HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-16, Page 6..i
• t' .. f •
41111,461411 1 Women'a. -Association
The Johnstone :Houston 4Group
SONS : at the home of,Mrs. ,Fred
ril bxist on Wednesday, Novem-
ber '9th with 'Mrs, Houston' in
charge and .an :.attendance . of ,17,
The meeting " opened with .the
theme hymn • and ' : the Lord's.
• t
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prayer in unison, .scripture read-
ing by' M. Rae, meditation by
Mrs. Thom and prayer by Mrs.
Jas. Webster. -r. bort. talks on the'
evangelistic„ meeting held -at
Teeswatei were given by Mrs. E.
Taylor, Mrs•, T, A. Cameron, an4
Mrs. Drennan, B.usriness was then
dealt with.. ;Mea, Jas. Boyle took
,cc1iarge of the program. Readings
were given. by Mrs. R.. Ackert,
Mrs: T. A, MacDonald, Mrs. W,
Eadie,,Mrs, Drennan arid Mrs. J.
Boyle; • Mrs. , Boyle conducted a
The contest,. meetizlg closed 3W ith
the inizpah benediction and, a
social::: hour was. spent. The, next
meeting is Dedember .. on : 7th at
Mrs..Drennan's. ' when white gifts
will 'be received fdr the Child-
•ren.'s• Shelter ' at' 'We ion,
Women's Associatiion Group Il[
Group II' of TheW.A. • met on
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs: George Brooks for their'
Noven'iber meeting ;with 20 mem-
bers sand two visitors present,
Mrs. Wilmer 'Howey presided,
The "theme was ."The Way". Mrs,.
Meiklejohn" read: -the•„ scripture
lesson and • 1VIrs. Hiram. Collins'
P •
' 1
AtermESDAY, Npv, • 16'41, 1955. .
the mediitstion, Mrs. It Hedley
gave; a vmost ,eneouragiing treas..,
urer's° report. Mrs, A. Havens re-
ported for the sewing committee
and sale of quilt. Mrs. Ken Cam-
eron ,sent a financial statement
of the" fowl. supper. Mrs. George
Brooks gave a splendid report on.l
the leadership meeting in ' Tees
water. T'he roll call, was• answered
Eby. cookie recipe exchange and a
donation ° of, canned goods 'was
'brought in for the Children's Aid
Society.. Mrs• Harold Treleaven:
1VIt. the chair ' for the pro, ghm.:
.ookrs'L,en Ritcl%ie gave a r-eadmg:
In N.emembrailice • . Mrs,. 'N. G.
,MacKenzie gave.• • an'. interesting•
rtalk on the'teacliers' trip, to Chit
cago .at Thanksgirring time. Two
little ,girls:^s'from Itinloagh;" 5liela.
Halderiby and .Sharcin Percy,
sang •• two . lovely 'duets; vvith Mrs.
J.' W.Joynt accompanist. "'The
meeting closed . with a hymn and
,prayer followed by , a, contest..
Mrs. Treleaven thanked ,the hos-
tess and her committee for their.
Women's .Association Group 111`
The November meeting. of the
No' wonder • heads turn when .a new 1956: Monarch
goes by!'For here is a distinctively nertikind of styling
--long, lowand slim, with a disltmguished air that
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In every model in every Series the stylish 'Custom,
the luxurious Lucerne and the truly magnificent
Richelieu--you''I1 detect a new feeling of elegance and
refinement that is echoedin. the/superb interiors,
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of patterns!; There's so much that's new about the. '56
Monarch, so much that is refreshingly' different, so:
much that says "distinctively yours"!
Black Henderson Group was held
at the home ^of MrS. W. I,^ Mac-,
Kenzie with an; attendance -.of 14.
members. Mrs, Henderson presi'd.. a '
ed for the opening num,'bers
which included the motto; theme
hymn and prayer. The roll call
was answered by a current event,
Reports were given by the treas.
and the cheerio 'committee and
sev<ring committee. Mrs, Alex An..
drew and Mrs,. Kenneth Cameron
gave interesting reports•on •the
recent meeting held at'Teeswater
' on :revival work. "A 'letter •was
_reasi_om_ the..hildreia'S. Shelter
'at ,Walkerton and 'it. rytras. decided',
`for 'each; member `to ,brin,g'�a tok..
en or canned goods f9r,response
to xoliL. 011, for the December
meeting.' Mrs: ' S. Stothers t presid
ed :for the program,. The scripture"
reading, meditation and prayer •
was• given: by Mrs. Clarence 'T-
will. Mrs.
r-win..Mrs. Robert" Campbell lav-
ored• With a solo • and Mrs, :Ken-
neth Murdie ; gave. a .reading.,
Mary and Russel A11in 'each fav- •
ored the group. with . piano 'solos.
Hazel Webster 'conducted a name
guessing contest Lunch was -ser-
ved. by the committee •in charge
and a: • vote of- -thanks was- given
the 7hostesi, ,
South Kinloss . WKS -
South . K.inloss W.M.S,''held the- ,
November 'meeting in th;; base-
ment of the church .:on ; VVednei-.
day afternoon, November• 9th 20
ladies being ,present. The hostess •
for the meeting was Mrs. A:: Mac-
Intyre. •The; president, ' Mrs., W.
MacIrityre,• • ripened: the`' meeting. ,
with 'prayer. Three hymns were
sung during' the' service Mls.:D;,"
Grahain .reported on the ,Confer-
,ence, Tush held ::at.' the various
churches . arid' also gave some ".
highlights 'of • her 'recent trip out
•West, especially in; regard, to the
Indian 'schools . which are• helped,
' by. the Missionary' Societies. The:
Iscripture lesson; was read -by•Mrs.
T .'Collyer and the meditation on
•"Ruth" was, given by Mrs. Philip
Steer,, . Prayers Were said by : Miss.
M. Sutherland,' Miss D:..MacLeod
and Mrs, S. Chislett.: A chapter, •,'
from the 'study :book was ably
- taken by, Mrs. H. Campbell. Mrs.
T. MacKenzie -read. an Armistice
reading and gave the . offering
prayer, The Fall Thankoffering •
envelopeswere_ presented by
members. The meeting ,closed •
with prayer after which a dainty •
lu:nch was' .served: by -the hostess •
and :dirtctors, Mrs. 'T;- MacKenzie
and Mrs. H. Campbell.'
T d
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Where a fine ' car matters
Monarch belongs
•Monurch .R'ichetieu Sport. Sedan
sense a lively "lift" in Monarch's new performance --a youthful,
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the'benefit of its newresponsiveness in all your driving. Deep Y -block
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Monari is new safety,:planned design is eyed tomodern driving Condition—
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door locks; it offers as optional ec uiprnent new safety seat belts and
,ahocklabsorbing_padding for instr,:lune a pnry l and sun visors...Andth,e '
quality of Monarch construction, the extra strength and stability built. 1•:
roto every part,,means greater safety for 31ou and • your passengers!
• YOUR.. F 1RD- M-O-N-ARCHLD E ALER-11V1-T E -S -•--Y0 U TO:
feortatn teattires ttttcrtrated of rnottri'oned are "Standard" an some models, otittonat at extra cosi on caters,)
bear i�ece�
ing .a nurnber' of .report,'rhicfly
of• young pople's ' •meetings,
where the first name only is.giv-
en - such. as- "Mary'' .road the'."
scripturew`-These nam.e;5'should .be.
in •full, or are otherw isf''.,mean-
ingless :to. readers 'ecrept.' mem-
Tiers of•' 'that. particular. 'little
MacKENZI,E- Bill ' and Margaret
of 'Dundas are happy to annnun.'ee.
the birth of a daughter,, Mary
Christina,' October 23r•d, at Mt.
'Hai/into/1 Hospital; •Hamilton.
Mr. and "Mrs, Georges Crrenache•
quietly celebrated their 65th ..
ddi g_....:_aiitii•versat ', sthea,
horrie.;in Teeswatet•-an Sattirday,
October' 29th. < .
.Mrs. Grenache, whose maiden•
name was FupheTniti Stittrrt,..�;ar
born on the 8th :Concession of •'
Kinloss tdwnship. aiid Mr. Gree'
ache was born on the flth •Con
cession' of Culross, Tlit'y were
married in 1890 by '.the Rev,. D.
•D. Davidson bf. 1,,Ing:;irlc, Pres-
byterian ,church at ` tin )ride s
horrt.e, The : farmc*el on. the
grnori7's frim until" ih ar- `-YO--- _.
when' they moved tos sTeisafer
Where they have since'.i i widttd•
Mr.' Grenache i.4 .t ll. and M.r
'Grenache 81I• j•ear5` f=,=irid�
they are' both- in e• cc 11i':Yt health
taking., a keen ,interest in all th,1
affairs of the 4oiniti'."nity, , They
.lead.` a 'family 'of th see; ,.t 1'lironiel
1VIrs. J; 'C. Little or winttetl,:
Stuart of Harniltein and S3ioWn
•. ,d 8t' • There i ar)e
granddaughter, -�
NeW..,s: .