HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-21, Page 2to t,. PAGE' 'TWO Tim LUCK TOW SENTINEL, :LUCIKNOW, ONTARIO• ' WBDiESDAYA 4EPT:.21st,..1955 • Sornething; to See . the 90th Annual, CALEDONIAN PARK' 3' :Tuesday, .Septanber 271 'ednesda Fair to be officially opened by Mr. Alex McTaggart . of the Agricultural Societies Branch of the Dept.: of Agriculture, Monster Parade at i.S. From Public School To 'Fair Grounds 'Headed By Lucknow. District High School Band- FLOATS.; :DECORATED: -BICYCLES HUNDREDS OF SCHOOL CHILDREN'. • Float. Prides -$15, •$10, $5. -Bicycle Prizes 45, $4, $3, $2, $1. ' • Rural School Chorus :.and Yell• Public Speaking Contest• Ladies' ' Cow Calling Con. Bubble Guy Blowing .Con- test Chi1Iren's Races Bicycle Races, etc. - DONALD --BLUE,.. Master of Ceremonies Grandstand Showby. Earl Heywood and .His Gang SQUARE DANCE CONTEST -$20, :$15, $_10 4-H BEEF• CALF CLUB SHOW ;TUG P9 WAR for JOHN. HANNA TROPHY • ,te __Jum. • •T�ro Parachute Weather and Wind permitting there will be two breath -taking:, delayed -opening parachute dumps. l•; Clown' -. Sideshows ' • Merry -Go -Round' Admission to Grounds 50c and ` 25c TOWN HA Ir, WEDNESDAY' Night, Sept. 2,8 'at 8.15 share A Highly Rated Variety' Show by. Listowel Artists, featuring "The Country Squires" male quartette. • Dance After ' Concert Modern 'and Old 'Time Dancing Henderson's Orchestra Wm. McIntyre, Pres.. Alex T. MacNay, Sec. PURPLE GROVE A bus load. of Club girls at- ' tended the. London Fair last week. • : Miss Margaret hRobertson vis-' jted" Thr a few days with'Miss Annie McLeod of Lucknow. • Hinlough L.O.L. : • 1139, held ;thiels monthly :meeting on -dues= day. evening of last week, Wor- shipful Master.. John Emerson presided over the meeting '..and gave; abrief account of his trip to the ,$ritish .Isles, -but stated that a :room full account would be given later *hen films : would e shown. are ce Y a en Glamis was present and also spoke, inviting . the` Kinlough .brethren . to be • present in the Blackhorse Lodge the following evening, where the Royal, Scar- let Chapter would be conferred on a group of candidates. congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.,i readings• .by Linda Button; an inn- Russell Stanley on the ';•rival, of teresting talk on "Canadian Mus- a baby boy: Mr, and Mrs.`Frank Currie vis- ited at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Eli-_Mor-ganatT-ee, w`ater-on- ti day. • Mrs, Helen Swan. spen ; a few', days' at London n Fair. •lasweek LIGH:TNINGL_ KILLS i 'DE•SATvitu ►Y RAID ON COIN, SAVE.' BARN- (CULROSS .CORNERS NEWS) Patsy . ;Schumacher attended a birthday•party for Madonna Gra- ham on Monday after school., •Reg Brown accompanied friends on .a• motor trip to Lon- don on Tuesday and attended the Western . Fair. Others. attending the Fair on different days were Club ;girls, Barbara, Joyce and Betty, Haldenby,Sharon Hod- gins +and"their• leader; Mrs. Perry Hodgins., Others. 'attending were M. and; :Mrs. Prank Thompson Mr.: and Mrs. ;:James Wraith, • Mr; and; Mrs, Morley -.Wall and fain - The well drillers; ''have' sunk: a new well at the home of Mr.• and. Mrs. D,on Donaldson. :• Messrs. Frank and Reg.. Brown •atcorpanied by Jack Barr • of Kinlotigh, made a business trip to Stratford Thursday 'evening. Have our peepers on a. new. television aerial at the home of Mr: • end Mrs,' Art Hodgins.• A severe electric storm: hit this immediate vicinity Wednesday evening. just after ,supper. At Art Hodgin's farm both the : -house and ;barn were struck. A cow was, killed• in the stable and the barn set on: fire, but . prompt action had . the •blaze . under control be, `fore -the Teeswater-Fire-ABrigade-: arrived on the scene: Mr I3od-. ins' hhad,'rbeen milking the cow lust a few moments before it was ns killed. • ..• Morley. Wall lost a couple of bead : of cattle. Hydro' was off partially or • completely in, most. ihomes At Morley Wall's and Frank litrown-'s, an -electrician had to be called 'in before . `complete: service was 'restored: There' was Imuch minor damage ',About. the only thing not: disruptedwas the. telephone service:, • •We' are sorry to repirt Cannan Whytock, to have been: inured 'in a car accident Tuesday even ing: At time 'of writing we are glad' to report, that she is 'home and ..doing nicely. - _ • _ •> ._...• Mr: and Mrs. Jack Schumacher 8r Helen and Mrs. Charles. &hit.- niacher arrived 'home late Friday :afternoon' after' spending • nearly five weeks :on,' 'a •'. motor .trip;•.'to- Western ;Canada.. Donnie ' Wall celebrated his 7th birthday on Saturday' by having a . party' for his boy, friends. . At time !ca writing; -Donna and Billy Wall. are 'confined to their beds. ' Hope you both . ; are well soon. • MVI;.. -and Mrs. Melvin Zettel left Saturday morning • ;for Detroit Where they 'will spend' the Week- end: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg spent, Sunday evening with Mr. , and Mrs. Hugh ' Nicholson & farirlyat llervie -,. Dr. and Mrs. Colin vellum' of Toronto spent 'Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. :Midford 'Wall and Don- nie. Houston -Johnstone W.A. Group The ' Houston Johnstone Group. of the . W.A. of ' the Lucknow. United Church. met •at the .home sof:•-;Mrs, . Redvers.i JohnistiMe ori" Wednesday evening. With Mrs. Harvey Houston '^presiding, the Meeting opened with the .theme song' and'. repeating the 'Lord's prayer. Script -Are was read by Mrs. George',Elliott . and 'Medita- tion by Mrs. J. C. McNab. Mrs: Huusttin lid sayer fol owe by the hymn, ."HowFirma Foun- dation". The :devotional part was concluded by repeating the mot- to: The• ..program; presided'' over by Mrs. Gilchrist,included vio- lin selections by Dr. Little; two Miss-' 1Vlargaret rx of-Arf1 t was a visitor at the hone: of Mr. icians",' the- theme of the• .pro=. gram, "by Itev. G. A. Meiklejob:n; electric guitar selections by Rod dy:.:and....l ldon...W.ra-ith-..arid-•-a polo;, "In the Garden", l?y' Misa Mar- garet Rae: Mrs. Gilchrist eon- ducted NLra .musical contest and s George _41.lao_tttt...tn.oved-a_vote, of • thanks to the hostess. The meeting closed with prayer by and Mrs, Donald McCosh reofnt-I R. Meiklejohn. Lunch was ser- •vect .the_,cnmt± ;+ R..... -Fr: Gilchrist, Mrs. George Elliott and Mrs, J. Wraith, with " a social. • hour enjoyed by all. ly. r ., was a speaker. at the Institute at •Holy- rood• last 'Thursday. • �OSlit--BOTTL&SIT Ontario -Provincial Police from,' Goderich executed a search' war- rant' .at the Horseshoe • Club in West Wawanosh Township. on Saturday night and, are reported to have seized several cases of ale • and beer. Charges were laid under the Canada Temperance' Act. The Helens Club' b' located on • the' St. a short distance south of Highway 86 in, 'Huron County. I.t has been in operation since early.'summer. • COUNCIL 'MINUTES RINEOS•S TOWNSHIP Council, met in the .' hall, 'Sep_ tember 6th, 1955, 'as per adjourn=: anent.."The Reeve and C'rouncillor Moffat absent. Councillor Murray Was made reeve ' pro -tem The minutes' of the ,Nast• reg- ular meeting of August 2nd as read were approved and sirgned. ..George . Radford: was ,ordered to 'be ',paid balance' on contract Kraemer -Murray ,.drain, $215:00 less $10.00 allowed P. A. Murray for. work -done; A grant of $15;00 was' given to 'the ° Bruce • • County' -plowing match:, ` 'On consideration. of the tenders. re-ceived-for :the ••construction -of ,the 1taake Municipal Drain, the. tender of Bostock and Regan at 'the ':lump .sum of $8,340.00 was, accepted, workto:be donein•ac- cordance ' with: the'. engineer's plan, profile; and : specifications,. 'and' to ' be completed this ' fall , if possible; • • -On-'-recownanendation�-•-of the: `Department 'of Municipals Affairs, a ngw By-law, No. 9, '1955, was finally passed for• the purpose of, Federation of Agriculture levy of two-fifths; of'a: mill for mem- Ibership fee _ • A petition . was prepared ask - ng.' the Department of ,Highways. f the interim .grant on the. road expenditure 'from January . l st to August .31st` .of._1955 The drainage .petition of ;Elmer Huffman .Tiffin.' �; Wesley and ..Ro Y •Huffhnan was accepted, and the clerk forward to' •the engineer. -' • Council then.' adjourned to •meet • again on Monday, • October -3rd, Cheques • issued:. ,hydro- at hall, G. R.: ;Gear,: grant to plow- ing match,, •15.00; • Lucknow ,Sen-, tinel, •. voters'. 'lists,;' drainage by- laws, etc., $238.25; . W.. S. Eadie & Son; • tile; 're • e ' tiling .,Eadie tib TIME. TABLE. CHANGES .. Effective SUNDAY' • EPt .51h,'i955 Full information , from.'agents. • • premium on insurance,; 274,67; Earl Harris, . repair on Harris Dram, 89:90; Mrs. James Murray, allowance K=M . drain, 23.00; Grant Eckenswil1er,. 'allowance ' K• -M drain, 10:00; P. A. Murray,' -work charged to 'contractor, 1{-11M drain,: 10.00; James '•A. 'Howes,. final; inspection K -M. drain ,40:00; relief,`. 100:00; Mrs., James Smith, caretaking;::4;00; Dan.T. MacKin- nen,'commissioner's, fees River_54' drain; '75.00; • James' A. Howes; 'final inspection River 54' drain, 35; QO_;.�oddy�tnglis,.'retiting )adie- ;-- drain,' 250.00; Harold McQuillan; assistance Eadie, drain; ' 16.00; Bruce Thorcnson, assistance ; Eadie drain; 12.00; George. Radford, balance contract .K -M• • drain, , 205.00;; Village of Lucknow, fire call to. P. M. `Johnston; 50.00; Dr; T. B. Cleland, refund overpay ment-: 1954 taxes 9:68. Highway cheques: Pay List No '9, '$398,35; Pedlar People Ltd.,' culverts, 416.56; Rbsco Metal Pro ducts, . culverts, 621 88;, Robinson Irwin, .: culverts;: .504.24; Dom. inion;. 'Road' 'Mach: Co., repairs, 198.10 Wm., • Hunter; gas repair;. C 80 C. E. McTavish, fuel oil and. grease;' 39.40; MacIntyre & Irwin; :: filter • lights, ' 35,i75;,. Wm. MacIx- tyre, ;6 anonths '•telepho'ne, 1150 Dept: ; of Highways, gas ` tax, 22:00; ;King 'Constru,ction. Co,, 80 percent • bridge' •'contract, .1,760:00; . . J. 'Conn, the and labor,' 12.04; Rpss, ' per 4cartage. wire- fence, 18.1a; 'Thomas Austit,-7 per, cart • age wire fence, 13,86; T. field,' tire repair . and 'labor, 188.75; R. Forster, welding,' 14.50; :Webter & . MacKinnon; cement - - for bridge,. 575:00;•.J. A , McD'on agh ;Share road :insurance,. 114.69. '• Drain, 127.2.4; J. A. McDonagh, J. R. LANE;: Clerk - --0.riga.arrl rilif / tfess,fl .i isk.c 1 • YOU waving sofe Langside • Store i . an ' ' _avid - ' vi' Nichols• we'. take this, opportunity to express our sincere ap- • , . . preciation to, friends andcustomers for the pleasant. business -1 ---- and social relations we have enjoyed.- ' ' . ' ' We wish also to acknowledge the co-operation of Lock=,• now merchants. :- Vie. have eil o ed tour association in the community. and . hope to -long . • retain themany friendships we . have formed. _._..To -our snc:cors~ We -extend best' wisties and `bespeak for-: _. 'them, a continuance. of your patronage and good Will. • Sincerely, , N :LCH.ESTER:-FEA+GAN :4r 1,�ni1 J d�:o�( 14.1111410111111114111104141111114.1.04.. . _n to ar Resumes at 2.00 a.m. iAYsEflEMBERL25J.t1 Citizens itizens are reminded that Daylight. Saving. Tiine -frcrarllrend crthe bwv:et �:meAtitt-th tt -Ste oda 'd-_ Time wilt again bein effect commencing on Sunday. • ' HAMILTON, 'Reeve. y '.j.1rMAUl1f.INS/►�1�11�.Or1i1'rl'v1F1•diel1Nopi„4.04,064*fi,dilak.��,• it ss:M::.;Bei<•Atit.•:b.�,;e,a:w.a... :