HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-12, Page 7f5 • WEDNF•rSDAY, OCT. 12th, 195$` • -1 L.yceum: .Theatre 7 WINGHAM First Showing at 7,15 p.m,' Thursday, Friday, Saturday OC1OBER 13-14-15. Robert. Wagner, Debra Paget•. in "WHITE FEATHER" The story takes place in Wyorrriing . in 1877 when • the US: Cavalry seeks to move h --Cheyenne 3ndians to Crew territory, Photo. ffiraph :in, CinernaScope and Colour. Matinee .Saturday' at 2.00. p.m.•:• Monday, Tuesday,. 'Wednesday OCTOBER, 1748-19 Leslie Caron, Michael Wilding in —. "GLASS'SLI PPER" A charming .. and amusing: Version of S . the Cinderella Labbe. 'The • :two.. fine, ballet' se- ' quences feature . the : farmed. Ballet . de Paris. Photography in; colour.. rer. Mr. hod [ere, This is the sturdy.egg basket, 'we have reserved for you. .'It's' yours at no cast --with your first order of any Swift's . Egg'' •Laying, Feed when 'you register as a "PACE-SETTER, FLOCKOWNER•:" You'll :set the pace in your neighborhood on ' egg money earned with Swift's Feeds, You'll prove: it to yourself by keeping a simple daily record.. Come in :and. sign up today. Get your egg basket and watch it ill! $wfi's FEEDS WITH ,ALOGEN. - l' CALo'GEN is Swift% trademark for a spacial bund AO oaf.* foal that'produeor-3l oleos mors . ,Kej thea prat,..` Tre[eaven. Co. Millino LUCK/44-M, ONTARIO N 1 y THE.:LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ' *ONTARIO GSIDE ... The W. M. S,. Thankoffering meeting will be . held in the church 'on October .17th at 8,30 p.m, Mrs. Leslie Fortune, Wing- ham,. will be [guest speaker. South Kinloss ladies are invited guests. A good attendance is hoped for. The Young People's Society is. invited to the home of Mrs, Bert Moffat on October 28th. 'The Y P. rally is being held•. in . Wing - ham this year. It is to . e hoped a good' , representation .of . young: people can take advantage of - it. 1VIr : a_ndMrs. Arthur ,.:Sinipson- of".Toronto' were' Week -end yisi.- ,'tors ; With :the former's' parents, Mr,, arid, Mrs, WM. Simpson •;and' Douglas. :. • • • Mrs; Margaret Baker• of. "Gil bert<.` Plains Manitdba,. 'arrived last ,Plains;, eek to visit • her sister, Mrs, Mary Jane Tiffin and other' rel- atives: ' Mr: Clarence ., . Crowston of Chathaim; -Bud. and Marlow :-At Kincardine,. were week -end vis, itors at the home of their 'par; ents, Mr. and •Mrs, John .Crow stop:.'. Miss Margaret Steer of. Lon` don spent, the , week -end with ..her mother, -Mrs. Philip Steer & l' family. • Mrs.. Frank Miller And :Betty Were' recent visitors,, with • the ,forrner's brother,- .Mr. and. .Mrs. Bruo'e' ,Srnnth 'at Southampton 'and attended Tiverton fair. Visitors With Mr:. •& :Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre f or: : Thanksgiving were Mr:'' • Eddie . MacKenzie of, Toronto, Mr. and'" Mrs. ,'• • Angus Nicholson, . of Lucknow '& friends from •. Kitchener, Mr. and. " Mrs. Donald, IVtaclntyre and ` girls. ' Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pinkney and .Glyn ''of Ajax . spent ::the week -ends with Mr. ,and Mrs, Ted Collyer. % , Visitors 4 with • Mr. and Mrs:. Wm: Evans., and Ted for .Thanks- giving week -end were Mr '' and 1VIrs.. Tiob` -Evcans- and farnilyof- Hamilton, 'Mr.- and Mrs. "Eric. Evans d ;family of Hyde' Park, win Mr, and Mrs. Bob ' Brown and Gary of London: Mrs. Evans ac7. •cornpanied'..Mr. and. Mrs. Brown back.' to London for a ;shortvisit. Mr. and .Mrs.Russel Ritchie were Sunday 'evening visitors with Mr: ,and Mrs. . Victor Emer- son in .Whitec. hurch. Mrs. Harold Dawson,. Donald 'and Wilda of Torontowere week -end ' visitors • ,with Mr. Joshua Dawson,' 'Mr... and ..Mrs Huntley Dawson and family` and Mr: Edward "McQuillin. • ' Vlr.' arid- Mrs. John Srnith of Kincardine, Mrs. Herb.' Miller & Mr. ' Leo Beauchamp`. were. Mon - ay evei3-i-ra-g°yisiters wit Mrs. Frank Miller. DONATIONS TO CAMPAIGN EKVEED $200 AI PAGE SEVEN 1 Lucknow and District contri- butors to. the. annual campaign, in aid of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind • have made donations to date in excess. of $200—to be exact, $209.50. • The campaign Continues with follow-up cards being sent, as' re 'Minders •to those who may have overlooked Making their contri- bution,. • , Preciously, acknowledged: ;64:50• . ;obt._.,J.,. MaeIntosh, R. -3, Luck now, 45.00; Mrs.. Clark • Finlay son, ,Lucknow, 2:00; Gordon Mor- rison, 'R. 1; Lucknow,..1.00; H;• M.• MVIaeLenn'an, Lucknow; 5.00; Mrs:: 'Rena C. McNab, Lueknow; 10.00; Mrs. Annetta Bushell, Lucknow, 5.00; Lorne odgins, R. 2, Holy. rood, 1'.00; . Miss. M. G. MacDon- old,. Lueknow,' 5.00; Wm. A. Ste- wart, R. 3, Lucknow, 5.00;• C; M, Humphrey,: It: 2,:..,Lucknow, 2;00; Thos. H. Burns, Lucknow, 1.00; Mrs. T. W. Henderson, LucknOw, 5.00; '1Donald . Henderson, Luck= now,- 10.00; • John.W:.; Henderson Lurriber Ltd., 25:00; W.:A. Rus- sell, . Lucknow, , 2.00; J:' E. Mac -- Donald, . =Lucknow, 3.00. ; Mrs. David . Kennedy; ; Whitechurch, .1.00;.. Gibson Gillespie, White- church, 2.00; • 'Wm. . A. Schmid, Lueknow, .2.00; Finlay . Decorat- ors, Lucknovv; 2;00; Mrs. Mand' Sherwood, Lu•cknow; 2.00; John' MacRae; Lucknow, '5.00; 'Miss' Helen;' L. Thornpson, 'Lueknow;. 2.00; ' Mrs: . C.. H. MacDonald, Lueknow, 1.Q0; • Miss . ,Christena Carrick, Lueknow; 1:00; Alan • C.. Cooper,.' Lucknow,, 2.00; Zion Sehool, No. '5 Ashfield, 200 W. B, Anderson, Lucknow, 10.00;'_ .St ITelens • Women's '''Institute 5.00; :Garnet Farrier; • Whitechurch, 2.00; ' Ross Murray, R. 2,.' Luck - mow, 1.00; ,'James: Baird, , R.:R. 3, Lueknow,' 3.00 : Ernest :Blake, -Lueknow,. 2,00; : 'Catherine ' Macy Hoag, Lueknow, 5.00; :Rev. G:` A. Meiklej ohn, Luc tcnow, . 2:00; Earl Swan; R 3, :Lucknow,, 1.00 -Total $209.50. W.1VI S::SENDS CLOTHING: BALE 'TO 'SAUGEEN RESERVE • The October .meeting Of the ,Afternoon. • W M:S, . Auxiliary of the United' Church was held, in the ; Fellowship Room. The presi- dent, 1VMrs.: , Neil ' MacKenzie,..was in the.* chair. The •Bible study;• and discussion,, period,, was• led: by Mrs. Harold .Treleaven; Mrs. Russell • Robertson, and ' Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie A questionnaire on the • study book "New Canadians" :& "Gen- eral Horne Missions Was: led by Mrs. •Brooks assisted by Mrs. :Grant MacDiarmid, Mrs. George Elliott . and ` Mrs J. W, Joynt. "Neve : Capadrans' dew- people .have.: any real appreciation of the; utter loneliness. of Anglo Saxon. folk during their first months in Canada: In, many ' Canadian:'cities from coast to coast the United Church_of-Canada lhas.__:churches of all nations, . or All Peoples United Churches,`• and place spe- cial emphasis, on the bringing of people from other lands Into our fellowship.' The aim is to Make true in the experience- of ;-many the words of ' Paul the great anis- sioriary, •. "So then you: are n9 longer strangers, and sojourners, "but -you are fellow citizens ,With. the saints, and :members of the hou hold --cif God', Can -ire- in our' vast Dominion with only 105; million people deny these people. a home, 'and still call ourselves christians? • Department secretaries reports ikere given by Mrs, .MaeDiarmid., Miss Hazel Webster, , Mrs. S. Stothers and Mrs. Ewart Taylor. She reported on a bale: of cloth- ing sent to the . Saugeen Indian Reserve., ' A.. .-kiAR:P-ER Chartered Accountant West Street ' GODERICH, ' ONTARIO t Telephones 343J , 343W i <. + :oYabemoru :Q► riacK, ,+.r..f iaP.: m : :a; ,xn,e, tkuos i, 3. ' 0 of 42 .* Scot h "Shorthorns '4 • fromX. ►• • WM. E. MANNING 'HERD ••. 0 •At The •Warn (under cover) . !.-1-- ks, HALF MILEWEST, 'OF ' LONDESBORO 'FRIDAY;... `OCTOBER 21• ;.i at .1.00 pan, i' .This Herd carries all the"blood lines of the famous 0, 0, Frank Wood herd, arid consists entirely of three families ` • Rosewoods, Augustas and Marigolds, They are low set, with t..__ plenty 0 scale and.__: bone, •ha good• heads and .nnost are , i red in cola'', All cows feed thein own; Calves: iv ' Aeeredited . sine 1925 - Vaccinated -, , Write efor Catalogues. to 'wire . E..1v ANNI.NG, RZ L. LONDESBORO, Ont Lunch Booth at Farm under auspices of United Church; W.A.. ' AtparrON'E'FRS JAS.' . MacKI:NLEY, LINCOLN WHITE ;: '.'?;%i:;+. iAri', 7[ny:Z4f7lAC,a`.i•l". .,za,«•-w,. a.,...a.».MWt'e'r r.rxa.=. ,r uis: • layliouse Theatre Two: Shows: Each. Night at .7.30.— Saturday Matinee, at 2.30 FRIDAY'' and. SATA.JRDAY, OCTOBER 14, 15 DORIS ..DIY and RAY BOLGER., . in ' • "APRIL. ' IN PARIS" ' .. ' '' it One' of Warner Bros: most ambitious. productions , with, a 'Paris background and• toe tapping_tttneatfin rovid . 'lively_ • riwstcal setting for the .singers and dancers: • Is a, picture •'You'll iongxeremier; , Ar.!. .Thi: modern fuerace with'automiaticall con• trolled'heat provi:°humid- ified, filtered, evenly warmed and` circulated air for health and cam. :fort... no stale fumes or odours in the house when you own a Clare; And. it's so economical to buy and operate! Come in and see this beautiful nevi `furnace for yourself. D Healthful- Air is,8hotted, hunndiked,. evenly warmed and circulated. ♦Carefree -Automatic thermostatic. • ' controls 0C/eon-Filters remove dust and dirt from air... •Dependable -Built with finest ma- • terial and guaranteed by Clare Bros. •.Econ ni'cal-Deliversmoxiinumboat from fuel used. Phone; 10, .Lueknow,` Ont. answer 'the November.roll call With the •thought, "Peace".•., • Conveners for programand social hogs were .Mrs. , W. B. An. derson,. . 1iss Kate MacGregor,' ".Mrs: Brooks' ,and Mrs:. Winter stein. ' ' The rain waa welcome, but it had to . come on Teeswate, Fair' Day . to dampen . thecrowd ;close to .12,000: who. flocked to- the big 'show. Many were in attend. ance `.before the showers 'started. /ler<te i %✓•iii/iii=iii/ii iiii i viii i ower a p. • .,M,iss G. Cass of •Ohesley,_ is;. sionary on furlough from Korea, will be the guest speaker. at the. W M qS. ' Thankoff ering on the 'evening of October lith. • In keeping with the Thanks- giving theme:' was the roll call; piano .solo, Mrs. ,Meiklejohn reading, Mrs. Burt Roach; and solo, Miss MargaretRae All members are. requested. to answer, the November Ball Dell `1. 1$ 171 1°•Hiile ficr;1111j.fall .7; .. -.I e. o. owing use ' . ts, m [ e so a PRICES: to make' room for new 1956 cars. • •e°r 1954 MONARCH BLUE SEDAN, like new• • 1953 CHEV COACH, , turn' .signals and . back-up • lights 1.953.•' FORD CUSTOM COACH, a snap 1952 CHEVROL-E '7 OACH; one owner car 1952 FORD • CUSTOM dBLACK COACH, turn.- Y ing signals and' bacl+c;up lights 1952 C'HEV ' 'EDAN DELIVERY • dual purpose, 1951. CHEVROLET: SEDAN;, clean inside and out 1951 DODGE COACH, Al 'condition S ' 1.950 DODGE SEDAN, with radio 1.949 OLDSMOBILE. 'SEDAN, nev, ,tires: and'. paint 1951 FORD • TRACTORS, overhauled and guar .anteed • MANY OLDER' MODELS All above units thoroughly overhauled ' and reconditioned to Al specifications. All sold with 90 -day guarantee. LIMITED D. MacWilliams . Phone 23T Wxg hafn: A`47111E; )ie