HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-28, Page 3955.
$th,, 1955
1liiinist .
Rev. G. .. A. Meikle john;,
10,00 •a.m.:. Church School.
11:00. a,m.: `Worldwide Com
7:30. p.m.: 'The D ciples of
Jesus'•'y .
resbyteri n Church.
Rev... Wallace McClean,
Friday, : Sept. 30th: Prepara-
to Service at 8.00p.m.''
10.00 a.m.:. Sunday School...
11.00 a.m.: Holy Communion.!
1.00 pm.: • Evening Worship,. ■{i
Local 8tGeneral
• Mr. •arid Mrs; Jack Ryan .of
Goderich visited Avith: •. Mr.:' and
Mrs. Tom' •Anderson on" Sunday.
Mr.` and 1Virs. john. Watt of.
Hamilton visited Mrs. Thomas.
Anderson last week.
1Vlr. and.' Mrs ' K.eriny 'Campbell
of ,Detroit visited. `Mr. and .Mrs.
Ilerir •Curran' `cast , week.
• aw-giiMitrialirivrEMOTIARY4Wic"..
Trip '`..Noto.i100us".fr.
• (By Don Thompson). 4
day, afternoon, the entire conven
tion party. was guests of • Mr. an
Mrs, Ronald Graham at ea to
at their quarter of a' millio
dollar • estate in suburban Van
cower.' While some roamed th
spacious .grounds overlooking th
ocean, otherr.:swain in their • in
door : ,swzng ; pool. • Other un
n: fe�`tunates-spent.-the . afiernp
;tryinigs,;to find • an: exit. from
n lith
agnificent mansion:
• At(6.3Q p.m, the CBC paid. tri
,butes° to . ,the.
,(3s5ociation din •
special radio .broadcast. Ke
Walls of the Barrio Examiner, a
past president of the CWNA, wa
• Ori Tuesday evening the. CPR
were hosts for .a. four�liour• boat
cruise aboard the "Princess, Pa-
tricia(' which 'normally: plies th,
route . (between • Vancouver -Vic-
toria -Seattle. Besides. viewing
scenic .. Vancou• ver :by night,
dancing and, bingo were enjoyed
aboard, `
* ;*.
On' Wednesday` afternoon the
• ladies . of the party were guests
at a: teap at Capilano Gardens'
where 'they, had a .chaneeto 'view
Capilano 'Canyon, and, the 'world
'famous" suspension bridge.
At one . of the: bar gruets� we
liaAPened to'sit with Mr, and
Mrs J: , M'aNNaughton 'of Cady -
smith; '' B C , ; who : are related: to.
the ' .Moffets, .'at Langside:: Mrs.
MacNaugiliton also .* has relatives
M the., Kincardinedistrict. Dis-
tri'ct 'towns: represented .• at the.
trict ., towns 'represented. at: the
convention were *Ingham, Clin-:
ton, Goderich, Kincardine, l.isto=
web and. cihesley. from our irn
mediate area.
• Wednesday.. evening saw the
end of' the three-day convention,
and while .many returned `im-
nied'iately,: others were fortunate
enough to be••able, to remain and
to, • do;; some, •sightseeing, On the
coast.. We Were, among. the More.
forturna.te ones, and .on Thursday
morning bboarded : tahe. "Princess
Marguerite" on a' 6 -hour cruise
to Victor a. Through the •fog arid.
rain we --caught -the odd glimpse
Of the Much :talked bout scenery,
but generally preferred te..re .
,.vain:' inside: to : stay. dry:'
• Totem poles, Indians and trib-
al regalia set • a, typical western
scene ".and atmosphere, as Van-
couver greeted and' played ho
to the Canadian Weekly News-
papers 'Association *members for
their 36th' annual .convention on
,September 12th, 13th and 14th
;*i *
e eer, _along• with �-eousi
Bob Hewat .of .Elmira, attended
"Canada's Largest Family Party"
(some 500, strong), sand -.were
greatly unpresssed with Western
Canada',:arid . its fine .Tips'pitalit
The trip was by courtesy of
Canadian National,. and Canadian
Pacific Railways, and no, effort
was spared - by thazri to make our
travelling and ••visit• a very en-
joyable one.
We• left Toronto by . C NR. on
Thursday, September 8th. All day
Friday Was .spent.travelling thru
bleak, but picturesque• Northern
Ontario. Looking at the 'heavily'
wooded . country; dotted with
lakes and racks and primitive.
dwel,ngs,gives' a• "southerner"
the impression that he is In an
unexplored •:wilderness. • '
* .* * •
Saturday rriornin •
g brcagla, ,us
to `Winnipeg, `'they gateway 'to the
West". An, hours stop enabled' ua,
'to visit t. with: two great 'aunts,
Mrs: William Helwig; and Mrs
Wilbert, .Pearly. Both, ladies .are
sisters of.the late B. B. Thornp,
son, .and: are residents :.of Winni-
Mr. W. H. Bartz; of •Burkes Falls * *
was..a recent. . v'isitor with 'his By Saturday night we .had.seen
daughter, Mr: 'and , Mrs.. Charles' Manitoba, arid' part: of. Saskatche-
Elliott.' ,of town. wan, :and' we;had' .an' .hour in.
Saskatoon late in: the evening
Mr.- and Mrs ' Clayton: Bodgins
Early': Sunday morning saw .lis, :in.
and.baby • of Holmesville 'visited
Sunday with his. ,: •Mr.'and.E:drison,ton, and shortly .after de
Mrs; 'Oscar ' I3odgins. Pasture.the foothills of. • the
Rocky, '..Mountains:, . loomed into
•¥r; and -Mrs.. Roy' MacKenzie view.
;nd four.. sons of . Oshawa were * * , *
iisitor's' last :week with. relatives • B`y noon . we :had reached..En-
n, community trance,. . Alberta, so named be
Mr, . and Mrs.. Ira' Dobbs: , of cause 'it.' is the entrance. 'to. the
`alender were recent' visitors' . Rocky ; Mountains,. and. '. Jasper.
rith her sister.; .Mrs. Charles E1-' National Park. From then •• until
loft and .Mr. Elliott 'of town: dusk ' our heads' were tilted .tip-
a •. wards in awe. and wonder, as we
Mr. and Mrs Alf Ritchie; 18.111 gazed and g'ai,ed :`at •the magnifi
nd Donna returned the first of: cent work of nature. We' believe
ast•'week-, from . a• trip through the: mountains were made to be
1VesternCanada to Vancouver seen, not • described, : as words
Mr. and Mrs:' Gordon 'Bailey alone 'fail .'`to convey • the %nag-
and Brent •are .on a ;motor .trip nillcence and beauty' of the:
o the---•R,Martimes—and their mange ` d
eauty . Salon: will :be• .. closed for
couple of: weeks.
Miss Agnes 'MacKay :of Lon-,
on, Mr. and Mrs.' 'Gordon "Mac -
ay and MCS 'ohn. M i (fit rre,
Wingham 'were 'Sunday visi-
ors• with . Mr. and Mrs. Alex rested on her tour of Canada....,,
At Yell'owhead, altitude •3,717
,_—DONBROOK.feet, we-._'went_-"oven..�the top_',
and commenced the steady' down
Master . Billie Robinson is re-. grade run to Vancouver:'.S•hortlye
operating after. an attack of ,the after Yellowhead •'we had: a five
umps. , minute stop, `anal an opportunity
1Vlr'. James Leddy had, Chis. barn to view "the giant among' giants',
nd :driveshed painted last week: Mount '..Robson. ;Mount Robson
A nuinber • of Donnybrook pec: towers 13,600)feet above- Sea. level
le attended anniversary, .services and is the' highest 'peak in' the
t . Westfield : last Sunday. Canadian Rbekies.. Although yqu
.,Me ribers_of--the--Women's-Mis---feel -you, •.m ght_ throw a, =stone_ to
Society.met at,,.the home it, it is said to be.some'20 miles
f Mrs. H: Jefferson and'. packed from .the viewing :point.
ori *. *..
'A half hour stop at..Jasper,
home: of "Jasper ; Park Lodge,
MountEdith .Cavell, and. the
Glacier of the Angel, ,;gave us a
°short , time to see > this exclusive
'summer: resort . where the Queen
bale offblankets,infants'.. and,
Uteri's clothing. to be 'sent to
trrthorn "Ontario.
A special meeting of the ' Wo -
en's. Missionary Society will be,
• �h
Monday morning .saw tis, iii
Vancouver where we were met
by other ' conventioneers, • and
transported .to the • Hotel. Van:
eld 'in 'Donnybrook Church ;on,, couver, 'convention, headquarters.
ursday, 'October' 13bh; Auxil- For' the next three days, presi-
rres are invited, from Auburn, I dent ,W: Be Sawdon, of• Sackville,
rick, Whitechurcih. and •West. New Brunswick, and convention
d1'i. ' Mrs. (Rev.). Washington 1:chairman Les Barber of Chilli -
11 be the guest speaker. Week, B.C., phis their executive
Mr, and Mrs: John: ' Tiffin and and associates kept things going
_hen -af - r.-higha n"were aiin•�
y 'visitors at the home of her
rents, Mr:. • and Mrs.• Norman
-at:b-.risk. ': xL-_esu•-Ba�bex--is.-a�
son of Charles Barber, a' former
resident ot.L.uckneW, who learn-
tom Mi ed trade printing' bush
Mr d-�Mrs; ...ti in_Chamney �• Hess 1 at' a'he:...Sentinel office a ,
tra a 1n t e
.'vrothy and Marilyn. of Wing-
!hem spent Sunday afternoon Aside.' from the daily business
with.'riffs'• parents, Mr. and, Mrs cessions and banquets the Com.
. ..;.._._ W. Y , _ •
Chamney and Graham .� riff- rnittee excelled ft e1ves in
net' of Goderieh spent MO day providing top-notch ' entertain
here. • , ment,. and • side tours. On Tues
A .. break . in the' weather when
-we-reached . Victoria 'enabled ' us
to enjoy a bus ,.tour, of.,. the 'enabled
view the .world famous ,Rutchart
Gardens; and :get a few•• of •'the.
many .snapshots we; took enroute.
WVictoria With --,-its hanging flower -
baskets,. beautiful gardens,. Eng-
lish architecture; 'lovely parks,
'friendly people and liesurely
life • will :be something. long to
reten ber In the evening we en-,
yo_y_eci asrwizn .in--=fico-`�Cry-sta1�:
Gardens", the,,1azgest ,swimming
pool under glass • on the North-
American Continent;
Returning, and 'sleeving oa the'
boat we arrived :back in Vatican,-
Ver:on Friday morning. An atter-
noon tour of -the city `,took , us' to'
beautiful. Stanley Park .where We.
•saw the fairious theatre. under
the . stars, Lions Gate Bridge;
Pauline Johnston-'.s---nnonturient
Siwash' Rock, Lost 'Lagoon,' and
Prospect Point to skirt the high-
lights 'briefly,
Friday 'night 'we spent with
our • aunt, Miss Lorna Cainp�bell,
and were treated to a tour • of
Vancouver by night by Mr. and.
Dick • Lupton. .Mrs. Lupton was
formerly Dorothy Barber, a niece
of Mrs. 1, H. Thompson. We ago'
visited with Mrs, Lester Pineo,
Who was formerly Lorna :Bauer;
and alsoa' niece. This gave 'us a
real chance to. view Vancouver
by night and see Chinatown,
Skid Row; Ein ire .Stadionh
the RCAF station; to znention a
few places,
*• * *
• On •Saturday we went 3600 feet
(Continued on Page 8)
Ladies' an
Men's Wear Fashion MiIlniery
pedal Visit
Mr.' Tom Wilson,`
•tie. well known
,style expert •
will visit Our ''Store
Tuesday, Oct. 4
and will be available • to all
our •'customers for personal
Consultation. You will be able
to discuss the latest styles,
• fabrics, ',colors .:and patterns.
with a style authority. You
Will 'seea huge new Fall sel-
el ection of 100% British wool
lens . featuring •eye-catehing
new "Sparkle . Tones" and
"Stained dlass Effects" in the
new slim, trim styles.' All ex
elusive 'with •Tip''Top,.Tailors.•
Large variety • in nylon,
cotton, rayon,' wools; in. all.
colors. Sizes 12 to 20,;.8.
to• 44.
Factory clearancesR
sa.rnples Stock 'odds. Reg;
to .$5.95: '.
for $2,09
Leavy duty ' and sheers:
Sizes 9 ,to 11. Chilly wea-
ther•' and demand for more
hose—so we offer you this.
outstanding ding.. specialone,
week.', Grey,' beige. •
2„ pair • $1.75
Lisle , 69c
Service weight „:,.. 69c.
Miss -Susie Gibson `.was ,releas-
ed frm. hospital on Sunday ,and
went • to Clinton with her ' bro-
ther' .Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson:
And Mrs. Harvey' Congram.
went to Kitchener on Monday
Mr. Albert Cook • visited . with.
his.daugrhters in Owen Sound and
attended the Wiarton stock sale.
IV[rs. E Barkwell, Mrs:' George
Taylor • and family of . Lucknow;
'visited With Mrs. Daisy McClar
:les `on. Sunday.
• Mr.. H•Barkwell/ visitedwith'
his sister, Mr. 'and Mrs. Whitney,.
Mrs. • D. Nicholson • was with..
;:her daughter, Mrs. 'I). '. Ritchie
(Margaret) : 'of. Ripley • 'who' had.
taken a heart attack. •
' Mr: and Mrs. Robt: Harnilton,
a'ccompanied by .Mrs:- Jas..Mac
Donald; . visited in Jamestown.°
Mr: and . ,Mrs: Murdoch Mac-
Donald and Grant visited with
Mr, and Mrs.. Eldon. ' Henderson.
Mr. Al Irwin returned home at
the week end .having been out.
West. .Y
Presbyterian Evening. Auxiliary
The first meeting for tae ..Fall'
'was held at "the Home • ;of Mrs.
J: MacDonald on Septencrber -20th
with 17 present. Mrs. Jack Fisher
presided..Hymn 570, was sung fol-
lowed by prayer. After the scrip-
ture .reading,Mrs. Morgan Hen-
4erson' g ve_theLBib1e_study Mrs:.
ilBrown read a poem, after
which' the current 'events' were
'given by Mrs. ,Care MacDonald.
Mrs ' M;ason • took charge of the
topic assisted by - Mrs: Robt, Mac-
Kenzie,'--Mrs.--N.--Johnston: Mrs.--N.--Johnston- --and•
-MissG17-dys ,MacDonald. • 'Z4ie
closing, hymn. was . 5 • •• followed
by prayer . by Mrs. N. Johnston.
A social •half 'hour, was spent at:.
the close of the meeting
• • •4.1.
° U^
wq rxau
46 pc. -service for 8
JIM ID, Jeweller
.-.�.::,h,�•Awns ussEllti4•411111, 41.:i.ii/I 4,11101LPYSISAirtilkat.. _• _.a:_ .,a�.I':,aYW1r.:a',K. +W�'-.E!