HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-24, Page 5A• WEDNESDAY, AUG.'24th, 1955 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM ". First Showing at 7.15 p.m. .4,0444040.4040.1104 Thursday, Friday,' Saturday. AUGUST .25-26-27 Fred Astaire,:—Leslie •Coran,. in `DADDY LONG LEGS' Cinamascope -- Color No . Saturday: Matinee. Monday, •Tuesday, W ednesdayr AI5GUST 29-30-31 Clark Gable;_ 'Vivien, Leigh, rn "GONE .WITH THE WIND" • ' color One show each • night "dom- mencing at. 8.00• o'clock. • Admission" 75c,. 50c, 35c PURPLE GROVE • Mr. arid. Mrs. Donald McCosh, Mary and . Dickie visited at the home of Mr.. and Mrs.. George ' Co1well: recently. • , ' M'rs. Ralph Hill',returnetl" hone having spent a' couple: of .` weeks at : 'Biloxi, Mississippi. Miss ' Annie McLeod • of -• Luck= now is • visiting with ,Miss Mar- garet Robertson. . "Mr's. Howard . Orr of . Clarks •visited at . the home: of her par- ents; Mr, .and 'Mrs. Donald Faslane.' Miss; An. nie Wall and 'Mrs. Ger- tie Walsh visited 'w.ith Mrs. John Emerson. •. . Mrs. EdbUrt' Bushell . and Kath- • y• Brine- visited at the home of Mr. and .M'rs. Tom MacDonald. :'. Mr. and Mrs. ' Burton Collins $i Mr.and :Mrs Morford McKay ar rivedhome on Friday, having - pentHa week iii: Boston. Miss Margaret Ribey of Port Elgin spent a `' week, with, Miss Mary. A•nne McCosh. •'' • Mr. Jim�iie Emerson, .arr• ived (home after spending a few ` weeks at Langford. Mills Carrrp.- ' • Mr. and'. Mrs. Victor : Gawley" .': and family visited, at the 'home:• of Mr: •'and' Mrs.' Nelson Helwig Of . Paisley on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter McMur- • ren, Clayton and. Victor.of .Essex, Mrs. Secord. Grahain of Bethel, Mr. 'Jack 'Grieve of . Sudbury, were .visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor. ' Gawley .last :Week, SBR11 Rev. Father Kerwin, 'ebrated the two ,masses in St. Joseph's church on Sunday, with thelerninarians choir in atter,- ance, while Father Van. Vynckt, P.P., is "holidaying with ,his bro- ther in the Western provinces. • Mr. and . Mrs. Fred Vassella. are visiting . with relatives in Kirkland Lake. Mrs. Sheridan' and Miss. Mary Sheridan visited with relatives ,in Hamilton during' the; past, week. •Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalton, Diane and Dayid ' of.. 'Niagara Falls, are spending a few days. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dayton; P. Mr. and ,Mrs, Ray:, Dalton arid, family & •Patrick •Su11ivan'.'spent' •theweek-end ai ' the. Martyrs' Shrine at Midland. •Mrs. Donald Fray, ne and Peter returned _home on 'Sunday, with Edward 'Dwyerand friend, Miss Geraldine. Connolly, of Stratford. ' Mr, and 'Mrs. H. •Larnbertus visited with relatives in .Guelph• during the past week. Mrs. Seigner : ('sister) returned : to visit here for a week. • Mr. and Mrs.. J. McCormack of Hessen and Mr. ,and Mrs. Carl' Wagner ..of, Kitchener Were Sun- day,. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne .,Mr. and Mrs, 'Victor Finnie re- turned to Toronto for..a week's vacation with ''Mrs. Jos. Reid, while •Mrs. .Reid:' is reinaiing here fora. week with her 'mother, Mrs,. Jas. Wallace. ' . ' • KAIRS:FfEklsiDecNS FOR :.. R FALL FAUR R The • August meeting of. the Kairshea W.I.. was held , at the home of Mrs.. R. Martin with a good attendance. Mrs. D. L. Mac- Kinnon presided. A moment's silence was held in memory of Mr. A. •Macintyre, .husband of one of Our members. Joan Ham ilton read •the scripture. Mrs. H. Laois, was appointed delegate to. the area convention with Mrs. F. Gilchrist „`appoibted alternate delegate,, . Mrs. C, Colwell, ..Mrs. '..• Coll.` yer,• and M'r's "D J. MacKinnon were asked to look after the quilt. display at Lu,cknoW 'Fair and 'Mrs. R. ' Finlayson;' Mrs: L: kat - Dougall and Mrs. H. IIouston. the vegetable display., A bus trip to Toronto ,to the Exhibition was discussed with Mrs.. A. Hughes, Mrs; D. J. Mc- Kinnon and• Mr. D. L. MacKin- non to '"ook .after arrangements;. • The motto, .."Be proud of .your. farm heritage'. and • have faith in the future": was 'taken, by, Mrs. I. pickle. An amusingrecitation Was .given .Eby Elizabeth .Finlay- son and; Joan Hamilton gave: a reading. Mrs; C. :Roulston con- ducted a musical contest and Jo- hanna 'De' Jong, sang a solo ac= cornpanied by Mrs. A. Martin. The roll; call, was answered by "What constitutes a• 'good ''farm wife". Mrs. C. Rqulston gave the closing 'remarks to. 'which, .Mrs Wayne, theinfant son of Mr.. ,R,; :Martini fittingly replied, and. Mrs. Jos,. Courtney, was bap- A very: interesting debate fol-. tized • Sunday afternoon; spoillowed, `" sots, :Mr.. arid ` Mrs. Leo Court-. Resolved that country ney; also the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice: Bowler: was baptized Elizabeth Jane • Mr. and .Mrs... Bruce 'Hansford`. and children' of 'Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman*O'Loug,hlin & 'Mrs.: en, Mrs.,Townsen and: Mrs, Jack Kinney of Detroit, Mr. and Robinson,' trouble in reaching a Mrs, Jack Fitzgerald, ;of Toronto, decision, ;They. ' finally decided Jack McConville, .Len Woodley, that it was a draw • with, each. _ouglas Frayne:: of-Toronto„—Mr----Side—bringing—up about". equal and Mrs. A. Hartman arid. Shir-• points. . ley of Kitchener were week -end The meetingclosed . with the visitors. hei;e .,t , Queen aid Institute , Grace and ;Mrs.. Waltei ..Clare .spent the a social.' hour•followed.: • pastweek with :relatives .in'Ches- The September. 'meeting will be ley and now has her two • nieces held ;in the .Holyrood Hall when visiting. •a't: her'' 'home:.. the :Kairshea will 'entertain. Tees= 1VIr.,•Louis Hogan. . is •convalesc- water, : Paramount. and' Luckno ing in Wingham Hospital after Institutes.Mem berg' on the 4t an appendix operation on 'Sun Con., west,'. ing: ' Cookies; 2nd • .kir'. day.. west and 6th west,- tarts; all con,- Mr. and Mrs Dan. Doyle and cessions east sandwiches. family at Detroit spent 'last week' ' •• at the :home of ',Michael Foley: LUCKNOW BAND WON Mrs Violet Sutter and•laugh- DISTRICT . CLASS . AT FERGUS ter of :Detrait are visiting; at the home. of Cyril •Austin. . life is better : than city life". Af- firmative; f- firmative ' Mrs. C. Colwell; and. Mrs. T. Collyer; negative,'Miss Dean "MacLeod:. 'and "Mrs.` Sam• Chislett. ' This was well debated and : gave the • judges, , Mrs.. Gold - yhouse : 'Theatres FRIDAY and SATURDAY; AUGUST" ZB�. ZT Two ;Shows Mach Night at 7.30 -- Saturday .Matinee 'St .1.31 j ROSALIND RUSSELL, PAUL DOUGLAS•, MARIi WILSON in "NEVER WAVE AT A WAC" -A connedy.. laugh -riot •. this one, . wins all, the mei or hilarity! : • . • 'Phone' 181 • Kincardine PAYING' HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY Poultry Culling A Specialty lIn ' accordance with .government regulations our poultry" coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected. for your protection. • duri the weed With'. London, f riens. • Mr, Harvey'•Hodgins, who.has. been in. poo r health ' for some; time, is a• patien. t in Victoria Hospital, London.. • His many:: friends' w i.s h h.i;m. improved 'healih . • Mir: Douglas EckensWiller. of Seforth .spent: awhile 'with .Mrs. George Graham. • The F�vening Guild will' nieet ion '°Wednesday evening,• ... Augat 31st at ` the home'' af 'Mrs. Bert Nicholson; ' scripture, Mrs. Harold Haiden:by; thought for • the.. day, Miss. May Boyle; the word for the roll:. call;., Repent;.. lunch,, Mrs. Roy„ Graham Theasepternber, meeting: of the. Holyrood Women's: Institute will Abe .held on Thursday afternoon, ,Septemlber 1st; ', :hostesses, -Miss: Edna Boyle, "Miss 'May Boyle and Mrs .Win.: Wall; roll .call,'••'$oine= e 'thing I read :ill the `local paper;' topic, Our local paper, by L. C. Thompson,: editor of Th ' Luck. o v now• Sentinel; • motto, ' News is h important. How would ' .you. corn - pile the ' weekly .local gelurnn;' . radio and • television' evaluation, 'by. Mrs. .•P: A. Murray; demon- str•.ation, A punch work 'cushion; Mrs:. Frank • Zlhrompson; directors, Mrs. , 'Jack •. Hewitt, Miss May ton. • 'UNITED CHURCH .YOUNG PEOPLE AT MIRAMICHI' CAMP Local younpeople `presently rid3ngrtheAJnited-Ghureh7ii terrniediatee, co-educational sum m'er camp at Mi`ramichi near Port Elgin are• Joan. Crawford, anne.' Hunter, Murray ..Hunter, ' Keri Jones, :Fraser Ashton,. Gary Ritchie °and Paul °Henderson. Ernest Ackert; Ronnie Bushell, Tom. Rathwell, Betty Mathers, Barbara Itathwell aid Beverley Rathwell were at the Baine .camp. recently in ' the :junior co=eau- • catiorial group, and early in the summer Hugh Houst'o'n attended'. the iriteiriY ediate `boys Camp.' HURON' CO. CROP REPORT The bulk of the grain :'harvest is now completed in the County. After harvest cultivation is now gEenera-1 A—largc acreage-is—be-1 ing ,prepared 'for:all ' wheat. The south end of the County' is stili".badly' in need of additional moisture.. The cash • crop' farmer ,is having another bad year, tur- nips, corn; sugar beets -and white beans will be ,below average crops. White :beans are ripening too fast and too uneven; 'a con- siderable.. acreage has new been pulled. Some . fields , have been threshed and combined along the lake With yields as low as• five bushels )ser acre. being reported. ds , FOR YOUR PICKLING, and PRESERVING Preserving Kettles, Canners, ' Rotary Ricers, Wire Strainers' .. TO KILL THOSE. FLIES Barn, Spray, Stack Spray, Household Spray Fly "Bait 111111JRRD1E , .8 SON Keating and Plumbing 'Phone 10, Lucknow The swelteringheat•didn't:stop several, .. _thousand .lovers of Scottish music and .dancing from. pouring into Fergus on Saturday for the annual ,highland day., Lucknow'Pipe Band finiahed'in first place in the .district com- pettion for bands from Bruce,: 'Grey and .Huron • counties, 'and Won the G. E. Butler <Tropkiy; Fergus and Palmerston . :bands placed second and third. The district- classification_,is de-: signed at :.encouraging the small town'. bands and' the Bruce, Grey and ;Huron district aims to 'keep these bands alive and have them sponsor their own,,,Scottish day. similar. to that staged in.' Luck - 'now , a year. ago. •Lucknow's ten-rnan. band' that took part , in the , cont'petition' was comprised' of'. Pipers Roy .Mac= K•enzie,.' Frank MacKenzie, D. A. MacLennan, Murray MacDonald, Sandy. Mac1 nal • , fe ie I c- •Quillan; Lorne MacKenz, `tom and 'Drummers. Elmer' MacKenzie, Mac Webster :and Lorne •.MacKeri- zie: ' The band made the tri to p , Fergus by ".•bus with a number of spectators ;going/along to make up the load. :KINLOUCH Miss. Charlie-l-odgiris of harp. and Mrs. Helen Kerr of Listowel visited on Monday with Edna and May. Boyle: _Miss- Joan ._Sutton-and__ltiast Gary Sutton spent last week with friends at 'Lambeth, ‘Mrs. J. W. Colwellspent ale* days' 'during the week with her sister, Mrs, Wm, .,Bushell, I,,tack: now. 1V7iss Karen. Nicholson visited • TION If your eyes' need glasses, '. they need the : very .best in examination, fitting ar service. - -Boyle, •Mrs: Win:, Wall and ` Mrs Jim Smith. 4 Mr. andUirs . Jo1m Moore . a-' daughter .jean. ' of Bernie . visited on Sunday with his sister, Mrs J. W. Colwell: . Mrs. Margaret, Dudley of Luck- now, ucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hal-. denby and Shirley' and Mr. How- ard Whitesides:of'Toronto spent: the week -end ' with relatives. here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Haldemb r and Ralph visited Sunday. wit! Mr., and Mrs. ;Norman Fry, Cline• •i• ,� 41 -.CRiSS OR BINS C.ssid r other soosonal • .ed choro4lim.-vsor Mrh.n you boy,: HARVEST -HANDLER, 'PORTABLE FARM [LEVATORS • Sure the Harvest•Handler is a real performer filling cribs and bins But. iia small size,`light'weight and ext reiite• maneuverability also pay off removing ' grain and ear corn J om storage. Thanks,to its alurninum•alloy construct tion and light weight the Harvest•Han= oiler is easily positioned by one man. Model 'B is Available in l6' and 20' lengths, weighs, only 79Iba, with power unit removed. Greater -capacity Model C conies in standard 'l6'lenF`il , weighs . 93 lbs. without power unit. For.greater stretch, 4' extension section is optional With Model C Both models are 'ideal as auxiliaries• toJaiger units.. �. '?AlbIV4 L'Elide',r'tr14.**Aline .�a�Y..i�.d�.$)�Mi�i.����*if�'�i.0�1'.Y� .JILL •il1.g4�tiiY,� k CAPACITY, Moa>ec: C • 1i7.1;RV EST=HANDL'ER avaiittble, with Or without aotL$ COME tN 'AND 'SU �OZN MODELS TObAm. ow District Co... 'PRONE 71, LUCKNOW A/I'L. s. lit. ►. ,t ' 1n..