HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-24, Page 8?AGO' IiIGIErr .o - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • a'• BOYS' and YOUTHS' 7to18 4 JEANS 7�4• to 11 oz. in Ziazor-B'acks,. Western (Riders, David Croc 'kett. Doubleknees, nylon content. Sizes 7 to 18. • "' Priced from, $2.25 to. $3.95 W'INTDBREAKERS 8 to 16. assorted shades •From $2.98 up BOYS' T=SHIRTS.. 40_10' only: • Speciial . 49e.. OTHER .GROUP •. 8 to,14•'• 99c -- 2, for, .$1:29' SPORT SHIRTS IlrOken lines in sizes 8.: to • 14., Values to . $1.95 Special Price: $L29 • r • fi .{ BOYS' SOCKS :59e 2 for- 51.00 F . T GIRLS' GIRLS' SWEATERS . - New shipments' of sweaters in nylon and wool: pullovers. and cardigans. and wool cardigans. • As Low As $2.98. PANTS Gabardine and • Melbourne 'Flannel Pants in grey,teal, navy • and charcoal. Piked from $3.95 :to $7.95 SLAZEI Sizes 8 to 14 $3.98 and $4.98 • SCHOOL •DRESSES' Drop in and look• over the fall shades; and fabrics in dresses: 8 to .14. . Priced frown $2.98 '-up CLEARANCE of COTTONS Many good: values for school wear. ' BLOUSES A. good ' variety of plaids', patterns ..aha: plain.. shades; ••8to:14. :AGENT. FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Plck-Up and Delivery. Monday and ' Thursday: MOWN Ladies', Chlldren's Wear,Pieee . Goods & Woollens 1 "SEE: BY THE SENTINEL THAT the Huron County Junior, ' Farmers' Association is . plann- ing a .bus trip to 'Detroit on Wednesday; August 31t, -that- ` will cbnckude by 'attending .the :evening .performance of. "Cine er'ama Holiday". Arnold` Alton of:'Aslfield' is president of . the Iuron.'' Junior Farmers. • THAT P. Sgt. Donald MacDonald viisted. here last week 'with . his, • uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, W. A...Porteous. ' ;Donald, has. served ,for ten years with the United .States ••Air Force, 'in 'eluding a stint overseas. He is at present stationed at Sewart. Air Force. Base at 'Nashville, Tenn. THATBarry I3 ackett has under_ „gone . an operation .in London on 'his 'knee which was badly injured in a recent car asci- ,dent, He will remain hospital- ized yet for awhile. ' THAT a'... comedy laugh riot, "Never Wave At .A ;Wac",' .is scheduled for . The Playhouse Theatre. this Friday- ' and Sat- urday. . , -o' THAT Charles Steward . split. a $200: prize at the '•MildMay, bingo last Wednesday.., THAT. Clifford Congran is i11 at his home with -pneumonia, and his barber shop ` is 'closed- ; 'at present. • W, F.SDAY, AUG, 241h, 1955 Five Star::Spe.c;ia*.s 25c St. Williams PLUM JAM, 24 oz. .._.- SOLO° MARGER'INE ,l lb HEINZ CATSUP, �lIoz r y_ - Shirriffs •• WHITE CAKE MIX, 16 oz . l4 - BISQUICIC• 40 oz. FREE .D�I.IVERY l ,ucknow . • "`'PHONE 20, LUCKNOW, , ONTAEIO THAT, Otto Pedersen has been. engaged in painting the trim on the Carnegie, Hall. THAT Dr. Jdhn Crispin, who has been interning in Winnipeg :Hospital, ,'since . graduating a . year ago, is at present •teinpor- • arily . located , at Nokomis, Sask. • THAT. the lucky ladies ,in ' The Market. Store Dollar Days. draw were MTS. X. Bakker, ' R. 2, Lucknow, :,and. 1VL's. Archie Bonnett, 'R:' 1; Holyrogd. Each receives a. lovely pair of blan- k.ets.' • • o- aq 4t it.,t: "y South 'palm W.M S. Meeting An' :evening meeting' 'of tlae South. Kinloss . W.M.S. _was held 'at' the,' home of 'Mrs. Alex Suth- erland on, Wednesday, August,10. 3a .'the ,absence of the, president, Mrs. W. MacIntyre, Mrs. Doug= "las Graham graciously took. the' chair: • The meeting opened with the :hymn "The Great Physician Nov Is Here"?. after which the Lord's prayer; was repeated.:An interesting . •Bible study on .the "Life, of . . Sarah" . was :given Iby Mrs. W. F. MacDonald The pray-, 'err's were: 'given • by Mrs: I. Dickie, Mrs:' H.'.Lavis, Miss M. MacDon- ald.. A chapfer ' from the . study, book, . "India's Health Problems" was ably.; .taken •by :Mrs G. Col- well., followed. by a duet by Rutih, •and Phyllis: Steer. Mrs . E. Keith gave the current events.,'The roll call was answered by a 'proverb Mrs: H. ;Laois :give . a vote •• of thanks and the. singing of a hynm and the.'mizpah ;benediction end- ed the '.meeting. ` Lunch and" " a social time'followed, the " direct- ors being Mrs. H. Lavin and •Mrs. P..Graham. . -TO; INTEREST : PEOPLE. "Our program is very definite an4'"appears -to be, succeeding in. our'' first objective, to 'interest :people,notably youth". ' BY ' 'SAVAGE Start Your Child Back'. to 'School in a Pair .of LONG' WEARING SAVAGE 'SHOES ;WITH NEOLITE 'SOLES ,• Red -..School Ho .Brouwers Research- FREE SIZE CHEC -UP No Obligation sd LOAFERS, SADDLE OXFORDS, STRAPS • For The Teen' Agars.' • Fine Footwear For All. The Family. ath 'Huron County, recently. •experi- eneed the truth ,of this pro- • nouncement from the ' Q.T.F.,= i THAT Bill Schmid is: busy :Mov- ing his china • and jewellery . stock to , his . new • store . which will, be ,a sparkle of; brilliance when the task •is : fully' 'com- pleted: THAT Mrs: Jaynes Brisbin (Helen .MacDonald) of Ajax was guest soloist at : the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning She •.sang . "I ' Shall Not Walk Again This Way": The previous • •Sunday the 'soloist :was 'Mrs.. T. A. Leishman (Mary Doug_ las)'. •HOSPITAL , ANNIVERSARY (Continued from' Page 1) Dan Smith 'of, 'Ripley, Joe;:John- sten, .Bill Johnston; 'Leslie Alton, Rod MacDougall; Thomas Wall,. John Barclay of Bayfield, John Gollan, Wm. Slack .of. Bayfield; Thomas..: Turnbull ;of Port Elgin, Wm Bow•er,?Miss. Esther- McGill, • Mrs. Winnie Miller of Walker,, ton, Mrs.. Gordon of .St. Helens, Mrs. 'George Bower, Miss Mary. McQueen, ,Miss. .Bartlleman : 'of Walkerton, Mrs.. "Hugh King ..of Auburn, Mrs.' Larson• of Dungan- non, Miss Lila Irwin, Mrs:, Dave Alton, :Mrs.' John Jamieson, • Mrs. -Wm H bkirk .iGlrs. W,`T:�Garth ner, ' ` Mrs. ' Essie Hewat, Mrs.. Burke,, Mrs. Buchner of Strati ford. '. Mr: and Mrs., Baker. 'employ a staff • of thirteen, comprised of Mrs. Orville Jones, Mrs.. ' Les Purves, Miss' Gaeta- Hudson, Mrs. Gilbert; Hamilton, Mrs. • Jim Eng lend,, Mrs.. Mae Irwin; Mrs.' Har- vey, Irwin, Mrs. Russell John-, sten, Mrs. Harold Johnston; Mrs. Ernest Wilkins, Miss'Sylvia Stin- gel, Miss • Shirley 'Brown, Mrs. Wm. Webtser. '.,Mrs. Hgward Rob- inson ,assists' on a .part -time --basis. . • headquarters. ' During the week:- end of the Temperance Conclave" held- in Goderich . in May, upd wards *of 1800 people.:from: all over the- lit ty were -in atteii = ance Ori Saturday night, Teen Agers and Yoiing;. Adults to the number of more than 500• flocked to the new- G.D.C.I.' and Knox Presbyterian„Church.fora •unique new -type temperance rally • On. -_Sunday night many of these returned to Goderich bringL ing- parents and friends.. .Knox Church auditorium, S S. room., chapel, parlor, nursery, were .fill= ed.. Twelve ,hundred people . gath- ered to hear,Dr. E.'Crossiey'Hun- ter. "This' ' was. ' the eighth' such Temperance Conclave Sponsored. by the . O.T.F. in the `past two years:•.• oi�th=wh eY e2lu`c�iionr1 pro- ject? r We of 'Huron . County cer- p.ra+���:��ii�Nfi.i�,t•Nf�a,N���,i>•��Yksiia�►u�,r�u�u'.�h tainly believe so.--Advt. ' -VPL lTE- HART -TRACT BATTERY—i • ' . ' ' ('with old battery) 17••PLATE HART CAR BATTERY,• guaranteed 2 years $16:50 (with old battery) • ASB.,ESTONOS _.BONDED BRAKE.'_ OES (Complete set' 4wheels) NEW FUEL •PUMPS r. Y.YY.Y:.... 53.95.. SEAL BEAM UNITS •KRALIN•ATOR OIL FILTERS Saran Seat Covers - Tires & i Thistle Bicycles &Y Wagons - r :4./ • $1.39 89c - $1.7,01 ! 'Tubes Softball Equipment' �. Mufflers. Fishing. Tackle . 'PHONE `65; LUCKNOW ' �iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii►iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii,�iiiiiiiiii•�ii.,-iiiiii-ii,i�%✓iii/�✓• LADIES' HATS:. -:-:;Ladies' smart fail- hats,; a1-] h latest colors and 'styles, Priced at YY.......Yr.rriv $2,50. to $3.98 • PILLOW CASING. Bleached circular,, pillow casing, 42 ..:i i cl ;' reg: ' $1.25 'yard. • 7y[(/1 : ]}(: Now, yard' •... iY YYi r .,., wry . 88c, • FAL(, PURSES • e`er r--•selectio -of•--iall--purse priced $ R $2e-//1 5,�r��8iA�� •-:N •rr YYi YIr-r• 1,98 to «fr,JtJ' MEN'S SEANS Men's 9 oz denim jeans, senior• ized shrunk, sizes 34 to ' 40, reg. ' ' $4.16, Reduced price, pr...:, $3.99 • PLASTIC "-`Gay-�colo-ed good• wean g' #tastic- � r'eg. 69c, now, yard38e r . iY1 •'i nrr1 YL..i . OVERALLS ---Boy-s _ Walker- bib-•overalls--sikes-- 10 to 16, reg. $3.35; now ..r•.' $2.70 BOYS' ELASTIC , BELTS . Ad jt stable sizes, oilers brown., ' vine and blue: Price 59c �. ,;.i.�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,-iv �ii,%✓•iiiii•% iiii�i, moi: ilii iv", •iii iii��i,-•i=ii t. - $--Ei YK-=WINNI':1t A. In the lucky $:T�ays sale draw, a pr: of blankets each was won • b,v Mrs. Y;; Reicher, It. 2, Lucknio ', Mrs. Archie Bonnett, Holyroad . • • t tat.=.4 44: ..«•.,.