HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-10-05, Page 2fi• t:h ..414 Ae kit :i1 x y y,�,yyyy TIE LUCKN. .W. SENT:[NM, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO • National Niwspaper October 1-8 :is; National .News another. vital function. It is the .paper Week for Canada's., more cammereial Market place of the lhan 700 weekly, • twice -weekly, community. Through its columns and tri -weekly newspapers; "' both national ,,and local 'advertis- Their editors and•.• publishers erg find the most efficient; fast- g. 4s. ,not in est, and, most eco»omical means Nave fostered of this • week tributes of acquainting potential canto the hope . of soliciting, frons, citizens of national or.local niers with the goods, and serve es import, but rather .as an` occasion they have to sell •And the. adver- to a tplain,'more;fully'the role of tigers are naturally anxious , to Canada's non -:daily., newspapers• in see the newspaper they. use gp -Vie-life of this`°: country: into the. largest possible number Service -'to their community is of homes •.rn :the trad;ng area. the 'foundation. on .whichr . the Canada's weekly, • twice -weekly weekly neswpapers .'of Canada, and, tri -weekly Y, papers .are, now • were built originally: They are read each week by 2,392,400 f arn- still '.receptive . to the many re- ilies; • ;a market three .times' as quests for write ups, 'aid . advance big • as;, • Toronto and • Montreal publicity for the great • variety 'of combined. - •events ' .which make up. the life But, unless the weekly paper of their community: • ' 'fulfills • its primary role of com- 1'rom' notices of birth, marriage munity service • it . is' without life and death,through. the 'list' of .and without purpose. It was in- cards of' thanks,, coming events stituted to carry the news an and • classified - .advertising, the' to serve :its community and, in weekly newspaper gives a pic- doing. so, 'it becomes your finest • ture of., the life• • of the town . Int and .most. effective advertising reports the meetings of ,council, Medium. For along with its :ac school boards, Chambers of Com- counts of individual events in its. merce,., churches and ' service villagePor town it offers the 'tail - clubs. The weeklies never fail . to ored-to-measure' service of a lend their support ''to any pro- paper which' will be read and ect for the good of ;the •commun= 'rereadandkept in a safe ; place arty „and :many. a •Waterworks•' sys- against the home coming of those, tern, .hospital,'• .school, swimming niemrbers ;of`the family who have • pool, or other: serVice would not ;done farther afield, 'Whatever..is have :b'eencarried to .a.successful its circulation its stands high in conclusion without.• their active readership and so long as its first support: t :..• consideration • is service this will Yet the weekly newspaper has contiriue to be .'the case.. • ZION Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook . and B ne- apenta-week- at -C -cera carie .with Mr. and. Mrs. Gorge Hackt. Mrs: • Prank Ritchie spent Fri- day ` in London at, the , teachers' • ctnvention ' • Master Larry Papernick spent. Sunday with `Chris Raynard. 112r. and Mrs. John ;Quaid and family of. Sarnia 'and Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Quaid of 'Goderich' visited Spnday witli' Mr: &. Mrs. Charlie' Andersons. 1VIr. and Mrs. Cameron McAul- ey. and. ,family of Ripley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Ritchie : and Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods & Donnie and Mr.. Leon Ledieu of St. Helens 'spent :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John • Gardner. , Mrs. .Cecil , Blake and.' Barbara and Mrs. Sam" Kilpatrick` of •Dun- gannon spent last ' :Friday with Mr. and: Mrs. Jack. Gardner. ' We are sorry . to hear " that Susie and George Gibson had to return to. :the' hospital: in spite of .12 pages in this issue, a late flood- of news copy allows neither space nor time to handle it. • ` • WEDDING BELLS', ROSS --DAY On September 24th, Gillean Evely ,Day, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Day of Falconbridge, _ -Ontario, • became. the bride of ' Allan Bowen ,Ross, youngest ''son, of 'Mr, 'and Mrs. John Ross of Cayuga, in . a cere mony••;at St`Andrew'st. United Church :in Sudbury Rev. E. S. Lautenslager officiated.' ,The at- tendarlts were Carol .•lVfcAugley and Murdoch McKinnon, friends of the .bride. and bridegroom.. On their honeymoon they, visited points in Southern • Onttario, in- cluding Niagara Falls, Cayuga and Lucknow. On their return to Sudbury . they will reside at • 380 Lloyd Street, NEW ,;CHURCH : CIRCUIT .IN. CHARGE ',OF ,'REV D. : J. LANE The new ,charge involving -St: Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth; became •effective on Sun- day," when ..the Bev.. Il. J. Lane of Clinton, 'took . over the pastor;' ate of •Clinton; Atiburn'and Blyth. Presbyterian' Churches. Previous- ly Clinton and 'Bayfield charges were'. together, with .Blyth • and 'Auburn also. being a separate charge:., Undue' ' the new ' set-up 'Bayfield and Hensall will be served by:: the sante minister. :R►1Vi"O T1TT_. 'Mrs. Robt. Mcsritosh attended a , farewell party fo'r Donna. Nich Olson, R.N., 'of Seaforth. Donna its ; planning: on going :West.' Mr. •and Mrs.:H Congram. have moved to ' Kitchener where •Har- veyis employed.. ' a Raba; .McIntosh and Robt. Rain - i Ilton .attended the Man toulin socker 'and feeder' cattle sale• at ' •! `•.. •5I � . ♦ . ♦ �P�'. : ���� •` • � � v:r 1 �l �:,�..��wS:�A_��i: ��� 4:r11•♦I ''i: ��I.w`7NI�TG.:♦ �C►�.•i. h �I�,,,+: .♦A,♦': � .��I..:..,,��I.4.:+��.I�di�O D .� I ♦:t • •.`C'i ' JI• ' r. ' I; i N:ir� ♦ �M+ ri ' .: i 1�_,�i:00.1 i :i��lII�34.1 �i. R. _Ih.,.:•1��..>:.......i.���. . �,,.,,aID'►-..�r�,:��.�'.±"�..�;?'�<►.r►`s�;::.� •:�.A ��y �.�I ,'"' .� .fir, re►"�,:�.�sz� ♦.. �:;... • WEDNESO'AY, 'OCT, 5th, 195 . For Clean Work-Free:Warmth Warmth Instal. THE. NEW McCLARY Inter Air Condition MORE 'ADVANTAGES with 1 CLARY' HEATING! 'P`r`" • Econon kala_ — 'Guaranteed!` Automatic! ... ,Compact' • ;Clean!. Attractive! Quickly Installed;" • Efficient! • 'Effective!. , Quiet! eff Eiciennjoycy'.. greatercombineheatingdwith compact, • attractive,, de- sign with:. • a McClary Unit. 4 �la FURNACE: TENDING BANISHED. E1vQVIRIES INVITED. - NO OBLIGATION K innontPlumbing; Heating, ' Wiring, Eavetroughing ; "Ma and Pa Kettle on'•Vaca•tion" 'at The Playhouse. • I.4i;ttle- C-urr-ent, —° 'Mrs. Oliver ,Cudney, ' Donald & . girl friend of Galt visited with Mrs: A. Ketchabew and Bill. Mr., and Mrs: D. Hamilton •Wand. Grahamaccompanied. by , NI,r, & Mrs. R. Gibson; Jeanette and: Kathy :visited With Mr. and Mrs - Crocker•:(K:, Gibson), St Thomas. • Mr ' and . 'Mrs:: Shelton have' moved from the former, M ,arra y, farm' to Lucknaw.' v Mr. 'and Mrs.: Walter : Dexter rriotored. to ..St. Catharines and visited with Mr and Mrs.. Wm;. 'John : Ensign.' Mrs. M.:Osche visited with her sister,:Mr.. and, . Mrs: E. }lender - son at the' week -end. COW Had To Be' Shot.. ' Eric Hackett had the niisfor tune" to hose a 'cow `which ' was hit •by '' a. car :on Sunday night :arid ,had to be. shot: !:IN BUILDING FORMERLY OCCUPIED . BY WM.; A. ,SCHMID ) • { 14 &IreTMasure. Sults BY JAMES . BROS: LIMITED James Bros. feature the long, 'lean look for• men. this Fall, • in deluxe:' suitngs Creators of ' selected quality suits and coats. Priced from $'59.95' .DURING OUR OPENING A.fREED-$5.00 HAT • with each tailored--measure--su-it--duxrng .-our opening. Zr.. Men's ' it' is;' not too early to Christ- mas: shop, We : offer you ,,our, opening special'• BOXE.D TIES Values to :...Thursday, 'Friday, ,. at rday FREE. White :Linen Handkerchief to Each Customer. A Y C1 •.'Sa • �an the • : -1Vi! • of Ci a; •l1 to, J e 'Hc 271 Ili g' Men's & UNDERWEAR ' Penman's 95,; 71, Fleece Lined, Mason Knit, Stanfields all - _ _wool' Blue and Red Label SPECIAL. , OPEN•INC •-%'-RICES• On all men's' and boys' s•. 44 'New • patterns'. in acetate arid vicise fabrics with or with- out niatching belts'. Sizes 28 ALL' WOOL PANTS Opening Siiepial. — $10.95 HATS by FASHION HAT NeW Shipments •just received. All sizes .and shades. ing by auch well known Man- ufacturers* as Haughs, arch, BUckeye, and Walkers.. ening ra meibpuiri flannel—a. blend of Viscose .and Aeetate. 'Your • choice, of coler and size„, A Chance with Each Purchase. — Draw on October 29th New men's suburban coats in stock now. • In/grey, navy, 'charcoal byown, our opening allows. us to •viler. • 128.9.57, EXTRA PANTS FREf, (with Each Suit a MEN'S .SUITS • n all -Wool materials in Oatern and piain, sizes 38 to 44. 0,40 Ylni are invited to drop in and look over other linep that MEN'S and liOYS' WEAR DEPART1AENT (Wird 104 ir A.4.44 Voleale<gait::,0124€04.74:ViCtelfrAt<0,0krcek4EXEC,411."4.2:70::‹ItitOir.0::›VtitTA.WWPAtitioUr.:',400401tis§411041telogiWgite,Yleoritatiaateglist+ty.iskiAria4.:‹40 ,i47"