HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-11-16, Page 3ON ofit- the the iald __ '. On.' orne glen irour the Lde- °ens„ sug• - dif- (jom here. the ten's Kan: Lison.. ' her )un Ince:'", re- vert. • WEDNESDAY,. NOV. • 16th, 1955. -. LUCKNOW� UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Get A. 1Vlerklejohn,, B.A., 833. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th 11.00 a.m.: Justice 'and Mercy, 1235p,m.:. Church' School.' ' .3.0:_ . m.•:: Th 7 _ n f t P _. 4 the -,.1 Secret Life.' �.. Lucknow 'I r. . Presbyterian...Church '1 Rev., Wallace McClean,• Minister r . SUNDAY,'' NOVEMBER 20th, j11.0o a.m.: Mornitt g Worship. !,12.15 p.m.: Sunday School. .! 3.00 p.m.: Dungannon. 7.00 p.m.: Evening Service: e ' 1 fi0'.'aHM.1"1.1IH00,/.ill41116l...rr.4 1 X19-.,1 .PAI, STEER SAID INAU,RED BY SPRAY (West Wawanosh 'Connell) The regular , November . meet- ing of West Wawanosh' Township `Council . was held at the Town- -ship Hall on 'November . 8th, 1955. • The•. minutes : of the October, meeting were read and. adopted on motion, by Councillors Miller' .and McPhee. • On a: •motion 'Iby". Councillors •:Miller and : Dunkin, Council agreed' to pay `Chris Cooke'' $150 for a' steer which • was said to -,be injured 'by' : reason ,of the warblefly spraying .last April. The;steer was later shipped and •was condemned, by a. government. inspector• • • "Thank you" letters, from the St. He'lei s Woxi..en's Institute and from.. the. Wingham General HOS- _ pital were tabled. .These ere letters of -thanks, .and acknow-' ledgernent` of -• grants recently re- .ceived from West Wawanosh The following ac'conts. were'.• • ordered paid on:' a. motion' by Councillors,Culbertand:. McPhee: Huron Co: ' . treas., ....buckthorn, etc., spraying. •,al.c, $197..65; 'Mrs May smith, ' • relief -' al owance, 22.21; .: Alfred Rollinson, stamps and envelopes, 1.7.50 Allan .Mil- ler, fees, : 'Brucellosis inspector, 3,00; ',Frank 1VIcQ.uillin, fees, F Brr''ucellosis°-inspector, :14;20, J-�:F: Foran compiling' and forwarding' the 1955 talc statements, 90.10; 'J.' K.'� Scott, selecting, jurors, e44a1- izing 10 "Union School,. •sections,• •e assessments, 54.00; 'Gode'rich Fire 9 Brigade, services at"�Wm R.- Bert- son's fire, :.75.00; Chris •Cooke, ;in-:. jury • and loss of steer, 150.00. Road, Expenditures for .October Lorne • Ivers, salary, $180.75; Norman McDonald, checking and. 4 4l .i ii '; zv "rd THE ' LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKhNOW Nigifinktrir;0711,1Fillik7994W4,--rarilL pe" tifir ONTARIO ocal-& :General Wendy MacKenzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Bob MacKenzie„ returned t'o school on Monday after an enforced holiday with Ho a SERVICEHOF :REMEMBRANCE ' A service of Remembrance • was held at Ho]yroad on. Friday' with ' 'Mr, Richard Elliott' in the chair. School ' pupils in the district lamed a Mrs.• . Charles 'Lozienz 'has ..gone Jim McEwansat the. • ed 1p piano. Fol to Cleveland. to spend the win -lowing the two minutes silence, ter with her -daughter, Mrs. Clar-thtr Rev, G Benson Cox led in :ence Bell .and•. Mr, Bell':° prayer and also delivered an ap- propriate address. The " wreath` was plaeed' by Mrs. Morley':'Bush- ell Mr's Raynard: Ackert 'and Mrs -Morgan • Johnston 'favored with a vocal , duet,; •'Sufitable'' hymns were sung.,: The lev., J. Priest 'gave ,a, few 'remarks ,after which, "God; Saye. „The.; Queen". was'sung Mrs, Jim Smith spoke Mr., and Mrs. John T,hotnson on behalf of the Institute. and son Keith ' of Kirkland : Lake. Collect $120 For • Bible Society and Mr. and Mrs. .Oscar- 'Hodgins• The 'Bible Society canvass has and family ''spent'. Sunday with been completed' in ` this. district Mr: and, Mrs. Harvey Hodgins.: ° Which includes.Kinloss and Holy- rood with Kinlough. Reports were very • gratifying with total collections ons arnauriting' to $120.00. This Society is for the distribu- tion and ,La wider circulation of the Holy scriptures in . order that Mr, and Mrs., -,W: ' A.• • Johnston people may have the , . Word •of and 'daughter Miriam of London God in their .own ' language. visited. .on ' Remembrance Day Every'true Christian is' eager for. with W her father; Mr. W. S:: • Me .the .message. of Christ to . be "sent Leod . to all parts of the world, Mr._ and-1VIrs° R -E Reed, Jim Elect W.A. Officers and Ronnie, and Mr: and' Mrs. 'The W.A.• met on Thursday of • JackCarney of Detroit visited at ternoonat the church . :with Mrs. - the ; 'weekend with Mr. W. G. Ralph Hill and Miss May' Boyle Reed••Who,' was a'patien.t ,in God- hostesses Mrs. -.Howard Thomp- erich Hospital. He returned home son was in''charge..,The opening. on Monday: ` hymn was:`"The Love of Christ: Mr. and: Mrs: ,Jack• Joh'riston ''Coristraineth":; followed by pray-. Of Elmira ' are on a holiday in.. er::•and' the' Scripture. reading by Bermuda : They;°flew south spend- Mrs.,'' James, Hodgins: A. gift of ng :a?fe'w- days in'New York.' en= money Was. voted: at .this'. meet - route. •- Jack is the son 'of Wm. ' ing° The folowing officers were' Johnston.•:of 'town. :.• ,elected: : honorar ' presidents Mrs. Y.p. Mr. andMrs Inward Johnston .Prest,•:Mrs, James Hodgins Mrs. J W : Colwell 'and, Mrs: William and Marilyn . of Port• ,Colborne . •; •spent the week -end :with .1VFr: and::Cox; press, Mrs. Howard-Thomp-' Mrs..P.'M., Johnston. • son • 1st, Vice pies., Mrs. Milton •` . Walsh; .:.sec.-treas., Mrs. Midford Miss Isabel Russell; executive ,, -- �- -. Wall- asszstant -sec.-tress:, 'Mrs." director:. of the ."Regina. Y:W,C.A., Hodgins; work conveners•' Mrs. J., Visited at' the . home of her par -VV': Colwell and' Mrs. Wm.' Wall; ents last.;week, '. Mrs.' Hazel :Pink soppy 'commi tee Mrs. Jim `Smith, :Of Toronto is also visiting at the Mts. •Ro Graham , Mrs: ,Geon 'e Miss June Collyer :and Keith Collyer have,. been visiting 'with • rely tives m• Ottawa. ..,• • • • .Harold Howald,' who is teach •ing school at' Kearney in 'North-, ern "Ontario,. was. a visitor with" his. parents, 'Mr. ..and' Mrs.'' Wer; d'en 'Hotwald last week -'end Mr:. and. Mrs. 'Roy. Black and. Mr.: and' Mrs. • Noble.'• 'Johnston °a. spent . the week -end in Sarnia with Mr. and . Mrs.' H'ector Pur don: ' Russell home. y g •�• •Haldenby, social service secretL. • Visitors at . the, home ; of, 'Mr: ary; Mrs. Milton .Walsh; 'Prayer. and Mrs_ Wm° • G: Armstrong ..Partners sec.,' ;Mrs, J. W, Colwell; were Mr; and MTs.. Wilson Arm Little;, Helpers sec.,, Miss . May strong of • Nobleton Mr: and Mrs: .Boyle; 'assistant. Little .Yelpers Joe :Austin and George of West- sec., Mrs, .Roy Graham; .pianist; on, Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil 'Armstrong Miss • Edna. Boyle program '.cgfm- nd Ghar-lotto, Billy,—Paul and mittee, `'Mrs: Toni- Hodgins! :Mrs Bruce.' of Port Colborne. George•Halden.by, :Edna a'nd:May I Boyle. A vole of thanks was -ten- hauling. ,gravel, 31 50, mperial • tered . to: last year's' officers.:Tw Oil Ltd:, fuel oil, • 39°60; Tress:' of g packed :for the large. bales: .Ontario, fuel, tax; 22.00,•, Sawyer • Moosonee school which •consisted Massey .Limited; grader. repair's, , • i. t ; ' Christmas treats a I gifts. .New: and 'used 'clothing and many other :articles.' A bale was also sent ,from, the Little Helpers department' of clothing 'and ' art= • PAGE THREE. Ladies' and Men's Wear. - Fashion'Mi cry 'PHONE 85, ZUCKNOW Haff Size Dresses ,Ticatinas, taffetas, 'worsteds, prints, sizes 144-26'/2;,'40 to 52,, 6•3. to 42 new ' colors, styli and: material. AlteratiOna:one�Eree Of Charge-.' Lots of color, .white, navy,: :black scarves and bags.to; match. .HOSIERY and GLOVES' • I '1 _ FOR THE MEN .IN . THE FAMILY SHIRTS -checks, plains, plaids, nylons for lounge, dress ' • and sport. • ,. • WORK SHIRTS-f'lette,' wool, 'twills, colorful, sanforized and. washable: ACCESSORIES• GALORE PERSONAIU' ZED_GIFTS_initialed belts, =ties; -handkerchiefs. SOX nylon, nylon and wool, . all wool:. S WEATER S` '..• cardigans, pullovers, . T-shirts.' TROUSERS . ".. ,, gabardine, wool, worsteds: UNDERWEAR . , combinations, shirts, drawers Our Lay -Away.. Plan `Always A Service. jet., Boyle of iVloose - Jaw; . S'ask., visited;' over .the week -end 'with relatives . in this vicinity, Nin .Ralph Haldenby ;of: Clark- son spent' ' the'. week -end . at. , his home here : ' 'Mr. and 'Mrs: Clare; .Sparling and Allan: of Walkerton' spent: ,Sunday 'at the, home of :her pat- ents here. Mr.: and; ' Mrs., Harold Slessor and family of Glamis visited On Sunday With My.'.:and Mrs , Bert Nicholson and family • :' • • •'.A number of .W.I: members at- tended the' :short, course . at Kin cardine.; ;on. Friday: afternoon. Mr. T. McCue of Kincardine' spent' the past week with Mr. and Mrs Tom Hodgins Mrs,: -. E :(Ted) -Ted -vis- lied' during .,the week with Kit-•. ' cheneii relatives. " • o Misses Helen: Malcolm , of Tor onto,. •Nellie •and Margaret ai. colm • of Lucknow, visited *ith'.' 'friends here 'on • Frirlay 34; Mrs. :Arthur Phillips and. ,Peg- gy._ of Fori'thill 'spent th.e..' week- end with.Mr. J. ,ft:'' Lane; and•Mr.., and Mrs: Frank. Moulden and Keith:, , ; an.;y • on rac ing o. •Ltd , bridge plank, .700.42 Sandy Contracting,:'Co. Ltd. crushing , & hauling gravel; 4,599.80; . Herrb. Finnigan, ' trucking : grader hub, ;isles for`' children: under :7 • , - ._ -. �.°_� ._.__..__ _ -with Year's, tr00 J-ahnston-=and - VI,allough. -re- The:-. meeting closed with the pairing grader' hub,.: 27;14; Geo. hymn "The .Master Coines" and Hodges, cutting weeds, • •316;25; . ,prayer.. D'ai n t.y.' ., refreshments Everett Errington, welding grad- were : ser.ved' by 'the . hostesses: r,` 4.00;. Kenny Purves,.'ditching, The•;.next' 'hostess will' ' be Mrs. 7.35-$6',2619.64. Ro*.Graham, Lorne Ivens; Supt e On 'a motion by .Councillors poring Nicholson Club President 1VIePltee and Dui�nin, Council ad- Ther Club 'Girls under the lead- ourned to` Meet -on 'December 15 ership of Mrs, P. A; :Murray and Mrs. ' Raynard •. Ackert held. the n • • first meeting at the' home of;13ar- J. F. FORAN, Township Clerk. bars Murray When officers were ell'Oemo6elmre:eilepkilioo` 1emeIpiemse tliuprl ie/1 II bf/mimNf�1>lu li�0�•rr�r/ tlrfl f/�� i 1 Hoot Mon! • It's The Annual. • in the: CARNEGIE . HAUL,. LUCKNOW 'Under • Auspices of the Ii;airshea " roiric!n's Institute CARRUTIIEE'S ORCHESTRA' and featuring 1 LOCAL I=IIGI-ILANO ;ANCIN Lunch'. Counter with, those DeliciuuS IIo#neniade Pies ADMISSION' '75c appointecd : for ' the course; 'Cot- ton accessories f'or the ,Club girl's bedroom'',. Which„ comprises the inak:ing, of a.; bedspread •or, chair. cover; • dresser. scarf and . waste_. paper ,basket. , Fo_t • the second' meeting ' tt ey fleet' 'at the home 'of 1VIi s, R. Ackert and learned 'how to' mitre a corner, also to choose the name for; the 'club and decided on,The•Helyrood Sleepy Time Gals. Each meeting_ closed With the Club pledge and 'Joan Sutton invited 'the girls to her home- for the, next meeting .on November 26th: The officers are: Ipresident, Donna "Nicholson; 'sec., Joan Sutton; press ' • reporter, Slieil aldenby;- .tress,, -Mrs.= -11 Ackert Congratulations . to, IVIn._ & .Mrs.: ` NOYman ' Fry (tree Florence Hal- detiby), on the 4biith.' of .a baby daughter. • • Mr. Bennett; Sr.;' Mr. and Mrs. I4otvard Bennet and son Howie, Mr,' and Mrs.' Art Hatldenby• of •Toronto visited ;ori Saturday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Karl, Boyle and .:." Cr f _ t oriotland Mrs Cie. _ M , r,.Yr'iY00,111,2ev*luarrie"y'ii� r J. R Inane, the 1Vlaulden• family and Mrs. A. Phillips and: Peggy visited• on Sunday with Mr.• and ,Mrs. Clayton Edward', Goderich. 1-. 9. • Mr.- and Mrs, Jack ThoMpson. • and son Keith of `Kirkland Lake : . spent a,.few days ;with Mr. and Mrs: Harvey Hodgins. • Mr, and Mrs. Earl. Elliott ' and' babe of :Detroit and- Mr: Leonard Stanley of . Lansing, ° Mich:, visit- ed- .durin the Week with Mr. & Mrs.Harvey Hodgins and . family and Mr.., and: Mrs. Ezra. Stanley •ancL.farnily. . Miss ' Beverley Stanley visited over the week -end. with friends ,at :Arthur. MR. AND MRS.' MAC; W.EBSTER -LOSE 'TWO-YEAR-OLD' SON 1WIr and Mrs. Malcolm ^ (Mac Webster ofd'::.Kuicardine have 'the syrpathy.• •of Many friends in " this ' community in the . loss ..of their' .two -year -.old son' Ora. 'His. death occurred: suddenly. a• few ur-sof-tembeingbeingiekenv i-th what was termed setae : asthma. . Requiin High Mass : was sung at St. Ann's Church, Riversda1e' • last • Wednesday' morning by . Father J. Jordan. Interment was in. Riversdale Cemetery. ' Besides his parents;. Ora is sur • - vived by' a brother Glen, • • • • • • • • Alutocstat a WINTER, AIR. CONDITIONING UNITS.' FOR -OIL FIRING An ample supply of clean,. humid, to No ashes, no' dhs! .no' attention." ified; healthful -air --correctly-- . needed: heated and cirtulated throughout • Automatic, thermostatically con-, your home .... and with no, at- • toJIed heat assures even tempera tent°son from youl These beautiful - tune. .o • O-.._ 11 .4 t Clare :units are completely, auto= is Healthfulair, Altered, humidified, • matic and amazingly low in price. evenly' warmed and circulated. • Check the advantages linked --- • Economical to operate. : ,v then come' in to see' for yourself! • Smart•apppearance for. modem "Wit - Med" basent'enf. gin: M. urthe: f3 Sari`:: phone 10 •.Y;uckn 6n: