HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-17, Page 5WEDNESDAY,, AIM, 17th, 1955. • Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM First Showing at 7.15 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday ,'AUGUST 18-19-20 Jean 'Simmons, Rory Calhoun. in "A BULLET IS "WAITING tri .color • No Saturday Matinee Monday,, Tuesday, Wednesday AUGUST 22-23-24 Bing. Crosby,. 'Jane 'Wyman. "HERE COMES --THE .GROOM" W.I. HELD INTERESTING• PICNIC AT KINCARDINE • on Thursday,. August, •1'lth, the Women's Institute • held their ail= nual 'picnic at .Kincardine. :Some thirty-eight ladies. made the 'trip it Allari Reid's • bus:. ' • Mrs. B. Roach. and Mrs. A. Havens, the • committee• in charge of • the ' picnic, : had, planned; . •an. • enjoyalble progra'rn of, interesting' contests. •Misses. Dean . MacLeod and Helen Thompson ; acted as . judges The: prize for. the•mem tber having made the greatest .el-. fort.to get •to ' the. ,.picnic was, awarded . to Jean Lyons:: Prize' winners •of other •contests in=' • eluded Mrs,. R H. Thompson; Mrs, 'C Cangram, Mrs: T Robin- son, Mrs: J. W Joynt, .Mrs. J I:, 'MacMillan, Mrs.. B.: Roach, Mrs. A: Wilson, Mrs: RC: Robertson, Mrs: Carruthers and Mrs. George Brooks After' a rrtost • am'usin_ peer:'"hy Mrs. J. .•VV:: Joynt, Miss • ::Mary MacLeod .. Voiced .. appreci= ation. of the ladies to -.the= corn:. •mittee in, charge;,for••the excell- ,ent program , • Before, and after , the supper hour `Mr. Allan , Reed provided music .by 'means :ofhis recorder, • •.Avote' of 'thanks was 'tendered by 'Mrs. S. .Collyer to the:Com: mittee,and. their ,helpers for the delirious :supper served, WIDOW O1 PIONEER . ANGLICAN ,MINIS;TER . DIES ' Mrs: Jaynes .Carrie, widow of one, of Lpcknow's early Anglican. ,ministers,: died ; at . Goderich on' July 19th at =the gage, 95. tier husband predeceased • her . many years ago' as did .• two sons.. Sur- viving•..are. o_:_S9ns,—the _&ev. John ','Carrie of ' Lockport, N. Y. and Rev. C. R. Carrie of Jersey City. Bev. James ,Carrie came to' Lucknow in 1878" and. • "turned. the key' 'in Si. ;Peter's. Anglican Church. Whichwas, officially opined on the first. Sunday of his pastorate, He;' ministered in Lucknow .and St. Helens and at .Port Albert and Dungannon.,un-' til '1892: It Was during his mini- ' stry that, Christ. Church.' at • Port • Albert was built. THE LUCKivOW SENTINEL,:: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1MPR:OVE_. THE FAIR'• Two entries were recently re- ceived in; an essay contest • con - ,ducted by the Luc'know Agricul- tural Society , on "Ideas; for Im- proving The: Fair". Written by High School students, there •is little to • choose between .them, and both offer some ideas worth considering. . We plan to. gtublish both let ters, ' one! of which ,follows, Eli: 3,; 'Lucknow,•Qnt Y Gentlemen: • • -Here ra=re- ...._de 0 0 ` as, dor improv, • ing L- uOknow "Fall' Fair: • • '1. Improve the,fair grounds and make .them more attractive 'look- ing :, by • planting trees ::along the' front, building a • cattle shed and painting it red and erecting suit al .le ;gates. : 2. Have : a calithumpian parade and .offer suitable 'prizes' and try, to encourage the local . business firms to enter floats • and comi=• cal vehicles. 3. , Increase the prizes. for school parade , and singing. Personally, inform' the teachers of the :schools and persuade them to: enter. 'th;eir: school. 'By • this you _interest more People . in the Fair 'and' increase the' . attendance, • °. ° • • 4. Give' the localservice :clubs :therprivilege to .set up= -side sh6ws' and' games• of chance. -This:would keep the 'travelling,cbmpanies out and : the money: would he kept in town.: , 5. Have classes for High School' pupils :and teen -aged young peo- ple to exhibit in, so they `will: ,grow up::to be supporters of the 6. Cut out prizes for .classes that people don't •exh ibit in and do- nate the money to, classes that. Ideal people might use: . 7. You could make more usg of, "the natural. grand• stand ,.bypar- ading winning cattle and : horses i •.• Yours truly, Dori-altl-Kirkla-i HH1gEPHUR Wedding bells are ringing. The Women's Institute. picnic was ;held in Winghan Park. Con- tests: and 'garnets were 'enjoyed by lboth, young and old. Mrs. Gordon i cBtirneay got the prize for tak- ing the ,biggest load;: ,Mrs. W. R. Farrier the prize . for, thereldest person and Joyce Tiffin .the .prize for the youngestperson and Gary Jamieson the prize for 'having the birthday • closest • to that day. Lunch was served: The next meeting wi11 be .held a • 8,00 p.m. rrr the -hall with a penny auction: Wingham"; and 13elgrave Institutes' Will, be guests '' • Rev. W.`'" J . Watt had charge" of the• ;ers stices. in • the:. United.. Church, Whitechurch and "Blue vale... • Mr. Stanley Harrison of London ,rendered two • special solos in the Whitechurch •choir, "Bless • this House" ' and "The Beautiful Garden , of • Prayer"; There will 'be: no services in the Church for the next two Sundays.; Next service will • be. ,September • 4th with. Rev. Brook, the pastor, in charge. r, .Stanley . • MHarrisonoand son Bob''of London svisited on Sun- day . with Mr . and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw and other-•MoClenaghan relatives. • • M,r.', and Mrs. 'Stanley Harrison and family` of London are ,holi- I (laying at .Bruce each Rev. •and Robt: Watt and family of Mitchell are,liolidayin'g with his ,parents;. R,ev. and Mrs. W: J. Watt. . Mr. and:Mrs::, Geo; Thompson and Charles of Feversham-visited'. recently.with - her ;parents, Rev. and Mrs. W.J . Watt. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Norman :and family 'of, Toronto visited last Week with Mr. and';.Mrs:.James Wilson Rev.- 'Colvin of Brussels is taki ing: the• services an. the .Presby treian. church :in• Whitechurch & gs- de , .during the months of August. • ' WEDDING `BELLS Mac NALDr-FOX A .quietwedding was solenan- ized at the home; of Misses •.Isabel Fax and Olive McGill in Blyth on Saturday, July 30th, at 1.00 p.m., when Letitia Georgina Fox of Hamilton, forinerly.of White, -church was united In. marriage to Thomas Lorne: MacDonald of Peterboro and formerly. of Luck, now. Rev. Glen Campbell;, min- ister, of Seaforth . Presbyterian Church, officiated•... • The . • bride was • corningly gowned, in a. pale blue beshantung two-piece dress With : hat to match. She wore a: corsage, of pink carnations..: Mrs.. Roy. M. • Patton, sof •. St: S�eQrge,iste tithe bride, was her only attendant, .4 -wearing a pale pink .silk jerseydress with navy, blue accessories, with a 'corsage of white.. and yellow 'minis.. , , The groomsman was - Mr. Roy M, Patton : of . St, :George. • Luncheon. was . served to' the. guests irrimediafely following the ceremony: .. Mr...and Mrs. MacDonald left on ,a 'short honeymoon after Which they will reside in Lon- , don. imIrramaUuan: daiquiri i,limaU Em an,a op, :anao.iimairmii.4 :saw nrn.ima„ ii 'ns;,�b�,.��_ NOTICE The extern Ontario Motorway ,Ltd. Take ?'leasure • In Announcing he Appointment Of. C�van'sLunC -- .-As--Your .. 4r .f r `'TRAVEL AND TICKET AGENT Tickets and "•ti formation, Phone 162, Ldcltfow ,1.. i�i�fYar.��Y�iYr•ar�w i� ,�ir�riY�►u�r►u� rn.rrn�r►h�► rrwt,wr,s ,arra .► Mr.'•°anal Mrs. Clark MacGreg- or, Bruce and Cameron spent the week -end with her . sister .at.. Or- illi$ Mrs. —Jas:, Banton of Drayton ` visited on Thursday with Mrs. Mac Ross: • • • y1Ouse.. 1 Theatre 1 . 1 FRIDAY, • SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 20 1 Two '.Shows Each Night at 7.30 Saturday Matinee at 2.34;. JANE •WYMAN, STERLING: HAYDEN, its "Of Big" A stirring .story based on Edna, Ferber's- Pulitzer - rize 'novei1 . nothing 1tCe it since. `.`Johriy Belinda". Tt'S; a 6,. ,Warner Bros picture; ' 'Phone 181 Kincardine PAYING HIGHEST' PRICES FOR .:LIVE POULTRY. Poultry CullingA Specialty . In accordance' with government regulations our .poultry ' coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected for your protection. Prize, winners, in the various .the.giass. removed from her ,eye.. :events • were: children under 5, Terry Johnson, :Roddy .-McDon- agh; .:children 8 and. under, 'John MoClarles,• Kenny Kirkland, tied; boys/13 and under, Boob An-: drew, Marvin 1VScCabe; girls .13 and:: under, 1VMarie. Johnson, : Carole. Barkweil youngmen's race, John Lane, Allan 1VleCharles.; young ladies' race, ,Kathileen Lane, married ladies,' Edna ,MacDonald, Evelyn Hackett; . married `men, John MacDonald, (D: A. Hackett, Bob`BaLkwell, tied); guessingthe number of holes in ,fly swatter, Mrs. Ed .MoQui.11i:;n; .best 'apron made out .of"newspaper, MI.'S. Mac, Lane, Mrs. Andrew Lane. The.: sports came to, a sudden stop7Wherr--TVLrs. • 1VIiirray Mcbon agh•Umet. with a painful accident, breaking her glasses and having to be rushed to.. a= doctor t� have After a' wonderful supper ,Alec Andrew .took charge of the busi-- 'mess party -of the picnic. Two mia utes silence- was observed. in.' memory of loved ones ~who were .called • home in', the,• past year,.. these being: Mrs.Verna.:Stothers,,. Bob : McQuillin, Rev. Wm. Lane, Harry ' McQuillin, . Mrs:..Tean Mac-. Donald and Ernest Crispin: Speeches' were made. by. Rev: Andrew Lane; Mr. John . McQuii lin and Mac Lane. On a''•mbtion. 'by' Fred McQuillin and Mrs. Lane • the+following executive Were re- turned for 'another , year:: pres., Gordon. Kirkland; . '1st vice prey., Alex ,Andrew; ` treas.,. Jack M: Donagh; , sec.,. Mrs. Oliver 'Me +Charles.: Hate�_ you renewed your '$ext•-. tiriel :: sitbscription? ; Mr; and Mrs Richard Burr and sons': Roger and :. Rgbert•. of La chine, Mich, Visited. with their cousins, Mr: and Mrs. T. H. Moore ,and Mrs Mac Ross. • Mrs. • Ab 1Vlcuillin spent ,.the week -end with, Mx. and Mrs. . Car men' McQuillin' of .the 2nd of Kin- loss. '.. Mrs. 'Irene Paterson rOf Toronto spent the week -end with her', mother, Mrs:, Taylor:. ' Mr. ;Russel Moore,,. Linda and Dennis_arid �VIr W. :Thom son; all 'of Preston, visited. on Sunday with Mr: and. Mrs. Ar- thur .Moore. . ' • Mr. ' and Mrs. R.. -Scholtz, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Farrier, 'Miss Winnifred , Farrier, : Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson of: •Lucknow, are spending this week at a .cottage near 'Toberrnory. •:Mr. Henry: Mathers•, . 4nd his sisters, • Miss Jane, Mrs, Owens; Mrs. 'Hooper • of Bluevale ` and Misses : Grace and ,Roberta Sher-. • riff of Wingham visited r TS.unday' with Mr. and Mrs. ' W. Th • Farrier: • Mrs,' Roy...Maclnnes, and Miss :Kay. McIntosh of Lucknow visit- ed with . their aunt, Mrs. Ken- nedy, last,. Thursday evening,: Mrs. -Hardy Simpson and _Miss. Myrtle Day visited with Mrs: M.' ,Ross • ons day last week.. G,.' KIRKLAND RE-ELECTED ANDREW=LANE 'PRESIDENT The Andrew Lane family pic- 'nc was held at Ashfield Public ' Park on Saturday, July 16th with' 85 members present Th.e..prize w_inner....for.._ha_vi.ng. come the farthest' was Bob Bark• well and family from Kingston., Ec McQuillin won the prize for e :thy csllet person present while Tony MacDonagh' was the youngest:' The person ,'who had their birthday the closest to the `picnic ,date was Mrs, ,Harry Hack- •ett..'The Alex .Andrew family of Lucknow won the prize for hay., ing the. largest > amity ,present,` n BEATS` ME HO W' YOU DO IT SILO NOTHING ir) /7; ;l °-. ALWAYS USE. CO-OP FERT/L /ZER /' 0 ry• et The Fertilizer' That 'Is • . FREE FLOWING • • DOESN'T CAKE. UP • GIVES YOU HIGHER CROP YIELDS Fertilizer See Your .Co-Op..Manager Toclay $O LI1 O .Y(►T. OUR:CO-OP -row District Colp 'PHONE 71, LIIC1010iir • • - 'r�lL..iRil�•��.'.�71R1�� �o� .,.�. �'�i.Y.. '�f _e'' ���IE�:a6�1vG9+.Y iii �;H•L11i,� at, 'i ;it'.