HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-14, Page 2'+ i ," 11W�- iWWW914100 «ilKown a -. MON--8014T The home, of Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Belgrave, was the scene of a wedding at 12.30 p.m. 'on Saturday, September . 3rd, 'viten their daughter, Isabel Elizabeth Elaine, was united in 'anarr. iage to . Mr. John "Thomas 24Ti on, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac %T>Itori, .R. 7, Lucknow. The home was decorated ,with 'wink, 4' and white, streamers and baskets of gladioli and Rev., Carl 'Tang officiated. .pianist ; •was: •Miss Gwen' 'Walsh, Belorave and she played ' '11 Wal:. • Beside You" before < "Always" d"..-.. �e ceremony and =Al'w y . wr- •ang':The signingof the register. The bride, given in ,marriage by I;er. father,- wore • a ballerina- length gown of white. nylon:net ;and. lace ' over: taffeta featuring .a strapless bodice ' and matching bolero. She also wore_ net .mit . 14.1 a THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO -tens and., _ a• • headdress of .. whit roses held her 'fingertip veil She carried a bouquet of deep pink carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Ila Pengelly,, chose ' a powder blue gown of nylon, net over. taffeta, styled similar to that of .the bride,, and she .car- ried a bouquet of yellow chrys- anthemums. Mr;, Carman Nixon; R. .7, Lucknow, brother of -the bridegroom,. was. •best rain. Following the ceremony a re-• ception was. held„ and a wedding dinner was sewed: iMrs. Bolt, mother. of • the .bride; ' received. the guests, assisted , by friends oauf rathe •w'bride. T1•re.e bride asa's:`fores"goingt .away ..cos- • green dress With ' * white angora:, trim and black accessories and a: corsage of pink carnations. After a wed - dint trip to Northern Ontario, Mr.: and Mrs. Nixon' willreside at Belgrave. :+�xt••�,;'^\:}.:tiff ,:r'; '''' '1' �, ,y•`;;;�.•. • .:... .�'�.�. , >'ti cti �;:: 4'':•.�,�.''••l'„\i:•3,':\�i'�E?;••�:t' .:�•;:1:.,.a y,�,,• CR+`Y F •F E R: S, . lf. O U • New fast'/rain• to Major Western Points` .._ • HOSPI-T-AL-S-Vkif STAGES SHOWER. A surprise shower was held for Miss Greta . Hudson .on 'ri- ,day' evening, September' .9th ' at thei n ie of Mrs. Harvey Irwin when the staff of Baker's Priv- ate Hospital met to present her with a lovely breakfast set and stainless ste l °tableware. During the evening% short' program took place, consisting of contests, sing songs, humorous readings, with a mock' wedding • a .highlight.. The. bride -elect was seated in appropriateiyTd rated, . chair;- and .a well-filled basket, was., pre-. sented ,by Mrs. Mae Irwin and Mrs.'Eagle. Purves.• 'The address wasread by'Mrs..,Howard Rob- inson as . follows: • ' Dear Greta,• Being aware ' of ' the fact that you are soon • to leave the Barer nursing staff,, we, your friends, have gathered ..here". tonight ' to wishY pu well and . also to con- gratulate you on your forthcom • .ing marriage. Now don't . blush, • Greta, .it, couldn't happen • to • -a. nicer person.. We , have had • a lot, .of good times together in the past three years .you have .:been among 'us,• during which time You, have always been ready with 'a helpinghand and a word : of en- couragement to those. in• your: Care, . .i. :We ask, you now' to accept this gift: of ' a, breakfast set and stain - leas steel .tableware,. and may 'it serve to' remind you of our • kindly interest in: you ' and our • good' wishes. • The- 'Staff: Miss, .Hudson. , expressed her sincere thanks, for the 'gifts; and, good wishes after which the Thos- tess.. and _ladies in charge' served a very delightful lunch. ' KINGSBRIDGE , e . Congratulations to • Mr. & Mrs. Bob Campbell on, the gift of a daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Henderson, a son.. p. Mr. 'Robert ' 'McIntosh flew ,to Winnipeg: He motored to Melton on Sunday tocatch the, plane. 1Vliss. Eliza, Cook, R,N., of Owen Sound, spent .a week .with • 3er father. . • • We are glad to • see George :Gibson is able to be ' up. •and around, • Those: attending the,, . onto. Ex included `Mr. and rs. al. ter Dexter,_.a: d.11r_ . Mrs. Al Hamilton: ' While there' Al,, .and. Gladys,, visited, with the. Chin. family 'wh'ere you get a hearty welcome"; Mr. •arid • Mia. Robert McIntosh 'spent a couple of days in Wind- sor last week. . . • • Don Gillesipie and Ken Nich- olson motored to New Liskeard last week. They: intend. working. On the :; highway .:the, in .• a couple of..weeks,,' Mr. and. Mrs.,.D. Nicholson vis- ited in Kincardine on Sunday. What could' have • been a ser-'' ious accident occurred .Saturday afternoon. ' While 0 •• Richards was •driving cattle across . the Toad a steer plowed into. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elphick's car; putting its head through the .windshield on the . right hand. side .of . the car. INSTITUTE MAKES• DONATION: TO CHILDREN'S SHELTER The Lucknovv Women's Insti- tute opened. with the . singing of the Institute `Ode .arid ' the .Mary Stewart :Collect. • Mas., Havens read• the minutes 'axed- following the treasurer's report, • business • was conducted. Invitations •'were' ,received from the Kairshea In- ;stitute: 'to meet with them on September `:15th at, 2.30' p.m. and also from the 1101 * cod Institut 1VIr' George Vinini of '•Calgary : ,for October :6th at 8.00 p.m. Those and • his 'sister and .:husband, Mr. and Mrs. Karanth of . Oshawa, are, visiting ;et thoFi me e ^ of . Frank Dalton, . 'where Mrs. - Vinini ' has. been holidaying •for the past 'two weeks. . ' ' r. an J O Keefe ,and :two: children. Visited with'' rela •tees in Torpnto last week. Mrs. Cori.' ..O'Keefe • returned to her home phere with .them after, a. week's •visit with her -son Eugene, O'Keefe acid lamily'of Hamilton. Mr;' and Mrs. Ray Dalton, John S. Dalton • and . Frank Sullivan were• among, the guests at the' Cleary -Sullivan wedding at. Wal-. laceburg• on Sat.,' Sept.. 3rd. Mrs. Roy returned to her home. -in Jackson, Mich:,- accompanied by 'Mrs. Martha . O'Neill, who vis- ited with, relatives there ' and in Detroit during the pas,t week. Lieut.: Patricia Sinnott and her ;friend, Captain" `Jos;•-.0'lrien of the U.S. Air Force : are visiting . with relatives here. ' •' Mrs. Nick Ferry and daughter Theresa returned 'to Detroit on Saturday after a . ..-Week's visit here. • 1V1;r. Thortnas--Drennan- of- God erich is visiting at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. -Earl ' Drennan. St. Josephs -School opened on Tuesday, September 6th, with Mrs. Mary Sheridan as: teacher for this year. Five new beginners , enrolled, Maria. Dalton; George Drennan, Lotuse Dalton, Kenneth - Meyer .and Jos. Kelly, making •. in all 25. pupils. . so -1.2 ---students at tending, high school from' this parish., .. Frances . Dalton, Peter. Lier nan, , Diane : Lierna;an, . Pat= rici'a Drennan, Kenneth Fitzpat- rick, " Maurice . Dalton, Patricia Martin, Jimmy Martin and 'Betty Lou. Vassella attending' GGoderich. Collegiate and . Michael Dalton,• Elaine McIntyre and Larry Mc- Intyre attending Lucknow High School. Visitors • to theMotherl; Ouse, St - "oseph, Lend oriw:'on -:Sunday+ frm this district were Rev. Fath. er H. Van Vynckt, ' Mr. and Mrs. T. • J. Drennan and family, ' Mr.,_ and Mrs: fired ella and fam- ily, Mrs.. Ray Dalton; Mrs. Lien- I man, Mrs- Jas. Garvey and Mrs, Gilbert Pa -eyrie.. A large Legion. of Mary Pil- 1 grimage ' from Sarnia, to the Grotto, were present on • Sunda a ter n .,L Convenient Train to • Molar and Intermedialli Western Feints • Wide range'of'Modern accommodations to snit every budget • Enjoy economical meals or snacks on both trains ' the Coffee Shop. Dining Car service isalsoptovided .J ,e Inquire about the 'inoney- - saving ramify Pare hart -, e : Ticket agents can have • a drive -yourself car' • waiting fol you On arriv[3f`you Nash- • For' reservations and information see, write • or phone your local Cana ism National • ', .• Pass ngeL Agent:., CANADJAN NAILQtAI RAILWAYS w • r S a f +r/i ft .yc y u' it r/'i i� Ji/fif:�/ �fJi/• iif/ yi // �r T -S -A2; .who wish. to go . are to :: get ''in- .contact with Mrs A. Havens.. ' . , Zilrs. T. 'Salkeld" ,and -1C rs; -R Robertson were appointed . dele- gates to attend the , Area' Con- (' vention at Guelph. , Plans , were macre for the booth 'at' Lucknow Fall' 'Faiir. A' donation, of• $15 was, given to the ,Children's Aid Shel- ter. Mrs: •Donald .Blue .gave, a very. interesting,' talk' on .: "A ,Flag for 'Canada". Every 'Canadian. °should. think 'Very seriously 'about • this suibject : and 'know ' what the flag ;stands for. A. pleasing :solo was: giver;• by `'Miss. Margaret. Rae; the topic by •:. Miss Mary MacLeod and current , events by Mrs.. E. -Backwell.---- After "The ' Queen" was. sung, Mrs. J. R. Johnstone, Mrs. Grant MacDi;a:rinid, . Mrs. Alex MacLen- nan and, "Mrs . Harry Nixon sery eth lunch..:. Sarnia leading .the , procession. with :Rosary.., Rev.' 'Father H. Van Vynckt, P.P., 'wh'o. • designed' our Lady of Lourdes_ .'G Otto -_in. London; ---de 'livered a very impressive serer: •mon on the old but ever new and. fascinating ,events in connection. with the first and. following ' ap- paritions of our Lady of Lourdes in France; which .have been the source of ever-increasing. ,. devo- tion 'to • our 'Lady of Lourdes throughout ' the world. 'Rev... J. L. Hennessey Was celebrant .• at *Bei ediction ' ... _is by.::Re,v, ' Fr .1. D''oyle' :and Fr. A. J. , Weiler, C:S.B, • . • Mr, Desmond. O'Donnell of the. ImperialSarnia, is va cationing at ;his . home, .here 'fo'r two weeks. Marvin .Beninger :and his bro. th"er Donald of Dublin visited with' friends here during the; past weele., . ,Mr, and Mrs. R. Frayne of For- est 'visit'ed with the :Frayne ' fam- 'WEDNESD:A'Yi SET. ,14th, 1955, CHURCH CHANNELS' • The largest, Sunday School the • world will meet for a new session on,.the second Sunday in ' September: ' There are .4®;000 m.gmbers. , Sponsored by -the '- Anglican• Church, ?the Sunday'. • hool;.:sf the Air reaches- child: reri through, :thirty stations fsm .' Aklavik ` to` • ' St. John's: Heard aocally over . CtFaB at, 9.3o a.rn; •• ',r on Sunday, the program reaches over •1,000,000 people in .this area . each'' week. . It. • is;rrated ahead of such popular .programs as' The Happy Gang in listener .coverage, .. Children •wino would otherwise receive little Christian education are enabled . by the • Sunday .School of` the•ir ", A to take in-• struction in their own iho-r i.es. Sunday School papers, are mailed in advance tri, registered. mem- • bers.: Regular contact is • also, kept with parents, 'They'receiVe suggestions .about hoine religious 'training from experts in the field of, children's work. ••. . The 'Anglican ' Chureh pioneer- ed in the 'field, of . religou$, • in struction ,through 411e. mail .fifty years ago. The ' present success 'ful' radio school` is an. outgrowth' '. Of that. project, and now' rates . . as' the. world's, largest. Enquiries may .be : addressed to the school at 135 Adelaide Street, East, Tor onto; 1. • WANTED: A. ;NEW .COW Longed For:,_ A. cow of modern make That milks 'five days for leisure's' sake;. That sleeps on Saturday; snores, on Sunday ' Arid -starts afresh'again •cn:Mon day:, Sighed For: A herd.- that knows the way., To`.wash each other day by :day: • Tl• .at a e zer ulale,0_ ite With 'chills and fever and • Mastitis Wished For.:, , A new and better breed That takes less grooming and less feed. - . That has the 'reason, wit. and wisdom To ~use 'a seat and flushingsys- • tem.. • - Prayed, For• Each week -end long and clear, Less_ �?ior-k.to-do'eac'li-.-year_...._ ice.; And cows that, reach production's peak.. , • All .in a five-day .:working' week: • Looked' For: ' , '• Officials by .the mob -_— -.-- �— --_ To. guide us farmers at our job;.. To, stew us breeders :hbw To propogate the , five-day ' cow., C.G.I T.,:GROUP 'ENTERTAINS SOUTH KINLOSS W.M.S. • .,,On ' Tuesday afternoon, -August 30th, .the • members of the Sky- lark. •C.G1.T. group• entertained the 'ladies of South' Kinloss ' Ws M. S. There were 30 ladies press: ent.. Belle. Graham, president and Ruth Steer, vice-pres., presided._ The meeting 'was`•, opened by."the • '� s ' =�� eating the C;G;I-M pur= pose: Each .girl took , part in. a• .shor=t-wor-ship. period. Follow' + this Belle Graham spoke briefly on th:e ladies on• the C.G,T.T. work and. of their capable leader, 1VIrs. T. MacKenzie. Games Nv.ereen- joyed 'by all and the. songs "Jaunita" and "Drink .,To. Me Only" Were sung by the girls. A dainty lunch 'was made and. served .by'the girls. Mrs. L, Nine- • •Dougall expressed her thanks to the C.G.I.T. group for an enjoy- able 'time. 'The •meeting, .closed tty `clutifig the paste week: [with,- Ppg". THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL , On = Luckno�v :. �texo _ •• Authorized as' Established Subscription second class nail, Post Office . Department, Ottawa. •X873 -Published • Each Wednesday Afternoon nate-M- 2.50 $ ,a e oto Tl.S A.. 1 3.50 year lin • advanc L Campbell .Thompson, Publisher • WEDNESDAY, • SEPT, 14th, 1955 . . w.,zr•StSerMCA4reta'.:cx.""r.•r'?3.rr:<r...c_a.-az:t�,.., ,y...d• .. e:en aei:` 'a<w•aw