HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-24, Page 7is -WEDNESDAY, AU.. 24th, 19'55: THE ' LUC1tNOW SENTINEL, Li;CKNOW,, ONTARIO C7 C7 --- .4 J ®► Fri • positive •result$ from foot ills, . and associated ,arthritic -rheumatic symptoms see Mr: P ckering .at • . • • . .. , 'SPECIAL FOOT ,CLINI'C: WINGHAIVI, - Queen's Hotel; WEDNES»AZ AUG;• 31st -11 amx, to 8;p.m: • And' Each : 'Vvo" Weeks 'Following walk -Better; ..FTeel Better with '`IMiraGZe" PARAMOUNT.' Aceiident • Victims .•Improving We are glad to, see Mr. B. Gib'= son is able to be out 'of the.hos= pita] and is at the home of his niece, Mrs. ,H. Congram. Mrs. B. Gibson .of Detroit is visiting here with. her ' husband. • Friends . hope , to. see • George and :Susie 'Gibson . make a,spee'dA recovery. They . have: b e en brought back to . Winghaui ,after a week in'a London „Hospital. luliss Cooke, =R N. ,of . Tor: onto, is •visiting with her father. Mr,,, and Mrs. Frank'. Xing of 'Toronto Visited'. with Mr. acid k Mrs,.R.' ,Harnaton.,. .Mrs Tach _Henderson rs• "steact= ily "improving. • • Eleanor., Helen • anad' Evelyn Jean McNay visited with•• their aunt .:and uncle, Mr; and :Mrs; L.. ',Watson, . Parkhill.: Barbara .Watson and Eleanor Watret are visiting :at the `home of. Mr. anct Mis. K. McNay. • .. BORN PARKER—Mr. and Mrs. T..'L. Parker (nee Gwen ' Treleaven), are. ha ivy to announce the birth of: their son, William Bradley,' on. July .24th • at • Greater Niagara Hospital, Niagara Falls, Ont. • Avonce:S0Ie Ticket Holders are eligible for :draw on:' Onlyd •/ DODGE REGENT SEDAN * CHEVROLET 1 Q DELUXE �k,• , . ' .. - • ADVANCE. SALE•TtC,KETS3 Each ticket admits one adult or two children 17'. All tickets must be in by 9:30 p.m., Saturday; Sep .; to be eligible for draw which will be made at 10:15. p.m. on sane date, • • in front of Grandstar'sd.,' IC • Norse Shov# 'TH5RE'S A WESTERN AIR AT.:. L0Ik1ID0IN()nit JACKSON, MOne9/r l • Tic.1(. I'S •NOW,' O.1`i' SALE AT' TLE SENTINEL ,OFFLCB • 141444AMi '1 : FIRST;' REUNION, 'The" first Collins % family re- union was held recently at, Tees= water park with a gathering ,of over one hundred descendants' of the late : Henry R. Collins.. and. Agnes Armstrong of Purple Grove., Plans • were laid to make it, an annual event with Stewart Needham elected . president and Mrs. Burton Collins? c, secretary- treasurer. " -Mrs. 'John T. Carruthers .(Eva Collins) ' and Jaynes' 'Nee.dhani, 'husband of the,:!'ate• Josephine-. Collins, ,a were . the :olde,S't.• . mer :- bers present ; Amon'° . those present 'were members: of Mr; Needhain's' fain•. fly; the family Of the late Robt. Ackroyd .' and Alma Collins; the family; of the late ,Mr.. and Mrs. John Henry Collins; the family of Mrs. John • T. Carruthers and' the. 'late Mr. Carruthers; down to the fourth generation. ' A. grand nephew, Victor G-aul- ey and his. 'family,• were present, as as a number of guests. • t • ,BOX NU BER„REPLIES The- Sentinel has . difficulty in educating readers to the us.e Of Box Numbers -in replying .to ad- vertisements : of • this nature. In most cases the .r'esponse • is. ver- able to the effect; "Who. is' it that ..wants so and so?” • 'Act'ually.. replies. •should,be,'senf by sealed letter addressed to Box =', •.The. .Lucknow• Sentinel..Th,ase are' then•• ;turned over t� ' the advertiser and he 'or .she pro reeds : to 'make their contacts. ,to.• Complete ' the : deal. • •We have no inforrnation;, nor` do we wish any, other• than ,what is conveyed in th.e; advertisernent. A box nurnber..reply. i5.. meant solely . to bring" buyer. and >seller . together. • by `letter via ,The : Sen-, •tine!..• :The, , phone:.e applies to, phon• number,..Where a phone - number appears in • • air :'advertis-elver" please :make your contact by. phone directly with, that•;number; • WEDDING BELLS C-U-LROSSO • PAoE SEVEN Mrs,. ,Oharles. Knight' of Lea side , spent: last week with Mr. and. Mrs,, James Wraith. •'' _Parry and Randy Goesel of Kincardine are , spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. • and: Mrs. Tom Stewart. 'Mr. Chas: Knight of Leaside: spent the week -end with Mr. & Mrs Jas, Wraith. Miss. 'Charlene Knight' of Leaside and Mrs. Wal- ter Wraith . 'of 'Teeswater spent Saturday, night at the salve home, Sunday visitors with' M. and 'Mrs.. -Tom Stewart arid: family were Mr, ' Win. • Ruth, Mr. and 1VItirs. Jim Haldeniby and . Mr. artd Mt's. Ian MacPlierSon. and ,far iily Qf''Con .a Mk. Jas Wraith accottpanied the Knights to Leaside on Sun day.' and .'will spend the week; there., DR.. EVE;LY'S FLOWER • GARDEN IN FULL 'BLOOM.' Walkerton horticulutur fits and flower lovers Would be well re- warded on taking time out 'to spay a .visit :to the gardens, at the Bruce ..._C.aunty. Horne -for-- the Aged. In spite of the • drought and torrid weather which 'prevailed thus ''far during t'the` summer season, 'there . is a fine display of flowers and ,vegetables at the 'home. ' •1t'the ;present time, the dahlia garden, which :is expertly cared. for ;by Dr." C..C: Evely, is corning into. full 'bloom, and ..'some. beauti" ful flowers ranging in color from the : delicate :.variegated pastel shades to , the• ..more' • vi'vid : hues Of the rainbow 'can•' be: seen, some being many inches' in diameter. Dr,, ;Evely has' 'specialized in dahlias '•for rliany yearsand he has securedtubers from allparts. of America" as well as from foreign lands, and the product of his toil . in •;his well -cared -for garden is,;worth the trip to the Home Practically . all types •of dahlias: grown 'can be seen there -arrdthese-beautiful flowers will shortly ibe..a.t. their ,best. The dor • tor also . specializes ' in gladioli and . grows some outstanding speciineris. 'Walkerton .Herald Tirnes.: '. a 11.cKFNDRICK—LYLE; GOATS, RABBITS ABOUND • .. A progressive Ashfield Town- ship farm :that: at `the moment is' without a' single head :of cattle; is sornewhat'"unusual it seems to us. Dick Kilpatrick shipped ,a11 his. feeder• cattle.' last week -49 head of them, and for the time At.:3.00 RM. en Saturckt , Aug= ust 6th,. a quiet but: very: pretty; wedding wase solemnized in Ery - skiff e United, Church,.. Toronto, when Barbara June, daughter of 'the late:Mr. and; Mrs..;,.�George Lyle, of Bo'wrnanville; became the bride': of Donald; Douglas, :son. df 1VYr's. McKendrick of Toronto and the.�latt' _James_ A..._ McKeli.drick... Rev ;Fr'ancis-I3'. Stevens' officia=. ted,•, .. f For :the momentous, occasion; the bride chose a cocktail length gown of'off-white brocaded satin wi' ' i. es .o•ice sprinkled with crystal. sequins,, and 'bouffant` Skirt. She 'carried a nosegay of pink roses and white • step�h inotis with white strearners• interwoven With Clusters of'.rosebuds. O.f white. brocaded 'satin slippers, taffeta hat' With 'motifs of pearls, and crystal andmatching ' atching gloves completed th•e charming costume. Mrs. Ray. '.Leverington of Tor= onto, •sister, of :the 'bride, wearing a princess -cut ' turquoise taffeta gown with ' matching accessories, Was' • bridesmaid. She carried' a nosegay •• of yellow roses and white ,baby, mums. • ` • Mr. J. M. McKendrick of .De - ti bit,. br ther•-ofd _s. best man., Foll.dwing the wedding a :buf •s fet luneheon was. ",'erved` and' later: a reception was .given at the groom's home, where ,guests 'ver received • by' the 'groom's. mother, wearing Colonial blue ,crepe with.'navy accessories 'andos corsage .of pihk res and white stephanotis. ., For travelling the bride , wore „a beige wool'. suit with' beige and • brown 'accessories and corsage .of yellow roses. After a •honeymoon in The' if'alburton region they will take up residence in Toronto.. G"tie Cs troi .'a" distaric� `were Mrs. I : A. Mack of Tucson, Ari- zona, Mrs, numEiripson,' Dear - h91.11," lVlzt��i..,: • Mr.• and Mit, .Pat Doherty .of • • Eu"" :falx, 'New York and Mr, and., Mrs. . Stan Geary of ' Ottawa. • FARM CA TLELES'S, NOW BUT •M, • • HALDENBY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE w l mature-alnd FiietdlVfindin_g ' • 1trushea, Bearings, Elc. • Repairs -to ' • Fractional and. ri tegral N ,Ho>;'sepowt?r . •Motgrs, 'Also -Electric Fans; Vacuums Clippers; Drills, Etc. • HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough ' ,• w. Phone Ripley. -:111-r-29 Skinn r en wo ea•' ain 5 ,. 10 lbs Get New Pep, � Vim, Vigor Vim, What a •thrill! 'li k •ny limbs fill. out; ugly :.ot_: ' lows fill up; neck no longer scrawnv; .body ses • • 'hall -starved, sickly "Ixlan-. pole" look—because-ot l:uoi appetite due to lack of non. Thousands of girls,.worricn, Men, who never could t.:034' `before,. are now' proud of shayy��ely, healthy-looing • • bodies. • •..• They thank Ostia Tonic • Tablets. Contains iron, .Vi-, . tainin B,,'•calcium:, .'us . build blood, inprove sip;,e- '. tite and digestion so ii od •' .g.ives you more strep, th ' ' and nourishment; helps j:ut ." flesh on bare bones. •.G•et Loveiy.Curves • As• you gain pounds,...) ou gain Aoyelier curves tins. Try Ostrex..Tonie',Tab/ets • 'today. See:how quick they help.. build up bc oy ' "skinny" due to. iron deficiency. 'C� i.• acquainted'.` size only • 600. At all :•druggiets. there isn't a cattle beast's: hoof on. the . place .' until Dick' buys , some. ,.more fe_e_ders_ in-ttie- f -a11.. They don't' have; a:. milch c•:>vd orr'--the• ;farm asthe family favors goats''" milk, Thy have had personal . proof that this .nnilk 'is. good for infants a.'id for .ulcers.. The 'goat 'herd numbers eleven head at present: some of which are for :Sale.' And then. `Douglas Kilpatrickventhred into the rab- bit business last year and now he's, got. 'about thirty of thein - about. he•rri-about' So, if. the Kilpatrick farm, is denuded of .cattle at: the mom ent, ;there's: plenty of other. "stock" .to make' things interest - e. being • v,•CARS Kiri:: c40° nif 1954 Chev. Belair Coach, Powergiiide, fully equipped ,_$1,995 1954 Chev. ~ Deluxe • Sedan, fully equipped ;, $1,845•, Six 1954 Cbev ' Sedans, fully equipped .•'....,..... $17.15 1953 Chev.. Sedan Sedan 4. e Ch$1;295, 195$ Chev. Sedan, fully. equipped ...•, $1,395 1951 Chev. Powerglide .'Sedai> $1,095 '1951 Ch• e -V elu.xe Coach .. ,,.. $1,095 s' •;,1950 "Pontiac Deluxe Sedan $ 950 i ev. e ' an ;r .,: ......,.$$$ 895 1949 Angela 245 1949 Chev. Coach .695 1948 'Chev.; Sedan • ... $ 595 1948 Plymouth Sedan t... , ...:,.-. .:....,........!,;,7„. ...,• •.$ 595 1948 PSont'iae Sedan . $ 595 1946 • Pontiac 5 -Passenger' Coupe $ 4.95 - TRUCKS 1954 Chev l, ;2 -Ton Pick= Up, tow mileage $1295 -I.951_Cbev t/ -.Tari; PxekuP ._ 1950 Ford i% -Ton F rit i✓'p, :,.. ... $ 575 1947 Chev. 34 -Ton Fick4Jp ,,, . , , ,, •$ 225 rtissels ors - BuronCim' city's. Foremost 'Used Car Dealers Caah, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until `:1(1 C. • hies ge>wxce. Dealer ' Phone 73; Brussels ti��.. .�..rr..iF rLi •Ys•. �^t 'Mt^: r �S� "� �Ekai 'fit:, � �'",Ji�_m.N�". �o": utiilllitaia rau .tom ,iasse. at • Wim. e■ ,� :, tIRO