HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-31, Page 2• "It i4 r• 1 a a t,..., ry )u • tr • 14 • *a+ PAGE TWQ 411111.041* 11"1111UptIligireleir4F11111M • or TI E' LUCKNOW SENTINEL. I UCKNOW, ON' ABJO•" WNESDAY,, AVG. 31st, 1955. on these new VuoTHEim OIL HOME HEATERS ,with Automatic POWER -AIR: 'Smart maw Sandalwood finishl Get "living level" heat! Blower circulates heat by. force., Turns itself on and off. Oives greater comfort' floor to . ceiling, .... sav _ s 'up to 25% on fuel! I FitMO-US-----64ThE7 DOOMED BY ROT In .a recent, issue '.we • carried an interesting story of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance's ' overseas t' tour,, which included a °visit to the Macintosh 'ancestral home in 'Scotland. • ' It- is a coincidence that a Scot - I tish paper: received recently by Mrs. James MacNaughrton of town should ..carry • a story of this castle,.:which is doomed by dry rot: ' ' . . The article is: as 'follows: , One ..:.Scotland's most mag- nificent • and' ":historic baronial homes-�--a ...castle ,frequently, : vis ited iby ,the late ,King George • VI' and' ,by` his .father"-�-�is .doomed. Not . through old .age, not ' be- cause of some • ,planning.on the, grand. scale is • 1VIoy • Hall,. in' In- verness-Shire—seat of Vice-Ad- miral ice Ad-miral Lachlan Donald Macintosh ,of 'Macintosh, THE Macintosh— beginning" to . disappear. .Dry rot . has. set in. , As 'The 'Macintosh .showed"" me round the. '60 -odd rooms in his dying' castle •he toldme• .sadly' that nothing could be done: to save it . frorrn destruction;: Eaten Away : Situated • in . '10,000acres of magnificent.. Highland 'scenery and on theshores of Lodi, 1VIoy,. Moy. Hall ' has( in its. , compara= tively'..,short life (less ,than 100 years) been a holiday residence of the Royal Family more often than any other . ,private home ' in the country, ° . Frequently., usually• for a week at ; a : time, King George V and Queen Mary` would , staff at Moy Mall during ` the grouse -shooting' season, a habit which was .con- tinned by his • son, King' George VI and the present Queen Moth- er. "About two years ago it : was found that dry, rot had set*: in;', The Mackintosh explained. "Ceil- ings_ Ceil-ings_ andLflonrs. were..str- stripped,- . but everywhere we :looked the great beams supporting' the 'house were eaten, away with the rot". From one :great hall to • another' the kilted 29th Chief of Clan ,MMackintosh led rn+e, . showing* the )deadly ,scars.•siretching across his Magnificent ..home. . -Dow: • n .the rovinding stone stair- ways to '.thee , former' servants' quarters' and kitchens,' The Mac- kintosh went.' • And Everywhere 'it 'was - the same: 'Dry rot eating into the 'very foundations of that great pile. :. `Nothingcan . be done to stop •it. It is not, safe to allow visitors through; as is .being _done in •other stately homes", The Mackintosh. said in. answer to' my question. —While the ,great, • castlewhich seems as first glance. , ready to stand for centuries -is' 'sldwl' 3r crumbling .to . ; deafh inside, the foundations• of the new horn -0:0f. The Mackintosh, on a much more modest. scale,. are already :'being laid ' out in the .grounds. The clan chieftain himself was helping the squad of dungaree-, Clad, `workmen,' who are'` now busy at the'. foundationsof this -ellster _-and MacKinnon 'Phone 50 HELD FAMILY .GAT ON ' MOTHER'•S B1RTIl<D ING 'Y A:.family' ' gathering. w • held at •; the home of 11/Lr: •and Mrs. Harvey Anderson, Dun ann n, an'. • unday afternoon onthe occas- ion 'of Mrs. Thos. J. Anderson's birthday... Preent - .besides' the host and hostess_.and.-..the ...guest :.sof_ honor • • were Mr. and'- Mrs.' Harvey Webb W . of West Warwanosh; Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Pearce of Brantford, Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Hodgins of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs Gordon,, 'Anderson of Ashfield and . Mr. .and Mrs. Tom Anderson ' of Luekriow, and members of .their families, • Elmer MacKenzie of Lochalsh was guest soloist at the Sunday morning service in' the Presby- terian Church. , °• Barry arid Mary ltelen Thomp- sone of Wingham spent last week at the home of their grandpar eats, ' Mr. and. Mrs. Norman xi'hornpson, ' Miss Louise, Jefferson visited last week with her friend, Miss Winnifted.lVLunroe at Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hardy and family were visitors: at the Cm. the firstof this week. ' Miss MarilynMJames of God- erich spent last' week at the, home of her uncle,•MMr, Gordon Naylor,.; Mrs 'aw?or,:axid .family Mr. and' Mrs.' Bert ,Thompson spoutat`Was, a : gf : f ewBdayseachwith , .relatives' a. Mr. and Mrs. H., Jefferson and, Mary are visiting in.: the '• Toronto area this week and' •attending the CNE, j Anniversar , services' will be held .in. nybrook United Church ne - Sunday, September 4th at 11 a.m. and 730 p.n. Rev.. 11iIr.. Watson, o, Blyth will have charge of the morning Service and Rev. Krug of Belgrave will be the ,guest speaker in the even- •, :Mrr Graham' Chamney and son Robert of Gorier"ich spent "Mon- day . with •his parents, .Mr. ' and 'Mrs,' R. Chamne ASHFIELD NOTES • DIED --in' • Goderich Hospital' on August ; 27th, David J. MacMur- chy: The.funeral was from Asb�- field Presbyterian ' Church ' to Greenhill Cemetery .'on Tuesday, Aukust 30th: • , The: sacrament of .baptism• was observed in.. the Presbyterian. Church when John..Duncan-Alex ander, son of Mr.. and Mrs: Dun- can Simpson and Robert 'Nelson Jelin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson;: • were ' baptized. . . 11/Lis. C. Hatherton of .Calgary is•-. here to ' attend the ; funeral of her father, Mr.' MacMurchy. Mrs J-.Tr'eat—and daughter of - Honey Gathered from Second' Crop' Clovers Please Bring Your 011% Containers If Possible, nets ten, roomed modern house, which' will be the fourth :: sirccess ive. Mackintosh seat.;to have been built. on the.estate. ' Famous. "Museum" , When The Mackintosh moves :across vthe broad courtyard;' from the , condemned "Hall to his ' cora- paratively;.humible: new abode, he 'will : 'take . with him the ¢famous "museum" which has ')been built o: upin the..,at castle. gr • These valuable articles include such ancient/ relies as Prince Charlie's plaidand:balmoral,, and range right up to. modern 'art- icles:, of__ :;_interest _such -.as . the ship's bell, of HMS: aircraft'car- rier car-rier Implacable :which was com- manded by Th;e 'Mackintosh dur- ing . the recent war. Whole volumes` of corse eon- deneei .between .The' Mackintosh: and clan secretaries , 'and Mac- kintoshes in all. parts of :the Mac - . will also 'make that short Slast journey ;to ;the ,chieftain's new home when his -flag is low= ered for 'the last time frown- that magnificent castle '.. • proud and handsome even as it dies,. Chicago were •guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. R. Bissett .last week. Mrs. Norgrade of Chicago vis- ited for ,a few days with her bro- ther,, Mr. ,Bruce. MacDonald. Hemlock City school has been decorated and .other . repairs . made as the fall term. will soon start, Mr. and '..Mrs. Eldon , Bradley are having' ' their vacation , and left Monday. on , a motor trip..• WESTERN FAIR ADVANCE—. TICKETS NOW ON • SALE t Advance. sale admission •tick ets ' for . Western Fair, London, September 12 .to 17, are theasanie price' as last year, threb 'for one •dollar, . and: are now on' sale, in Lucknow at The Sentinel • Office. 'Only .purchasersof advance. 'sale tickets are eligible for the draW 'for two sedans on the 'last 'night of the Fair, ,Saturday, Septen3-. bey 17th. General admission at the :gate: is a straight 50 cents, with no chance of winning either of the beautiful ,sedans. In addition, the purchaser' . of advance tickets saves 50 cents• on every three,act- missions.' dmissions:' Oiiead{rn=i-ssionticket will admit twochildren' . to the Fair. Just make --sure yinir—name ;and• address' are plainly . Written or. printed on each.ticket. Western . Fair has more . attrac- tions than ever this year. There will be a`. gorgeous stage revue. each night with nine . terrific ..acts, as well'aS the .famous grand- stand Follies: DON'T: KILL . THE MANTIS The praying mantiS has been getting • considerable publicity of late.. and .,while they have been ,.around_ _these ,_parts -..for: _:three : or. .four • years, they are . more : num- , roue.. than ,usual this . year. This insect with the . 'oversized body gets the term praying, fromthe sition = of the. front. ' legs that are held near the head in a posi tion `oaf supplication: A few � years ago: the • Depart ment of Agriculture 'imported a. • colony to ; Canada where they were raised in :a ,..laboratory. at. Belleville as part of a Depart menu of Agriculture project to combat crop -destroying insects. •. '�ve 'on .tis • thi.i The ra :in an .praying m i 1 , crop -destroying insects, and .even. kill and eat insects of 'their 'own size.. It is claimed they can chang€ corer.. to_ -.Whatever. .they . are : -on being. usually green, grey bs brown. The next, time' one of these'. friendly` visitors' shows up in your vicinity, take_ time to watch it_.:,: in action., think .of your gardreii.. and..let the friendly green insect live. n IMMO 1 `1SvailabW �f` ,sf• 1• ;141 AUTO. I:NS.URAICE'j., -SMALL INSTALLMENTS I Not.'one :bi •earl bowl 14 Imagine! Small,easy-to-meet a premiunis•paid every sixmonths. 1 This ' as a feature :pioneered by I I. • my: company' to make your auto insurance easier . to: handle. My company's rates in most states0 f are 'Made .up,on the. basis ;of its- ` I, Iown'"careful-driver" loss expe- ' . rience. This also permits quicker I • —-.-ate—r-edtictions henevec-they I, are possible.: Call today :and find out more about this .easy -to- , __11_ budet insurance.___ .P 1 '•'' ,"•" I t. pars to know•: four I STATE FARM.Agent. 1: ,w, Reuben Wilson • R.R. 3; GODEIUCH, ONT: Phone Dungannon: BORN • MITCHELS-in Kincardine Hoa!-- pital on' August 18th, • 1955; 10. Mr.' and Mrs. Melvin„ Mitchell, A. Lucknow, a son; "- . J/ili4tl''//,�% is%!ifli5::$:•:i•:`::!;'•'�.!'•i: e''eae • Something new has been added) to Western fair. Two separate'and completely different Rodeos will entertain in , ' " front of the Grandstand at 2:00 p.m.' on thefolltwing days: ' • Mo. day-4nd Yuesdayafternaons-. . Col. Jim Eskew's Roded Prices: STA Special Evening Shows only! 8:15 each evening Geo. Hamid i Sin, New York, presents the :Grandstand Follies, featuring the • Roxyette Dancers and 9 outstand ing vaudeville acts. Reserved Seats $2:00,, $1.50,;$1.00. , arness. i?ac rag Friday and Saturday afternoons- ., John Baldwins• Cherokee Ranth Rodep • Ptites2 Ck f&ert.50i; Adults $1.00.'-- Reserved. Seals $1.50.' Monday' Afternoon Special - Children .25e. 2: •o c o4 +"'Weirnes7ay and Thursday Afternoons --Canada's �� +' .• Rkhett Colt Stakes: 2-' and 3 -year t1.r Standard, Bred 'Futurities plus t+`g: i heavy hornets events Pliant Children .SOt, Adults 0.00. Reserved Seats $1.50., gave e vee M Never beforo such a •'variety to choose from. Plan, to. see : at fleast two. of these: exceptional attractions. Make your reservations early by writing to the Western Fair Association, Queens Park, Londen,Ontario, NOW! Tickets . Agra lab�� ;fit THillie 3 A We8TIRN /JR At„... SSE 16©1 D©l,' a 11*. a W. a icjsott, M.•.e« The Sen*ine fire s,5