HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-12, Page 66,
tffr. and • Mrs. John L. .MacMillan are seen after their
' wedding. in the ''C'hurch of Our Lady of Assumption. • The
and ;the. late -Mr: -John-t.:Urquhart,: -and.- the . groam._is the, ..
son of the late' Mr, and Mrs. John L. MacMillan of Zucknow, .'
Ont: •
Mr.: James Powers of Chep-
stow., the well-known : fieldman
for the Bruce County Federation
r of Agriculture, tendered his res-
ignation at the meeti,pg of the
executive of the organization
held at Walkerton last week. ' '
Mr, Powers submitted his. re,
signation in' order that he could
accept' the position: of sales and.
claims director.of, the Co -opera
'five Auto Insurance Company for
the ounties of Grey and Br'ueet
He- avec--on.l�Tovember:.::1,st_:jor;
Toro toy where he Will 'takean
eight months': cottrse of training
,prior to 'entering upon • chis new
ditties.. He will continue to have,
his,•headquarters at C bepstovv,
bride w ,
as Der!sen Ann•Urquhart' daughter of Mrs.: Urquhart
Oil Drilling Tests •
, The •Imperial Oil • Company has
been carrying ori oildrilling tests
on the farm of John C. MacDon-
,al'd in ' the vicinity • of the 12th
Concession and 10th sideroad' in
Huron Township.
--"So you .met your wife, at a'
dance., Wasn't, it romantic?"
"Romantic? I should say : not'.
It .was.. embarrassing.. •I thought
; '. she wasat home taking' care of
'the kids"
St Dunstan's Anglican church,
Landsdowne Ave., Toronto, w s'
the setting on Saturday .at; five
• o'clock forthe marriage_of Shir-
• ,ley Elizabeth; ',daughter , of • Mr,
and. Mrs. Arthur . Haldenby. ' and
Howard Oliver; soil CO Mrs. Ada
Whiteside . and; the late Howard.'
Whiteside: The ".ceremony Was
Performed. by the 'Rev. S. C:. Jar-.
,lett, E.D., ,before• a . setting of
autumn: flowers
' The brideentered the - cliiirch
on the arm . of her father. to• the
strains of Lohengrin's` wedding.
March. She :looked charming in
' .her : bridal dress of white net over
Slipper' satin with ; lily point.
sleeves an& a bolero of . chantilly
the; Her shoulder Length veil
was arranged . from :a' c¢r-onet
headdress, inset' with pearls. She
.:carried •a white Bible ,which, was
an heirloom: of the groom's late
father. From it. • hung white;
streamers • and red rose buds. '
The bride's: sister, Mrs. How -r
and 'Bennett,, was the matron:. of
.honor, and . the "groom's . sister;
Mrs. Ruth, •Campbell and '.Miss
arbara C a k were e ri • esmai • s
i.eaCh'.wearing waltz length'gowns
of pink shaded net over pink taf and
with nMatching • . Shoesand
pink 'feather . .headdress: The
'gro9mn's twin - ,brother, Mr Haar
old , Wlhiteside, :' was the ' grooms -
Man. The ushers '• were Mr. Nor
man Whiteside and Mr. Howard
,Bennett. Master.. Ioward Ben-
nett, •nephew of the • bride, was
the ' ring beater. '' Mrs. Harold
Haldenby' of, 'Kinlough,`' cousinof
the bride, ' was soloist;'', singing
"The ` Lotrd's, `' i ',raver" and ,
Perfect, Love"
Following the ceremony , a re-.
ception was held at. Club Lyndr•.
burst; The bride's .mother:'recely-
ed in a grey'fgured paper shan-
tung , with pink accessories, as.
sisted by the groom's; mother.
wearing a copper . colored paper
shantung .with brown ..accessor-
ies.. •
Following the reception,. the,
young : couple left, on ',a . honey-
inoon"trip to--112_iaini, New Orleans
and Louisiana The, bride 'travell-
ed in ; a mottled. grey English
tweed suit with pink. hat •and.
gloves and • gunmetal accessories,
Oni•: their return they .will reside
W NEESDA,Y, OCT, i2th, . i955
(Intended for Last Week):
Miss Eileen Campbell; R.N. of
Kitchener, was a .week -end vis
icor . with her, ,parents, l & : and,
Mrs., Cyril Campbell.
:Mr, and Mrs..•Lloyd MacDoug-:'
all' •and Mrs. Alex' Fairish, Mrs.
Jas. -Donaldson and Joan .motor-
motor -ed to London. to. visit with, Jas
Donaldsone a : patient. at . St. Jos-.
eph's .Hospital and Mrs Wilfred.
Farrish, a„ patient '-at Victoria
Hospital: We,are glad to report
they ,are coming along: fine:..
• M'rt and Mrs. Robt. Scott and
family visited•• with Mr. and Mrs..
Archie Nicholson of Glamis; ,on
Master Larry Farrish spent
the week -end With his '.grand•
father, Wilfred -Farrish.
.Mrs: Robt. Hamilton and Mrs.
Robt: Scott' visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill•Joslyr ofGoderich dur-
ing the week..• .
1VIr: and'Mrs. Dune Mac
& Diane from. Flint;•' visited'vt?ith:
Mr and Mrs..' Keith Johnston .on'
Monday on their •return from.
Owen'. Sound where they' Were.
attending the: funeral of . Dune's
mother.: ,
aVIr, and Mrs.' Leonard Alton •of
London visited on un • ay wit.
Mr. and Mrs: Bill Wareing and
Mr.• '.and • Mrs. Lorne Farrish
visited . on Sunday with Mr: and.
Mrs Hector Purden.
Mr, 'and '• Mrs. Jas.. Little visit-
ed on: Sunday with Mr: and Mrs.
Warner Smyth • at Teeswater,.
• Mrs. Simpson` and .Marion of
Wingliam visited over the week-,
enddwith',Mr:- and-Mrs=Gordon-
Johnston. '
•4 h.
Chev Belair Coach, Powerglide, fully equipped $1,995
..... . ........
Chev. Deluxe Coach, powerglide,. .fully ; equipped $1,845
Chev, Powerglide,•Standard Coach, fully equipped $1,795
1954 Chev: Sedans;• fully equipped .,.........
1954 .Pontiac Sedans; fully 'equipped ty.....t....$1,695
Chev. ,Deluxe Sedan, fully .equipped
1953, Chev. Sedan 6 $1,295-
1,295 "1953 C ev. Sedan, fully equipped , ri.Ytt Y , .:.,.....t.
1951 Chev. Powerglide Sedan $1,095
1951 :'Chi ve Deluxe Coach ..Yt., ..a;. a..t :.t . Y. $1,095
+Chev: Coach ,,............;,.......•..................................•.•$ ,795
Plymouth Sedan .,,, t«,aY,; • .$ 595
Chev., Coach arta.. :,.Y.,.Y. , Y.f« ..: • ... ... ••••••••1046,11-11.10 ... :014•-•tlis $c . 695
Pontiac. Sedan Y. Ytt,tiYYY)
i.ttt::. t, nt... 595.. YrYi i;.YYt
1954 airy. i -Ton .Pick -Up, low mileage, Y $1,295
1942 ctlev. /a -Ton Pick -Up.$ 125
ttYY«YrYY tYt':tYFtYttY YYvt. Y bloweriY.� Y .it1AY
'�ru�seis � Maters
Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers, ,
Cash, Trade,.' Terms - Open Evenings Until 10
` Ctiies Service Dealer Phone 73x, Brussele
(Intendecd for -Last Weekl•
Mrt and Mrs. Michael Wallace
and Mr. and Mrs:. Schmidt and
two children of Chicago : were
`Week -end visitors with ' the : Jas:
Wallaoe family ,here. •
-• 1VIr. --Wm--Lannon.—is-•-v-i-siting-
with .hit., daughters in• 'Toronto
for a few days:
• Mr. Victor Finnie and Frank
Sullivan motored to Toronto
•over. • the week -end . while' Mrs.
Finnie, the • children : and Mrs.
Wallace of Goderich.• spent the
week -end here..
Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Frayne
and Danny were guests at the
McCormick home in •M,acton On;
Sunday after attending the first
Solemn high mass 'of Rev: Laval
MoCo nick, C:E,. (cousin), Who
was ordained last Week. in L n. i
y r: and ,Mrs. Angus• McCauley
of Camalaehie visited with the
Frayne family during the, past
week. •
The ' Forty Hours Devotioliq,,
Which ;commenced on Friday
morning' at the,,8:00 a.m. mass in
Attractively styled in ' modern dec
factured ,by a reliable Canadian
experience in the :heater trade ...
operation '. '.. will give . ,years of
See it •it .. ,
orative. colors . , manu'-
Company, • • with ,Years. of
. efficient and simplified
carefree comfort -
W 11• MURDIE :. : 'SiON
See '31VIa and : Pa Kettle”. on .Vacation"': at: The Playhouse.
ceptienally well attended this
year.. Due to -the -illness of Rev.
Dr. MacKenna, guest speaker for
the • sermons ':was Rev Remi D;ur=•
and; of `Wingham;Rev: Father' S,'.
Toth ,'of Mitchell,' 'Rev: Fr, Ur-
bari'ski",of St,: Augustine,'.:Rev. Fr.
Jordan, were the other visiting
priests who. assisted Rew,Fr,;Van
Vynek.t, P.P., in, closin'g'devotions
at 8.00 p.m. Sunday ‘evening.:
I and ' 'Peter:.attended the:: Dwyer-'
Van Morsel wedding on Saturday's
•in. Kinkora:
Miss Helen McCarthy and .Mr.
and Mrs. Earl -MacLare.n of God-
erich visited with relatives here.
Sunday evening.
Congratulations; to Mr., &'Mrs"'.
Martin Heipdricks • of Port : Al-
bert upon the birth of a daugh=
ter in •Goderich' hospital on Sep-. .
Mr..and Mrs.' Donald. Frayne temiber 27th' (Janet, Lamberia):•
"Well, actually, I'm•not really pointing, at anything,:
I'm merely. here to• point out the value of having
a' well-known trust 'company to administer your
estate: You see, your estate is far too important to
put away in the background."
He has'a point, yoti know. If you were totake,
advantage of the co-operation and experience • .
of The Sterling Trusts Corporation now,it,
could v4ry well save a lot of inconvenience and
trouble hater: Write today for our free booklet;
"Bluepri-nt-For ..Your .)"ami.l}+'' it eavets_.rxzan_y of the aspects of estate adm nistrationi •.•
y3 Bay Sl., Toronto .
I O N'
1.3 Dunlops St , Ealit