Week -end with Mr: Thompson. The tonic ".Fire on .the and .Mrs. Melvin Husk : and': farm- and 'Mrs. ' Jas.:' Henderson;. Brant= ' re -was discussed: reg and ily =of Kinloss . ,fi • • ford, Chinese checkers were played,'af` .Mt. and .Mrs. Gordon' Small. 'of ter which the .hostess served a.andMr. 'Mrs. Jack Schumacher arid Helen were dinner guests on Wednesday evening. of Mr.'.and. Mrs. -.Melvin• Zettel'•and family of' Walkerton; it being the occasion Of Marilyn's first' birthday Mrs-. James, Wraith motored to Toronto on' Sunday and while in the Queen City .will be the guest' of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight. :5he.-will-- ttt�enclethe--R;oy:al •Wrnt-er- evening •:with Mrs:, Mary •:Wall, Fair. Mr. and Mrs Orval Wildon ,:and '; ,and ,Mrs. Hugh Nicholson. Mr. jas: Wilson.. and 1Harvey 'tof Bervie• Were din - Mrs. George Haldenby & Miss ner guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank :held their commencement night. ,May Boyle of Kinlou;h, Mrs, Art ;Brower and Reg Fridayevenin Mari? n Morrison was once of the Graham ,&".Mi°s. Dorothy Thoma- 'Fleet 'Club Girl Officers. . ones to get a .diplarrra. Congrat- son visited T•uesel'ay evening with On Saturday, November 'l2th, elations. .. ` • Mrs: Jack .Scliun acher and Mrs'. Mr, and Mrs. Tho; : orrison, Win. Wall, �• , �*."^�►4�M,w+r�Y=c,�+r.+w,.wi„w.a�r►n:ii.r.mfr+iw�n�i„Y.•wtur►o�aen�sl.rN,w►a �•. Toronto visited a couple of days' lovely.lun.ch:.`We'll hold our next last week. with relatives. . . meeting at the home of Mr. and . ,Mr, and'. Mrs. 'Lou Pickowski Mrs: Duns Thorripsori• • and 'Carold Of Kith n �rvisited Mr. and Mrs: Morley Wall, and Y :with Mrs: M. Ros's and Olive 'on Elda, accom anied "b Mrs. Bert P Y.. Saturday, Mr. Piakowski's moth- Shewfelt of Kincardine, motored eT+ :Mr's., Merkley, who ,''has: been to Toronto on' Tuesday. Visitinghere• for the' . "1V1'r: and' Mrs. Kevin McGl nn or past :week, „. y returned, home .with ;them:. ' . and Lynda • and Mr.' and. Mrs: V. M:r....a dMrs. Stewart. -Mus rove .-,Brown:.-arid_.Reg._:s rept-:Wednessiay. g . snd family and Mrs. Musgrove,. •,Sr.; ; of` Wroxeter visited 'Sunday with Mrs, . Doris Willis. The Wingharn High Schrol' 'Y Kinlcardine'. Phone 181 ' .. �• YING HIGHEST PRICE'S' FOR RY LIVE POULT PoultryCulling-- Specialty the , first 'meeting of : the Cotton Accessories for the Club .Girls iiedroom met' at t•he'horrre of Mrs: ferry Iloclgins and Sharon. Thera were ten girls present.with I' is i*f rrYTHodgins, 1ie-leader. Thee. eclectic= of officers was held:' 'Congratulations to •Mr:. Peter Lier.man upon 'winning ' another scholarship, the McKim „Memor- ial. for Grade, 11, it. the .'com- mence -exercises-,-held----lest-week- at xercises held-last:week•at ' Goderich Collegiate. Miss Yo Van' Osch has returned .to her horrie here '''after three three week's' ,visit in Welland. • Mr. Lawrence Austin. . of De- troit visited at •the home of his brother Cyril Austin ' during the past week. • A• reception for the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs.:Cyril Austin, will 'e held " in the :parish: hall on ridgy everairg, November 18th. 'Sincere, sympathy is extended o•- our -teacher, Mrs. Sheridan and 'family, upon the death of her husband, • on. Saturday, in. Hamilton'. The funeral took place n: T-uesclay7-at••-•10-a:•rn. at Haiti- Ilton. Mrs., Walter Clare ,is the apply teacher during Mrs. Sher i an's . absence 'this 'week. 'Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. 1V1 b F t 0 s d Fred Crawford tenon . th.eT.bir:th oaf, a son in Goderich Hospital on Wednesday, 'November . 9th. Mrs, D. • Reynolds returned to her •horne here', after a; 'two' months'. visit in Northern 0e- taiia,,, acoompaiiied by, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Reynolds arid farm fly of "Sudbury a' • PAGE• 17INE",..,•.`.. .:..-.... ...,... NoNUMtisiir . SKEL:TON MEMORIALS WALKERTON W _are,_,the only- .manufac- ' ' turers' in this part of•. Ontario 'of : high "Class monpnents 'I who import .granite from the' Old Country, in the rough by . the carload ,and 'process from. Abe .rough .to * the. finished monument. No middleman; When choosing a : monument' come and see one of the. 'largest selections .in Ontario. Established 'aver sixtyyears. Write 'Or .:•phlone Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. ' SKELTON MEMORIALS LS W4.LKERTON • ' HA'LDEN�BY ELECTRIC MOTOR SE:R � I V E' Armature' and Field '.Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc Repairs to . Fractional and Integral Horsepower ,Motors;''.: Also .Electric ,Fans,: Vacuums,, - Clippers,.. Drills, Etc IHALDENBY ELtCTRIC • Kinlough • Phone . Ripley '.I11 -r-29 Tooled To Repair Atl Makes Of a Tractors, Machines & Shop ,Work ACETYLENE--&-ARC-WELDING One , Used "Plow Sub Soilers - Pan Breakers Spreaders , .Wagons .-1 • ,9 a• 10% DISCOUNT On New 60 Standard Tractor with , power steering 40 Five -Roller Crawler with ' blade 40 Utility ,Tractor with plow 'Used C.se..Tta • c etor•-on rubbei-.-$200 I N L , . . O UGH GARAGE W, • BRECKLES ' Phone 1- 0 R`' $r 2 + .. Apley THE HOME OF QUALITY'SERVICf and. Genuine JOH ERE PAR U OE e. Mr. • and: Mrs, L..Sullivan `n.f ,�' • pits; Batty Haldenby;,'sec:,.Beat Sarnia were Sunday ''visitui'rs at >ty Haldenby: cress repenter, aria' the home of Mr'. ant' Mrs.. 'li'n'e Vt lir Tlre..,.�r`1-:girlr''D'al`torr.: , • Y aii�t 1 & A d v lunch was served books. , n ed Congrattila'tion, to �Ir. . Mrs. h'' the hostess..: Beatrice. •thanked Wilbur Moron and Mr. and VIts' ,the hostess, The next . meeting Alvin Moran whose doub"le•wed- will be 'at the. Haldenby girls ding. took place .in S,t. Marys; (Tett. Haldenby). ; ' j Ont., on S:aturda w, November 12. Misses Elda and Beverley Wall A car driven :by Frank Moran visited Sundsey with Mrs. Frank enroute to this wedding 'ways .in In accordance with • governing, t''regul anions :our poultry coos are' thorou -hl •washed and :• disinfected p g y . r o r roteceon. •• '` ''w,c«rsn.i,.4i»,rar 0..r,4.(iw0i..d.,,:..1i„...ruarH.,,..,.ii.1u.,.r.o. rowri, noltasron wit 'a carr driven. by w ,k#11140421:3"ce Mae 91102 , ipyV s :� it Y, •y ti .y���,+•� y y�'y�11S Frar•:k Scott of Ripley' on Corn. .10, Ashfit'id Township. • Margaret Moran,_ 80-yea're, o•ld grandmother, ,was removcd to 'Goderich Hospital following the trash, , and i:;. sdr f tering. •” frora shock and otter injuries. The other oc tnIpants of the ear.' v;Yere not' injured seriously. Miss Therese Perry of Detroit•' PIA 44. vi.�#4.-1\YYi�I 11u.Ft��.:..,�.`i�.nk....Z'.r..•�G.�.Aa'"':1G3�i=.YY+1�T.Lsw�'..Y'�L:Y.�'.14`GCk.:...:.M.:2:d::. . in Godericn over the 'week -end: •