HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-07-13, Page 8#• w• 4.4 .t s°. ° 4kGE EI tUT , lk�+... �l'!4A•,AA�M *2.24 i g-'^'. NEDNESDAy, amy 13th, UCKNOW SENTINE, •LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ 19 5 .. � 4 • • fe • tic Ladies' SWIM SUITS' atalin Lots of style's and colors. Size range. from 33 to. ,.44, ]Price from: $7.95. to $12.95 Other Makes from --$5.95: up..._ ut . , Mei': ffi, and'Y.ohs' TRUNKS AND BRIEF STYLE A good ;variety of men's and. ,youths': trunks and :brief 'style by Catalina ,..and 'other well.., known a ' . • manufacturers. '.Sizes 30 to '40 in ' mine, 'gold, navy, royal, "beige, white, pink, • checks, in nylon,' silks, satins 'and • bengaline. Cliilcien's • , SWIMSUITS: All sizes in.. stock .2.0.6. ' Boys as: low. as 98c Briefs suitable for, trunks 35c Also. a' good stock.' of 8 to 14 . . in both boys` .and: girls. DI AGEN'I'::FOg KINCARDINE •: E.RS Free Pick -Ups and Delivery Monday and Thursday: Men'', Ladies', Children's Wear•.—Piece Goods. &.. Woollens It's Famil .Week at.` The Playhouse Theatre. Friday •and. y ... Saturday -$1.00 admits Mum 'and Dad; with no charge for the, family regardless , Of. number:' THAT t;he > planters Peanut float. wes in town on Saturday •even ' ung '.in..sttpport of The Clans- men's peam t tag .•nigght.. The . Club men'bcrs previously ,.made` a house -to house .canvass . `kea- nuts are still available from all members THAT Miss °Maureen 'Vassella, .:daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred 'Vassella of . Kintail, has.'enter- ed St. J6seph't-Conventt Lon= don,; to .become..'a nun.: lye.. Star". HONEY POD PEAS Stokely,.. 15:='oz. ,., LL�OJ OWD_ERS All flavors -_ -_ --_-- ..r ecials or 29c • • • • • • SALADA TEA BAGS 10c coupon in each pkg. • SOCKEYE SALMON Gold Seal, Y2's The' Trend Today s To I. 'PHONE: 20 LIJCKNOW, ONTARIO • 04 4 444 44 4.•4b1 44'411, 44W4 4410%, 0444440., QI BYaTH.E • 15 E11'I"INEL THAT Eugene Gardner, son` of 'Mr and Mrs, Jim 'Gardner of town, underwent treatanent;at Winghan' hospital on Satur 'day ` [Morning ' for an 'infection Of • the hand. A• "haying_" blist- ter, ,On his : hand had become `Ibadly,"infected, .and , the ''hand• had . ibeeon a swollen, making • int necessary. to •lance •the in= fected area. " ; . • THAT the ' Lucknaw Boy Scouts attending Cainp Martyrs: apt In- verhuron • . returned ' by Allan Reed's bus ori Monday after- noon, '. ' THAT parking :stalls, were, re- :painted e-'painted :on Main Street this week by town foreman Alex Havens arid: Norman Stewart.. If rnotorists 'would abide ;care - 'fully by• these parking strips, i would. 'simplify_ parking and provide room for a good many more cars on . the main -than, ougbfare. o THAT The•Sentinel 'has a ;new supply • of,` Kiitail cook :books. on hand:' You' .. are invited.• to. look `them over without 'obli�ga- tion. They .are $1•.00 if you .wish• one. o-- THAT::Mrs. Noble. Johnston ' at:; tended an1. educational :meet • in Kincardine on .:Tuesday even-. , ing of last week. This program' .was organizedby :the Bruce -County Health -Unit and ` held in the Bruce ,Inn•`through • the courtesy. of Mr. :Malcolm:: Mac Kenzie .Films. were shown' de-:' ictii . food—• andiing-',.Method ; s. 'A : Suth.erlancLarrcLMrs. L: dishwashing and sanitary pro- MacIver. • •The . current events cedures in the_ restaurant busi- were taken by Mrs. ,•P. Steer and ness. Alan Cooper, resident in=: the, roll •call answered .by a .pro spector for "the- Health 'Unit Verb:. Mrs.. H. Buckton gave • a was. among those in .attend talk on "Education m' India fol-. arses ` ..lowed by • a�. contest by Mrs...Ira DAckie' ., -hymn=and the.-rn.izpah• THAT Rev. E. J. 1Roulston :of St: benediction closed the meeting. omas will' return to the old A vote of thanks was extended H.ante; community next Sunday ` .to the hostess and `directors, MTs: to conduct anniversary services H . Buckton and Mrs L. Mac at Olivet United Church at 11 Do g a:m. and 8.00, g.m . THAT. Sgt. Sid Smith,; formerly- pt. the. Zion' Community,' has been` •posted' from Lewisville, New Brunswick, to' the . RCAF station, ;at .St. f iu'�ei ts.. Quebec.,, TE AT. H ron""'Courity 4-H Ci b For All' The' Family WOMEN'S FIESTA .MOCCASINS A Men's and, Boys' OIL ''ANNED. MOCCASINS - SISMANV—SCAMPERS. MENS • BOWLING SHOES •, CANVAS :RUNNING SHOES tIt's , Family Week: at The Playhouse Theatre Friday and ,Saturday—$l,00 admits Mom and., Dad', with' no . charge for the ',family regardless ,of number..' 0 _ iiathvei*BSOfl. rine Footwear For. All The Family •'. at the poor': in `Teeswater, the ;,leas Wil,l:leave at the following' times for swimming classes:: Mondays and Thursdays (Jun- iors) 8.20 a.rn.; Wednesdays and Saturdays (Beginners)' ,9.45 . THAT Spence,- Irwin-' was hospi�- talized for: a few. day's in Wing ham. ;after Undergoing surgery East 'Thursday':for the! •removal Of.` a carbuncle::. -South 'Kinloss .:VVV .S,: A The July ,meeting of. the, :South Kinloss ,W.1Vl,'S. was .'held at the home; of Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon with 24 nieanbers .present. The president occupied the chair. The hymn "He. Leadeth Me" was sung and the. Lord's .;prayer. repeated: A fine. Bible study on "Eve was, given .by :Miss D. MacLeod, who "introduced the new study book_ for the 'year on : "Women • of '' the Old . Testam.ent"..' The prayer` circle, Consisted of M.S. II. Laois,'. u all and to all who' had taken, part_ Lunde and a .. •social • :time. followed are' ".planning a special train trip to Toronto, 'on . Tuesday, July.,i9th. The 'day's .outing will include tours of Canada'Pack- ers•; Swifts 'and 'the 'Parliament Buildings a subway ride, sup- per at the. Exhibition .groynds, and a double=header .ball game at . .. the Stadium.. .Tickets are available: in this vicinity from . George Kennedy, Arnold Alton and• Chester Finnigan; . THAT 'a bus load attended the. doubleheader i:Detr'oit Kansas City'"than game in Detroit on Sunday. They went by Allan =••R-eed's btrs, -o— THAT. in order that there will. he ,as little waiting as .possible S K. PICNIC AT POPLAR BEACH The annual • South Kinloss pic- nic '.yas "held ,at Poplar Beach,. on Thursday ,.afternoon : June 30th,. with 98 attending.. The early pal t, of the -afternoon was ` spent on the beach.. and then "'races were held. on the picnic grounds. . The winners of the races were the following: 3 and under,.IRod Rod - die MacKenzie and'Jimmie Clark; 5' d • d.. KathleenH it',a" d' an un er a :: n :Walter Dickie;.: boys 7° • & '8, Peter Steer; girls 7 and '8, Carol Mae Intyre; 'boys 9 and: 10, Donald Carnp�bell;' boys. 11 and 12, Adrian :Vanderlugt; girls 11 & 12, •Elean • or Clark; boys- '1'3 ' and' 14, Robert• Austin; .girls '"13 • and—'14,. P.hyll�s Steer; girls' • .,14 and 'over, .Ruth Steer;; boys. 14 and over, Stewart Stanley; , married • couples, Mr. and Mrs. ; Haro1 :Austin;.boys' S e, y . a I� acDonald� and legged. rack., M c ..M n . Hughie MacMillan; girls' 'three legged race; Helen : •C•amplell ,& CarolStanley; ladies' kicking the shoe, Mrs. Garbutt. The young- est person., present 'was' William Dickie and' the " oldest. was Rod .Campbell. A ,bountiful •sup- per was served by , the; ladies: and after' a` ball. game was played. Mrs: Connie _Edwards of `Guelph spent , the past' week' with her friend, Mrs: 'Etta. Roberts. Mrs,.. Edwards :sails on July •28th for kidney, ' "Australia, `where she plans to make her 'home. 1 . .M,. ,.. , ..�.�..1s • 13 -PLATE TRACTOR ,BATTERY • wilth .old -battery R.C.A:: VICTOR,: CAR RADIO ..,... ii PATH i• FINDER SIGNAL KITS TR'UCI£ i • $8.40 $49.95 $12.95 1 B. F', GOODRICH and DOMINION ROYAL TIRES • International Mufflers ana Pipes icanicO Piston' 4ing Saroxi Seae Covers. — Thistle Bikes and 'Wagons Swimming Fins and Life Jackets — Softball Equipment cINTYR and IR IN 'PHONE 65, LITCKNOW It's Family .Week Tlie—Playhinige—Thicatre—Friddy—and Saturday—$1.00 admits Mum, and,,Dad, With no charge for the faMily regardless of nuMber, , "Esmond" Indian blankets, bright ana gay; ideal kr picnics, 54x172, TOWELS Heavy weight kitche.rt towels.. 45c each Pair 89C , Sfrn'art Ladies' Blouses, tailored or YARD GOODS' , Good quality prints and brtiad- 'to choose from. Now. only, yd. 36o Men's silk jertey sport shirts, " short sleeveS,, ideal kr mirk or.Play. Only, each BOYS' PANTS Little,. boys' boxer typey short .pariti, colored drill, 'Size' 4 to 6x. Only, pair' 79c , Boys' Western 11,ariger jeans, good quality', dentin; .Pair $2.79 ' 'MEN'S PYJAMAS Mert's sardorized striped broad- cloth pyjamas, all Si/6$,, 4.0