HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-08-17, Page 3w•N•ES.DAY, AUG, 17th, I;i55i
THE : �
Mrs. Oliver. of Amborley, was. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hogan ,and
guest speaker at . Zion Church family visited on Sunday with
service which
wasunder the • friends and, relatives in Mildmay
auspices of the W,M,S, The
president, Mrs. Jack McDonagh,
took ;charge of the service, Mrs,'
•Peter Cook sang a :solo:
Miss Donna Woods of. St. Hei-
'ens" spent a few ' days with ,her
aunt, Mrs. John Gardner and
Mr: Gardner, ,
an • Formosa.
Mr. Donald . Rae Scott visited'
with .his cousin,.. Jas.,Kosmyna at
Kintail Beach' during . the week.
Misses Rita & Patricia Forbes
orDetroit are visiting with their,
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hogan.
Mrs: John McDonagh attended. Mr,. and Mrs. Dune MacDon
aid and ' Diane of Flint, Mr.. and
he Stratford Festival on Sat.
• • Miss Sh rlrey Gibson spent, the . visited' on SaturdM
ay . with ', 8i.
t Mrs. Hector Cooke of
)Week end _ a
t her home. Miss Bea..
trice-..Gil?son has.: been _•employed
'at "Wingliain7HQsp tat for the
summer- •: •
Miss Nancy Kirkland observed
hei•':4th birthday oil Friday by
,takin'g `her•• cake and'. the trim-
mings to see her, dad 'who has
spent' the past two ',weeks' 'in
Wingham Hospital, We are; glad
Gordon is somewhat im,pro.ved.
Miss Dianna • McAuley of Rip=
ley spent a week.' with Ann Ri,t-
Mrs. 'Allan , -Ritchie has been
attending her. ;another; Mrs; Tom
Culbert, Who has been' seriously
sick in, Wingham: Hospital. •
• Mrs. Wilkins,' who :returned
• from a trip to the 'British' Isles
a few 'weeks ago, is . visiting. her
:sora Charlie and Mrs: Wilkins ' &
Barbara. - •
Friends here''-' are anxiously
'hoping for improvement • in' the
,condition 'of ` Miss Susan Sc: Geo
Gibson' .and Barry' 'Hackett, ser
iously injured' crash victims.
(Intended For Last Week)
Miss Gladys: MacDonald, Luck
now, gave a very' interesting ad
Mrs.. Wilfred 'Farrioh,
and .,family visited in-Gocierieh"
with Mr. and Mrs: • Adam .John=
stop the ....first .of this ..week.
1V1iss.es Helen :and' `Joyce Ltttle
`visited with ' Mary . Alton . and
Bessie ' Reavie on Sund'ay • even-
ing, in Wingh'ain' •Hos'nital;' 'also'
Barry and Lorne Hackett;
. Mr. • Bill Wareing visited at his
home over the week -end. .
' Mr. and Mrs; Jas. Donaldson.
and Joan' visited with • their dau-
ghter, Mr. and Mrs.. Ira .Srnall at
Conn and Stephen returned with
them for a holiday.
• Sunday 'evening visitors.., with
Mr.. ,and Mrs. Jas. Donaldson.
were .Mr.. Jas., Collis and Miss
Ruby Le is of•. Mount Forest. •
• Mr., arid ,Mrs. Lorne Farri
sh &�
Donald. visited. on Sunday in Lis
towel :With • Mr. and Mrs. Geor e
Farrish and Lynda. Lynda:' re-
turned ' with . her grandparents'
for a `visit. ,•
Mr. and ,Mrs. Rabt:, Scott ;enter:
tained a 'large number• of '•rets=
tires... on Sunday, . coming's from
• ton and surrounding.' distri•ct'• in
.:dress • entitled ."Choices"at Zion .
Church on ,Bund -ay Morning. The 'honor of :Mrs. :Jas., "MacDonald's
g approaching birthday: She was
church service was, in charge of .
the. Sunday, School as'. I•1,ev: Dick
honored with .a' lawn rocking.
inson :is on holidays this: month. chair, .Chime ;Clock' :and. set -of
.I4iss ; Marjorie 'Evansof :St: .lovely: vases. '
Mary's spent • a week with her Little:, on Visitors with'Mr and. Mrs: Jas.
cousin; Carol Helm:• Carol re,. : `Sunday' were, Mr. .and
turned' with her for'.: holidays,Mrs. loss Errington and babe
Miss Roberta °Helm,.,•.who; had.'' Mr.' and ..Mas. Isaac• Cranston
..visited--•-With-Mrs: David Littlee'o-w
been ernpl yed at Wingham rhos Sunday •'.
petal, for the sutnme:r,, returned •
:_ home to assist..heii :mother; Mrs.' Mi'. and Mis: Bill +Wal cin;. vis.
Robt,':Helain;: who had the'. misfar ited, with Mr and Mrs. Marvin.
tune to. break, 'a 'bone in: he,r, Diu nan at Port -•Elgin; on Sunday:
finger. •.Mrs. Earle (Tappet) Grey .sill;
Visitors: on ,Sunday with 'Ir, & 'Children :of' Walk'eito:n spent the:
.•. 1, E ek with. het • parents, Mi•: and
Mis, : •'Geor;ee: Hunter. ' were Mr. n,1r;...Jas.: Little, .•'
and Mrs. `Ewart Taylor,. Mr.. •and'•:'.•. _
Mrs. Herb St•others, Mr. a ad• Mrs, ' 'Sorr;ebridy figured, it out --,we
Jack Bradley, Mr. and . Mrs.. .Ken:` :rave ' 35 million : latiti' frying to
Laidlaw. and family:'of London..
•:Marlene • Hun -t r- returned, home
with tem'•'after visiting there• for
the bast ten •days. •
Miss •Dorothy McAkcern, nurse
.in. training ,at-Vi
•:London, and Mr.;''Bill Telfer, of Ann Ritchie. ••'
Dawn and Judith Ann' Stewa
are spending this week at Willow
dale with their cousin, are
Mr. John G. ueicnen o Grav
enhurst 'was admitted last.wee
as a' patient at Baker's Privat
Hospital. ' •
Mrs, Bertram Curran and tw
boys ,of London are'visiting wit
Mr; . and Mrs.Herib• Curran, As
field; Mrs. Herb •;Curran will re
turn to London', for. few , holi
m< Nfael ati h�to* rr-
g . corrfir►ehted
working the first •d.f the week ' o
t'he night .'shift at Lloyd's fact
ory •• Wingham •• . .
Mrs;. N; J . 'MacKenzie has :re
turned' from:• a two weeks' visi
it Detroit with Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo
D, Stockham. •
Mr. and Mrs. ,Calvin McKa
(Eileen. Va1ad) and two son
Blain and Lawrence. 'of Windso
were callers in town this week
Mr. and Mrs.. R. W. Andrew
Christopher and Patricia, .Brant
ford, have been: visitirig..:at the,
Rectory -with iRey, and• Mrs.. H.
•L, Jennings. •
Mrs. Wm.- Murdie • xeturned
home after an extended visit•..in
'Stratford; and JIVlitchell. She was
aeom+panied . home :`by her' 'bro.
ther, Archie Hardiil and 'Mrs:
Hardin• of Long, Bran ch and her
cousin, Mrs.; Mae E. •Russel.. of
• Detroit. ,Mrs, Russell 'remained
for a few` 'days Mrs. '.Murdie's
daughter and son=in-law, Mr: ; and
Mrs:• Har+back . of ,Stratford; 'and
.their . sons visited •:here a'. fir
Toronto; Florida, . C1 ri= days:last: week. •
'Mrs:. Frank Warrington and:
Children Sandra, :'Kenneth,: ,Hed
ley and 'Gail, are: visiting at the.
home . of : her ..brother, Mr•.
Rev. ; and , Mrs.: J . Wilbert
ico of Parker's Lake, Minn., are
visiting, with. her brother, Mr:
and . Mrs. J. .W. .Joynf.r. .
• Mr and. Mrs.' .» Wes `:Hust'on of
it-ii-viSitQd n -Mown' last
week. Their. _ daughter,' Grace
Huston,.; is 'starting . Mier ' second.
year as a studen:t'nu.rse 'of Wellies;
ley Hospital, Toronto. •
Mr. aid. Mrs.', John . B. DeCou
of Daytona Beach• have:+been
iting with relatives in -the coin-
- Mr .and ' Mrs.. - Harvey Hall,
'John, and Janis and ,her •mother,
Mrs . Munro, o :Detroit, .:were
^rt )ici: ten commandment,;• weekend .guests' of Mr. and, Mrs,:..
• Jack Hall: Mrs. Munro and. Johne
'Condon visited Sunday .-s� ith, Mr. are remaining for a week: ::•
and Mrs..1.7g. G Hunter Visitors With' ' Mr arid Mrs • J.
Miss Mary Te pesse ; Me uley•I D;:McKendrick recently were his
• of Toronto `soent a , •1,veek. with sister, , Mrs 'Ai thur 'Ping and :Mr.
Ping of Garden. City,. Mich.; also.
Mrs. McKendrick's cousins,.' Mr.'
,:0h;,111111,i,r•rr41Milmir♦..NriP�11 01*(41
The largest roaster
made .e fits `SIDEWAYS
into this New
DE 33-5
.New "Waterfall" Design! .
Automatic. Oven 'Controls
* .New 7-Heot Controls'
c_F....Et A toriewit . _oasti r q
wills all alipat'MIOd.li r
trade illi your .troubles far a now Mcdary ,. .
ster ac
lf'1>4ttxrbing", Beating, I+it'i ng, Favetroughi.ng
Phone 50, Lucknor
and Mrs. Frank ' Scott :'and Bob
Holanes of Detroit,' Mr. and. Mrs.
Cecil': Holmes ., and . farnity of
Windsor; Miss Gladys'' McMorran
of Toronto; Mrs. Millard. Bell of
Paisley, :Mr; and :Mrs. Fred Bon-
thron :' and Mrs. ' Fred 'Mann of
• ': Mr. and Mrs. Alex' Purdon 'and
.Mr. . and Mrs Athol _•Rurdon__and'
two children were, week end.
tt'ors with Mr and Mrs Hector
Purdon and family in Sarnia.
Mr. and_ Mrs. Richard .Durr .arid
children Bob Bob .and Rogers' °of Al-
pena, Mich., spent the week -end
with Mr... and •Mrs. Jack Hender-;
• Mary Jo . Anderson;, student
nurse. ''at . Western Hospital,
onto, 'iq spend\rng some ,holidays
with her. grandparents, • Mr. , and
-,19Irs: osep , inderson. +•
1VIij: and Mrs': ' Roy •Cringle of
• De:troit` were week -end • visitors
with 'Jack ,.Gillies:••
Mr. 'and MrsHarold Burns and
son David, of Fort .' William : are
holidaying •with his, parents, Mr.
and -Mrs, Thomas 'Burns.
Mr. and' Mrs. E. , D. .Harlon' of
Toronto . are. holidaying at ' the
home of Mr, aryl -Mrs, Clark Fin-
layson and with 'other relatives
n_ Ashfield.
Dr. •W: J. .Mumford of 'Simcoe
wv'a5, a visitor •i.n town recently,'
Mrs. Mumford.w.ho 'has•'for long
s.u'ffered with rheumatism, ,is noiir
confined to a wheel chair.
Mrs. L, A. Reid Of Toronto and
Mrs,(Dr,) W. W. Sherwin and
sons .1)onald; Douglas and Keith
of Brandon, lVta.nitoiba, are visit,
ing, with their brothers; Einer
and Walter -.Alton) of • dt iLela.
-0 w
We "Take Pleasure In Announcing
The Installation OVA A Modern
To .provide you, with. the choicest and widest
Selection of frozen, foods,
Specializing In FRUITS and VEGETABLES
'Having -_Affiliated R m
ewe will ,shortly be 'staging a big •;opening' '
watch " for ' the announeement.
HalIs EMarked
Fresh. Fruits. & Vegetables
Free Delivery, Phone 26
"Always glad to get the' home
news", says Annie E. . McQuoid.
of Calgaryin.-•renewing her .Sen-:
'tinel subscription.
Mrs. ,Emmerson Irwin and son
Barry and: Mr: ,and. Mrs, .Albert
Clarke and Brian of Kitchener
motored• to Watford:' andspent-a.
week. visiting with Mrs. •Irwiii's
brother. arid' .relatives "at 'Blind
River; 'Iron Bridge ,'and Spanish.
It . was :thirty years .since: Mrs;-
Irwin left Wa'lford.
Mr. and . Mrs: Cecil' McAlpine.
of Windsor • are holidaying', .'at
Amber -ley: Beach. Cec• is Bank • of
Montreal manager -in that. city
and recently •moved to a new
and modern.' building, .which had
been under; construction let:some
time ' .' .
.Mrs. ' Jim MacNaughton and_
son .Jimmy.. were recent visitors.:
.in Toronto • with' Mr. and Mrs.'
John ' Young, and accompanier
them , on 'trips to Niagara Falls,,'
North Bay and • Santa's Village
at • Bracebridge•.•,
Mrs Ward.- Si iek`luila, :daugf daugh-
ters , Gail and Marilyn of Lind. --
say and,Mrs. Earl Gaunt• of Lon•-
deaboro, called on v •friends' here'
on 'Saturday,,while visiting ;Arita, „•
Mrs. Shick'i'una's brothers, And
Frew : and Eddie Gaunt. .:
Mrs:' Margaret•• Sproul` an', ,:Biilr�•'
;Sproul were holiday 'visitor
:Fort' William:
Everyibody but the 'guy: himself-
knoWs a sugar daddy is just a:
toxin of crystallized sag,
Exhaustive tests have proven. that the new . Magid
Action Faucet will not drip. or leak. Yet. this
EMCO-fashioned tap ..costs no ,more than old.
fashioned taps. • • ;
* no more drip stained basins and baths.
* no more hot water waste
*'no more Washers to.replace
*Easy To Turn
*Easy To Clean
* Easy To Look At
Buy Matched sets for Basin, Bath and• Shower
Colne in and see otir full line '
of EMCO Plumbing Equipment :
miiM-ale-N-irla a, w,:nrMrur ' . ii 'awn
• M.
an: srA 1IG .n . i'ilEyi (►;trL7T1/411.,.. !;Ai
Phone 10, 'Luck low, Ont..'
ll wr ai * Mfg. Cro. M ikettsit '
rear;: .;: