HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-12, Page 104 .14 • i;. j • p,a ql PAGE` TEN • r, LUCENOW SENTINEL I UCKNOW, oNTARIQ WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12th,, 195, The Work Clothes Ott �ourh ut Nord Wear!' . . .e) a: • L• MERK. t1lll T$. OORli IPANTt f l I I •WOOKINC: 'YAN ugh s dig *1 Overalls 'core .prrmiunm grade overalls. corn- • bitting •Rough's Sanforized Gold Kabel , doth and finest workman • ship• .., . Extra • Il cul for mon • comfortable M, iih. the “Tug -of- • war" crotch hiovy diamond .bar tacks at' all points .of • 'swain " ter longer wear. Your belt overall buy, because Haugh's •sig 78e era betters • en'e; Ladieu', Children's Wear ;Piece Goods- & Woolly THAT young • Jimmy: MacNaugh- ' ton, 9, -year-old' son •of Mr. and _ Mrs. Jim,. MacNaughton, won a sweater : on a CFPL-TV. show. +last Friday night. Jinn sent in a title 'to try and stump- the, panel on the "Act ,Fast" quiz. They guessed it, but had the panel .failed, Jim Would have received a wrist. watch.: THAT Postmaster Kenneth Cam - exon underwent a- hernia toper a 'tion in Wingliam Hospital last. week: He returned ;,home on Saturday,but will be taking it easy for 'a time .before •getting' THAT Jack IVIacDonald!s, Garage .noW has the Imperial al agency' for Eiso and Esso Ex- 'tra gasoline. Jack is the . first •oil dealer • in. Luck - now sinde 1951, at which time the Departinent of Highways regulations/ made it necessary • PorteOus hardwares to' remove their pump§ from the cUrb- side on Main Street. •• THAT Elmo Prichard has been bogged down at many a fair during, his show rang travels, buthe never experienced any- thing like at Sinicoe on Friday. They had. 'previously had rain in . that. 'district and it poured, on Friday to turn the grounds into • a quagmire. , A bulldozer had to be pressed. into service to get several outfits° out of the mud, including Elmo's• • A tractor was' first tried but it wouldn't take hold. • THAT• eight' 15f, the Kintail cook books' have been ,sent • to Geo. • Alton ' .of Sault .Ste.. Marie . and a . native ••of the Belfast com-. munity. George. wanted a book each for members of his fam • fly: THAT .the Ladies Auxiliary corn= menced • their .weekly Friday night` Shoot parties last week, with Mrs. Al Irwin and Keith Collyer the prize winners oh the opening night. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rit- • chie and fami]y Were.visitors on Monday with Mrs., Ritchie's aunt, Mrs J. 'P, MacPherson Of Hamilton, Mrs- MacPherson is. 88.• ,years • of: age, and. has been. confined .to a .wheel chair • ..for 'Several ' years since, •.under- going the amputation of both: ' • legs. She is still'. in compara .tively good' health' •and • contin- ues to knit :continually for. the Red Grins. . EVERYDAY • SAVINGS kat the I.G.A. I.G. . ,APPLESAUCE oz, r THAT Geerge Anderson has ,:now branch of the -Bank of, %Montreal and cornmeneed his. baa'into the harness full, time. . .dutieS • op Tuesday. • .G.A. TOMATO JUICE 2p oz. • ERNS an Clark's; 15. "oz STRAWBERRY . JAM I.G.A., 24 oz. ,. I.G.A. MARGARINE 01' "+ 1. �. Lb. Pig: , BEE LIVE CORN SYRUP 2' Lbs. - ----- -- - QUAKER OATS 3 Lbs. . a • - - 10c �C Lucknow 'PHONE; 20, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THAT the Worrier:1's .Aisociation ing a turkey Supper the church -next 'Kuesday evening in connection with anniversary services being held on Sunday. All yon can eat is assured. at this spread w.hich *.-be.- Served from 530 to.8.00 o'clock. • See • the display 'advt. in this issue. Incidentally' the Publish- ' er• sliPped up ".on this adVer- ; tisernerit which was to have_ . run. for two weeks. • THAT theatre -goers were turn- ed away on Saturday night .a:s two shoWs failed- to ,accomo- date the croWd that flocked to see `Pa Arid Ma Kettle". The film. lin ,for three' nights -- ',Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, but because of Saturday% overflow attendance, it was held over for Monday hight • and again drew a big audience. MAT Mr: and Mrs. Harry Wil- liams of Los Angeles called hlast week 'around the Village • while Visiting with friends and relatives in the Lochaish 'com- munity. Mrs. ,Williams was formerly Fanny .MaeRae. Her lived. 1.6 Ibe 93; her aunt, Mrs; ."Red." John MacDonald lived tti he 103 and died just a few years ago in. •Toronto. Her grandfather, Big Duncan Mac- Rae lived tO .be 97, THAT Lloyd Bell hai • construe - ',lion Work well advanced on his new residence did: work shop on Willoughby, St, Which' makes a marked improyernent THAT BO Xanion of the Hank of Montreal staff has joined the Lucknow Fire Co., filling a • /vacancy 'caused by -the depar- ture of GeOrge Taylor, who mother, Mrs. •1VIary MacRae,' hal, joined, the RCAF. eclat Sale Prices n ese And Many More 1,1 • MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS Men's sanforized_. 'Plaid Shirts, - smartest,_patterns, sport ''collar. $2.89 Each • • • BOYS' PANTS Boy's gabardine dress pants. 53.00 Pair • • MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS . me: quality dress shirts, men s, colors and white. VVINDBREAKERS $5,49 each MEN'S JACKETS, Men's suede leather jadkets",. SPecially Priced it• $15.00 WOOL WOI1K SOX Values to $1.00. ,,MEN'S JEANS Men's denim jeani,• good qualily, 'DOESKIN 'SHIRTING • Solid colors, reg. 69c.. 7-40e, YaCid 'YARD' GOODS Special 58c Yd. " Good Wearing, nice colors, - Special — 68e—Pr HOUSE FR.00KS ,Less Than Half Price-4LBR Ea. _LADIES','FANCY *BRIEFS Smart designs, reg. values to 89c KIDDIES SHIRTS Kiddies' , plaid shirts, 4 to 6x.: Special 51.00 Ea. , Boys' reversible windbreakers, FOAM RUBBER, FOOT SAVERS 48c pair wow. s9x Pure wool 4 jib. sox, reg. $1,35 Pali Sale — 99e Pt 6 to 14 years, Best Value .Ever $3.98 Ea. Boys' Lined Jeans,,tinderwear. SAVE THIS. WEEK! • SPECIAL , REMNANT TABLE Prints, Broadcloths, *Linings', " LADIES' WQ0L, CARDIGANS 52:98 Ea. Special clearance, lined and WO,ilL GLOVES & mins Ladies', Kiddies an r Lowest Prices Ever MILLINERY & Fall Handbags . Save Up TO 50% On TlieSe LADIES' PYJAMAS az GOVVNS Men's whit" nylon tricot dresS shirts. No ironing on these, KIDDIES' N'EPON. ANKLETS Clearing — 30c: Pr. 6.V. WHEELING • YARN Best on the—rnark-ei, 2- and 34;iy. FANCY:GLASS TUMBLERS SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES • on some ENAMELWARE, CILASSWARE VESTS .0 BLOOMEIR,S' • Ladies' Winter Vests and bei Or pe be a bu ac • an to kn bp PIE pai doc ga la for twc thr we an qu. ret Lu his old Pita Iy hosi t he Era and St • es ed, last cone ed FA HE LAY -AWAY PLAN. for CHRISTMAS BUYING • • Gibs at th shal nine late thur Web 6f A Tang