HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-14, Page 4111F,4114.- 3'AGE FOUR " LUCKNOW SENTINEL.,. LUUKNQW, ONTARIO • g; 40, ori ha; • O4 , 14 t: ° 4 • . ,•, • • ton 'SP S`. --•an inner -spring ... 'umat- :'tress', cheap. ,Phone 259 Luck- now, . APARTMENTS AVAILABLE - Apply Gammie ' Apartments. WANTED OR Is` E number ofgood,. Walnut. trees, or Yogs,,. free of 'grade cows. Apply., to George M. limbs, that must ;be 7' long, and Stuart, R. 2, Lucknow. wp, 16". in diameter and 'up, 16'' - from ground.. -Good prices paid. p • ,y E. S. Thompso�.n Mount Brydges, .phone 2L •• drill-preSS.`- Harris,: R.R. •3;. Holyrood, •phone 2:4-6 +Ripley, . _ • • ' FOR'. -20 8 weeks old. .1F0'R SALE -girl's' wine ••winter' • .SCALE pita, s 1 coat,.:' may' fur, firm, full 'lining, G .Looten'berg, 'phone ' 78r-2, ; -- Age ' 10, ',all wool navy • leggings, Dungannon. Luck_ age.8 or' 9; station wagon jacket, HiOUS,E FOR SAi «F + blue, .age 10. All. like -new condi- . -now, : modern converii noes and .tion. Mrs L. C., Thompson, phone l ' at The Sentinel 33 • Luck�now. .garage. Ap'P y . ', • Office. ' ° • *OHESTER IiELD 'and . davenport suites. Special: showing at the :'M11dmay Furniture Store. easy' payment plan available. Godfrey Schuett, Mildmay. WANTED' your ;old:' piano or chesterfield as: a trade-in on; new piano, television, • chesterfield or bedroom • suite. •Schuett's, phoria 22, ,cMildmay; STOVES FORt SALE=•,'box. stove,. used only one year; Coleman oil stove,. • medium size. Howard . Cul- bert, R.R. 1, Dungannon, phone 4-r-9. - HOUSE FOR: -good cern-, ent veneer house with ',large lot. Apply to 'Mrs ' M. Sproul. Luck- now FOR SALE -=large size. hand- made ';•child's. crib,, never been'. used, $25.00. Apply Mrs.. Nelson.. `Bushell ` or. Kenneth 'Cameron. . ' STOVE FOR. SALE -' L'ire a Co. • range in ' 1st class condition, burns coal or'.vvood; 'waterfront Mrs.' ' George . Brooks, Lucknow. TEACHER_WANTED, Lucknow Public School. Board •requires one teacher for primary grade..of.n'Liicknow Public School: Apply 'stating 'qualifications and salary expected to` Donald •:Hen- - derson, Sec. FOR. SALE -small :farm,, approx= ." irnately' 29 .'acres, north of CN:R., with house' barn' chicken . house, ii.. garage. Priced reasonable, cash. • or terms. • Apply to Mrs.. Herb Miller, : R. 5, Lucknow:. 'HOUSE FOR. SALE modern 8- rao ba ick:_houseL o.n__IiaveLoi k • St: Oil furnace, hardwood..: floors. Apply to Dr,,, T. B. Cleland;. Luck now., WANTED. -• Hardwood; "bash -lots -and . lags Paying top• cash prices' for hard maple 'arid ;basswood timber. •.Jas.. T. Craig .& Son,Sa irmill, Auburn, phone Blyth 43-r-24. • • LUN F.A1RM : ,MACHINERY ''.harvesters, ablOwers, ' slatless canvasses for combines ' • and' swathens. Goldie •Martin,• R.R. 4, Goderich, ' (Benmiller), phone Carlow 1922. • , , . . ';Sanitary Sewage Disposal Have , your , septic. tanks, cess• • pools," cellars, etc., • pumped and -. • cleaned. with_ _sanitary, modern • equipment: All work. guaranteed satisfactory, For .quick service write or • ph ne ouiis a e, Brussels, Ont.; • ;phone 'Brussels .42-r-6. Average .size house . tank costs approximately. $25.00. ' • ARTIFICIAL .INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle Breeding • (: ` • Association • "Where Better. Bulls Are Used"., Artificial inseriintion 'service for all.abreeds of cattle. For ser- vice or information phone Blinn ton_2:42_coll ct,, b een 7:3Q.and. 10:00 a.m, on week days and 7.30 and •9:30 a.m. ` on Sundays. . EGGS WANTED , 1atcchirgeggs' Wanted -EY -one of ' Canada'' s largest and .oldest established hatcheries. Eggs .tak- • en. every week -in :the year: Big premium paid: For full details write box number T.11.,, Lucknow Sentinel, ' AUCTION'. SALE Clearing auction. sale of farm stock, "implements and farm prop- erty. at the' farm of Alvin Collin. son, &H :+Lot. 1, ;Con. 9,. E.D. Ash- field, on Friday, September 23rd at 12.30 sharp. .'See bills for list, terms and farms being offered. 41vin •Collinson,. Prop.;. 'Emile MacLennan, Aum.'' FOR SALE -oil burner, 12 ;gal.; tank, copper pipe' and fittir>s like new;, hand wheel garden culti- vator; carpet sweeper;. electric water heater-. element. ,1. Congol-' eum rug 9x12; i 'Congoleum -rug 9x9; 5 foot: crosscut saw;.bassinet with mattress, .plastic -hood and:; liner in . pink;'i baby's car • •seat, harness and several.. articles of clothing. • Mrs. Cecil Attridge, phone 80, 'Lucknow. REST :HOME :ACCOMODATION • • Accornodation a v a.i la b 1 e' at Carruther's Convalescent . Home. Home -cooked ineafs,., modern con- veniences, es, warn. Registered nurs ing available d required in case of sickness. Apply. to:Elliott Car- ruthers, R. ' 3, Holyrood, phone 27-16 Ripley FEEDER CATTLE.' SALE The Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co operative : are holding • their' 4th Annual Sale of feeder cattle at Wiartori on: Thursday, Septerriber 22-1,200 head -sale comrriences. 'at 10 `a m:' All cattle sorted, .grad - .ed and .divided into .truck or car load lots. Marked cheque or cash required. 12' Shorthorn bulls will bp sold •after . the' sale "by, the Grey -Bruce Shorthorn breeders. T. .Stewart Cooper, secretary, Grey -Bruce Live Stock''Co-,per: :ative;. Markdale,'Ont. CF041114G—EVE .NTS PALACE GARDENS Weather permitting there will ;be interesting • entertainment at the Palace Gardens, Formosa' this. Sunday ,afternoon. 4 • Wg DNESDAY,.. SErP'.'1', "1.4>tli, 1955: EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE. iRev. Howard H. Chipchase,, outstanding Bi,b a Expositor from Greensboro, North Carolina, will conducta. two week •;Pro phetic Conference and Evangeiistic. Cru- sade in . the Wingham Baptist Church, Sunday, S ternber 18- October• You-arewelcome. • MILVERTON , FALL FAIR• Friday,. ,September 23rd, :Van` Hooton ,Shows, and`.Midiway, art- icles "for 'competition in • show - moan, Dancing in, evening; Sat- urday afternoon, September 24th --school children's parade, led by band: with Ann May and her ,Horses,horse races, baby,con teat, $100 stake for heavy hors, calf and pony race, increased cash prizes, 4-H club competitions,' Dancingg' in the' evening. ',• •° ' .Geo. Gernhaelder, Sec.-Treas. • CARD OF THANKS Mrs.. J.: A. Covey' ,wishes to thank .all: those who were so kind to her mother, Mrs: Arthur Cook, during her long illness ;and re- cent death. ..:Special . mention.' should 'be,made of. Mr.. and Mrs. Baker and. the hospital:personnel for their kindness ,and wonderful: 'care' of. Mrs. Cook..' Harold Percy and family .wish to express t4eirheartfelt.'thanks and appreciation' to the many friends .anal neighbors who have been so very kind and synipa- thetic in,' their'bereavement of a •dear Wife • and . ,mother: :.These kindnesses. will long be rernem- • bared •and cherished. • South Kinloss The •South Kinloss .W M:S, Met on. Wednesday,. September 7th at'. thb. home 'of Mrs: D. . Graham,' There was a '' good' attendance. Tlie.vice-president, Mrs .'L. Mac= Dougall,.,.openedthe meeting •with' scripture and prayer followed by hymn 579. 'Mrs. II,. Buckton gave the treasurer's ' report. A . fine 'Bible study; 'on . the .life of Ste-" becca was given by' Mrs. R. Mac Millan, .',followed ,''by• ..a • duet "Where. He. Leads .Me" • by Mrs.: H. Laois and Mks: P.: Steer: Mrs. `A :Hughes; gave , the ...current events. Prayers 'were -given .ib y' Mrs. :Dickie; Mrs. C. Colwell; Miss M. Sutherland. ''rs. • Evan. Keith spoke ori 'the chapter "Food anCL&eather' , 'from the_:_. study book 7,. based on India. The .roll `call`.was answered' by a •proverb.' Mrs. • S. Chislett extended. : a vote ofthanks to the hostess •and.: all Who had taken part. The ineetin ended with a hymn and, the ,tai-- pah' •benediction. Lunch '. and . a socal time . followed, the . directors being ..Mrs • ' A lMaclntyre and Mrs: S. Chislett, ' NOTICE Amy johnSon ' wishes . 'to an- nounce that there. is xoom for 4 and 5 -year-old. children at her „dancing:'"school_at the Recreation. al Centre each .Tuesday.•' • 'NOTICE The • monthly' Child Health 8 Insure With Tree C.0 LROSS MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO, • :for ' Reasonable rates, .sound pro- . tection & prompt, satisfactory ' settlement df cleans PARISH: MOFFAT Your Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater ' 'Phone; Teeswater 57-r-41, ARMSTRONG, .-_ OPTOMETRIST: GODERI:CH FO R` APPOINTMENT• . • 'Phone 1100 • ;For. • Appointment or Information, See •Wm: A. Schmid; 'Phone 167w, Luckno INSURANCE.. • FIRE, WIND;• CASUALTY AUTOMOBI LE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure' With.. Jack • Today. A. McDONAGH R.R. 3, .Lucknow, Ont. • 'Phone. 61-5, Dungannon DRE R � W. ANDREW Barrister: and- Solicitor LISTJOWEL, ONTARIO • IN LUCKNOW.•: ' • WednesdayEvery .and -,'Saturday 'Afternoon Office' t `. a nt"Block • i n h Jo '. y Telephone: Office '135 • Residence 31-J JOH NSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76 Day or > Nig Ambulance. _Service_ USE :OF' • FUNERAL HOME At No ' Extra Cost Moderate Prices Established 1894 liET ERlNN• Barrister, Etc. Wain.. gham and Lucknow .IN LUC.KNow, Each Monday and . Wednesday ' - . Located', in the 'Municipal Office . ?Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 -1CennefI MacKenzie • • R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEI,',' ONT. at the former .Wrong •Jewelery ;store. Ripley, 0 a.m. to 9. p.m., WEDNESDAY; SEPT: 28th, - and • every Second, Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses . fitted For appointment :phone .Roy.. MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley, AGNEWS' AGENCY Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew. ' :MEMBER' OF Ontario Insurance Agents' .Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over $0 Years Ago Telephones • • Business'. 39 : Residence 138'',• IIeLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL' SERVICE Services conducted accord ing .+to your.. wishes at -your` Horne, yotir ,.Church, or at.' our M''emorial 'Chapel at no .' add'itionalcharge: . AMBULANCE °SERVICE Phone 181;' Lucknow; Day or Night STATE' . FARM' MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE . INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON': R.R. , 3, : Goderich Phone, 80 r-8 Dungarizion Conference will:' be held in the Legion Ha11, Lucknow, on.. Tues- day, •^Septeinilaer 20th from 10:00' to 11.30 a:m. Babies; and : pre-' school children welcome._ CARD OF THANKS Marie Cupskey is .deeply grate- ful to all the ,Lucknow. ',and Winghamdistrict friends who haveso� badly remem. ere er•' .,... in. various ways. These ` thought- --ful•-aee,s-' . e -•been deli-•a-ppreci a£ed; Mrs. •H B.. Burden wishes to acknowledge. with sincere thanks the .many' remembrances received while .in • the hospital and to also thank the "Winghani Hospital staff ; 'for their : kind attention. We..would like to take this op- portunity ;to express' our 'sincere ,thanks to our friends and neigh :bo3cs oL.Aznberiey _an&LochalsK for the gift' we received and the. socialevening they gave us after moving to our new home. Ken and ' Marla, MacDonald,. • Bessie Reavie wishes to cerely thank alI those Who 're- membered•:. her with_-�gif is and 'cards •while in, the hospital. These thoti:ghtful acts Ake much ap- predated: ATTENTION #hf your `eyes need glasses, they need the very best in, examination, fitting & service. E'E. -LEYBOUR:NE and � • • "SEE''BETTER �4. • RegisteCed Optometrist ; Kincardine, Ont. Phone 254. A. M. HARP,ERR Chartered Accountant Vest 'Str+eet- , GODER1CH, 6NTAR1O•. Teiep io es "3"43.1%, 343' G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist . ' Offree on Patrick St., •. • off. the Main ' St. in WIN.GIIAM= Professional Eye Examination; Optical Services .Evenings-by_.appointment. 'Phone: Office' 770; Res. 291,. MEMORIAL SHOP �Ve Have Been 'Mernorial Craftsmen' For Thirty -Five Y °s;' -Aiwa r-t'si " • 'I. -THE BEST G1rtANITES w , Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a ,Specialty! R. A. SPOTTON 'Phone ,256, Wifngham, Ontario WEDDINGS, • ANNIVERSARIES Our new sample "album . of per. sonalized accessories_ior .parties, anniversaries, weddings, 'a n d every occasion is now on hand. New designs, new ' colors, new. items in'. personalized serviettes; A phone tall will .bring these: samples to your door, or drop iii- and see thein at The. Sentinel ',INSURANCE ;_ Co -Operative Life -Insurance--__ Co -Operative ,Automobile. Insurance . Mercantile & ,Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. See. '''•T,:'A. CAMERON _ LUCKNOW ' 'Phone 70-r-10. Dungannon itONA : D O. McCANN Public Accountant.,: . CLINTON, ONTARIO, •Phones:561, 455 , Office:. Royal Bank Building ' Residence: Rattenbury St. Ee ROY N. NTI.EY Public Accountant 4 -.Brittania I d -- (corner Sotith.. St.) GODERICH, 0141T. Telephone 101'1 ..w •