HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-07, Page 8cis !F. 4, PACE E.,...[ • THE CICKNOW LUCKNQ!, ON`rARIO. W,.Ea NF+ V, SJ . ..I.. 7th, 196 .SWEATERS and SKIRTS ' , • PULLOVERS . fool, nylon, orlon* and "Roylon"' that . cashmerized 100 per ,cent super 'orlon*, Priced .from. $2.98 to :$6,95 CARDIGANS.,;,• 100 Percent Orlon*, long' sleeved for cuddly warmth.' and ;P good•looks, - shrink stretc�i and moth resistant-cwaahes-- and dries quickly. Powdet, yellow, white, pink,.mint • and red. Sizes 14x20 ... $4.50, $5,95 and, $6.95 aARakGANS., $2.08 and utp Nylon $3,95 and up .• 'BLOUSES . w cottons by "London Lassie", in shades of red, yellow, pink and white. Sizes 12-2Q ,(Also Nylons and Hacrons, .sizes 12-20) Registered trade mark for Dupont acrylic fibre. . . AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free PIck-Up: and Delivery Monday and ,Thursday.;' ,•i Ladles' Children's -Wear—.Piece=-'Goods & Woollens._ c'hy on the home farm;; and three sisters, ; 'Mrs. Wilfred Franey (Mary),:;. Mrs. George Dunbar 'Olive, 'and Miss Ann • McMurchy: He was predeceased by one OBITUARY r , DAV$D JOHA1 MCMURCHY Death ' came to a popular and •nesteemed - ident = of Ashfield resident Township on Saturday, August, 270, ; in".the passing .. of David John :McMurchy, at ' Alexandra . .' .' • and Marine- Kospital, 'Goderich. ,His death' was the result :of a stroke 1VI'r. McMurchY .9. At"his s death was within four days of his 72nd ay. He was a son of Alex - der IVIcMureh andr- Margaret y art and Was born. in Ash Id Township -on 'September 1st, 18 • .. 'Brave resided in Al'ber'ta: m .1910 until ' October. 1944, en he • returne ' ' o his naive hip r• . , e is survived by his wife, the fo er Annie R Bueglass, to wh•m ..he was • married ` .at the bride's home, Con. 12, Ashfield, on March 6th, 1913. Also surviv- in are', :a daughter, Mrs. Mar- g ._ t' , Hatherton • of Calgary; a son Willis' S' MPMurchy of fat= i kc� 6 ;tk N+� aE 1 SEE.BY .THE .SENTINEL THAT Oscar Iodgxis visited last'. Thursday n� �. ondon with -=._his brother Harvey, and felt therewas some ungrovement:' in Har vey's condition from when. bei :was taken to London. • ° THAT. Barry Hackett, who suf- fered a badly injured knee, as :well as other injuriesin a re-,, cent. ;car. accident, is home 'from hospital . in London• and able to be' 'about on crutches. THAT Ashton's Ladies'; `Men's & , Children's Wear Store. is en larging its premises by . the addition of the shop recently vacated by ,Wm. Schmid. 'Car- penters are busy renovating urtlay' afternoon. Mr. Pierce was a native of Kin loss Township, having been born ,on the old homestead on the 6th Concessionnow owned' by, Peter Carter, Jr Mr Pierce . was . one of a , farn.ily of eleven children born to Henry Pierce and Fran- ces ,Harper. As a young roan he sister;-- Mrs.-- George Ferguson: was -employed as a furniture -fin - (Jennie) and by two • brothers, fisher' with the Lucknow firm ' of Armour, who died of the 'flu in Cliff and' Forster, before going, 1918 and Hugh whose death ,oc to Manitoba where he was one curred. in 1952.: . of • the pioneer settlers: to take. The funeral service was held up land in • the .Reston district. in Ashfield • ,Presbyterian , Church 'He visited in the old .,home . tom - on Tuesday, August 30th, con munity . on several occasioris.. It ducted 'by his . pastor, Rev.•• J. R. is about :five years since he was rY MacDonald. Interment was . last here. Greenhill „Cemetery, : the ' pall :Mr. 'Pierce.'s ' wife predeceased bearers' being Neil ''G. MacKen- him several years ago.. He is sur- zie, Henry MacKenzie, . •Jack -rived by three .sons and three, Dave ' Johnston, •• Reuben . daughters,, all in Manitoba. Bradley, , • . son. and` Fred MacGregor.:: • Also"' su viving • are three:'sis- ters, MST -Geo. Harrison (Alice): .THOMAS• PIERCE •: of Huron ,Township;. Mrs. Wm. Word: ' was received here • ,. • MacLean (Bertha) 'of Vancouver;' Jennie of Lucknow, and by two Friday of the death of. Thomas brothers, 'Noble of Lu, cknow .and Pierce which occurred at ' Reston, Jaynes of Reston...: Manitoba, on Thursday, Septean- He was: predeceased by a sis- ber lit at the ° age of 85. H a had ,ter 'Elizabeth Aran. and ,b ' ..four ,rile. William, - been poorly.. for:.a. t . !brothers,, Edward, William, Harry The ' funereal . service Was held and Alex `Pierce: • TOMATO''JUICE. • ' Stokely, 48 oz. � - -�-� --' B..• OSTONB1OWW B-EAI� Aylmer I5 oz. _-=--�--. GREEN. 4+C IANT PEAS WHOLE ..DII...:PICKLES. Rose Brand, 24' oz. SUCCESS WAX .20 oz. ‘, FREE DELIVERY taws, a : brother, Archie. MooMur- at : Reston United Church on Sat- • •. •'; For School or Dress ' Wear MEN'S, BOYS', YOUTHS'' SCAMPERS, $5.95, $4.95, $3.95 SISMAN TREDDERS DRESS. OXFORDS __.B 'ands D_ Widths SISMAN w THOROBILT 'WORK. .for Boyar ito . Gym - Shoes, Running., Shoes Saddle. Oxf brds tt 4 SHOES Loafers, S$- aerill Range Back.toti-Schor6 s . eliaSo keine.. Footwear ` For' All • The Flail), • . the premises, which •• will have . he had already met • several', an inside entrance from .the main . store. , -' •---0-�-- ' 'THAT Marie Cupskey; who has been, : invalided for the past few years from. - polio, suffered a fractured leg' recently in•being'drop in ,last' /week : to get one. 1. moved from her 'wheel. chair,'.' o-- and, was, taken 'from Wingham THAT Teeswater has 'inaugurat- Victoria Hospital, for treat-; ed a " ten o'clock .: curfew that to 'merit,. requires all girls and boys' un der sixteen to be off the streets airmenwhom he haad:known •at Saskatoon; THAT the Kiztail. SN. 1. 'cook •books are:going far afield, ;We,_ • :had-a-�lad from Wisconsin Y. THAT • Bessie Reavie, .who had • beenin hospital: in London re- ceiving : special treatment , to correct 'the shoulder • 'fracture •she : Suffered in a motor acci- dent, ' is home and was. able to start school on..: Tuesday, with the :arm in a sling. ' ' ' • //o THAT Mics. Frank Barkwell has. accepted a position ' at Hall's.. Grocery : d 'counrnenced her new dutiesan�on Tuesd`ay, as.suc- cessor to Mrs. Winnifred' John-' ston. YOUTH:AND. ALCOHOLISM Does. ' your _r-child_follow heY 'Gang? Of couruse. • he does.' All young people°•want the approval of their friends and most will drinlsc !jnn it Girls as well ass' boys become involved this' way, :and drink for them is a greater peril than. for boys: '' ' Young ,people often drink as a reaction from insecurity : or .a. sense of ,inferiority. 'Even . a bad case 6 of acne may,lead to drink: And once-..:drinkink_ becomes a • 17 -PLATE HART CAR BATTERY habit the trend to alcoholism can ' : . (with old (battery) (begin' very early, Youth should know that the• age level of Can- . INTERNATIONAL MUFFLER , for Ford cars 1949-54 $6.60 AI at that ' hour:. The' curfew, hour will revert to 9.00 o'clock 'with the cessation of daylight say.-' ing r' a ce, time. :olbse THAT Mrs. 'Evelyn Barkwell re- ceived : an, air mail letter from •her on, Lloyd; announcing his arrival at the Canadian Air Fgrce ;Baas at Baden, Germany Lloyd` flew .overseas., He said THAT Mr; BruQQ":MacKenzie.:has ,accepted the appointment as. caretaker of •Lticknow United —Church, and he :and -Mr -s -Mae :Kenzie .have. commenced.. their -duties. " '' • • . ' THAT Charlene Smith, daughter: of Mr. and, yrs, :C, L Smith of Blenheim, .and- a graduate of Teachers College, London, 'tVIIl . teach -'in Paris- this year. Char- ' lene was :a student at Lucknow • District High School` prior to .her . fathers transfer 'from here to Blenheim, as Bank •of 'Mon' . tr' al .manager. .: 13 -PLATE HART TRACTOR BATTERY (with old ,,battery) • FY.r •t $8.40. $16;50 ada's p alcoholics, has • changed alarmingly. In 1042 40 _percent were under 40.. Ten' years later•, 20 percent -were under' 3t, 'This steady lowering of the alcoholic age- so concerned- the-:A,AY-=-grotip in Toronto at, a recent convention' that they saw fit ',to set up' a sPeCial . youth section. It should be 'stre'ssed,. continuously,.that as yet .no, test has been devised to show which "moderates" will her come ""alcoholics".---Advt.. CAR;SIDE .:MIRRORS .44..', .i i ' 4' ., .. ELECTRIC FENCE BATTERIES :....YY1 •N.=..., , - REBUILT .,.-GtENERATORS:— -- •.r j .$1,98 .$3.59 •$3.59 $0,50 Macl NTYRE and: IRWII PHONE '65, 'LUCKNOW, .� ��.�iH►..�i.�.Hrn�i�.�>•iii.ii'i�Fs�l>�.>oli�raii.wo�'t*�ir���'r� •Y .r \ DOssitiN'. SHIIvTINg ' A 'good assortmenty of sanforized' suede doeskin shirting, ideal for. "11-iens and boys' shirts Priced at, ' "yard' i, • x''4'4FiaYii{rFpUuifYi.Y,ii' 65C a. 1 BLANKETS 'Warn and cosy Glengary pastel plaidb-lan-kets;-70X84„Ea. MEN'S RED SHIRTS Men's red doeskin shirts, . sizes -- s,nall,-medius,, and large-.7-$2:98-- , arge `.$2':98""".. MEN'S JEANS Men's 91 oz. denim )ears, ideal:. for fall and winter;. sizes '30 to 42. Priced at YY,i/iiiiYY Yii' K15 LADIES' . HANDBAGS A popular line on ladies' new; —handbags- for fall- at,d •winter:-' Price iF....Yi.. Y,... .F.,.ii: $1.98.• to :• $2.96 TERRA TOWELLING Absorbent cotton ' terry towelling • colorr . multi stripes. Ydi .:i .69c - �Wikt�'.Akadxi�nNC3* • •_ dd'L2 ° MEN'S DRESS BELTS Men's--smait .genuine . leathcyr --dress . . • ' VEXS`DitESS SHIRTS_ New men's mint green, dross shirts,'. smart. ,.for • those toted ' (brown suits. Only ..iiYFiiiY(.YFi•: $2.98