HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-28, Page 10.......... • PAGE TEN 'THS ;LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY;. SEPT. 28th, 1955 iidren's (Basement). r CONTINUES ALL THIS WEEK. Before Moving Upstairs I NeSct *reek, Watch For .... , r IN PE`MIA In, Our New Department MEN'S: AND . BOYS'; WEAR • Y 1 :SEE BY THE .SENT#.NE'L • . AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS: Free Pick -Up and 'Delivery ° Monday and' Thursday, T1iA:T, in renewing her ' entiiiel -subscripti-on 1VIis�---dose--1Vlac =. Donald, of • Cal+gary - makes ref- erence to.the death of her`•bro- their, , Donald ' G: MacaDonald, abetter known as ' an', wlzih ' occurred `suddenly, on Aixgust 1 20th. . Men'e,, ,Ladies', Children's ' Wear=Piece Goods & Woollens • 1.1.ve. FANCY TOMATO JUICE . LGA.., 20 oz: _ far Specials:. Off'. THAT Rev.' J. R. lViacDonald of Lochalsh .and Ripley Chas ' ,been elected ,Moderator of Maitland- Huron . Presbytery. The. • honor • Was •conferred upon him •when Presbytery 'recently met • .in • Rev. 'MacDonald's home church in Ripley. MEAT Mr.. `and Mrs. . Alex ' (Sandy) MacLeod are . quietly' celebrating their • fortieth wed- ding anniversary this Thurs- day, September ., 29th..:. '. THAT Russell A11in.: • put' more than a, tear in his pants while sliding ;down the roof • •of the low shed at the rear of the • United Church last ' •Friday. ,Several'.. stitches' were ' requir • ed to close' thenasty gash and. 1Zussel4 has been,' more or' less mrriabile for--afew days. THAT Mrs Robert'. Osborne of •Glamis. Was . stricken with a. heavy, stroke on 'Tuesday of . last. week -while visiting at the • home of 'her, daughter, Mrs. Clarence Hedley.. Mrs, ,Red vers •JoY nsen .qf town, , who is • alsol'a daughteas been with her since then. +4� >�r ,t. FORMOSA MEMORIAL HALL ue$ay, October fi Supper .Served:. Starting, at 5.30' ;p.m. $1.25 Gbildre'- n� 75c CONCERT. and.DANCE Presented by The Night'. Hawks, featuring Clarence Petrie, 10 -year-old 'Gayle Atwell and .11 -year-old Lloyd ' MMitieth, :. other outstanding ,guests .from 8.15 p.m. to' 1.30 ' a:m.- #�e Y, } Ft' • w • 4 Y A IR • Dill: He has • a doorknob. Gill: How` come? • • Dill:' Ariy girl' can turn• it. WHEELS Children 25c' GAMES d like . aI The pan didn't say .;a word when the 'rani' overhis cat with `'a . 'steam roller. ----He- just s-tcod 1 there With a long puss. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; M 1 • •FORALL FAM: LY w The Slipper Season is here and ,we- , invite you to look over our range of Men's, Women's and -Children's Slippers.. . FOAM% TRED .. guaranteed . washable r-11IEN'S and- BOYS' ..ROMEOS WOMEN'S" and CHILDREN'S MOCCASINS A Slipper to :suit ever. Pocketbook. .1).••14•54o 4b'41)Y•114113041.e41.-O t. j TRAWBERRY• JAMT ...A., 24.04: TOMATO SOUP Campbell's; 10 0z _r DOMESTIC SHORTENING. CHAMPION DOG . FOOD :Dr- FREE DELIVERY C 'fir 2Ic uckdoiw.:I�A 'M:ar PHONE 20,a LiI.ToproW, ONTARIO ,been • working for Scott Bros Para noUnt 'Institute; Construction .Co: There welt 13; applications for the : position, THAT Mervyn Courtney, : son of Mr. • and Mrs. Ar't Courtney. of A riber1ey, ' and , a' student at Ripley .High. School, has been. awa e , `$250 ominiim PiNi --vincial scholarship .. ie had:five. firsts in ; ten Grade XIII, sub-. jects. Mervyn is entering..Wes- tern University • at London. THAT Lincoln •C. Morrison of. Toronto,. 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Lance Morrison; took first' prize at the Old ,Tithe Fiddlers con- ' test at Teviotdale._ :• The prize ,,Was seventy-five • dollars: ' • THAT the fact that' he . is an. octogenarian didn't deter' David Graham of Port ' Credit`.. from_ ---attending the 'U'nited -States- War ,Veterans corivei tion be- #1g°rg° held. at Long Beach; ':Cali- fornia.' A .card from Mr. 'Gra- ham says - he's meeting old, friends--andenjoya�n-himself immensely. • ._ TEAT: the :Ladies' Auadliary planning to resume its Shoot parties a ,week from Friday. LANGSIDE' .NORTH. Mrs ,Caswell, was 'hostess for the ,September meeting ; of..the W M.S 'Auxiliary at' ••the Manse: Mrs: Farish Moffat presided • for the business. Plans were• made for --:the Thankeffering which: is to.be held. in. the 'church .an Mon- day evening; October 17th., :Mrs. .George Tiffin :presided , for the ,program .and gave thescripture reading Mrs , .Bert Moffat lave, .the -meditation.; ,Mrs. Caswell._::iett in prayer., The offering prayer. was; given by Mrs. 'Wesley Young.,'Mrs. Charlie. Tiffin gave. the 'topic from the study book Paramount:, Women's Institute met• at. the. home of Mrs. Kelso •' MacNay on Tuesday, ' September= 20th. ' Correspondence was read and dealt with and arrangements made for the ,bazaar on October 22nd::. •Mrs:•_-OY�.,-R.iohards-=.•demon•-� strated braiding a rug. Readings , were given by'. Mrs. aVI. J. Web" ' ster and. Mrs. O. Richards and, contests •.were .conducted by 'Mrs.. W. Dexter, Mrs. Al, Jrwin and Mrs. Richards: • A•:duet was given !by Elaine and • Joyce MacKay.. The, 'topic:. "Historical. Research" was, capably given .by Mrs. b. Anderson.; • Lunch -was . served :at the ,close sof the meeting. • BORN WRAITH—at' Alexandra. Haspi-• tal, Goderich, September 16th, 1955, to Mr. • and 'Mrs,' George Wraith, R. 1,•' Goderich, twins, :a son and . daughter, ;William: Jahn-'.. and :Betty Joan. ZINN' rn Wingham • General' • Hospital on Saturday, •September 17, 1955; "to,,,Mr. and Mrs. Clark," Zinn, 1i.. 1, Dungannon,. a ,daugh- -on radia, .ter $2 en tib an aig in 1VL, ar to he 5.' to tr 'ert • me to set h ul ce pa: the don Co •ag n .e. •• in det fro ind 'ed. :pat La Inv . ap 'Go Mo me, ap. Re. eat?, the pro ad) a MVV •H•ig • fob. A for .,mit R fro.. shot mer the $1,0 dA figu 1t lc `R. 19 R,. 19 .1:9 mee to e to t ed tr • ' • THAT the Purity Flour traveller from Goderich had the lid of the trunk of 'his, -car banged in last week while it was park- -. -ed yin --front of Henry's Fruit --Market. • A -cultivator --broke- loose from Brock Cleland's .. pick-up truck,driven `iry LLoyd • McNalt;-and-.- smashect . into the_: . car., At. that it was;probably. fortunate that the ;car took ,the smash `as there' were a ,number of •young children' enro ute. to school. at the.time at about the• �. seene'-i&-the -mishap. _ •. Leve r Irwin as_been--aP- pointed Huron .Twp. road . sup- •erintendent, succeeding Doing= • las• MacDonald wlio has resign= • ed after seven years' Service to take up diesel work,' Steve had HART • BATTE RI E .:` (i 2—Year- ar-ranty )— .� 13 plate Tractor $8.40 Ex. 15 plate Tractor x$12:44 Ex. 15 -plate Car $'12;45 -Ex, 17 -,,plate: Ford Car $15.60 Ex. .: -or-d-Truck--.__$X5.85._EX' �17 irlate-�.F 17 -plate. G.M. Cars .•.• $16.50 Ex. Prices • include elude, •Installation • NTI.FREEZE sri?W_TutEs. MadNTYREifIdI ',PHONE `65, LIJCKNOW ►.,**4oommrrirl,imii:r>_»}rNmititoinIr liiiio4.4oar dwrc t•01u.".4d.4 • /il,�/////////-;�✓/iii//i/i///i///;'///i/////-�/i-///i//,�//i/ii�,i,� FLANNELETTE ,PYJAMAS ,Ladies'• flannelette' p y j a m a s, white—back-g-rorrn<1- rwith-'--przintecl , °' patterns. Sizes small, n ed}fam & large. Pair•........,........,.;........Y...; $3,50° FLANNELETTE GOWNS Mother Hubbard, white flannel- -, ette ;gowns, long sleeves with ruffled cuffs. Only X'$2.29 n 4 • %, l FLOWERED NIGHTGOWNS ' Ladies' flowered' nightgowns wit i short sTeeves and-Iace ,trim Price...c.......Y..Y.YY.,.Y:<r..Y...YYY } $3.49 •" ARTIFICIAL; FLOWERS: Assorted artificial flowers in realistic colouring. Prked . at . 10e. and 15c. a spray. 46•0'.:..:...... G. 1.:•::.4 .0: a1, ..1 ;,.f.Ye.�..t SSZ G;:.i�:.W•.d.....:i.4�1:...4°F.14.1:.n�•+ iii.•�ii/,iyiiiziiiiiiiii•iiiiiiiii tai/i" .�i✓z✓s� s4416 COMBED COTTON .JERSEYS Boys'; ong 'sleeves, blue, , grey hand . i ei e� -baekgroiznas, •Sm tl1 'medium and •large .}Y.rYYYYY;YYY}YYY}} 98c HOPS'' SWEATERS Woollen pullovers,' plaid" , front, plan` back rd -sleeves... Size:4 (i�4, • .V 'and 6 ,e. Y rY.r. }rr`.....r. rrYY r....Y rr. $1.98' • BOYS' LINED; JEANS Sanforized 7' oz:, blue ' dens"n{ double knee, elastic waist, ili .r r 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 year $2,98 MEN'S ARESS SHIRTS Sanforized broadcloth, tan, blue, grey, pink, ,mint green .&' white; also assorted stripes. Sizes 14 to • 17,1/2 •Y}YYYYYY YYYY-Yr YYYY� ..... I YYY.iY Y;Y YYiY, Y$2.95 • . y., •• • •