HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-28, Page 4PGE FO'R. )NTARIO .. . • s 0. 'FOR SALE - ' sewing machine.. Mrs. Geo•' Whitby, phone 153-w. WOOD FOR SALE- dry hard. gmaple Apply to George :Ren- 'nedy,..IC 1, Lu�cknow;. 1 sAPAR,TME`5,....AVAILABLE ie 'Apply'GammApartments. ACCO1V4ODATION for :people,- .home -cooked meats, • reasonable rates. • rs;° Irvine : Henry,. 1yun- off. ga�rin • • FOR SALE• - 15 pigs, 8 weeks old. Jim Gardner,. phone, 24-w,. •Lticknow. . • FOR SALE--4..grade' Milch cows and three •calves, Fred MacGreg- or., Kintail, phone;' Dungannon 66-8. HARDWOOD FOR. SALE -- ap- ply to Joe Weiler, , Second Con • ce:;sion, phone 101-r-31 Lucknow. STOVE .FOR SALE -a large size (Wood-;b'urning`' heater, . in good • oondititin. •Robert Ritchie, : Luck - now. • HOUSE FOR SALE. .in Luck- now, :'modern conveniences, and garage. Apply, , at The Sentinel Offioe AUCTION' SALE of Threshing Machine, .. 24 cylinder waterloo, 42"` bedY, all steel frame, grain, thrower and; shredder, all •beltsgood con- dition. To be held. • • at ' -Fordyce Corner .at • two o'clock pm. sharp. Saturday;LOietober-•1st;-` Terms - of sale: Cash : on date of sale. Subject to' reserve bid Matt ;Gay- Auctioneer. ',Sanitary ,Sewage Disposal 'Have 'your 'septic tanks, cess- pools, cellars, etc„ . pumped . and cleaned' with, sanitary modern equipment. All. work guaranteed satisfactory. . For quick service write or phone Louis Blake; Brussels, Ont., phone . Brussels, 42-r-0; Aver.age size house tank costs .approximately $25.00. • ARTIFICIAL IXSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle Breeding • Association ":Where Better 'Bulls Are Used" Artificial insemination serviee. for •all. breeds of cattle. For ser- vice or information, phone ;Clin- ton 2.42 collect, between 7:30 and 10:00 'd.m. on week. days and 7.30 and 5:30, a.m. en Sundays. • TENDERS WANTED ' There is offered , for sale by sealed' tender to +be"' delivered. to FOR\ SALE -girls 3 -piece mauve 'the und;ers gned, ; the following coat set, size 3. Mrs. Geo. ' Web- 1 property: Lot ` 13, Third Range stet, R. ' 2, Lucknow, phone °44 South of the 'Durhamm.Road, Kin - . in r-31. ...,: loss Township,. 50 acres more . or . less. This is .a first class . grass CO�AI h. s Et tT RESERVE THE DATE Reserve Tuesday, October 18, for the. feyrl supper 'by •the Wo- men's Association. , o the Luck- , ;� ;:EUCHRE; AND DANCE. Will be held, in Whitechurch Community Hall' on Friday, Sep- tember 30th.: Euchre at. 8.30. Good. : p izt's...:Good music for dance, Lunch served. gents 50e, ladies of colnxnunity bring, lunch. ESWATER FALL FAIR. .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER'. 5t Light, and, Heavy %Horse ;Shows, Livestock, 2 'Harness Races, ;Run ning Race; Goderich Girls'` Yearn - p pet Band;' Hanover ;Musical Socr• iety B rass Band. ' , . • 1000 Reserved Seats • for grandstand 'at 75e. Send money order to Alex B. Mic- Kague,. Teeswater. '• 3,000` Rush Seats ,@ ,'50c ' CONCET; DANCES now United Church. FOR SALE -.barn timbers; over.:= lays,, posts) girts and two 40 -foot Hemlock sticks; 10x12 inches d'n' i • Bradley, ' R. '3; Goderich, Phone Dungannon 80-r-16: • TOR SALE -400 acre ,farm, good • buildings, 41ocated on Blue voter Highway. Hydro' and water pres- 'sure' both house and barn. Apply. Mrs. A. A'rmstrone :Ripley .16=2 's • •.•.9uw faun. ' Tenders . to close October ist, 1955, at 6.00,ppm. The highest or . any tender/not. necessarily ac- cepted. For further. particulars :apply to George, S. Graham, R. R. 1, Holyr.00d, . Out; CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE, INSURANCE CO• • for • reasonable rates, . sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory ' settlement 'of claims. FARISH MOFFAT :.Your Local Agent R.R, 3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater .574-41 W. J. Freeman, Melvin Rome, Pres: • Sec: •.CARD fad, 'T''r1ANKS The: .family •.of the late Mrs. Bert Treleaven wish to acknow- ledge with . sincere appreciation and 'to most aheartily thank friends' and 'neighbors for, the many -kind -acts' and expressions, 'of sympathy . extended them in• the _loss of their dear mother.- INSURANCE other.--- AUCTION, SALE • of livestock will be held at the: farm of Harvey Hodgins, Lot 10, Con. •10;' Kinloss Township on the rice . SALE= -Norge 'oil burner, Lt cknow• Gravel, -half Mile south large ' size, like .new; Renfrew of ' Kinlough, : on , .Friday, Septem- cook stovewith water front, and her 30th at ; 2.00 p.m:: 8 Milch • chesterfield. Apply to Mrs. Al -1 cows; `choice Holstein heifer due iyert Gammie; :Lucknow. in a month 6 ;yearling cattle; .6' good calves; 2 'York' sows, with good litters at foot; 2 Hereford sows, due in three weeks; York sow, -due iri" -a-month; : 3 • Young SIIRAIED, to the •. premises of the: .undersigned, .`early in .July,. '= a• --.yea old :heifer. Owner ..may Y r-. have -same -by ---proving pr-cperty. Sy s;: g- e•P;" 100lhea�r pulje s and paying expenses. Chas. Mc- over 5 months old.' TERMS -All Lean, R.:7, Lucknow. ,. • `sums of. $25 and under cash. Over HOUSE FOR SALE -modern 8- that amount 6 months' credit on -- room .'brick house- on Havelock bankable' joint, notes :beari •6,%. St, Oil furnace, hardwood 'floors. 'Harvey 'Hodgins, Prop.; .Donald • Apply,to.,Dr. T. B. Clelan4, Luck- 'Blue, A`uc. clow. • WANTED Hardwood .bush , lots a and logs:; Paying top cash prices for hard • maple 'and; basswood timber.. Jas. • T. Craig & San, Sawmill, Auburn, • phone Blyth 43-r-24. OR SALT;-4-H.P.' electric meat - grinder. Motor and grinderboth in Al shape..N. H. Hedley, Luck now. WANTED Walnut trees, or logs, free of ' aimbs;-•that must be 7' long, and up, ' 16" in diameter and up, '16" from ground. Good prices paid. �igply E. S.• Thonipsen, Mount_ Brydges, phone 21 •. ------7----MEAT-FOR-SALE • Good ,beef for sale by , the • quarter. Choice - 1 ght ,He're'ford. steers, fronts 32c; hind quarters 45c. Beef' killed under icense from 'the Department of . e alth. • . Raynard Ackert, Holyrood Phone 24-30, Ripley. • REST HOME. ACCOMODATION Accoinodation a v a i l able at Carruthers ' Convalescent Horne. , dome -cooked meats, modern con- • vemences;"warm:-Regrstered'ritzrs- ing aVailable if,required in case of sickness. Apply tei Elliott Car- ruthers, R. 3, Holyrood, 'phone 27-16 - Ripley' z•, 0,, NOTICE. Bailey .1N MEMORIAM MacKENZIE-in .'loving :memory of Alice MellisaMacKenzie, • who passed away Septenber " 23rd, 1948 :, Remembrai is .:a : golden ,chain :Death' tries' to' break •but' all, in vain. To have -to love and then: t , part IS {the.: greatest serrlw of one's' heart: • The years may wipe .out.'many, things. But this they wipe out' never ..Beauty Salop_ will _ be' closed for holidays from Monday, September 26th, until Tuesday, October 11th. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST ft ',,OIaERIC. •..FOR. APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 . • For Appointment • or Information See 'Wm.: A. , Schmid; , • 'Phone 167-w, Lueknow NSURANCE F1;RE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE • • AND. LIFE • To Protect Your •Jack; • Insure With .Tack Today. • WEIXOSDAY, SEPT, 28th,, 1955 Vit• � i ErTFIEE e,C. Barrister, Ete. Wingham. 'and Lucknow IN • LUCKNOW • Each Monday :and' Wednesday Located' in the Municipal Offiee 'Phone .Wingham ' Office 4$ • • Residence 97 Kenneth MacKenzie; • ,.Optop►e trist ,;r- . , LIS.TOWIL, ONT. • at the former Wroria Jeweiery' store. Ripley, 10 a.arri to; 9:. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12th, and .every Second. Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses 'fitted. For -Appointment 'phone Roy - MacKenzie, 90-r-24, Ripley;: J.: A. McDONAGH • R.R 3, Lucknow,• Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, . ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday. and Saturday Afternoon Office: in 'the `JQynt Block' The memoryof•those •.happy• days. Telephone:..- When we g . were all to ether: ' .Office.135 ; Residence 31.-J'• ,Loving•memembered' by Moth- ' er, Husband .'and 'son Roy `and' family. • PERSONALIZED LABELS : a. Wecan nowsupply you' with personalized. labels, lttractively printed in. two colors, sad in a. handy •plastic. dispenser., You re- ceive 400 useful labels for only $1.50.: Use them' to: stamp . your books, records, Setters," -packages `etc. Drop in and r see a sainple -=- • LUCKNOW SENTINEL • NOTICE f die' Logal Assoeiation-of: ,Gir-1- Guides•: ,will meet' in - the..; Guide Room it 'the .Recreation Hall 'on Monday, October 3rd at 8.15. • J :_ QHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME .'Phone. 76 ,n Day or :Night Ambulance . Service, • ..CUI.,ROSS CORNERS • Mr •Alex , Whytock-attended a Presbytery ,meeting at Chesley on Tuesday. ... We are' sorry .to ,report -Mrs. Dorothy Thompson to be. a pat font=in--Wizvg�ham-.ILospital_-: anti hope for ' a speedy recovery. ,.The community extends sym- pathy. to, 'Mr; 'J. lI. •Laneand •Mr. and Mrs. F Maulden and. •Keith in the Bloss of Mrs. Lane. -Mr.-and -Mrs. Frank Brown. k. Reg ; spent Sunday with Mrs. May 'Jackson and • •Mr. Ed Mc- Callum' and Clarence at ' Wrox- eter. : . Congratulations•.:. • t o . Bernice Thompson ' who Celebrated , her, 4th birthday last , week • with a party ' for her friends; • . .Mr. and 11/I.rs. Milford Wall•aiid _:- ith - ... -Donnie-spent-Sunday w Mr. .NOTICE _ 'The 'annual meeting of Bruce Co-operative Medical. Services' wi11, be ,'held in ,..the Legion Hall, Wiarton, on •Friday, October 7th., `195 5- at "200 -_ `.A11 -rembexs_ are• urged-to.attend. and Mrs. Hairy Needham dham atKin- Mr, and Mrs. Art .Hodgins and Mr, and Mrs.. Torn Hodgins spent Sunday witiii Mr. and Mrs. Veine Hodgins at Angus., ' Mr. and -Mrs. Alfred Arnold, Mildmay, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Jack 'Schumacher and Helen. , 'E_ OF_.FUNERAL .ILOME.. AL.N� Extra Cost Moderate.. Prices . Established 1894 AGNE.WS' AGENCY Howard Agnew -- Jos. ' Agnew.' MEMBER OF •' Ontario• Insurance • Agents', Association GENERAL- INSURANCE lished''Over 30 Years 'A o' Estab g Telephones: ' Business ' 39 • Residence 138 ' McLENNAN and MacKE'NZIE FUNERAL • SERVICE Services conducted. • accord-, Y i'g ito. your wishes at • your Home,' your ,Church,Or. .at our Memorial Chapel at n� :additional charge. • AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 181,• Lueknow; Day' or ,Night STATE; FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE • Investigate 'Before • Investing .: NOTICE The Ladies . Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will meet: on 'Tuesday, ' October 4th at 8.00 p.m: Gomrriittee, Alma � . Myrtle . Slunter, McQui11in, Rosie • Stanley, Isabel England, Essie Purves.. • • FOR SALE --small farm, approx-, innately, L9 acres, north of C N R., with house;` aril ` cli eke i`House;"' garage. Priced reasonable, cash or terms. Apply to Mrs. herb Miller; R, 5, Lucknow.: ten. .tae 104,1 64t•-.4:0pm a sa.41i.mac•*-4.c-. i«.vnunrzerm;,, •** • CARD • OF THANKS . We Wish to extend ,our. .sincere thanks and appreciation for the J acts • of kindness, messages cad. sympathy, Mandbeautiful floral ' . tributes received -from our kind friends, relatives and r neighbors, dtir• wig ,a4r recent .bereavement in the passing of a °darling wife and mother Thanks to the ltev. MacDonald'•'for this.. message of torrifert"and :hone,- and .-to- MoLeiinan - MacKenzie • Funer1. Horne for their kind. att+entien, 3::;RR. Lane and ,Family.' • ..HARPER G.: ALAN WILLIAM/ Optometrist Office on .Patrick Sf: I1st-- off the Main St.. in WINGHAM" Professional Eye Examination • Optical : Services • 'Evenings b appointment. 8s y Pp • 'Phone: Office::770; Res.: 291. REUBEN:, WILSON` R.R. 3,. Goderich Phone 80.r-8 Dungannon • c. d d ri s1 a d ei ft h A d WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We .Have Been .Memorial Craftsmen For: Thirty -Five Years, Al cv`aysUseng; • THE. BEST GRANITES INSURANCE. 'Co -Operative Life Insurance • t CO -Operative ' Automobile Insurance Mercantile. & Farm' Fire Insurance Econornical,and Reliable. ti • Along With • Expert 'Designing and', Workmanship. onshi p Prices Most Reasonable.:, Cemetery ,Lettering'a Specialty R A. . S POTTO N 'Phone 256, Wingham Ontario See : T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW 'Phone -701719 Dungannon - • • RONALD Gc. McCANN Public 'Accountant: CLINTON; *ONTARIO Phones.:' 561; 455 Bank 5135;1liag Office: Royal e Residence. Rattenbury St.' N . BENTLEY • Ohartered Accountant West Street • _ _OD,E C O TAIt>k.O .a......: Telep oiXes 348 ,- 343W . • . WEDDINGS,. ANNIVERSARIES Our new sample album: of per- alized.acoessoxies.,-,ftlr_iieS, anniversaries, weddings i arid. every occasion is now on hand. New : designs, •new • eoloi s, new Items `in personalized ser iiettes . A ..phone call will bring. these samples to your door, :or drop •_ _ _ and see them, at ' The Sentinel Public. Accountant' 4,. Br'iitani4 Rd. ' (corner $outli 8-07 GODERIC 1 ONT. • r Telephone 101 I 43;esds ti-;i.7�'.;$4J".ia, 'Bane: .t**391,ia o,et9Jos, ., towor'mt: .,.,;•,' ;F.,;::,, ,,w *;44“;,, epic u,Powsur.44vs;. tive/k' . ,*at,Y .. bt".:-ta5 W;rrifoov*tu:. tr:Yi .::.""• woo*sno:nr 4444w..ti • qty.' • x ,:`= a*444 srcxm•.6.46**** ae u;; viias..:,..-.;«"zr64,4 . • H r •i ,