HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-09-07, Page 2PAGE TWO: "WatiGIMM;SWIWIINIMMierAwalmunire. A • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1,0CKNOW, 'ON'TAIUc r ''WEDNY'► SEPT. utOmati --Lighter! III" 01 0 r mos h.er tat 110:14/1ER M IMPERIAL -41,500 .BTU' :output, Modern du,gn in beautiful Platinum , finish. 53,000 BTU model . slightly higher. • . Exclusive, ,Duo -Thorns SELF-Lighter—Turn• the dial and electric .SELF- Lighter lights the fire .'au- tomatically. No matches. No. fuss. No mess.... Exclusive!; Duo -Therm TP_owor-Air, ;Blower Automatically forces heat :to `every ' part of home. Moves"Icily" ceiling, heat to living :level..Saves, up- to,25%opoil. � ;r • • J f. a • Automatic :Thermostat =Set and forget. Keeps ,.the temperature just as you like it. . ,UNDERWRITERS', APPROVED Webster and Mac.s n� n on....: Phone 50 FOURTH CONCESSION Miss '.Irene •Roiilston is home, after havingspeciit.the : summer —working, -at Balsan- --.Lake near }'enelon Falls. : Miss' Margaret 'MacDonald has esumed 'her teaching position at r la and Miss.'Joan Hotarnil' on o ht. Arthur. s• J. Three boys are starting td kiri der\garten from the Fourth -Gary 'Austin,. Walter Dickie and Jim, - my MacKinnon. Quite a number . have spent "a clay at the Ex. They' include' Mr: and ' Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Grace and Allan, 'Mr. Ira Dickie, .. JJohn' MacKinnon ' and Mr. Allan Graham,' Mrs. • D.' L. Mac- Kinnon and Mr: and Mrs; *Fraser MacKinnon. . yC ngratulatinns,.....to.LMack..:Mac: Donald ' on 'having . won :a $200 scholarship:; Mack plans to enter Western --University in Septem- 'her. ' Mr, and Mrs. Sherwood •White. of .Ypsilanti, Mich.,"' spent, a few days withM'r. and Mrs. Ira - , Dickie :arid boys..• All ii takesis a lot ofhills to stop the Cooing,' in 'a love nest. Igen.: There was a good attendance at both services in .Donnybrook Church a on Sunday, Inspiring messages were given, by'the guest speakers at both servioes, ,in the morning by • Rev, A. W. Watson, B.A., B.D., • • of Blyth, ;United Church and in the. - evening by Rev; • Chas, A. King of Belgrave United, Church, assisted. by , Rev. C: Washington ; And,. ' Joseph Montinarello, student minister of Knox, Presbyterian Church, • Au- burn. 'In thte morning 'Misses Grace Thompson and-Louise_Jef fersari: •'sang a duet, "The • Lord is my Shepherd" and 'the choir sang two anthems • with Mrs. H. Jefferson taking .'the .solo:,pai~ts, . and In' the' evening . a Young Peo- ple's choir sang two numbers. Miss Irene Jefferson , has re-, sunned her 'teaching • duties _ at Dunnville, Miss Lucy • ' Thompson will teach at. Oakville thisterm and Miss Grace ThompSonis commencing : her ' • teaching near Simcoe.• . .. Those attending, Wingham Dis- trict High' School .from+ this' sec- tion are Louise, Donald and Rob= ert:. Jefferson, 'William Thompson and Roy Lardy. • .The public school pupils' here' will . attend the Township. Hall school this terra; '. There be one; beginner, _ _iSillie. Robinson,: along with ; Jim • Robinson, Mary axrd • Sharon '. Jefferson Mr, Wm. Hardy has the contract of driv- ing them to • and from 'school. • Sgt. 'and': Mrs. Herb• Dainty &. sons ' of .Kingston ' are spending this Week at the• home. 'of''her brother, Mr. and. -Mrs. Ed •Rob. inson and. with other members. of her family. : Mr: and Mrs. Ernest J. Craig of Goderich were ' Sunday visi- tors with Mr, and Mit R.. Cham- ney, Sunday'., visitors; with Mr. :and' Mrs. Norman : Thonipson . ,, . and'. family; .included •Mr., • and ` Mrs. Cecil. Chamney of Belgrave, Mr. and -1171rs-:-Edwin Thompson and family.. and Mr. and Mrs.'; . John Tiffin and ;Stephen. of Winghann,. Mr. and Ws. Elwin Chamney; Dorothy and . Marilyn visited. '.on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart' °Chimney': and. girls,, Mr. and Mrs. Sid. 'MaClinchey of Auburn 'were Sunday •visitors at the. 'home of. Mr. ands ; Mrs. Chas. Jefferson; LANGSIDE Mr. ' Hugh McMillan,-' Delores and 'Marilyn" of • Detroit •Were week -end : visitors. with' Mr, and Mrs. "Pat"71VIcMilian ,and faxrirly and" Mr.: 'and Mrs: Myles . McMil- lan. j , Mr. and Mrs., Bill Tiffin; Hilda and David .of Winigham :were SU day ,veiling visa ors . vvi ► r: and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. , BORN --in . Wingharn. 'Hospital. on August ' 25th. to Mr. and Mrs. Huntley Dawson,; a son, Adain Marshall. ,Holiday. ,visitors.' Who returned home for school ,Were' Linda and, Janette • ' Johnston to . Belgrave,' Betty Lou 'MoLagan to London and Shirley • Smith to Tiverton•. Nancy and Donelda • Cochrane re- turned home': from Thedford. • Members of ;'thd •Dawson' favi- ily spent :.the 'week -end with Mr: Joshua Dawson -and 14 -and Mr; Huntley :Dawson and family. f1mu-n-i .-extends--Sin °ere sympathy. to Mrs.• Wm.. Orr and family in the, passing of their daughter and slater, ,Mrs. Har- old Percy of . Kirilough. Russell Ritchie was taken sud- denly ill On Tuesday evening'and rushed to Wingharn Hospital, A farewell party is to be held in the hall on Friday .evening for, Mr, .and Mrs. Chester Fea• ,SIE---LU-OKNOW SENTINEL Lucknow, Ontaro • t Autkiorizet as second a•• -�'-,-�---,,,� .. • -. wr. e7 ass .m '1 _-P �off ice -Dep rtrnr ert;Otta wa- stablished 1873-PublishedEach,Wednesday Afternoon .Subscription rate:42,50 50 aYearin advance --to 'tI:S+A�.$3,5Q.. L Campbell Thol'npson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, . SEPT, 7th, 1905, _. GU,i:ROCORNRL • Bi]rl • Haldenb y left fob a trip. west.' . ' . • . Mr.' and •Mrs. Grant Wall and Mr. andMrs. Orville Wilson ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall 'of Teeswater on a motor ' trip to Toronto and took in .the :Ex for a couple ,of'. days, While in, the. Queen City • they -Were the guests of Mrs, Ethel Wilson, . .. 1Viss ° Ethel Haldenby is em- ployed near Neystadt "Those: from this community' go •:on a bus trip to . Toronto on -Tuesday,...-and attending tb Fac. •wer'e . Ronnie Thorripsoin,'' MacDonald,' Frank Brown, °.11�Li'. and Mrs;.. Torn Hodgins, Perry. liodgins, J m Hodgins; Mrs John `ffodLgnna and .'boys Percy Barr, Alex Percy arid trlma Percy,' Freddie Morgan of Teeswater spent Wednesday with Donnie •A Two -new "television. aerials have come. into •view, one, at the home of. Mr. . and Mks.' Tom. Hod- gins, .and the. other . at the borne of : Ed•Green:.. . • Mr. Ernie (Bud) .Stewart left by train on. Thursday far a trip': to ..Western. ,Canada_ Mr.- and Mrs. Midford •Wa11'and Donnie . spent; ' 'Friday . eveniin'g with' ,Mr.. and ..Mrs, Mills and family at their cottage at Bruce Beach. • , • • . Misses Mary. and Helen' Colli- 'sort .whohavebeen eiriployed at Wingharn during the stgmmer,. re- turned home ' •and Will 'resume their `studies" at •.Lucknow District High School., .-Mr. and ' Mrs. Art Hodgins spent 1 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Gallacher,,• Wroxetert Karen arid Bobby:.Wall 'spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs: Bert' Shewfelt and fam- ily, Kincardine. Billy ;Wall . vis ited' -Mi. and.' Mrs: , Hugh Mc= Kague:. and . Brian, of Teeswater,' ,whole; Donna Wall •Visited with Mr. and Mrs.. `E.. ,Thacker, ,T•ees- v►ater. We are sorry to :report Karen Wall to be confined to , her beda., 'A'. sure sign::. -that summer .is just over ds ':the familiar sight of the . school bus and the pealing Of the . school bell. New . begin vers at our school are Raymond Harris, Peter Edgar, Barry denby; I,arry Lament anand John, John,° Zettler. ,Starting : her educational', career at No: 3 ori the 10th Con. is :Patsy Schumacher. • Sunday visitorswith Mr.and. Mrs. Tom Stewart:were Messrs.' Gerald -Stewart and. Harold. Rob- inson,incardine :