HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-14, Page 5W, DNF AY, SEPT: 14th, 1955
Tooled To Repair,' All
-Makes Of Tractors:
Alh's batlmers''B" ,TgAtTOR`'
•In A -I . Condition
Boilers, . Pan Breakers
iiefoire. •-BtUyfng See us. For `.
Spreaders, ' Blowers .
Forage Harvesters, Wagons
Corn- Pickers and Huskers
Phone 18-r-20, Ripley
Under ' the sponsorship of the
'Camp Committee of The ; aini1'
ton ` Conference. of The United -
Church ofCanada, an • unique ex--
periment in 'camping was tarried
:out .at the Miramiohi' camp .• site
near Port Elgin, Ontario, during
the week of August list 28th. For
the' first time " •in the United
Church • of Canada, intermediate
boys and girls, 12,'13 and: 14years
Of .:age, ..camped together - in .an -
atmosphere ,of• .Christian. influ-
ence..Co-directors' of this experi-
mental. camp: .Were they 'Rev..and
M. Horace --Burkholder : of. Tor-
onto:' Mr. Burkholder is at' pres
ent the general: secretary: of The:
Ontario Counc 1 Of„Christian '.Ed-
ucation, and has had;"a wide.ex-
perience in youth activities. Mrs."
Burkholder, . well known girls'
worker and teen-age 'counsellor;
was well fitted to assist ; in .this.,
new ` venture.
'The camp, consisting of sixty-.
eight 'campers', .was, set'Up in five,
family groups, each under the
supervision of a selected, young.
married • couple; .each couplebe
"the -pa -rents -••of•: seven girl-
and seven boys' during the week..
The Rev. Gordon; Hazlewood of
Mount Forest Was _. the dean . of,
the 'Camp. Both he and Mr, _Smith
axe ra . ember-s:of_the-Camp CQ
mittee' of Harnilton Conference-
Among the campers attending
from 'this dzstrct Were the fol-.
lowing: Paul Henderson, 'Murray.
Hunter, Kenneth Jones, 'Joan
C Wford,, Joanne .Hunter, Fraser
Ashton, Gary .Ritchie. •
• At' night the (boys were separ='
ated from the girls by the• `River
- Jordan'-fedria ;fed-s9trea
p g` Yn._w.hier.
effectively divided the four girls'
cabins from the 'boys' cabins.
. Each morning the day began
with the • rising .bell at 7.30 a.m.,
followed by a dip in the lake fora
the hardier -spirits; acrd thfarn-
ily : devotions: After ; 'breakfast
each fa.,n ly'rnet..for ible-sidtly-�
discussion of teen-age problems,..
:planning' of projects and 'special
events. The noon Meal consisted
of a family cook -out in the 'out-
of-doors. Among the projects' -was
the Erection of a,12'. x 46' Cabin
by :the Stewart family, also
bridge building, the planting of.
cedar seedlings, and the improve-
ment of •camp facilities, •
One of 'the highlights of the
camp, as eXpressed; by the' .camp-.
r,theelves; `whfne ecr�enrrig:
• vesper ,period, led so effectively
by i•s. Burkholder,
,bf 1VIa_..kh oleic,. The 'climax.
•� week was the dedieatron
ceremonyt - rhea `fighting condi s"
from,• a li'ghted cross at a large
.• carni fire, each boy and girl was
.6a-1101ged. to. dedicate • the life
modlad given, ini' His total ser-
TSE wdicNOw, S.,,'
Mr. Allan Wall and daughter
Sharon returned to Lon n after
spending awhile with
,. and
Mrs. Wm. Wall. '
1VIisS Marigarat Sehnelier, who
haS• spent her vacation with her
parents,. ' Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Schneller,, returned this' week to:
the Ontario School . for' the Deaf
at Belleville ••
We are" please T`o`re , '.rt th. aj t
.Mr: Harvey •Hodgins , is ` much
proved and hopes tb:°return home
very soon.: .
The. W.A, met:on:
:,•' rile or.Tdrursda af�
'ternooi at.the Thome of Mrs Jim
Smith with 'M{rs... Howard Thomp
son presiding. -Following. the:•op--
ening exercises two• minutes sil-
ence was observed.:in. memory of.
the late Mrs. H: .A. Graham. Mrs:
Ralph Hill.read the scripture
from psalm 24, Mrs. Midford Wall
gave the thought • :for the day on
'the life of Naomi, her love, de-
votion and •fine Christian •influ
ence on her daughters -n -law."
•She ended her paper with a suit-
-able 'poem. Each rriember • answer-
. ed the roll call; by naming'
•man. of the•• Bi'ble. An order 'will
be':Sept for the 1956 church cal=
endars, -Mrs. •Milton Walsh will.
be social' service : secretary, a
work which had been;' so' faith
fully carried on by ,the late' Mrs.
Graham. 'A . -lovely: tulip applique
quilt .Wh.ich, was made recently,'
was sold. The afternoon" was
spent in making quilt blocks.
Mrs, _,Midford 'Wall • thanked- -thie
'hostess and .refrephrnents were
served anda social•tizne enjoyed.
The -October -hostess •is Mrs. Geo.
The Evening.Guild .met on Fri-
day evening* at th,e home of Mrs.
Bert :Nicholson' with' Mises May
Boyle in ''charge.. "O;'Master„ let.
me walk With Thee" was the 'op-
ening hymn . followed •with:, pray-
er: Mrs. Harold . Haldenby' •read:
the 'scripture "i• pent'.'.was the
word for the' roll : call. Mrs.. Mil-
ton Walsh` gave 'the thought •for
the day. A travelling basket'
will be sent ainong:.the menvbers.'
The evening was spent in mak-
eaking.: fancy, quilt 'blocks " and toy
anirrials.. "Breathe onl'rne' Breath
of God" wasT' the closing hymn.
Mrs.' Wm, Wall thanked the hos-
tess and the meeting, closed with
prayer after which a dainty lunch
was served'.'by the hostess and
her .girls:.
Mr. and Mrs... Wm. D Cox arid.
Rev. G. B. Cox. returned :home
This week froin visiting relatives
in Western Canada' and in the
United States:
• A number . from here are en-
joying- the Western Fair -at Lon
mon. this .week. ' •
Th,e Anglican, Harvest:Thanks-.
service will be -held on
Sunday, October 8th with morn-
ing and , evening • services..:The'
Rev. H. L: Jennings of Lucknow
Will- be the._guest .speaker.
Ori Thursday,.. September 22nd,
the meeting • for the . tipper. Can-
-ada Biblti Society for I iriloss;
Holyrood, Kinlough and ' district
will be held, ;. in the Anglican
Cliurch• here at 8.30 p.m. A film:
"45 • Tioga, .S.treet" will be .shown.
All are invited. :
-1Y-47111rs. Charles ' Sutker.-'
land/of Toronto 'and '*s. J. W:
La--F-1-am-ef4u fa-lo--were-week
end visitors with Mr. and. 'Mrs.
.James' Hodgins;. •
Mrs, Jas. M. Hodgins • is -spend,
ing this weer: with Mr, and Mrs,"'
Cliff Borthwick and ;relatives at
St Catharines, '
Surprise :Party for Bride
Mr, and Mrs. George Haldenby
entertained about thirty, relatives
on Saturday evening in honor of
their niece, Miss Shirley Halden
Eby �'f• `To?-onto�,; ~=ori de%elect .--The
livingroom was lovely with, bas-
kets -o f gladigii and asters while
p• and
pink 'and �,vhite .streamers •
-white-bellsng-be•lls-gave -a-brada.1W
effecit. Miss Edna Boyle played.
the, Wedding March and: Mrs:
Clare. Sperling ushered her cogs-:
in to the p ,Of' honor' tfider
.la, .ce
a pretty bridal arch. , Mrs. Geo.
Haldenby 'welcomed everyone td
you, renewed Seng'their.home'on such a happy O-
Have ,roar
...-ti ;.i Isnot "Erin ,. ,.. cosion� .eii
tmunitysinging and, an interest-
ing musical contest by Mrs. Dor-
othy Thorripson,. Miss Sheila Hal-
denby delighted all with .an in-
strumental. Miss May Boyle read
a humorous poem and Mrs Har-
old Haldenby faiiored . with . a
pleasing solo. Mrs. Arthur Gra-
ham ead a splendid address' in
vers which she had composed
while Sheila • Haldenby arid -Allan
,Sparling' brought in a decorated
doll buggy and little wagon' fill-
ed with. ,gifts. The bride was as -
sister • by •her another, Mrs..' Ar-
thur -Halderrrby ..ln opening -the.
gifts and ,1M s, .Clare Sparling
read the attached verses. 4 Shirley.
then thanked everyonedor their
kindness to ler_.and . all joined'
in singing : {"For She's A Jolly
Good Fellow". A lovely bride's
cake . with„ bwo lighted candles
'made an attractive setting for the
bride and groom who were seat-
ed� at a table .in the centre, of
the room. 'Dainty refresh tints
were served,and. a most enjoyable
time (brought' to a cl ese. • •
.' • •Kinlough, Ont:; •
September 10, 1965.
Dear Shirley: •
Your friends ' and • some neighabors
Have .gathered here, to. say, ' •
We • wish youthe very best
On ,your corning, wedding day.
"It: doesn't., seem so long •
Since . you were • in `Grade. 8'
And now 'you, are 'taking' unto
yourself '
A young and handsome mate. j ..
Tonight we all, have brought you
Some gifts that you can •use..:
We hope they're the ones
You and Howard would choose..
We all hope for nice -weather .
On your very happy day,
When , you: will'. gladly promise'•
Howard .•
To love, fionor and obey: ''''
Howard is a , real fine fellow"
All the girls say so too,
But 'he knows a nice 'girl
When, he picked out you.'
NOw --I hope -you-"are not-, ex`
on that•' eventful- day,
As'•you.` march ° up the aisle.
,When you hear- the organ ,play.::.
,But oh! had sad. 'twould be, :..
If when 'yoti all:- had 'met ' `
That award in the, excitement
Did the, 'wedding ring forget:
Tell the best man to guard it
•And do not let it roll
Away back down the .aisle
And into ,a mouse's hole. •
Now a' little ,bit of sound• advice
With .:all of these good wishes, • •
'Start Howard off right from the
first •
And have him help you with the
dishes; • ,
So, • Shirley dear, you'll• know, by;
now •
I'in not "Much of a poet,
BLit all we�•folk_do_wish .you_ we11•.
And we're heretonight . to show
We are, the only manufac
turers in this -part ot-Ontario-
of • • high ' class : monuanents..
.who import granite front the
Old 'Country in the .trough by °
title; carload .and process from
the` rough ' to, the finished
monument: `. •No middleman..
When choosing' a monument
eon*. and . see one , of •the
largest selections hi Ontario.
Established over sixty years.
Write or phone Walkerton: 8
and'reverse •charges. •.
Certain uninformed or Unscrupulous door-to-door ' salesmen. may .
try to obtain your money by . tricks or misrepresentation.
o. •
I. They may conduct "trick, tests," such as.boiling soda'
Or misusing steel wool, to scare housewives into .throwing ---
•away. or.: trading in perfectly :'good aluminum utensils in
favour of a :%di!%rent product.: Do. not. be misled by '.these
tricks! :
' 2 They may. claim falsely that their,cooking utensils -are
.of a well known brand` or make. The answer. is: Look fore.
the trade mark.
After years of acceptance of aluminum in millions of Can '
adian Homes and. inilos.pitals, it seems, odd that old Myths*
• are still aired by some salesmen of competitive products.
TRIVitional Research(, melt; Dttawa,states. "Na harm-
fiul effect to. the Health is incurred by _- the use of aluminum
cooking utensils."
The' American Medical Association: "We believe that the
propaganda -against aluminum co rive from ,quacks -cranks
and faddists, ori from those who put out cooking :utensils••
made of other wares -than-aluminum."-'; .: - - - -
The National Cancer Institute of Canada: "A•considerable
amount of public confusion has been. caused by allegations:
a anst aluminum. The'
against action. of those, who continue to
disseminate -such false-in""formation rs tel be condemned. �
If-some-one--approaohe --y-ou-us-i-ng the--aboveimethuds
protect yourself by .securing the name..of the' salesman, the
Conipany he represents, and report this information. to:
M y
.__r.... 3350- B -A = _ -RI ,,_ O ONTp-
HON 1E, it, Eloll.„3-3285.
"Anything that is legitimate` will stand invest gatio*”
A non=profit corporation, maintained by repreeentative buaineea firma to promote fafr
busines8' practices nod dependable :advertising=and culling.
fetter' 73ueinete i3ureaux,. do :no .en'doric or ree'aunmend 'any • product, or: propbaitioutinit
• ,simply give die facts. ,
!MAIL a. i +iwl c" WIF, 41111• 'I& !FOS' giaaigLriroMMI . r.
"'i.'1++r :-'�"+4►.i.+ll At• 'nr..7)031Iii.:021.