HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-21, Page 1[4th,1956
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KintosWith :IciplossVitk Vhitechurch
, nl�ugh Ian Teeswat�� Charge
The congregation of:South'Kin
loss .Presbyterian Church . is.' t
join -the : Whitechurch acrd .l_.aig
side ' pastoral ',charge ' under. th
Ministry • of Rev. Norman Cas
well,, while• the Kinlaugh : co,ngee
gation• will 'become .• associate
4.w f t h Teedwwater ` Presl iter •an
Church to form e two-,poin
charge, with Rev. T.J. McKin
ney as minister.. '
These arrangements have been.
approved by the Presbytery of
Huron -Maitland and. 'Will ' become
effective, on Sunday, October. 2nd.
South Kinloss, will have a morn,
ing •service. The Kinlough .con-
gregation 'will hold service in the
afternoon• for at least the win-
ter•' months. .: • -
' South' Kinloss and' Kinlough
have been " a pastoral ,charge .for
Several years and • have• ' been
without' a• resident Minister since
the ;-departure ;of Rev..: G. S.
Baupch'. to Carnpbellville early in.
January.- Since :then Rev. J. R.
MacDonald has' acted as'' interim-
moderator: •Rev; • John Pollock
will conduct next.. Sunday's ser=
'vice, and the'following : Sunday.
;the new pastoral charges will 'be
come, operative: ' ..
An earli • ro .Salt was : 'to•
P 1
have South Kinloss join: with the
Lucknow pastoral charge and
hold . a .morning service preced
;ng..the 11.00• .•a:m. service, in
town.; This . ,� .plan failed to
,Young David Ta 'ylor two- :ear=
y + � Y. ..
old:. son -of Mr. and Mrs. George
Taylor, 'Jr., got the 'surprise ; of
• his life last :week when he `took
what he ' thought' :was . a swig ,of
...pop, and it turned out; to. be. geso
e , Nlir ' ,and. Mrs. Cheater ':Fe •
have: vacated 'the Lari si agar'
g de Store'
- 'which they °sold recently;'` to
d and ,.Mrs. David` Nichols; of Nia'
gara Falls.' Mr, and Mrs. ,Nich-
The' lad . was. • at • the Supertest
Garage, where his father f oral
erly worked. Gagging and, pretty
sick :.looking, the lad:• :scared the-
folks at the, garage, including
Mrs Wasney, ` who inverted him
and did some lusty back patting,
Z'he. doctor washed' out David's
stomach and he' was' soonnone
the worse of the episode:
-Daylight. Saving: Time comes
--te-ii=cyte ffidially a1 2 01
on Sunday Morning. Church ser-
vices, next Sunday will be on
Standard time again, . so remeni-
ober to turn' the clocks back on
retiring Saturday night, or you'll
• ;have • a: bit, of a wait for the sm.:-
vice to start.
ols have two ,pre -school-age
children: .
Mr. and Mrs. Feagan's • future.
plan's are uncertain, but for the
time being • they plan to. reside.
in .the Nile community, two miles
south of Dungannon, • whichis
getting near their old home. They
formerly lived in ..the .Carlow' dis-
trict, before coming ` to Langside
about 71/2 years ago, when., they
purchased .Win.' Brown's :general
store business, •
Mr. Feagan is not, enjoying the
best of health, .which' decided
them to sell, but they leave ''the.
Langside, community. regretfully
as .they had made many; friends
An Ashfield 'Township barn
Was saved from destruction by
the •Lueknow •Fi're,Company and
,volunteer . firefighters • last.:
dayafternoon after' fire in an
adjoining, straw pile had set fire:
to. the ,Structure.
The barn is; owned: by Lorne
1GIacDanal'd aiid is "across.throad.
from ,the. farm• : where he lives
on the 12th; Coricess'ion, a `couple
of -miles' east of the Bluewater
Work was in, progress at the
time to remove a straw'pile from non:, The presentation address
against the barn. A :spark : -.from was made' by Mr: WM. MacIntyre
the, tractor • is be]ieved . to have
and. Mr.' Lloyd MacDougall pre=
ignited; 'the l stack and in spite of
valian efforts to control it, the
;barn was ,afire:' when the, Fire
Brigade arrived and •as Fire Chief
George Whitby.summed it up
after, the 'successfulbattle, "I
wouldn't.have•:gi'ven •a dinle:.foi
the barn when we got there".
Straw on, the roof ;had .become
'ignited, 'and;. •.as well, the fire
worked• into the-dou.ble'¢boar-ding
on . the granary, and into the
beams under the barn: .4 was 'a:
hot anti, smoke choking .,job to
bring the fire,under control.
With- no' water ,.supply on the
arm, the brigade had. to'4make
ood use of • every drop in the
truck's, tank : amounting. to only
little,. over 300': gallons. It was.
efilled once at L• orne's • home.
arm.,'before the outbreaks were
• Besides the grain ; there .:was
lax in the 'barn • at the opposite
nd•..from:. where -the. fire started...
Although there was some dam-
ge done, it seemed .amazing . that
the • structure wase, not.'razed
This • community,' was shocked
to learn of the sudden death of,
Mrs.; pert Treleaven, • formerly
Amelia Hackett, which , occurred
ono, Nlionday evening at • / agers-
"A service was • h
eld there on
Wednesda 11. owing; which the
cin .. : to'
areg •brought the
MacLennan -MacKenzie• : Memorial
Chapel, "Luckriow, where °a ' ser-
vice will be held on Friday af.-
ternoon at. 2.00 pan:, conducted
by. Rev. G. A. Meiklejohre' Inter-
ment will be in Greenihill 'Cern-.
etery, •
Ripley Chief: Picks Ups Trio Said
To Hake IMrecked -Car
Allan Reid . is scheduled to take
a bus load. to Toronto on 'Friday
to hear the noted evangelist, Billy.
Grahain, who is staging a�month-
long series of meetings : in the
C:N.E. Colliseum, •
It is possible' that ,further. trips
M and Mrs. 'Tames Arnold and
family' have: moved:to the former
Bill Cook farm en 'Con.' 9,. West.
Wawanosh, more ,recently ' owned
by 'the. late Alex Stanley; •'The:
Arnold family have resided in
Lucknow, since coming .here from
Deloraine, !Manitoba, • early in the''
-Three of their children,' Karen,
Ann and . Susan are attending
Belfast school.
$ . The "This "n' That" column in
this issue features a reminiscent
article that Will. be of general
interest. The writer. harks'back
to the "cracker barrel" days 'of
chawin'' tobacco, buggy whips,
oil : lames and , "cel . c it' in .j
Reservations at the Colliseum. dents. .,•
may .be made .from .this: district. S 4
may be.made •for. bus loads, but, •
we tprivate
car loads.un.dersand,. not ' for •
On; Thursday evening, Se eni- 'day' .and Wednesday, September'
•bey 15th'a • lar e crowd: of• pen- 27th : and '28th. And,:. given; fair
and neighbors athered at .the weather, �Ghie program sha ':es' up
g P
Township Hall; Holyrood, , to as'one, that will.•do .justice to this,
honor Mr.. and rs :G ' -: ' important anniversar
dVI • . eorge sock . y
;hart. on their thirty-fifth. •weddin • �' •A. thrill, • is. in store 'for the'
anniversary... 'The evenin : 'wa crowd by •two•. parachute jumps.
spent -in dancing tq .music by that. will be made: during`the 'af
Carruthers' orchestra, ternoon. The • j.unlper' is' Stewart
During the. evening Mr: :and Lu.eas :and he'll. delay his::chute
1V9rs.• Lockhart '°were.. escorted 'to . opening for 2,000 feet after . the
the--• l -a -form • lea
_ P t„ .• by Mr. Alex Max . P - .
Kenzie and Mrs. Di L. MaeKin= Interest appears. to' t e' mount-
ing in'.the Calithumpian parade,
and indications are that this •pro-
cession whioh: takes' off from :the
sented, them with the'..gift of a public school grounds at 1.15 will'
purse,- to which the•••groom of 85 :be worth. seeing'. Rural 'and ur
The Lucknow Agricultural Soc-
iety's ,90th fall fair is less than
a week away—the: dates are Tues -
George Taylor,. Jr., a veteran
Of World War' dl; is back in the
service again and left on Thurs
day'fi5r • tiie AAs"` base at St.
Johns, Quebec. ' George.• was in
b • London-on4fenday--of-4as -week'
,when he passed. his •, medical and
'was `",`in again". • for .sure. He ,had
,• applied for • ' enlistment , a few
'weeks ago:. ,
George , had 21/2.y in ears', service
the, last 'war; He enlisted at
the age of 17 years in the Air
Force,' and 'after five months',' in
this branch ,of the service; re-
eeived a tra- .
., nsfer to the' army. ,.
He 'em'barked for "overseas with
Queen's Own ;Infantry on .his
�.,--. 18th 'birtrTrcTa:
George expects' to be at St.
yrs for a, couple of months ' or.
•' so, before receiving a posting: In
!1: -the•.•�ileafitim'
. a Mrs, fiayror t;Ali�e
Barkwell) and thre'e' children ,are
remaining •here at the home of
4 \
her ,nether, . Mrs. Evelyn Bark -
1 �. wel2
s : ' 4eor ,
as employed a . Joe
Walney s garage 'before .re- :ilist-
ing, ,
Mrs,,. • Herb McQullin,"' Second
Concession, Kinloss, has her right
forearin in a ,cast, as. i a result of'
having fractured' her wrist some
ten days ago. We're in the dark
as to the. cause, ;as •Mrs.McQuil
lin said,.•with :a chuckle, •it hap-
pened so foolishly', that she 'hes-
hes-itates to tell 'Anybody, •,
Cotlsins,,Break' Wrists '
Murray. 'Hunter," 12 -year-old
son of Mr.. and Mrs, Vernon flunr
'ter; 'tisk. a, adex-'off-ars `:bicycle
last week and suffered a fract=
,used right wrist. Breaks are no-
thing new to Murray, Re has had
a couple pt-mifid • 6n.es. before; mss°;
well as undergoing prolonged.
treatment on •his ship as a child.'
urray's cousin, five-year-old
harry Laibu l -e, is . also '" pox - -ta-. w estrrrrnster— Hospital ''7
t''had a tumble a week' for a: check-up, and.he will.
int' a cast. He, •e, confined' to a
few days ago, and came up with b b d for a tem...
airoken,'le�ft wrist.
as a result,
years ago. replied, 'thanking all. ban residents alike, are .urged' to•
for :: their' gift and goad ' wishes. rig up some sort of a 'conveyance
A del�icio'us .lunch was, . served ..and.: `;'join the ' a e" `
anddancing ,resumedfor the :re= There •will Abe a full, afternoon's
mainder of . the evening entertainment.. at,• the grounds,
with Earl Heywood •and'. •.his'
CKNX Gang keeping the pro-
gram', tight -packed' with' some-.
thing doin _ • ever minutes.
The square dance :.contest and
Tne Clansmenresumed their tug o' war 'as.. well as the school
monthly. : meetings:. on .. Monday' children's song and yell compe-
evening •after a summer recess tition are • among;; the ever: pop.
and :discussed at 'some. length .tiler events. -
`what ciii-gy=p-roje t•s t- ey=- rrolri �A :h7 h1 .tea end conger i
o ,� : g y s oo-k-
undertake: ed for the evening, followed by
The `need for a place toswim the.:usual dance. •
has @been: recognizedand for' a ,There has been an exceptional
time the Club • has •• had under demand _ for ,fall. fair: prize lists
eonsideretion the"' possibilitie's of which points, to ,a big. exhibit 'in.
establishing a pool , in front •of : the hall; and on the gr ands. '
the new.District` Hsgh • School. • ' All told it adds up to a prom -
Some • expert. advice is being ising looking, show, and. which,
sought 'in this regard and ' it is given a break from the Weather-
hope'd`that-a- speaker-- an `se Ob= rrian=ghbti1d breakTall`attendance
tained to address the Club on records in recent' years."
. - cial. meeting.''
this subject at'a• spe
Within- a couple ,of: weeks.. • • EXPLAINS P LA I r
� NS STAND :••
A cement floor in the arena is.
another- suggestion, This would ON PUMP RENTAL
facilitate elr e. -us-e-• be n - .
made of the spacious 'b,ildin Councillor George .Joynt, has
which now .had' a' loose-a.n.cLd-usty explained- to—The-•-'Sep-tinel- e
sand. bottom, The Concrete floor he voted against. ` the motion . to
would, also speed' ice making,. rent the municipally -owned irri-
' •The laying, of + a, ` permanent gation (sump) pump. The 'press
floor raises the question of .whey had been playing .hookey from
then or not Lucknow will ever the . summer . meetings of the
have artificial ice. In' the opinion' Board,and 'wasn't aware of the
they .. e o y over the pumps . or
of many cannot see' this •c ntrovers
villa e undertaking such a• pro- the views •of the ,Board..members
g g
sect. But it does .nose a problem. in the matter„
In . any event; an estimate is to Councillor Joynt states he was
be received on the cost of a ,not consulted, .in connection with
cement floor: the purchase •,of the, pump;. that
�: --To lgnter h�Ioa - ie�-felt--it h-ad-Cost--tormuchh- and -
The Club,' decided • to; enter a that: h didn't think here was.
float in.the Fair ,Day, parade, ;sufficient use for it. to warrant
and. a cbmmittee volunteered to its . purchase: In' his 'opinion a
take-ehar-ge f, : this.,- . punto could %e t d— ifs-'a"n .
when' needed.;
'Lorne Johrnstor�, has suffered His opposition' to the• rental of
another severe attack. since going the plant) was based on' the fact
, p ,�
hat—the "town ' foreman can
scarcely keep up with his work
as it is, let alone . going. out on'
lump calls
Three youths, 'alleged to haste
stolen --and yrreeid a car; :were
arrested single handed last • Firi
day`; morning by •Riley's Pe icer
Chief Elliott : Taylor,
The. .trio, each with only begin
ners driving permits, were' Frank
Eccles ' of Collingwoad, 'David
Morrison' of Toronto and 'Mike
York of Midland. •
They . are . charged with having
stolen a car from A•�b•berhart's •
Garage at • Goderich, which they
abandoned •at Bervie after wreck '
ing it, The car apparently went •
out of control at the turn in' Ber-
vie, smashed off a pump, at Wes
Wylds residence end, ended up
against the • Odtlfellows' `Hall,
The ''trio fled* before Provincial'
Police . arrived and. could not r be
found ''
The , : ,badly wrecked car was
discovered inthe.. early hours
the morning, and only memento
after the crash by Johnston Mac-
act eod• and another' couple.• who
were returning 'from a ,business
trip to Toronto. The occupants
had disappeared, and ,Mr. Wylds
was' just " pitting in an appear-
ante after !being startled ,'awake
by the crash. How the youths.
escaped. 'serious , a injury ,. was a
It: so happened that • Jo'hris' on •
was among the ,first to spot the-
the-three suspects in `Ripley the next
morning as she drove' his- children
to 'school,. and. had a finger in.
the 'developments::
•.,which follow-
The following,,morning a grain
:trucker going ' into Ripley 'gave.
the three boys a ride, 'At Ripley
they got a lift withJames • Mac-
Donald .to •'the Sixtah:.. �Corc'ess:on'
south of Ripley. Suspicion had
been aroused. and Johnston Mac-
Leod , and, Bas. Vanderhoek` ; fol-
lowed Jim MacDonald; "and the
trio ' of hikers, southward.
Constable Taylor, havi ' 'been
Y - ng' been
informed 'of what `was. going..„On,
set out .: to /the • south, .but S.. as
ahead of the hikers, He till -Led,;'
at • . Highway : 86 and' was back a'
the Sixthe as the three teenagers'
alighted • • from, the MacDonald,
car, . C.Q_nstable • `Ta-ylor picked
then. up and it forined them:
was :taking' them into .:custody for
questioning. • •
• At ]Eppley • they were turned
ever lb Provincial Polieep upo
their arrival from Kincardine:',
-A.-surprise' party'was given for
Mr.. and Mrs..'.Roy, Alton by. their
family at their hone on Thurs-
hursday- evening; September 15th ' to
celebrate :their 40th 'wedding an-'
niversar3<,'. About ' 80 relatives;,
neighbors and friends gathered
to, ' extend' "their' reongratulations
and good-, wishes and present
thein- wittrseveral- b 'titiful--gifts:`•-_"-
A very pleasant social time. was •
nnye . .
A • three-tier"ed:' wedding : cake ,
centred the . table for. the occas-
ion. ` The happy .eveningg ended
with a dainty lunch served by
their 'farnily, their ,daughter -in
law Mrs. A
> vi 1. n Alton; and sisters-. in-law, Mrs. Percy Graham and
Mrs. Bert Alton.' ;
Mr. and 'Mrs. Altori have one,
daughter,' ' Mrs. Johnston Mac-
Leod (Dorothy) of Ripley,' and
two sons, Clayton,at home, and
.. liti,,,•.ad., Theme-
n-- . ..Ste
are .ten. grandchildren,
A "quiet wedding was 'Solemn-
solemn-ized on Wednesday; September
14th, at the Presbyterian Manse,
Fergus, "w en s i mired:
Johnston and Mr: Albert Cammie
were united in marriage by Rev.
W. Ross A antsy