HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-05, Page 61, THE LUCKNOW SENT' =14, LUCICAC , QNTARIO WFONESDAY, OCT, 5th, 19.46 • ifs �fs 1 ' HORSES Healy and, Light Draft, Brood 'mare,. Bruce, Miller, Aubrey Toll 2, 3; span in harness',. h• eavy draft, Stewart Needham; Bruce Miller, Aubrey „Toll; span x• n harness, light ,draft, Bruce Mil- "ler, il-"ler, Aubrey Toll, Walter Forster, James Forster. • Wagon and General Purpose Brood ' Hare James Forster; Forster;_ foal, lames, Forster.; . two, year= o1d,:'-`Janres Forster; •span --in har- pess and rig, Percherons s8z, Bel- diems, Elmo Pritchard,: Alvin Laranie, Elmo Pritchard, Walter ,Foister;; span • in ,harness and rig, wagon' and general purpose, .Rosa McKague, WM. !Shewfelt; single wagon horse, Ross McK.ague,' Wm. Shewf elt 1, 2;: Belgiums, 2 years •'old, ` E. Pritchard; .1, '2, Light' Horses Single hackney, .15.2' and over, Neil Jackson; single Hackney,. un- der • 15-2, Ross Mc'Kague, Neil• Jackson; 'single :roadster•, 15-2 & over, Neil Jackson,' single- road; ster, '15-2 and : under, Neil Jack son •carriage. team, Neil Jackson; roadster- team, Neil Jackson; hackney tandem, Neil Jackson, Moss •McKague, gentlemen's turn- out, Ross. 'MaKague; Ponies Year-old, George ,.Alton; single pony' harness,: Frank 'Renwick, - Donald •Kirkland, George 'Alton; saddle 'pony, .Kenneth Kirkland, Wayne• ..Hackett, George : Alton; pony shown by boy, or girl, 'Don- ald.' Kirkland, G Alton. Specials • Four -horse tandem (Elmo Prit- chard, Alvin iLaranie); ' Bruce Mil- ler, (Stewart Neediain, Aubrey Toll) ; bed' female, , Bruce Miller, EJmo:. 'Pritchard,, ' Aubrey •• Toll; (best gelding, , Stewart . Needham, - Aubrey Toll, : Stewart _Needhain; best '•mare or :gelding, Stewart Needham; best • grcomed. !horse,: Alvin Laranie, Elmo Pritchard.;; • CATTLE Shorthorns' 'Andrew Gaunt and Son -first prize m all sections: First and second prize for ' two-year and, Kone -year-old :. heifers, and get -Of - Sire. shearling ewe,, •ewe lam'b;, Vane first in' all four sections. Any Other purebred, aged rain, Vance; shearling ram, Vance; ram. lamb, Vance; aged ewe, Vance; .shearl- ing ewe, Vance; ewe lamb, Aus- tin Martin, Vance. 'Specials, ram, Vance; market ewe, Vance, Mar- tin; market lambs, Martin; 'pen,' Vance. • • a SWINE,• Sec. "1, boar, Arnold At'on, Al-, lan Mi -1 er; 3 boar, A., Alton; �4, boar,' A. Alton; 5, .,Sr champion 'boar,. A. Alton; 6;; Jr, champion •boar,..A; Alton; 7, grand champ: ion : boar, A. Alton;' ' 8,:. sow,' A. Alton, Miller .'2, 3;.9; . sow, A. Al- ton; 11, sow, A. 'Alton, Blake Al- ton; 12,• sow, David Kirkland 1, 2, A. Alton; 13, senior champion Sow, ' A. Alton; 14,, Jr. •champion sow, A. 'Alton,. 15, grand champ- ion sow, A. Alton; 16, senior' herd, A. Alton, Miller; 17, junior herd, A. Altin.•"• • . • Eaton Bacon Hog . Special '1st,. .Blake Alton; 2nd, Stuart 'Needham, 3rd, . E. Taylor; 4th, Currie ' Colwell; 5th, Douglas Hackett; 6th, Bert Alton: .POULTRY • „Legho, cock and hen, "Ken :Gardner;" ;hole Island' Red, cock and hen, George .Alton Rouen• drake and; duck, George Alton; turkey. gobbler and. hen, George Alton •. • • - Chickens of • .1955 --Barred Rock cockerel,. Arnold Alton; ..Barred. 'Rock pullet;, Blake Alton; Rhode .Island ;Red cockerel; :Jack Ritch- ie 1, . 2, 3; Rhode Island Red pul- .let, Jack 'Ritchie l,,'2,: 3;: Leghorn cockerel and pullet, George Al-. ton; hybrid pullets, Blake. Alton, David Kirklan, d;: Utility Leghorn cockerel.,and" pullet, Blake Alton; best • !cockerels and . pullet on "fair.' grounds, Oliver McCharles. GRAIN • Fall Wheat, Arnold Alton, Jake -Hunter, G. Alton; oats, A, Alton; G: Alton, J.' Hunter; . barley,, B. Alton, A. Alton, • G. Alton; peas. G. Alton, B. -Alton; buckwheat, B. Alton, G. Alton; flax, B. Al- ton; red clover, Jack. ;Ritchie, B: Alton; field.. 'corn,- David . Kirk- land; Mrs. Lorne Luther; . sun- flowers, D. Kirkland; ,hay, B. Al= ton, G. Alton; alfalfa; ".13: Alton; weed seeds collection,' John Mac=•• Charles; collection - }grasses,- B. .Alton; collection of garden. -Pro- duce, Kintail-Women's Institute, ROOTS, :AND VEGETABLES' 1Herefords, ,.', les, bull, 1 year, Heber tedy 8zSon, George Kennedy; Sr. bullcalf, Kennedy,' *Charles; Fiedy;• 'les Znd and 314, 'Kennedy; CoNir, Eedy, .,;1VIcCharles,' Kennedy 3, . 4; heifer, .1 .year, Eedy 1; 2, McChar r} a. les-;=-. i ennedy,-- --�heufer•=-calf, • .Kennedy, Eedy 2, 3, Kennedy; 'Jr. Ken- 'heifer calf, Kennedy, .Eedy, , • Hedy;-•-Lyons Bras,;, female, •Ken, wy :; . aledy; senior herd; Kennedy, Mc- r ' Charles; Junior herd, Hedy, Ken- nedy, McCharles; • Kbull, . Eedy, Kennedy 2, :3; get -of -sire, Eedy, y� � a$.�,aK�d � • ,., Kennedy. Aberdeen Angus , tits ,, Bull, '1 • year, Thos: Todd; Sr. !bull calf,, :•Todd,: heifer; -'2 years, Todd; heifer, 1 -..year, Todd' 1, 2; Sr, heifer calf,• Todd; Jr. heifer' calf, Todd, Blake Alton; female, Todd;. Junior herd, Todd, bull,. Todd; get -of -sire, Todd. , . ,i�r,r ' . P Holsteins • • • ... '', '' • Bull, George Kennedy ` cow, Kennedy . f,.: 2; ,heifer, ,2 years,; Kennedy; heifer, .1 year, Ken- , nedy; heifer calf, Bobby Hunter, Kennedy , 2, 3; female, Kennerl�y; ,herd; Kennedy • Grade Cattle �s.. ►_:J .w. �_ :1.. _.:..... .Grade: cow,• Blake Alton; heif- er,. 2 years,. Alton; heifer, 1 year, C. McNeil; 1.steer, David • •Kirk- land; steer calf, Lyons Bros.,, Mc- Neil, Alton, Kirkland; heifer calf, `Alton; block animal, •Kirk- land, Lyons . Bros., McNeil. • Specials • • Champion female, Gaunt, Ken- n' . reedy, Todd; champion bull,..Tocld, 'Eedy, . Gaunt; 'steer, eligible for - `----Toronto .Gaunt, Todd 1, 2; J sherd, Eedy, Todd, .Gaunt; . steer or heifer, boy or girl under • 15, Jack Kennedy, L. Rintoul, °D. •,•••-.. Kirkland, . J. -.Lynn., .C:, McNeil ; . " steer or heifer special, J Ken- nedy;' fbest beef calf,. Gaunt;'hal- ter-broken calf, Leroy Rintoul; Y. Mrs. Moncrief Domestic special, cakes, Mrs; . George Kennedy,. Mrs. McCharles, Mrs. A. Alton; ors Domestic, ,pies, Mrs. Hunter, M. Wylds, Mrs, .1VrcCharles; . ginger cookies, Mrs:. Roach, Mrs. • Hun- ter; drop cookies,, Mrs. A. Alton, Mrs. Roach; serving potatoes, Mrs. Steward, Mrs. Wylds; serv- ing. tomatoes, :Mrs, Steward, Mrs. Wylds; vegetable soup, Mrs. Sal- keld, M.rs. • Steward; hard; soap, Mts..-Humpell, Bert Alton; serv- ing, apples, Mrs, Lavis,-, Mrs. Hun- ter`;• salmon loaf; . Mrs, 'Hunter; cheese;, dish, .Mrs:. Wylds, Mrs. Hunter; salad ,dressing;, Mrs, Ste-, ward; Mrs; Austin 'Martin; maple. syrup, Mrs.,,Kennedy, Blake Al- ton; honey, Mrs, Salkeld; vege- table salad, Mrs,. Steward;; dairy butter, Mrs. • D. MacKinnon; roll. :buttter, Mrs. Lavis, Mrs. Mac- Kinnon;, crock butter, Mrs.: Lavis, Mrrs, MacKinnon;i tomato 'catsup, Mrs.' Roach, : Mrs. Hunter; chili sauce, Mrs. Steward, Mrs. Roach; pickled beets, Mrs. Hunter; pick- led - peaches, Mrs.. Salkeld; pick- led pears, Mrs. McCharles, Mrs. Salkeld; ripe cucumbers, Mrs. Lavis, Mrs. Hunter;: 9 -day pick- .les, Mrs. Luther, G. Alton Mus- tard pickle, Mrs:. Steward, Mrs. A. Martin; bread and ` butter pickles, Mrs. Wylds, .Mrs. Hump ell; peach .'conserve,. Mrs. ,Salk - ell, Mrs.', Lavis; 'apple. jelly, Mrs. .Roach, Mrs. Hurrmell; black cur- rant • jelly, Mrs. Steward, Salkeld; pineapple, ,Mrs.• Hunter;. strawberries, Mrs, A.`.Alton, Mrs. Hunte `; : • raspberries, : Mrs, „ Me Charts, Mrs. Lavis; peaches, Mrs. Hunter,. Mrs. Steward,. pears;.. Mrs. Hunter;: Mrs. Stew-; aid; cherries, Mrs."':'A. ". Alton; plu'ns, Mrs. Steward; Mrs. Lavis; rhubarb; _ ,Mrs.. Hunter, Mrs, . Ste- ward; string beans, . Mrs. Hunter; whole 'tomatoes, Mrs, Humpell; Mrs Hunter:; tomato juice, Mrs.. Roach,, •Mrs: A: Alton;: corn, Mrs. Hunter; apple juice; Mrs. 'Hump ell,, Mrs: Steward; gooseberry jam, Mrs., G. Alton strawberry j arn, , Mrs. Roach, Mrs. 'McChar- les; ,raspberry jam, Mrs. Hum- pell, Mrs.. Hunter; ' black currant jam, Mrs. Roach, Mrs: .MoChar- les; rhubarb conserve,, Mrs. Chas. Anderson,. Mrs. •Roy' Finnigan; shortbread, Mrs. MoCharles; Mrs. Lavis; macaroons, Mrs. .A. Alton, Mrs. Wylds; doughnuts, Mrs. G. .Alton; Mrs. Humpell; ' jolisriny cake, Mrs. Roach,' Mrs. McChar- les; ` orange cake, Mary McLeod; .crumb cake, Mrs. A. Alton, Mrs.: Hunter; ginger bread," Mrs. Mc - Charles,.. Mrs, . Wly :ds sponge •cake, Mrs.' A. Alton, Mrs. Mc- Charles; angel cake, Mrs. Roach, Mrs::.Jack McLean; chocolate lay- er cake, , Mrs. Wylds, Mrs. Mon- crief white layer " cake, Mrs. Moncrief, Mrs. McCharles; jelly roll, Mrs. Wylds, Mrs. G. Alton; dark fruit cake, Mrs. Wylds, Lavis;' light fruit cake, , Mr -s. Hun- ter, Mrs. Wylds; butter tarts, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Wylds; jam tarts, Mrs; Luther, Mrs. Roach; - apple. pie, Mils: Hunter, Mrs: McCharr les; pumpkin pie, Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs A. Alton; raisin 'pie,: Mrs: A. Martin,. 'Mrs: Roach; lemon pie, Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs. Stew- ard; fancy dessert, Mrs.. Wylds, Mrs. 'Steward,., clip cakes, Mrs. Wylds,' `Mrs. Hunter; working. .man's lunch, Mrs. • Lavas, • Mrs, McCharles; school lunch, : Mrs. Wylds`, Mrs; ' Salkeld; working man s • inner, s. ` oa.c , rs. tWylds, Mrs. RoachLlVi S; � afternoon . McCharles, .Mrs. Lavis. ke ld Miller; Snow, Woo , Sa er, ,' _. onerief, Wants Wear . Baby's dress, r_ a . e an bonnett, Salkeld, Mrs. Garbutt; ' _ baby's: set, `Mrs.. 'Salkeld; carria e ' ' cover, .. Mrs.'; .- carriage cover, other kind, Mrs um , keld; • $ py, woods, .. Sal- .Miller, keld; Wagners, Miller, Woods;, y . Mrs, Salkeld McI osh •Reds, Woods, Salkeld, Mrs Ga uttt; rodmpers; Mrs. ,Sal- keld; Salkeld, k ld, k Mrs ' • "Fall variety, K i e Woods; Winter variety, Woods, a , 3 piece ' Miller; three Fall varieties; ; wool ille four , Winter va ' g S . keld Woods, M �', � ieties, Woods, Salkeld; collection, 'Miller; Salkeld; 'crabapples, Mil; H pelf ler, Woods; p Remodelled Clothes, Woods; Win p girl's skirt, • Mrs. 'Salkeld, Mts. ch Woods, Salkeld; Humpell; girl's dress,; Mrs. Salk-.;' elt1, Mrs, ~ Humpell; • girl's coat; Mrs. 'I-I�unipell, Mrs. Garbutt;,boys windbreaker,. Mrs,• Humpell; boys trousers,' " Mrs. Salkeld, ; Mrs. Humpell. , Household Linens• �B iffet set, Mrs,. Luther, Mrs. ?unveil; doilies, ' Mrs. Salkeld; fancy pillow case and. 'sheet, Mrs, Luther, Mrs. Salkeld;embroid, ered•' pillow e, Mrs. Humpell, • Mrs; Salkeld; loved ..embroider= • ed pillow case, Mrs. Luther, Mrs,. Humpell; cross stitch; 'Mrs, Sal keld, 'Mrs. Humpell; table run ner,.Mrs.• Humpell, :Mrs.. Salkeld; '- shopping ;'bag,• Mrs. ' Roach, Mrs..:•- • Htiimpell; lace trim pillow . case; ' Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. Hunter; guest • towels, Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. Hump - ell; bridge set, Mrs. 'Salkeld, Mrs. Humpell; needle • point,: Mrs. Humpell, :'chesterfield_' set, :- Mrs. Humpell; :Jean:.Lyons; •tatting,. Mrs. Humpell, Mrs: Luthei;:work, bag, Mrs. ,Humpell, :Mrs. Salkeld;: purse, Mrs. Luther,: Mrs. Salkeld; tea "cosy, Jean Lyons; luncheon set,: Mrs. Salkel d buffet set,'. Mrs. Luther, 'Mrs. Salkeld;' after meal , cloth,.' Mrs..' Humpell,, Mrs.'Salk- : Two varieties potatoes, Lachie ,McKay; early; potatoes, Mrs. Stuart 'Hunter, L. McKay; late Potatoes, Lorne: Woods; Mrs.. H. Lavis; yellow man`gels, •: A. Alton, L...1VicaKay; swede turnips, :A, Al ton, L. f : McKay; =turnips, other. variety,. L. McKay; Mrs. Jack; Mc- Lean; pie pumpkins, Austin:. Mar: tin, David Kirkland; cabbage, L. McKay; squash,.Austin , Martin, G. Alton; field roots, G. Alton; -squash, Martin, L. 'MeK. ay; larg- est ••.pumpkin, David Kirkland, A. Alton; largest cucumbers, Mary 'MacLeod; Mrs.O McCharles; parsnips, L. McKay; .carrots, David Kirkland,'• Mrs.. Percy ;Gar- 'butt; beets; David Kirkland, Mrs. Chas.',Steward; tomatoes, David Kirkland, Austin Martin; golden bantam corn, Barbara Nelson, • Mrs: Wes Humpell; corn, other variety, ' G. Alton;. celery, L. Mc- Kay; white' beans,.Mrs.. Huinp- ell, . Mrs.Hunter;beans; ' other variety, • Mrs. Burt Roach, Mrs. Hui�ipei1; dutch -setts, tr.--McKay; potato ,• 'onions,; Mrs. .Humpell;, Yellow r onions, ' Mrs. • Hunter; L. 'McKay; spanish onions, L. McKay, 'Mrs. Hunter; three var- ieties vegetables, Mrs: Garbutt, L. McKay; collection,' L. McKay: DAIRY .& •TLLBLE SUPPLIES • Rolls, Mrs. G. McCharles, Mrs. Stuart: Hunter; plain buns, Mrs. *Charles, : Mrs. Hunter; fancy buns, Mrs,- G. Moncrief, Mrs. H. r Lavis; fruit loaf,; Mrs. McCharles, Mrs. L.-`Wylds; tea biscuits, , Mrs. D. MacKinnon, ..Mrs. McCharles; scones, Mrs. Roach; Mrs. Garbutt; •muffins, Mrs. McCharles; Mrs. "•L, 'Wylds; ',lice box • 'cook es, :Mrs, :Humpell; Mrs. A. Alton; oatmeal.. cookies; ' Mrs.:Roach,: .Mrs: 1.11)c - herd, within 10 miles, ,Gaunt,. ; Charles; .Magic-- Baking=- Powder a SHEEP ''� ,.p • ` Lais,� white bread,' Mrs. special; Mrs.George •Kennedy, Leicester ---Irwin Vance, Tara,Mrs. H. ; ; whales. D s, wns agein all d •lava ge ewrC- Wylds, t r a& . M..., trisa . Fall ,ears, Keith, Winter ears . Salkeld; Woods*,. pea - es, ; blue plums, H. Lavis; .W oods;'red` .,lams, . Miller,: ,,Woods Yellow p plums, Woods, •Miller;' blue gra .es; Salkeld; .collection grapes, g p Salkeld; quince,: Miller',, Woods; pyramid •apples; 'Woods,* '!Miller, Keith, Salkeld; Wealthy hamper, Woods, Miller; hamper McIntosh Reds,. Woods, Miller, - Keith, Sal- keld; hamper ' Spies,'Salkeld Woods,. Miller;. • ihamper' Tal -man Sweets, Woods', Salkeld; hamper Gravensteins, Woods, Keith: • LADIES' DEPARTMENT • Night •dress, Mrs:,, Salkeld, .Mrs.. Humpell; wool bed jacket, Mrs. Salkeld,• bed jacket, Mrs. •.Salk- eld; silk slip 1VIrs Humpell . Mrs: , • Salkeld; pyj,ainas, Mrs. Luther, Mrs; : Humpell, ,housecoat,• • Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. klumnpell; house dress; , Mrs.- Salkeld,..Mrs. Luther.;.: sport dress, Mrs: .Humpell, . kit- chen • apron Mrs. Salkeld; Mrs. Luther; hostess ;apron; 'Mrs'. Salk-' Roach;. blouse,, Mrs.: Humpell, Mrs. • Salkeld; • sweater., Mrs Hgmpell, Mrs. Garbutt; gloves, -,Mrs. Salkeld: Men's .:Ctoiing • • 'Shirt, Mrs.' ;Humpell Mrs.: Sal keld;:pyjamas; 'Mrs, Luther, Mrs: Salkeld seater .. coat, , M r. s _ _ Humpell; mitts,' • Mrs. " Garbuttt, quilt,'Mrs, Hunter Mrs; . Salkeld, Mrs. Roach;, pieced and appliqued quilt, ;Mrs: Salkeld, fancy quilt,; Mrs: Salkeld, Mrs: Roach, Mrs.. Steward, comforter, :Mrs: Stew- ard, Mrs::.Humpell; knitted.'••bed- spread, Mrs. Gib' Hamilton; bed- spread, other kind, Mrs:. Bert Al- ' ton, Mrs.: Lavis,. Mrs. Humpell;: knitted afghan, Mrs. Humpell; crocheted afghan, Mrs„ Lavis; hooked hearth rug, Mrs Bert 41 - ton, ,.. Mrs::. Humpell;, braided eld. Pieced quilt, .Mrs.. Salkeldavlrs.• Mrs.. HuMpell; gloves, Mrs. Sal-, keld„ Mrs. Humpell; fine docks, coarse ,soeks, Mrs. Salkeld, . Mrs, PUllover 'sWeater, Mrs. Hump-, ell,' Mrs., Salkeld; knicker socks, Mrs. Salkeld. 'Girls' Clothing I Dress and bloomers, Mrs., Sal- keld; dress; Mrs. Humpell; sun dress, Mrs. Salkeld; Wool sweat - • (Continued on Page 7) cireer en ire Ihcski Alexanders, "Lorne Woods; Balclwins, Bvan 'Keith, Wallace Miller; 'Ben Davis, .1VIiller; Cay- uga Red Streaks, WoOds; Duch - Sweets, :Woods, T. J. Salkeld; Cranberry Pippins, Woods,. Keith ; Maiden Blushes, 'Miner; Graven - steins, Woods, Salkeld; Wealthy, Woods,' Salkeld, Canada Rea, killerj Tompkins County, WOodsi Keith;; Marin, Miller, Woods; Waif River, Keith, WoodS, King Pippins, -Weeds; tlenheint, Pip.= pins, Woods; Ribson Pippins, Keith, , Woods; Ontario, Woods; Green.ings, Keith; Delicidus, Sal- "Get it there first.but first, get it right." - a high-speed, accurate combination of radio netWdrks, telephone and teletype system's and The Royal Canadian Corps o ulna 5, with . 'other corps,' offers- hundreds of good -paying, hie- . time careers. The opportunities for advancement, special training and travel are many. A visit to your. Army Recruiting .*tation will soon' shoW, .without obligation,'how yon ani fit in. ' Remember, in the Army you team up With Men and leaders you.can rely On right down,the 4ne. te 44. Whe:n applying bring birth cei.tifkafe oi,other proof Of ago.. ApPly right OWCpre Write, 'phone or visit the Army Recroiling Wo. 13, Personnel Depot, Wallis House, r _ , Rideau & Charlotte Sic,' Ottawa; Ont. -- 7•No_honet vigk Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, OM:- tol•Phone 4"" , ..Anny Recruiting Station, Mt St -W., Toronto, Ont..0- Teelphone E.Mv6.11341_,-- _local 276 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W.', North Bay, Ont.-- Telephone 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 Kind St Ea* Harnilton Ont -Tele hen! 2 Oa