HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-31, Page 5y11E1: n.SDAY
A1. T ., 31st, 195
° ,Mr. and Mrs. -Ed • Jaen of Tor-
onto were ;visitors last week with
'their. uncle,., Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Web)? and: girls,
Terry Wilson 'accompanied Mrs.
Al Wilson, Jimmy and Judy of
Whitechurch to Toronto fora
visit to the C:N.E,
The ladies are reminded. of the
meeting .of the Women's Institute
�thms .(ThurscLay) .afternoon at
',Mrs.. Wm. `Purdon's, Roll call, ex-
change of slips or bulbs. Anyone
'else'wishng to:'irnake as donation'
• o the Hospital Furnishing fund
or ro ithe-painting; ;fungi are rem
• gh.ested to:. do.. so at:: this, . nieeting.
Held •ComMunit ► .P.icr is .
Around seighty-five' persons en-.
.,joyed the annual corym.unity pica
nic held under the auspices of
the Women's Institute' at Lake
Huron atthe End of the '12th
on • .Tuesday • afternoon;, T h e
Breezes were a ,bit chilly .but un-
der the capable direction of Mrs:
Lloyd Hunter, Mrs. Ernest. Gaunt,
Mrs. .RossGammie and Mrs, Jas.
Curran 'an, interesting. program of
sportswas enjoyed with the fol-
lovVing 'winners: 5 ..years and ' un-
We are. the only :,manufac- •
Curers in this part of Ontario.
df high class :monuments.
who impoit granite from the'.
Old Country in .the rough by
the carload and process .from.
the rough to the finished,
monument. No. middleman.`
Whenichoosing a monument
come'. and see one of • the
largest selections in 'Ontario.
Established over sixty .years..
Write or phone Walkerton..8
and reverse charges.
der .Dale Gammie;. 14u/se ,-Me
D°m`l-"x ; "` years ,and under
ianne •'iumph'rey, Nancy Cur.
ran; •boys, .9. years, and' under,
Garry Gammie, Bryan Gamrnie;
12 years ,and under, Geo. Hum-
phrey, .Terry Wilson; young lad
ies, Margaret Pose Lyons, Donna
Woods; married ladies, Mrs.
Norman McDonald, Mrs, Ross
Gammie; married men, ' Gordon
MacPherson, Lloyd Hunter;; .kick
the slipper,, children, Terry' Wil-
son, Elaine Cook; kick the slip-'
per,;, ladies; Mrs; G. •11(LacPherson
Mrs. Jas. MacFarlane and Mrs..
Q. Lyons,. (tied); pie . eating :.con,-
✓ test, l-st-"Pr4e,. Donna Wbot s and
Ernest. Gaunt; :necktie race,
race , on.
na Woods and Dicri Curran &
Isabelle MaoPher oand
J errott :(tied); soda',biscuit -race
Lloyd Hunter, Charles Mcpon-
' aid; . soda biscuit race ,(children),
George Humphrey; Herbie .Hun-
ter; clothesline race, Lloyd Hun-
ter, Lois Miller:; eldest lady pres-
ent, Mrs. Jas, MacFarlane; eld-
est gentlemen present, T: J. Salk->
eld; youngest.girl, Sharon Jamie-
son; youngest boy, »illy..McDon=
old. Theprize for the fattest lady
was won . by two mysterious char-
acters .who wandered in at lunch
tithe and to all . appearances did
justiee to:` the bountiful picnic
lunch served to all,
Mrs. SylvesterRaynard of
Ethel" was ' a : visitor. for , a , few
days with her `sister,,. M' -r --s. Gor
don MacPherson,' who: acconlpan:
ied .- her •home ' for 'a short . visit.
Little. :Miss 'Linda' Elliott of
H'olyrood ,is spending, a few ''days
with :her. aunt, Mrs. Allan Miller
and Mr. Miller.
"Here's my headache" . ' ex=.
claimed; one ..small-to,wn : Mayor;
recently. ' '•
Here ..is "his". story. Wife and:
family .of five..•Destitute and
homeless. • A 'hoine built for .then
by a';local. church., .Frequently on
relief. The. new ,homevery short7.
ly (became . a shntbles. :Maox-
warned by y hearth' authorities to
clean, it up Council 'refused the
money required. to do .so.
' Mr. Headach.e -a,' good worker,
but could ••never hold . a job for
long. Three times ` :in , court.
`Thirty .days' for non-support of
your. family" :..".
Yes! You have guessed it!',This
is the TRUE 'story of one 'liquor
victim, :in one • town , a legal
liquor-t�utlet'•town. Whose head
ache?' Mr; : Mayor's or ours?
For positive.-es'rults fr-orrif-oo1 i•1 -
associated arthritic -rheumatic symptom's .seL
Mr;.' hickei'ing ' at •
WINGHAM Queen's;tHotel
WEDNESDAY, AUG 3lst-11' a.m, to 8 -p.m:
And Each Two Weeks Following
-Walk Better Feel. Better . with, "Miracle"',
Puts Hew Life Into Your F'arnl!'
yl y W lit .7... go ahead wwxt ..
See ouur_neatesi_ a_r k bf Montthal manager
!� about a Farm ImprovementLoan.
top 101111 CAMDiAN
g. WYlk "Cana �an� In tve,ry wars •f -i -s 844-
Lucknow Branch: MtJRRAY', COUSIN, M.anagel'
►,�1.T..K.4.O]�' OrTTiZEA
Miss • Marlene Robertson: of Ar7
rnow visited during the .week
with. Miss. Donna Nicholson.
The W.A. ladies held a quilting
on Thursday •afternoon when two'.
quilts were completed.
Mr. and Mrs. lVLaurice .Hodgins
of London Visited. here over last
week -end. •
We. •are • sorry to:_ •report that
Mr, Harvey Hodgins is a • patient
at Victoria Hospital, London,
where his condifibn is considered
serious ` '.. • '•
A number from here went gni
•a. bus trip. to Toronto where they.
attended the C,N,E.
,Messrs;; Glen and '• t•Kenneth
`Ho.clgins`sjient'Sunday .with their.
father, 'Mr.. Harvey, . Hodgins at
Victoria Hospital, •and with .'Mrs..
Hodgins, who is • in • London ow-
ing to her husbands- illness.
The . Holyrbod W.I: will meet
in, the hall on Thursday after,
noon, September 1st, with Mrs.
Wm. Wall and Edna. and May
Boyle hostesses; •
Wprd was. received here of the
passing of Mrs. Herbert Collins
at Saskatoon.:Mrs. Mrs, .Collins . was
the former Laura' Fair, a former
teacher '.here.' . •
Mr. and• 'Mrs.• Percy Collins of
Echo • Bay, . Mrs. , Annie Slade of
California; Mrs. Maude. Hall of
Kii•}•cardine:; Mrs:' Ant-'-Graliam: &
Mrs.' Dorothy Thompson • were:
dinner guests' Monday with Mr.
and Mrs.- James. Hodgins.. ' .
Mrs. Ethel Runch, ey of 'Toronto.
as .vacationing with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Wall here, and at the. 'Rest=
:A While • at Bruce °•.Beach ;
Mr. arid ,Mrs.. 'Cliff Armstrong
of •Niagara Falls; Mr,..and ..Mrs.:
Elmer -Armstrong an'd their niece
Erie ' McEwen. of Brantford and
Mrs.; Cliff° Borthwick of St. .Cath-
erine§ Were -vacation acation visitors> with
Mr. and '.Mars: James • Hodgins: •
Mr: and Mrs. Percy. Collins
•left on, Thursday for; their: home
!at Echo Bay. • after .visiting ; ;with
-relatives here. • ••••° • •
rMrs; Annie: Slade of California'
visited with Mr, and -.Mrs. Arthur
Graham and other relatives and
w visiting• with her sister, 'Mrs,
Hall., 'at Kincardine I
Mr. Jack' Hawthorne and dau-
ghter Jane, :his '• mother. Mrs.
'Hawthorne :(Sr:) and Miss Myrtle
Rousorn :. visited ' 'with Mr: and
Mrs. James ,Hodgins.
• Miss everl,ey Stanley visited
'during the wee k• with friends at.
Arthur., • r •
.;Mrs: Ezra Stanley and. Sharon'
'and her father, : Mr.. Walter Kaake:
visited en 'Friday '.with Mrs. Al=
tan Robinson -afid Mrs Russell,
Sr...,.. at Tiverton._ {;
Mrs, Bi11: Burt and• children
'Spenta. day. last week. at 'river-
ton. , : • -
We are sorry to• .report that
Ronnie Gillespie, son of iVlr. and
Mrs: on:: 11- espie, has been • ill
.during ' the week..' We hope ' he
Will soon be feeling' better: • t
11�rs Clare ,Sparling'•and.Allan
Of; Walkerton ,spent a.. ,day With
Mrs. ' George Ha•1denby.
Mr. •and Mrs.. Bsll Burt and
family were recent visitors, with
relatives • at Mount Forest. .'
Sunday 'visitors wit.h.Mrs. J. W.
Colwell were Mrs. Wm, Bushell
of Lucknow, '.Miss Ruth' Forster
of Ripley,' Mr: and. Mrs. George
Colwell and 'Jack of Holyrood
and . Ralph
Wan. E. Haldenby,
•ph were to Toronto' . on
Saturday 'attending the wedding
of .the 'latter's'•cousin°
Mn. lfuward .Ed-
and family, and Miss Betty Ed-
gar, of° Atwood .visited on 'Sa.tur'-
day with Mr. and Mrs. WM, Wall.
The Presbyterian : W.M.S. met
at the home .of Mrs, Alex .'Farcy
with` Mrs: Walter Breckles, pre- •
sxdin,g ' Mrs.' 1i rank Maulden read
the . scripture. ' Mrs. Alex Percy
led in. prayer. The word- for •the
roll ,call ' ''was -"Saviour". Mrs.
John Barr gave a reading ori•the
Missiongry_Miss Mildr±d. Geee-
harnrn , of Velore Mrs.t.
Sutton gave the , meditation.
Readings'. from, th,e study book,
Mrs. W. Breckles, Mrs. P.' Hod-
g,ns, Mrs: M ":Bushel , Mrs: W
;GuEt, Mr's. T. MacDonald,;Mrs,.
J. Emerson, A German • quota -
iron. ms's. = .rr e os -
legs. Prayer, closed the meeting
and refreshments. were served.
Mi's, Morley Bushell will be the
• Tuition ...'••$18 00..per-• Montt.
* : Practical- Instruction in all •Conun.ercial Subjects,
Courses. Approved by :the Canadian . Business. Schools
Association, * Modern ' Equipment.
East ,Street Goderich, Ontario
September hostess..
-Mrs. -Don "•Mc ash,•
Mary and Diek visited • on •Sun-.
day . with 'Mr,' and • Mrs. Frank
`R;eggie Reihl; returned to Lon-
don after spending two weeks
with Eric Percy: '
Sandra Pe,.cy returned home
after holiday, g with friends in
London. • •
Olivet . W.M.S,
The members • of the Baby
Band and Mission Band were 'en-•.
tained by the ladies. of the W M S,
at their, August meeting,:Child
ren's . hymns were: sung through-
out the meeting and Mrs. Oliver
McCharles read a storyto. the.
children.' instead of -.,the cirtizen-
s ip •,.pap r. !Judy Nicholson led
in.', prayer. Mrs. ••Herb. 'Clayton
and Mrs. ,.Robe. ;Osborne also told
•stories of ,interest to' the. child -
"ren: The mernbers of the Mission
Band helped.. with a short -pro-.
.gram. Readings', were given by.
Phyllis• Clayton, Alice Brooks;
Gary Homing,• Georgia Jean
•Smith, Elaine Selling, and a duet
-by Shirley Brooks. and Carol
fir. i awoc..w.. w
V. •.
Anger :.accompanied by h2xs;
Sandy McCharles, John McChar-
lesi misseth e
d S . ... d ` �: h ,first part .of.
the meeting; The children were
taken outside where a, haV, /hour
was spent in games, A short bifsi-
ness period followed. Mrs. ,Henry
moved a ' vote of thanks; to all
those 'taking part. After singing
the closing hymn the ladies join-
ed the _children outside • wbem
everyone enjoyed 'a social ' half
'hour. Lunch. ,was, served.
Onef the Kintail Women's..
Institute, cook ,books is on . its
way West to_ Mrs. ,A..H:Allan of
Spruce Grove, : Alberta. Mrs:' Al-
lan saw the book sent to her
Sister,. Mrs. C. A Radford` of Ed-
mbnton, and she sent in an order
for one pronto.. ••
The demand, has been. brisk for
these books but tliere are still
some available. •They may be. ob-:
tained.'from any' member.. of the
Kintail .Institute ;Ior at The • Seri- •:
tinel Office.
Greatest FREE
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