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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-19, Page 5
.955. WEDNESDAY, OCT.' 19th, 1955. g$1.7,ippomtrwrie. vv., .70 97 m„ 26 ay. ted, ay Lew ego ' 138 at- ria r, THE L UC CHOW SENTINEL, LU•CKNOW, ONTARI er ot Bargains • The following used units must be sold at BARGAIN PRICES to make room for new 1956 cars,, 1954 , •MON, ,RCH BLUE SEDAN, like new. 1953 OACH, turn signals and; back-up lights • M� U 19 F . ©D`--STOM COAD[ a sna 1952 CHEVROLETCOACH' ,one one. car 1952 ` FORD S. OM BLACK• C• ; OACI-I, 'turn-; ing signals .ancl bacliy.up lights' • 19522 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY, dual purpose 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN, ,clean inside; and out 1951 DODGE COAC.. H, 'A1 •.condition • 1950 DODGE SEDAN, with. radio -.4'8 1949 OLDSMOBILE; SEDAN, new tires and paint 1951..FORD. TRACTORS overhauled and.guar= anteed MANY . OLDER MODELS All above units .thoroughly, overhauled and' reconditioned to Al specifications :All sold :with 90 -day 'guarantee.: r LIMITED • MacWilliams Phone': 237,. • Wingham • i.�•iii ilii �• ,;hili • �iiiiiii i ii, NEW •INDUSTRY FOR BEETON : I.t is :announced that! the Box : I den Metal ,Products Company': of Elizabeth; siew:JerNeyr have;,pur- .chased . approximately . 3 , acres of land in Beeton on which •a new plant will be erected in the near future. , • A new : ' Canadian . Company, Borden Metal Pr,00,ducts • f Can- ada) Limited is now�being`form- ed to manufacture' and .distribute sveral; .lines of the.•.parent•. cont - hang's 'products, :such' as' deluxe safety. steps; floor • armour, and. gratings: . ;It is expo ,t d she riew plant will employ' aoout 10 risen to, start and expansion calls ' for triplirig • CHURCH NEWS Presbyterian, W.M.S. The October . meeting of the W,M.S, ' wad. held in the church on; Wednesday; October .5th With • 23 ladies present. Miss MacLeod. conducted , opening exercises, af: ter which. Mrs. C. H. MacDonald gave the Bible reading and study. 'from the life' of Soloman. Miss Nellie ..• Malcolm; the 'secretary,: read the minutes and, correspon deuce: • During thg business per iod, reference was made to h.e Conference . at -S -o th ,Kin1 s • o which' .the 'Society is invited: dr Ngvember 2nd. `There will be. two -sessions, .one at -2.60 pan. and at 7.30 pM.: The, F#al1'.Thank.of- fering•.will be, field. on:Thursday, October 27th.at 8.00 p,in. A sing song followed. Mrs. •Virden Mow bray gave a reading and Mrs. H: ^r Anderson' read the Glad Tid ings synopsis, prepared by. Mrs. •°Wean: 'McGill. ° The Rra yer Circle consisted of Mrs.' McClean, Mrs. *Russell and Miss E.' Henderson. Mrs. •Porteous gave a splendid paper, on chapter' 7 of .the study book, - ' 'while Miss CC. Carrick gave a -word: '-picture• of one of our ;missionaries, Miss M'' Nish pl. Miss M. Malcolm closed with prayer. The November meeting, • ,will be :held. a week• later on stp vember' 9th.: • Group, III, .United Church W.A. • The': October.' . meeting. of the Black -Henderson Group was .held on . Wednesday 'evening at the horne of Mrs: Alex'Andrew wit1 an attendance.:of 22 members and two visitors.. Final. plans were made for ,the fowl supper. Mrs. Black presided . for • the , . operiing .exercises. .1Vi'rs. K .Cameron gave a . synopsis of the W.A: District executive 'held at Cargill. Treas— urer's report: was given. by . Mrs, Robertson Mrs.. Harvey.. Webster presided for -. the program The scripture reading was by :Mrs , C: ' Crawford' •and the meditation by ,Mrs. Webster ., followed, by prayer by Mrs, J. C. Armstrong. A' number. :of' hymns were :strong, 'Mrs.. J. Hall accompanying on the, autoharp. Mrs. Eileen White favored' with a reading, Mrs. Got= a,. that., amount once operations' are don. Montgomery 'gave a very in - Proceeding. smoothly. • teresting ..talk on ...,the •''`Life of a This is,• the' second •new plant :patient'' in a' Sariitorium", Mrs° within the reg.i'on • t1:at' the Georg- R.oa.ch gave: a vote :of thanks to, tan• Ba.y Development Association. has: announced . within the •.1a;,t tnon,th: le 00 NH sag st. 4 EY - 1 • i11I CiIII, /,//1/l%ll/ 1-3-;11s ea MWCLARY' Attractively styled in modern decorative colors. mane factur.ed by, a 'reliable Canadian Company with :vears of .en erten `trade eff1aient--and-Lsimplifled ...p._. . ce�n._.ihe_li_ea,.t�. ---- .__.__..__ .�... oiieration '.. . will give' years of carefree comTort+ _ . • See it at . M . • W %URDIE. ?PHONE' 10, " •,'LUCKNO W, ONTARIO ee.."Ma aiid . Pa Kettle o' "acation"at ' The Play house, those taking part and to the hos- tess.;A social' time was ,spent af- terwards: • Croup I Of ' The W.A.. The,,Johnston-Hpust'ori, Group. met at: .the home 'of Mrs: J: .C. McNab `on Wednesday,' evening, October 12th with an attendance of 18.:Mrs. Houston took • ch'arge Greatest: FREE OFFER Anywhere !:� World Famous`. .x: WM. ROGERS SILVERPLATE SO EASY TO GET! It's as simple' as - A.S.C. to get your 66 -piece set of $il erware FREE.: JUST THINK k. Save ` only $12:00 of `our'coupons and we'll ; give you absolutely free:' any ...piece of silverplate you wish! Or; BELIEVE IT` OR ;NOT .' for •only' .10c •in cash,' and only $7.00 of our coupons, ;.;we'll give you : any piece of silver- • plate you wish. • A r'vrs, trait mar Free Delivery --' Phone •:8- 2, Lucknow • •ACEN'T`: FOR HANOVER CLEANERS I�!k AA.I�w.a!��i.� , w��I� . ��.I�... �.� r.: ��.I� J�1.��. ��� 1. •��I. a �.I� ;..�����.: ��.1�...1� -� ..r �.�� .J�A7`�.•wW�� South Kinloss W.M.S. The' South . Kinloss • W°M°,S. u:X-il'iary-'rrtet—•at-• the -=horn e--o-f f Miss'M: Sutherland • .with: 23 of the, meeting and: the, scripture members and. .visitors' present reading by Mrs 3. Wraith was The president opened the meet- followed by' the •.Lord's. prayer in ing With a :readirg'and a:prayer.' unison. and :meditation by Mrs •,Mrs.•. D. C=ra.ham:.-.snake:... on the ,supplyof „Christmas cards and t was sung after which a poem was . . read . by Ruth. The' closing ,pray- -er-was-givenwere . played which everyone enjoyed followed;•'by' taps. L."rao'>✓eod;'✓Prayery -llrs:: A. Wilson closed the devotional part of the meeting. The roll call. was "something ' to •be thankful, for". Mrs. L. Hall took.'chaige 6f the program. • Miss . Beverley_ Ashton gave us- a wonderful account• ot- her trip as far' west as' B:C. in connection with 'the Girl Guides. ;Mrs. H. Geer: read a . poem .,The meeting dosed with 'the tnizpah benediction and a Social hour wan spent,, Group lI Wonien's Association:. The October meeting "of' Group• ;II of the W.A. was held at .the home of, Mrs. Sam' Alton with '23 L presen# the t>7 e.0 g._o ened •by, repeating' the opening. ode, 'Count" your ,many blessings'' wife, Rev. and- -Mrs:-Caswell. and and 'doitolagy. Scriptures were children with thein: ,Aev: Cas- taken by .Mrs. 11 Treleaven, Mrs. well replied' suitably, , Mrs: D. H. Collins. Mrs, Meiklelohn, Mrs Graham gave the offering pray O.. Jones;° Mrs. Thompson, , Miss er; A •hyinn and the mizpah 'ben - Helen Thompson . and prayer' by •ediction ended a very interest - Mrs, Brooks: 'The roll cal was Mg meeting, Lunch was.. served •anstti`ered bye "Something for by the dim ectcrsoM1s. A. Sather which we., are thankful'. The land and Miss la, 'MacLeod,' program consisted of a' reading • • by Mrs. 3. Kilpatrick, The topic South If itiloss ighbors" •• by Mrs Pollock and a . reading by -Mrs. M..''Morri- on. It was • decided ;to have ' a Canned goods shower at the next ;meeting: fpr -the--Childreres_.Aid• Society' al"`Walkerton. Mrs, lied- ley tendered a yote of thanks to Mrs, Pollock, the ,speaker. A contest was conducted , by Mrs. J., Kilpatrick. Miss Helen, Tromp_ son thanked the hostess and all those taking "'part in the; 'meet - calendars. Thescripture. and meditation : "Miriain", a . Woman of .the : Bible, was ably taker by L, MacDougall Prayers were--gi-wer --by -LMr s: A Sutker: land and Mrs. ' MacIver. Mrs. D. MacKinnon gave the • current 'events: A chapter !from the study book ori: India was, . interestingly told . by Miss' D. MacLeod: Two read were giirby M . A:, Maclntyreings and Mrens. T.•Corsllyer. A vote• of thanks: was given by Mrs. A. ,Sutherland. Before clos- ing the meeting Mrs.',' W. Mac - Sayre spoke : on . behalf of all _present ex • ressiri • leasure • in having the new minister: arid. his, •-October: 1-3•th;"The--sky larks" ' held their third Meeting, in,, the , church with ten ,M. ern present The meetmng opened purpose. Rea.clings and scriptures on : group loyalty were read. by Ruth,, Gladys and Helen. It was moved by ' Helen • and seconded by Shirley that, those who' have• perfect •at�tenciance at meetings and church' will be given a t•G1T f iiit1111•1111a + � >>�dilYsanrl�'ir>�. �i■tn est liy< KK ad s • -other'► ZION_ The . 'October meeting' of the `...: was ' held ' at •the • home of. Mrs. Nelson Raynard with twelve present and six children-, After -the=-opening--clevotions�Mr-s�--Odr -••-• :-,�-- don Ritchie took the Christian stewardship. Mrs. Kirkland had' the ,devotional.. Scripture was read by 'Mrs. D A. Hackett Mts.;. West Ritchie gave an. , instruinen al. Mrs. Jim Hunter is • to pre- pare -'thie - p'rograrn for the Nov-' ember meeting: The annual; meet- ing of ;the Circuit :.is. to • be' on Novemrber, -22, at Blakes Church.. ; A.letter Of thanks wasread, from Susie .Gibson. Mrs.; W. G. Hunter. 00 e , s u • y . ook.'. Mrs. Jim Hunter. --gave- a-.r-eading.- Mrs; Gor don ,Ritchie—presided for the A. meeting ' The 'scripture was read by Mrs, Wes Ritchie, Plans . ' Were. iliade to' remernber Jim.." Barger at Christina's. Sewingwas brought, in' and plans .made for.: the bazaar .which is on `October, 29th ° in 'the Legion Rooms. .At the' close., of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess with Harvey:.._Bitei?•ie_assiating _ • !d at4 0 50 �- an You .'re, C . 1!orget your ago Th., ate peppy at 70,. Try "pepph g up" with Ostrex, C ntah i took, for weak,' rundown .feeling due solely' to+ body's lack of iron which many amen women can "old," Try Ostrex Tonic TAW* l 14411 ot f ep, Young 61,411 this veil day, Niw' �� et actluainted'«•efze On4j.�Oc. Po7,'$ll� aR drug ttoree ay.rywlieree • SI •i. :P4 Of