HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-31, Page 4.10 PAGE' rauR ' THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL* LUC=OW, ONTARIO. • WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31st, 1955 .• FOR SALE -12 chunks o . pigs STOVES FOR SALE,- ,Winghan about ;75 ,lbs. Orville E 'liott, Clipper' range and ,Harriston Phone 24-26 Ripley. heater, large size, 'both burn WANTED—any nuniher of 'clean six cjuart. baskets. Short's I.G.A. .,Store:, Lucknow.. • ' . ' , APARTMtriVs ' AVAILABLE .Apply Gammie''Apartments:' ' WORD: WANTED-young'woman •wishgs;:pbsition,,.for genearal• house work.. "Apply at •Sentinel Office. FOR SALE -2 Shorthorn calves about 9 months, old. Jas. Baird, phone Dungannon 68-r=3. WANTED TO BUY -50 bales of shay, alfalfa mixed. S. Chislett, phone 179, Lucknow...• FOR : SALE -L -baby •ibuggy. 'Apply to Mrs, Leonard . ,MacDonald; ,Lucknow. WHEAT 'FOR SALE --quantity of Genesee grown ; from registered seed. Alvin' Robb, R; 3, . Luck - now. • WANTED =young lady to. work. in store 'Good salary for .right Person. , Apply Lucknow, F uit Market •, `FOR SALE.—small farm,. approx .imately. 29, acres, north of with house, barn, chicken:, house,' garage. . Priced, reasonable; •cash or terms. Apply: • •to Mrs. Herb Miller,' R. 5, Lucknow: FOR ' .SALtE-:brick •`cottage with frame addition, •6 rooms,' hydro, water pressure 'system,. 2. acres fine •'garden. land ;in. St. Helens;' • store, church. Cadman; R. 2,. Lucknow, phone 211-r-12: . HOUSE. WANTED 'to rent -with option to purchase .•in: one year, a zspiall home in Lucknow Hydro ,and bathroom a must. Willing to. pay $30 month rent or will pia- . chase ..at $50 .month.: Apply by letter to ' Box G, Lucknow 'Sen- tinel: SALES LADY WANTED Have fun while you..work; sell • , ing' Stanley Home products on the party, plan. We teach '`.you -how. • Average $50 ` weekly full or .part • time, Car helpful. ' Box K, `. Ludknow Sentinel: �t. } tti e• WAN.rt_ID TO RENT -1 or 2 fur- nished : 'or unfurnished rooms by :responsible : indivtdxal; ` refer= ences.. 'Reply stating rental to Box.? •Lucknow Sentinel.. • S ,HOME ACCOM REST `Accomodation: a-v_a 1 ab1 a -_at_. • Carruther's Convalescent Home. Home -cooked meais,'modern• con- .veniences, warm. 'Registered nurs- ing availableifrequired in - case of sickness:. Apply to Elliott •Car-, ruthers, R 3;, Holyrood, phone 27-16 'Ripley. • Sanitary.. Sewage Disposal; • • Have your septic tanks, cess - *pools, cellars,- etc„, pumpedand cleaned with .. sanitary , modern. equiipment., All work guaranteed satisfactory'. For . quick service; write • or phone.'' 'Lo uif . Blake, Brussels, •• Ont., phone Brussels 42-r-6. Average size house tank costs approximately $25.00. ARTIFICIAL INSEMiN Waterloo Cattle, Breeding Association: "Where Better Bulls Are Used", Artificial insemination . service: fox. all' !breeds of cattle. For ser- vice or information phone Clin- ton 242 collect, `between • 7:30 and. 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 , a.m. on Sundays. wood or coal and in good 'con- dition. Jim Nelson; R. 7, Luck,. now, . phone 67-2 Dungannon ----CHRISTMAS-CARDS I' .will lbe ;calling as usual- with a complete selection :of :Christmas cards ,•and supplies; Personalized card •albums. are, now •'available to choose from. Again' we/• are featuring. 40 assorted cards With your name and address printed for only $2:00---avalue that can't be matched. Order .._early to save that ":last minute rush. • DON .'THO•M;PSON 'Phone .33 .or 35 NOTICE RE DANCING. CLASSES • - Arny Johnston's dancing school, Lucknow, will re -open • on Tues- day, Septeriber..6th, withregular. classes •from 2.30 until 6.30 p.m. -for. highland, tap and : ballet. • :TENDERS PAINTING. TENDERS Two: coats of paint'to' be `applied to the. :e±teri;or woodwork and ,all' trim .of the present: Hospital, building, and.• Nurses' Residence •at Wingliam.': Tenders :to be in the hands ' of R. E. Arm.itdge, Property . Committee Chairman, by 5 p.m,,. 'Thursday, September 8th, '1955. Particulars' nay be •ob tained from'' the above mentioned. at any • time., Work to be cam pleted by Saturday, October 8th; 1955. NOTICE The-regular—meeting meetir g of—the, Lucknow' Branch Ladies .;Auxil- iary to the Canadian . Legion will be `held in the Auxiliary Rooms on Tuesday, September 6th at 8 p.m. 'Initiation will. . be held, and W. B..Anderson. twill '.show pict- ures ; on :his ' trip . to Europe and: the. British : Isles. Note 8.00 p.m. starting time instead • of: usual 8.3.0 p.m. CARD OF THANKS Gordon Kirkland swishes,-' to most sincerely thank friends and neighbors • for all their 'thought- ful,remembrances and kind acts during his' recent illness in Wing - ham --Hospital, --They ✓were• ap- preciated •indeed: COMANG: EVENTS PALACE GARDENS 'Entertainment at the Palace Gardens, . Formosa; on Sunday I afternoon,. September 4th, will be Provided by The Kansas, Fanner arid., his entertainers; featuring cowboy songs, :mountain mask, and comedy., . . CULROSS CORNERS M. and Mrs. Hugh' Nicholson,. is d. Harvey. of ..Bervie and Miss Merle' Nielolson of. London spent. Monday evening with Mr: and Mrs.• Frank;Brown ' and Reg.: ,'onnie Wall,' spent ,;