HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-07, Page 3• iPd bhe at ry,'' Igo of his a'. • lay ‘; r. 9t reS in lay T6L :ed id- !cy .1n- • ace Im ay. • to7 Ley ler 11 eir la. • rst !or• is ndng• • , . nd.; Lth nd rS- VW NESDA'Y, SV1 7tz, 1955 -7....t•irummaksmseprOMISM,918181111115.• • ' THE LUG2F.NOW SENTINEL, sLUCIC,NQW, ONTARIO • LUCKNOW. UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev, G. A-, Melkiejebn, B.D. • • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER llth 11.00 a^: '"The Wisdom o ' • the 'CidaPei". • ' 3.00 p.m.: Chureh.Scheol.141- ' Service:•;,, . • Rev �gSadi • . CURRIE!*5__COR Visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth -of Teesvvot- er and Mr, and. Mrs. Ross Erring- ton, Mrs. , Jas. MacDPnald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs". Bud Hamilton and Lynda, Mr. and ' VIrs. Donald Hamilton and Graham, IVir. and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton,• Kenneth and Patsy, Simday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert •Seott and fam- ily. •th-JOlinatofi; Murray; „Bryan; Ruth,. visited at Togica' Beach on :Sunday with Nth and.,Mrs Hector Cooke: • •• Ricky; .-spri .of Harvey. 1VICQuillin .0f.port' Arth- ur, had a painful accident on Monday When he.fell offthe back pOrch. His leg; was badly. gash- ed. He was rushed to the hos:- pital where he was treated and -several stitches put- in: 414,048110:1;*.oEmpo' NON, . Lucknow Presbyterian Church-. Rev. Wallace. McClean,: , • Minister. -SOMA*, SEPtEMBE,R llth 10.00'. a.m.: : Sunday SchooL 11.00 a.M.: Morning 'Worship. 3.00 p.m.:: Erskine Church, • • Dungannon • . No EveningServic *During i ' September — .....4.7.0.............11........,.........6.44 A' man can de more that' he thinks he can,_ but usually__Iess, than he thinica he does. • Mr.. and Mrs: Leo Courtney Si" family visited on Sunday with,, Mr. and Mrs. ,Pete..Murray at Kingsbridge. . • • • Mit.. Nora Sinnett, $namion Patsy' have been staying at the Sinnett homestead thepast'week, and On Monday 'last -spent the p.m; with Mr. and Mrs. , Leo Courtney. Mr: and Mrs.- George 'Parrish and Lynda of'Listowel Spent the fweek-end with Mr. and Mis. Your Subscription,Paid?' Lorne Parrish, .s• •,, FARM • •-o ...4174; , dfCtilo, 1 k4 liCaWGenera Mrs. Ruth Brooks Spentt the past week with friends in Clin- ton. . Mr. and Mrs. Norman (Carter of Clinton ind Mrs. Len Evans Of St. Thomas spent the week- end with Mrs. Ruth Brooks. The regular • meeting 'of ' the I.nicknow Women's: Institute will he held in the R.ecieation' Centre on Friday, September°9th at 2.30. Theme. of the Meeting is friend- ship. arid each one to bring a friend_Hostesses,Mrs,-J-R4tilm- stoner,-1Mrs...Grant IVIcDiarrnid, bin. Alex ' 'MaaLeririan,• Harry Nixon. Demonstration, • 7 K,,anfrlyIrs....,Burt Roach spent 'Tuesday. in •Godertch,• prior to their grandson 15 -year-old Jim- my Brewer • leaving for Toronto where-he.will attend Upper Can- .ada :eys' College.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKilitp of Chilliwack; B,C. and Mr. Gor- don McKillop 'of. Palmerston I ited :recently with...relatives here. Mrs. 1VIcKillcip's parents *ere the • late -Mr. and Mrs. • John Stewart ,(fOrtnerly. Jessie Fraser) .who were residents of Kinloss Town Ship.,'for seVeral years before go- ing to Dauphin, ,IVIan.; where they resided until' their dtath. . Mrs. Stewart was a :sister_ of the late Mrs. .Wm. Barr' of Kinloss,' '.'Rev, ;and Mrs. J.' V.,1V1ills and son Ronald and 'Brian' Hackett of IN:trout°. were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haolsett. Mrs. ' Winnifred Nixon 'spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs: Robinson of WinkhaM.: On Sunday they. attended the anni- versary at Donnybrook and spent the •day with "-.arid Mrs.. gd. Robinson and family, • In' the af- ternoon they .called to see. Mrs, Jefferson, who . is ninety and in tea" all the time. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dainty, and family of •Kingston' are, spending •their Jiolidays with Mrs. Dainty's brother, • Mr. Ed '•ultobinsori and •Mr,. and Mrs: John Hunter and Mr: and Mrs. Mac. -:Scott spent fe.w days •laSt .week in Toronto 'at the •C.N.E. ••. .•••• • z: Mrs. Ken 13ridges; (;Mae Me - Mali(*) • 'and daughters Donna and :Patsy .of Exeter were week end. ,Visitors with friends here, Paramount Woinen'i Institute will ',Meet at the home of 1VIrs. "K. *Nay. on ,Tuesday, Septem- ber 20th. -Roll call, , "What 'would you grab • first in' Case of fire?" • ToPid, Historical• Research, Mrs. ••D, . Anderson; ::OOrrentevents, Mrs: Wm. Stanley; program 'and lunch, 'Mrs.: W.: Dexter, Mrs td. Rtagarcts.: The Kairsitea---1-adtes7 •have ,invited .Paramount to, at- tend the September 15th meet- ing to be held in liolyrood:hall. Mr. and Mrs. Redvers JOhn- attentled-the-ehris-1 "tening in Trinity 'Anglican Church, Galt, Of .Phoebe.Joanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guest . Mitchell of Galt. The' ceremony was performed by Rev. A. S. • ,Mitchell -of Ha.miltdin -and Joy Johnston was Godmother.• ' Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Pardon and •children; Mildred, •Raylene, Joyce, Sandra, Dennis and Alien, •and • Mr. and john' Wood and son Michael and Bob Darbek,• all, of Detroit; were week -end guests, of Mr, and Mrs.. Ale* Purdot, and on Sunday" afternoon .a farn- gathering Was held in KinioSs at the home of Mr, and :•Mrs. Geb_rge,i'iffin • • Miss Mary Anna MacThinald of "VVingham spent a few' days with. her cousins, Dianne and, Hilda Ritchie of, Ashfield. •. • Mr. and igrs. Andrevr-Ritchie and family, spent a day visiting at Mitchell ,Nith. Mr. and Mrs', J„;• a:- Ritchie. • . Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ritchie, Alfred Ritchie, Mr.' and ...Mrs. Armstrong Wilson . and 'Jim' of Lucknow, atid.„Mrs. J.G. Ritchie, LBOrilik „aria.- neth Mitchell,, Mr.; and Mrs. Graydon Ritchie, Janet • of Lanes, Mr., and Mrs. Pete MacDonald and-fah/ilk-of Winghammapent Sithday with Mr. and Mrs'.And- rew' Ritchie, it bein,g 'Diannes eleVenth-blithday. • DoUg MadXenzie of London Spent, ,a week at ZiOn 'With his ,cousin, Barry , • Barbara Nelson spent an after - te- BAN, If you run short of. water in the late • • summer on your farm, yOu can probably • . • Cure the trouble for good with,a ' -• ° Well-placed farm pond. • ' Built where it will catch the spring • • • run -Off, your farm pond weld& provide ready supply of drinking water for • your cattle and a4useful reservoir in time ofdroUght. It's a boon to any type • , blfarming, as many Canadian •farhiers ,have already discevercd...Z,' . .• a 9, • • Don't let a shortage of ready cash dela this or any other firritirnproveinehe — that will make your farm a better farm. Disc"Cistiourteedi 'With your ° 4. B of M manager. He'll 'gladly tell yott wh4t a F.ai'm ImprOvement • FIL —the fixer his full name is• , Parini Improve.. ment Loan. Give 'hiin 1 chance to help fix up your - farm r . ; he s eco- nomical; conven. fent, versatile. He o althost . ttirhing. n • ifarma ibrietier farith." • Loan can •do for your . ° ' my 0 A ti H .. ;. •.." fartn.2— how it cmyboost . rt k : intiO asktvAn „ • your profits and save.- . - ' you time and work. . ' • , . BANK OF MO 1ST iritEAL eria40/44-Veta-6 • ,, A • ' . • Luckrio'w ,Branch: MURRA COUSE, Mauttgei . . . .. , „16.,01.0,40 s.t!iticreAmosioisomm......,...........m.m.....214.imammiimaimmummomma mit!". WALE„ ., 01..0 ps SIN coil”? i....,. . . . •.46•614,—...mtnarwastmmue..666.ms.naz.m...E.r.oprnts,......6...eundlitaticiorit6mosmarelp...74-64,........,....., ' ' ..... !"- PAGI44,_TIIREE • „. ". Al THE RED AN HITE STORE JAVEX, 32. oz, MATCHES; 3 boxes ' • 25c Fresh Roasted ,COFFEE, _ . . 95c New Pack Blue and Gold"PEAS,kok.i, piid.ii444.ptANy'r BUTTER, 24 Oz. ) .„‘ Our'. PrOzen'rFood: cOunter Offers a wide variety of choicest frozen foods . You are invited to drop in and see the selection. Halt s Economy Food Market Fresh. FruRs "&- Vegetables Free Delivery, Phone 26 noon with Dianne and Hilda Rit-' . ROLYROOD_ , Alvin Hoclgins returned from NV,ingham Hospital, on. Friday. l'Ayrin:..Couse has 'been '111 with ipneuniOnia, but was able to 'start to school on...Tuesday: Mr: and."Mrs. Mac Graham .of Toronto and. Lynda Trench of 'Liatoirell were. Week -end visitors with. Mr. and • Mrs Wellington Henderson , . • " Misses: ,Ruth" *Johnston and Shie1ia Neilly. of .LondOn. , were. Week-nd visitors., with the forr mer's parents Mr., and Mrs. '13. M. Johnston. " • . ' • Bert McLean. is charge of the .1-iardware .departnient :•in. the' newly . re=organiied. Co-op store at Kincardine. ••••°' „ Mr. and is; Wilbur Taylor and ;Billy of Sault Ste..Marie Were week -end visitors wit,h. Mr. Mrs. `Nelson; Bushell and Mrs. Harold 'Pair . of Mount Forest were Sunday :Visitors •the Munity. ." •.• • Mrs. JinnHarniltdn . and family of London; Mrs., Art. Yalibee_and family Of -Teesw:ater 'and, Mrs. Mae .Irwin._spent ' a couple �f - weeks at. Point. Clark, and while liblidaying there 'Mrs. Irwin.. en.7 fertained.• the staff Baker's Private Hospital at a;-.Weirier and marshmallow roast.. .. Mrand Mrs., H. S. Lavey of Toronto. spent the week -end with Mrs. R. 2'. Douglas and Miss Mac- Ef Thompson has 'returned to piticisay afte spent -l- ing twomonths'at. the Douglas h . 1V,Ir.,and Mrs. Art.Cann of Lon- don spent the 'holiday with. Miss 12aura-Archer. •• Mrs. • George 'MacGregor ,..,,:of Hamilton is visiting . with her. Mother, Mrs N J:, MacKenzie. Karen Carnegie of. Walkerton spent theweek-end with Patricia Thompson. • • Mr.' and Mrs. Ed Thompson. and .• -Marjorie visited at the home a Mr. and Mrs. George Saunders. • lVfessrs. bilorgan John.ston,- John, Scott, Con. 4, Huron and Jack Scott of Ripley are on, a motor trip to ,Visit relatives at Prince. 'Albert, Sask. ' - • • Mr. 'J. R. Murray is eniployed. at; ,the M. Johnstone' farm, e • . Mr, and 1V,Irs: John Palmer' and Isabel' of 'Detroit, IVLiss Mae Pal- • mer of Kincardine, were week- 4 end guesta at,„the • liome Of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris, Mrs. 1r-, Harris- and 'Earl. :. • - Mr. and Mrs. Winston Gordon • of Dundas spent' the 'week -end With'r. and Mrs. Raynard ACk- . e• •rt and family.• . Messrs. Jack -Colwell and -Bob . • , F.o4sfer visited with their cousin,' Dick moccis1.1„.at Purple Orove. • • Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd Ackert, • .w.1 honk. Iwilidt44, iidarespiyfrensd!:/iiesthet A • r: and Mrs. Sam. Farther at- tended a family reunion at Strat- • •ford at the home of his. mother; • when .guests were PreSent from " :Mattoon, IIL; Montreal, Whitby, Kitchener: and Stratford. • - New. 'beginners at the liolyrood school are Bonnie. ;Eckenswiller, glas Eadie, Billy Congrant•& o my O'Donnell. • . ••, • George-Eeken swiller left this •week 'to return to. New Westin -linker, B.C,, 'after • a sti month' vacation here with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Eckenswiller • 11.-0•ther—relatiVesAnti-lai aged mother, Mrs. Jacob Ecken.twiller. MISS Maligaret *IntOsh and 'Mr. Angus McIntoth.• attended a family gathering Sunday. 'at the home of their sister, !Ars,: Ralph .' Love at Atwood. • ' . , . • .' . .' • ' to, • .4 • * • . , • * 4 Blouses $1.39 84 $2,60.. Sweaters, all. sizes .,*„. $2.75 Anklet ,.,.,,..... 59c to 39c Trousers $4.95 'op jackets - alt prices T -Shirts -reduced, to clear Underwear -by Stanfields • Stveaters,-.Cardigans*and S ° Skirts $3.95 to $6.95 Pullover • Sox . 59c to $1,00 lerrB-elts Panties 39c, to 75c Pyjamas -polo and flette • La-aiisj' apt! 's Fashion • eryi. 'PHONE 85, LVCKNOW • • • • • YilfnitSC''Ar IliSSAISAMIVISMO er*Alli at Ail *AM kk=arittaitit. varttitaiii,:itltatNiaiditPairiNke