HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-12, Page 31955: • •INEDNESPXY► OCT, 12th, ' 1955. .gat,- andr.. .Bob• the 'zier. ided'. rcted lynin The'. •15. let- Mrs. dis. rkof. s T, Mrs. mese the study r -old tharn• acci- !fell .harp deep . He ;pital', Le to :Low,. 'ugh. it ' :at iliott their ;thin,'` and fthe )n of for r 1an:1 1.Ori; '.hear and. tford with grout: ocaIeneral; NMrs, Harriett Hicks has return- ed to the Carruthers Rest Home in Kinloss. Kairsiwa Institute meets Thurs- day (today) .at the home of Mrs. Clarence Irwin. This is a' change 'of • date to a: week earlier, LUCKNOW UNITEDCHURCH 'Minister• ' '. Sed,- G A. )VietkleJOhn, B,A., ILD, ti SUNDAY; `OCTOBER 16th 10 00 a n : ;Church School. ,• • 11.00 a4a. and 7.A1 ANNIVERSARY .SERVICES • ' GUest Minister: Rev. W. D. Ellmslie,B.A. SPecial Music TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th 5.30 to 8.00 p:in.... Anniversary ;Fowl. Supper Lucknow I Presbyterian Church ,. Rev. . Walllace 'McClean, • Minister SUNAY, OCTOBER"16th 'Sunday School . and*: Morning and and • Evening' `Services . ;with-! drawn. , at Lucknow: ANNIVERSARY SERVICES at Erskine Church, ;Dungannon 11 amt.', and "7.30 p.m.. • D - . . _ - ase, sec -who -1 at ,Guelph, ,spent the week -end in the :community, Misses Lorraine MacDonald and Betty Miller•. sPerit the week in Detroit,. . •. • THE LUCKNOW:SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTAR,iO ' Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lindsay of • TAronto w e r•e Thanksgiving week -end visitors' with Mr. and Mrs N W. Winterstein, 1Vliss Nettie Madill of Beaver- ton :spent the week -end with Mr,, and Mrs, J. W:' Joynt, • • .Mr.' Harold' Freeman of Roth ester,' N,;X Was: a Thanksgiving visi or with his .sister, ,Mr. 'and Mrs J, ''W J,oyfit. Mrs John Irwin. is quite ill,, at" the tome of herson,•Mr.� W, J Irwin ° . �. ° Mrs, Charles Twamley of Lon,. don was• a W ek-end.visit;or with Mr, and Mrs.. Sam Sherwood. 1VIrs: H, 'Gannett of Toronto 'spentthey week -end: with .friends in the eonunuriity. • Mr:. and -Mrs. J M. Greer spent Thanksgiving week=end ;in 'Tor- onto with Mr.' 'and Mrs. • .Eric Edmarison: Mr. arid Mrs 'James. Johnstone and Mr. • and Mrs. William 'Hun . ter are visiting in Toronto for a couple of . weeks : with Mr; and Mrs Mel Johnstone. • The 0 • �.Th October r meeting' ' of the L 61thow Women's Institute ^will. be held • in• the Recreation Cen- tre' on Friday, •October• 14'th1 at 2.30. It being Grandmo.ther's' .Day; e prize will ..be offered for the ;oldest grandmother. attending 'in her wedding dress. , In answering, the ro11 call each memmber is ask- ed to bring die oldest thing they posses%. :. M `i THE DESTROYER OF HOMES all Strike At FIRE PREVENTION WEEK -OCT,- 9th. to 15th i These simple .rules,, if followed' .by Everyone. in , the ' amy, will make your. home safe fr.rn fire.. I . Put lighted matches .:and smokes' out before you throw ..: move ru•bish, waste papers and all unnecessary corn-: . bustible materials. Provide metal .,ash 'and trash cans: 'i Burn rubbish •only in .a safety coVeree brick or metal incinerator. Watch the fire: • " 3._-, Exam:ine all- stoves,,lurnaces and • smoke -Pipes.-...to---Mak.--:- .'Sure ''i es --oto z_naksure they are safe and well away ,from woodwork•' or other' burnable materials..Have neededrep�airs made' at •:i one. Have the Chimneys .'cleaned'.regular.ly., 'arid have' ail 'I ' defects repaired." 1. them away..Keep.matches where' smallchildren cannot reach"them,' Neversmoke in the garage, barn,'.or attic, nor in bed. • • 1 ,4 E cap the; dan►ger•..o : 'ziflam.rnablr• liquid fires': and ex plosions -by -keeping' o �gasoliire it -the-ho e Dadry ; cleaninh g q with sate liq uids, or send. 'the work to the :. Clea.. ner. • Never start fires with kerosene " . ' • Repla'cw "blown” fuses with new ones --not pennies, Avoid home-made wiring, jobs. Teach everyone. in the family to be 'careful of fire, to ' • watch stoves,. fireplaces, .:electric Lions, , and all ,other • ,possible fire causes,and eve dayto. rembve old rags, a. r ary ;paper pe., and tither rubbish.. ,Fire -proof your home as far as .possible by -,fire;safe raof-. 1 ing, :fire -stopping in hollow .walls and partitions, to stop VT the Spread of flames, . and a 'non-combustible 'basement �. . ceiling. ' .. Ii Be sure to have the right type of fire ektingilisher in the home:',Don't •hesitate to ask your Firemen thea you have a question on Fire -Prevention, Remember always how to send in an alas in.. When tele. i phoning, ,be sure the address is clearly understood. •re • a leighbor'sp hone rather than one.in the, l)urning build. 'tPla�n to--everyone.-.rn t -he krouSe , What .0 rc sem fire how to put out fire it clothing ;by..tv`rapping ,in a rug or blankets; what to do, When grease catches fire in the kitchen; • t1; Save Ii' a a r LL, from, rieed�e s itestructic n 'by -fire- rid property, keeping the principles of fire ' prevention always in mind and nevem taking a chance with fire. • . GEORGE WHITBY, .y Eire Chief,. Village of Lucknow .—.u... is �5 awe rryie�► +1i1 t .V.ANI-VVX1FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY / l (ST HELENS NEWS) , are The invitedsto f attend nd he 50th.", conimunity 1 anniversary of the forming of the •St, Helens Women's Institute to be observed. in the ' Comnnunity Hall on Thursday afternoon, Oct- ober 20th • at 2,15' p,m. ' The Young Peoples' Union of the 'United Church. are planning; a variety; concert in the Corn, rn'un ty Hall on ; Friday evening,::. Dc�_._tober 21st, KpPp' :i'he-.date in mind. (' 'Mr, and Mrs 'WM. Boles and Miss Della Boles of Si ',Cathar- ines were ,guests for " the week-: .endWith sMrs. Boles'" sister, > Mr's ,George Cranston and. other rela- tives, ' • • Mrs. • M;el Brown' arid 1Bob •Murdie of Kitchener were visi- tors with Mr. and .Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Murdie for the holiday week -end. • • FAL. Keith 'Black of . Lachine, Que., was a ,. holiday •'visitor with Mrs. Black . and Mr. '"'and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson: Successful Anniversary. Beautiful au t u m n flowers, I fruits • and . vegetables tastefully arranged,: provided•. the decora tions for the anniversary 'ser- vices held inh t e United 'Church. on- Thanksgiving Sunday with large -congregations • at : both ser= -vioes. :1Vir, :Ralph Howlett,' the minister preached fine sermons in :• keeping with the, Thanksgiv t ng anniversary.' . The choir sang: the anthem "Rejoice • •in the Lord". Mr: and Mrs: E. W. " Rice. sang a duet and Miss Anne Todd a solo at the : Tnorning :Service. In the'evening Mrs. •Howlett' was. soloist'., •and the choir number was the anthem :• "Feed My Flock". Murray -Gaunt .of " the O.A.C.. spent ,the.. weekend at the home Dr John S. Crispin' -of Red Lake, Ontario, was a vi sitor with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. •.Stothers.: John has taken over a ,practice in that. town : and Mr. and ':Mrs. W: B. Whale.` hof 'Cooks.ville and Mr. and Mrs. J. D:. Schultz of Burlington also spent 'thte week-. end under the, S.tot:hers,'roof,' • Mr. S. C.. Bothwell returned. from a "visit" with relatives in the Varna district •.andaftar:` spend- Trig the week -end here 1:eft: for Toronto where he" will .make :his home 'with Mr. and., Mrs. Orin' Maffat, • Mr. and Mrs: Harry, J. Farnell,.. wh6 left -the. village more than a • 'month ago,' are . residing in Hamilton—where this daughter- PAGE THREE r i i 13 -PLATE :HART TRACTOR BATTERY $$.40 Ex-„, BONDED BRAKE SHOES (Complete set 4 : wheels) KRALINATOR OIL FILTERS 89c to 1:Z0 SIGNAL 4.IGHTS FOR TRUCKS' SHOT GUN SHELLS.: $9:95.' .Mufflers and Pipes Anti -Freeze ,.; •$12.95 Tires °and Tubes Fender and Side Mirrors MaciNTYRE and CRININ 'PHONE 65, LUCKNOW ' : • • ofi his parents. • Miss .Anna Stuart of Toronto was .a :holiday visit'o"r with Mr: and Mrs. ,George. Stuart,:and Mr. Joe 'Stuart. me and ''Mrs. Ross Errington spent the. "holiday week -end 'in. ' Tbr'onto.: • Mr., and Mrs. "Gordon '11/filler '&' Larry of London were week end y isitors ; with relatives 'here. / ••, M Y s s. • Isabelle MacPherson, student nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital, London; was home :for. the . week -end Mrs.. J: •:C.: Kaine :(Grace), .makes Mr. and'. Mrs, Neely Todd, her name. David, Janet: and Mary 'of . Strat- ford were, holiday guests of Mrs.- Paramount Women's. Institute D Todd - • • will meet at the home of Mrs. • Mr:, and Mrs..Fred. Court .of Elmrte~-MacLei�Yrarer-car -• ueaday, October 18th. Roll call, ".%low' to avoid .accidents in the house; topic, Home Economics, Mrs E. MacLennan; current ev.entrs, Mrs. Al. Irwin;• program and` :lu.nch,b.= Irs._3 .Etis�i:. Mrs V4 :. We ster. • . Mr, and Mrs. Mel Orr and Mar- vin' el Hanover were !callers :' ih town •on• Saturday night enroute to spend ,the week -end with M. and" Mrs Andy Orr:. Mr.and ••Mrs. Sam McQuillin and three boys, • John,. David and 13i11: Of Galt; spent Thanksgiving with his parents, : Mr.. and Mrs. Eerb 112cQuill n. Bruce . Mines ' .were week -end guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Eldon Miller. • • Mr. 'Don Cameron :.was in Chi- cago over ' the week -end attend- ing tine .Arruce..__ourdy_ _teachers', convention. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron were Thanksgiving :visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas at Mitchell. ' Miss Catharine, MacGregor Of Lucknow .was a week -end guest •of Mr• and ,,Mrs.' George ,Stuart. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne' ' Dur-nin were honored; on _Tuesday, Oct- ober 4th on the occasion. of their Silver wedding anniversary when Mr: an.'. Mrs.• W. J. ane. 'and 'l .. hors- mat Mr, and Mrs: Dan Willsie of ,Bel- . ed at their home: , During' the mo nt;''1VMr.•J. M. Hackett and'Mrs. evening.' Mr, and Mrs. Durnin Marion Tyler ' of Detroit were were :read an .'address of •congra week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, tulatiens and, ' good wishes and Wilfred' Hackett. presented with a , all • rrd••or. a randght'. a •samokwer, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff MacMillan ;stanmi'' and family and ,Mr. and Mrs. Jim. The ' St. Helens- W.I. :met on •MacMillan and David of St. Catharines, were holiday visitors with Mr,. and Mrs. J. L., 1Iac- Millan. ,1• Mr, ancrMi a. Jack-MeLEOd---alitr- children Lois, Bette and; Billy of Woodstock ' were Thanksgiving visitors with.zhis. father, Mr., S. --McLeod, •. •• • Mr: and Mrs. Robert .Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ritchie, Dianne, Hilda and Calvin; spent the week -end , at Oakville with Mr, and Mrs. Chester Hinton, Mr. and Mrs• Sid Seymore and Mr. and Mrs:'iA11an Beylea- n»la-.M.n, ,inti •Willi Thursday afternoon;` October 6th at the home of Mrs.. Allan Mil- ler: There were 20 'members and three visitors present The roll Ball Wag answered:' by "my fav- °rite supper, dish". It was de. tided to donate $5.00 to the C. ,N. L B. and $15 to the Huron. Schol- ship Ftinday it was ;also decided to purchase a stove before the golden' •anniversary and ' to get the blinds for the windows. •ro of these blinds• are donated by. Mr. Isaac Miller and„ Isabel.. Miss Mccowarr from the Children's WelAare • was" gest speaker Triol . gave 'a. very, interesting -talk` on the different •parts of her work-. Her talk jeas much' appreciated'. and enjoyed by all:. The'Insti- tute rally.sog wassung and the meeting , closed with' the 'Queen: 'Lunch- was served by the - host-esses, Mrs. • Lloyd Hunter, Mrs... John . Cameron and. Mrs.. Ernest Gaunt. The :-next ;.meeting wr11'lic.' :held at the home of: Mrs: Harold Gaunt. '.The. '`-hostesses . are Mrs, Taylor and. Mrs: _ Laura : McNeil Elwood :Barbour, Mrs; • Chester . Taylor :'and . Mrs.. Laura 'McNeil. • FRIENDS HELD SHOWER FOR, BETTY ANGER., A •'shower .was ..held recently for. .Miss. Bet' Anger in S.S. No. 11, Huron • Township. Mrs: Alvin: Hamilton read • the address:• and assisting inpresenting the gifts- were Mrs.''. S. MWCharles Mrs. • Harvey .. Brooks_ and 'Mrs. __J_ac `' ' M Guire,--The -shower- was-given- by asgiven-by the friendeprid neighbors and the Peopleof Olivet prior to her marriage to Mr. Harry Christie , of 'Teeswater.' A very enjoyable program was; given 'and a vel pleasant social evening* enjoyed. OVER' . 8,000 VISIT NEWLY ESTABLISHED .MUSEUM Following •aon' seass .operation that was more successful than anticipated, the Bruce County'. M'useum,closed dor . the season on Thanksgiving Day, October, 10th, By' that • time more than 8,000. " people .+had'. visited • the museum: Exhibits in- the museum . are.. well', over ., the 2,000" mark and. 'are . still arriving for display next, yeal,.. outrighta•ost of these have. been. • gifts and several are on perms rent: loarrrFrom--Tuesday through Saturday this week, the museum is open in the afternoons so that people with ,Material ort hart, to� the rrruseum can 'ta-k -e- . their 'exhibits, home. The next need for the preser• vation of :Bruce County history is the formation ,of a • historical society, and it planned to fort i tuch an organization some time this fall, • Yhw^:*..'Et:tt#R�iaiCd w, L`; .s ,Sukx.-urAz`.Yi, c1*.rJGS„r'•.•.taCm» "''w..--;r.•,t7.,,j,,."v'a^s,daaf.Iwor:.Ya.1L:1.a.JNA • • • t • 4 e4 • •.y • .1