HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR A T ° VUCKNOW SE,,.-t�f 'IN 1:V NOW* ONT Q• 2D : 5 • 4' • .i. • • L kr, • • Or 4• ,;:... •.,. ll WAD , -�- sed shauew. e w r.eSSura system, reasonable. Ring: ucknow 101.5. • ° Eo°USE. FC'R RENT—in Lucknow c►n 4axi pbe11 St. 'Phone 184, Luck- ° tlowa . k ,. S• AVMS' • Apply' Ganniinie 'Apartments: :yg ,Fr -Quaker space heater • lgrith' circulators . Harvey Webster,. ` aicknow,: ph r 40° cine.: 188 0 7 Kincardine Twp., 4 -miles. north PALACE GARDENS . LOST—a gold cross and chain, , Finder .please' leave .at olomon's of Kincardine,. and 1 mile east of Lucknow. Reward;' : Bluewater, highway, Monday, The Ranch Boys Trio ,-. Reg • Greenhouse, Lu tion; Bossy. Mann and Ernie Septemiber ' 12th at 1:00 p,m. See Bi King --will provide the entertain AITTION SAYE Clearing auction sale of faun stock and' implexuents' at. N.H. Lot ,17, 18, Con. B, Tuxuberry •Twp., 2 unites east oF' Wingham, ah Thursday, •September 15th at 12,30., See .:bills .for list, Terms. •cash. Archie • Jones; Prop.; -fie. COMING EVENTS. ' DANCE . . In ' the Town :Hall, Lucknow, on Fr.ida7, September 9th, uhder auspices of Court SheirWood No„ 5Q, 'Canadian Order lof Foresters. Carruthers orchestra" Admission• 75c, . lunchcounter, prize draw.. Everyone .welcorciae, BLAKE.ANNIVERSARY ,,Anniversaryservices will be held • on. Sunday, September` I lth :'at Blake's ; United Church at -',11 est speaker,- kr a:�rn and"7.30��'t� `Q'u sl�a Rev. John Hutton of Pine River.' Atm . MacLennan' Au .. -. , . Special naa�usic in the • ` A'ICTIO14 SALE Clearing :auction sale of '' 'farm stock and implements at • the farm of Joe 1Vlazwell, Lot 4, Con. Morning- day Goderich. ,'quartette, and .in the ,evening: •' °by •Miss Norma.. Sher - Wood, soloist, and Dr.' J. `E.. Little,' instrumentalist. FOR' SALE - large sips' hand-. made child's !crib, neverbeen used, $25:00.: Apply Mrs. Nelson Bushell or Kenneth Cameron. STOVE FOR SALE --• Fire Co. range in •1st ' class condition, burns: octal ar woad,. waterfront; Mrs, George :Brooks; Lucknow, 'OR SALE new °Beatty deep Well electric ' pump, complete• for. 80 ''ft. head,„ at half Trice. Rae and Porteous WANTED 7TO. IR;ENT-.--1 or .2 fur- nishad or . unfurnishedroams by •responsible. individual. 'Stet e ;',rental , 'in replying, Eby letter to Box I, Lucknow Sentinel,''• • FOR small 'farm, approx_ iinately 29' acres, .north of ,C,N R:; with house, .barn, chicken house, garage. Priced reasonable,. cast or terms. -Apply to' Mrs. Herb Miller. 1%;r5,• .Lucknow. ' bills' for list and terms. Joe Max - ,well, Prop;; Emile MacLennan, Auc. • AUCTION SALE, Clearing. auction sale . of farin stock and implements at Lot 40, Lake Range, Ashfield Township, one mile south • of..Amberley on. the ` Bluewater Highway.,' Friday, September 9th at,.1.00 p.m. See bills for ..list' 'and :terms..Wiley Bros., "Prop,; ' Emile Maclennan, Auc; , HOUSE WOR ' SALE -modern 8 - zoom brick/house on Havelock • St.. Oil furnace, hardwood floors. Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland,,L ick' Insure with The CUL.OS MUTUAL. FIRE i$SURANCE; .CO. for Reasonable rates, sound pros tection &.'prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. •FARISH . MOFFAT,. Your Local. Agent •° R,R. 3,' Tceswater 'Phone; Teeswater 57-r-41 TT`` TRONG- , OPTOMETRIST : +GQDE :ICkI -,' FOR. APPOINTMENT 'phone 1100• . For • • Appointnxent or Information,, , See W.. A. Scbmld .'Phone .167-w, Lucknow anent ' at • Palace Gardens, For- I . . mosa; on Sunday .•afternoon,.,Sep- ternber '11th. . • CARD OF THANKS I :wish to Most sincerely thank my friends and neighbors for all the cards and flowers 1 received • during my illness- in.. Wingham Hospital.; • -Mrs:- Thornas Culbert AUCTION SALE at Elton ' McLelland .& Sons, Ber- vie, on Friday' evening, , Septem- ber'9th at 8.30 o'clockp,of the fol lowing:. ;'30 fresh and• springing Holstein .heifers and cows; 6 Hol-, stein 'heifers due, later; 2 ' CoWs, springing, ;Hol. stein and • • Jersey. cross, good' tester; :1 heifer. (Mere-• '• ford and Holstein cross) in fresh; 1 red Durham . he►ifer, springing; 2 Angus and 2 Hereford • cows, with calves; 15 ' well' ".marked yearling Holstein heifers; 'a few good calves. Get your ponies .ready,• -for -pony_ ale, October • i 4. Buyer's ..'lucky ticket and• iisua'1 door prizes, lunch counter . Auc, Donald' Blue, 'borne, and Doris 1VIcLelland. ` • .REST HOME, ACCOMODATION FORSALE—on Stauffer Street, l iii ;storey five -room house with „iback kitchen, . 3 -piece bathroom and.' good all -pine garages Pricey terms and , possession to be ar- range‘ Richard Baker, Lucknow.. LU+NDILI 1v1,A,CI INERY. _harvesters; blowers, . • slatless 'canvasses • for combines and sv"vather.s. '.Goldie Martin, R.R.,'4, Goderich, (,Benmiller), • :phone Carlow .1922.. • • FOR SAIriE--brick cottage with frame' adtition, ' 6 . rooms, hydro,. water pressure system, 2 acres fine Orden -land 'in St:' Heleiis store, church. C. H:` Cadman, R, 2, Lucknow, phone 2114-12. • STOVES`, FOR SALE:- Wingharn Cli er:._; range and.; Iarr stQi�.. heater, large_ size, 'both burn: wood or coal and in.. good con- dition. Sian Nelson, R. 7, Luck- now, phone 67-2: Dungannon. SALES LADY' WANTED Have fun while you work, sell- ing Stanley.. Home products on MADE PRESENTATION TQ ' HAUtOLD : BAKER Friday evening, S&pternber: and, a. farewell ;Party was •held'by the farm.. people . of . Huron . Gounty for. Mr.' -' Harold Baker, associate agricultural • representative,: who left .Horan County an Saturday' to take post .graduate studies, •'in eglriculture at the , University ' of Wisconsin, 'Madison: • Some '.500 • were in attendance. On ibehalf, of .the 'farm people. of Huron 'County, .• Mr. Maker . was presented With a /35. m.m. slide .camera; Yaccessor-ies--and a --billfold .containing a sum of money: This .was in.: recognition of _the -faith;: as ,fol service that Mr... Baker h ' liven to agriculture in ' the Co., particularly'' to Junior • . Farmer 1 and 4=H 'programs, since coming i den encee, Werra Registered nUrs Farmers, idwas master of .ceremon4- ing available if, required in. case Accomodation a v. a•i l a b 1. a Mita Huron County.on,--June. 4; 1953. INSURANCE FIRE,; WIND, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE.. .ANO LIFE To Protect. Your'• Jack, . Insure With ,lack .Today._.__ A':IVIcDONAGH RIR; 3, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5,' Dungannon W R. W. ANDREW ' Barrister and ,Solicitor: - LISTOWEL, .ONTARIO' IN: LIICKNOWW Every ; Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block WFPNEOAY, r SEPT. 7th, 165 R...S. HETHERINGT9N, ' QC. Barrister, Etc. , Winghain. and Lucknow . Il'J . LUCKNOW Each Monday. •axed Wedneoc1ay ' Located iii the Municipal. °ills; !Phene Winghaln 'Office .. 48 • Residence 9't Telephone .Office 135 .. • Residence. 31-J 1---- JOHNSTONE'S Y4ome=cooked'meais; modern con-Carruther's Convalescent; Home, Arnold of ,, Alton of 'Ashfield, ores-. ' L of sickness.: Apply. to Elliott Car les ruthers, R: 3, Hoiyrood,. phone. 27-16 Ripley' ' • ,, • the party plate. We teach you now. Average' $50 weekly, full 'to the exterior. woodwork • and or part time. Car helpful. Box all 'trim of:the present Hospital K; Lucknow Sentinel. CHRISTMAS..CARDS I will be calling . as usual with• a complete selection. of Christmas' earls -arid suppl es: sonalize " card albums are now available, to choose, from. Again we are featuring 40 assorted, cards : with your name and address printed °for--only$1.00=a-value=that_Can't - be snatched. Order early to save that last ' minute rush. • DON THOMPSON 'Phone. •.33 or 35 • TENDERS • PAINTING TENDERS Two coats° of paint to be applied Sanitary ,Sewage Disposal , Have .your septic tanks, cess spools, cellars, etc., pumped. '. ared cleaned with • sanitary modern • equipment . 411' workguaranteed sates detoe•y. Ft7r` citta 'k•.-"Bervice` write • or phone Louis : Blake, *Brussels, ' Ont., phone ' Brussels • 42 -r -6P. Average size house tank costs approxia nately $26.00... ARTIFICIAL 'INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle . Breeding. Bette • "Where tt.Bulls Are tlsed" Artificial, i ei<nination service. for all breeds of cattle. For ser vice :,or inforn ation phone Clin ,' tote .242 ctilie tt b t defy' X:30: ;and 10:00. a.m. on Week: days and 7.30 andi9:30 a.m....oli .Sundays. building and . Nurses' Residence at • Wingharn, Tenders 'to ,be in the hands ..of R. E. Armitage,: f'roperty Conntittee chairman, by 5 p.iti:, Thursday, September: 8th, 1955. Particulars may be ob- I: tained fr. • te.,above_.mentioiner at any. time. Work • to : be ' com- pleted -‘by om-pleted,'by •Saturday,. October. 8t31, , 1955; • ATTENTION •- If your; eyes need glasses, tlier-peed the-•rvery, best-: in. - examination, fitting & • service: • 1 Y.SEEEE_LE:130pRNE •loci: ..SEE. BETTER ' • Registered Optometrist Kincardine, Ont, -:--,Phone 254 • CARD OF TANKS • : Our sincere thanks are extend= ed to the many relatives, neigh- EG+GrS •W'ANTED --_ . _ _ Hatching- egg wanted .by' one of Gartada's . , Xar~gest and oldest " established •.hatcheries... 'cgs tak- en every week in the year., Big • premium `paid. ;' 'or full details wwrite'box number' ° ., Lt ckrtoW Sentinel." 4, bors and friends ,for the. flowers and many acts of kindness at the time of the death of a clear husband and father '' and also sincere appreciation for the very. =specra��i'ten�°on�gsv+�rY._: . _... doctors and staff of Goderich Alexandra and Marine Hospital. 'Mrs. David J. 11MtcMurchy and Alvin odgins wishes to° sin» ;' cerely thank .4 these-wheLre.- • nieaiaibered' him With treats and in other;, .ways, while in the hos- pital. These thoughtful acts were much appreciated. Co.!‘OP AUTO. INSURANCE Can Now: Accept TOWN RESIDENTS .COMERCJAL TRUCKS . res -well• -°as- t c farm-bgshiesS For information consult T" .• A. CAMERON, LUCKWOW, Phone Dungannon. 70-r-10 JOHN IVIcMIJifiCHIE,: RIPLEY, . Phone 20-r-23 i • A. M. I4ARiER CharEered Accountant West Street _:+l'xOX3EIl.ICD, fil'i1'�,ABiil1.,..; lephtines 2431 - 343W fi; FUNERAL- HOME 'Phone 76 Day or Night' Ambulance Service. USE OF FUNERAL HOME • At No Extra Coat • Moderate Prices' Established 1894. • . Optometrist, • - •LISTOWEL, ONT ; at •the former Wroina Jewelery store,' Ripley, 10 a,m, to 9. pall, : WF/JNESDA,Y, SEPT.14th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted. • For appointment 'phone Roy NlacKezxzie, 96-e-24, -24, Ripley. AGO: WV AGENCY Howard ,Agnew -- Jos; Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario: Insurance. :Agents' Association GENERAL, 'INSURANCE :'..Established' Over. 30 Years Ago Telephones Business, 39 Residence 138: 1VcLENNAN ' and G ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist ._ Patrick St.. just • on P ► off the. Main .St.' in. WiNGHAM Professional 'Eye Examination • ' Optical 'Services' • Evenings by appointment 'Phone.' Office 770,. Res.- 291 MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE '.Services conducted' `accord- ing oto' your wishes 'at your arise,, • your ;'Church, or: at. cgr Memorial Chapel' at no • additional charge AMBiLANCE SERVICE Phone' 181, Lucknow, ` Day or Night WI �N,GHAM IMEli�OlIAL _SWOP. .We Have Been• Memorial • Craftsmel- at •Thirty*Fiv. Years, Always .Using; ° THE BEST GRANITES • Along With' ExPert Designing• and • V'I orkmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery' Lettering a Specialty. R. A..SPOTTON 'Phone 256, Winghatn, . Ontario WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES' • .STATE. --:.FARM MUTUAL, AUTOMOBILE. INSURANCE Investigate Before ;in'vesting REUBEN WILSON' R.R. 3,' Goderich' Phone_ 80 r 8,Dungannon,. ' INSURANCE.- _ Co -Operative .Life Insurance Co -Operative Automobile• . Insurance Merca>dtilc &• Farm Fire '. Insurance • Economical.. and Reliable. See . T. A. CAMERON • UJCKNOW' • 'Phone 704-10 Dungaflnon RONALD ,McCANN PU>fire"A'x iUftamt CLINTON, ONTARIO Phones: 5610 455 Office: ice:, Royal Bank Entitling Residence:. Rattenbui'y St.,. Our new sample _album of Baer-. sgnaliied accessories for parties, anniversaries, wecjdan'gs, a n d every occasion is now on hand: New :designs, ` 'ries ; colors; hew items in personalized serviettes, A phone call will bring these samples to your Tibor, or drop in and seethem t.. ` e,. 0 public Accountant 4 Brittania Rd. (cornier South St.)... rl'ele one " 1011. ,, l'l'