HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-07-13, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th, 1955 to the.,. LUCKIVQW FIttE COMPANY'S Resuscitat�r: Fid The response to this project has beef very good,• .but ,more .than a hundred dollars is. still, required., If you .plan to Ike • a; , donation,.to this worthy project," -please' d ' so within the next 'few, days, s that 'the .campaign may. be`coiciuded ' T,'NOW LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, o, DONATIONS MAY Bk LEFT . AT Johnstone's Furniture Store . ;.�Iiah's. Grocery . 1 • Bank of Montreal . , The Sientinel Office. „� J�..i.o���ruiNi�+�l>i1�r,>•►n���rr.��. �„� ,r.r�,��ti • Letters To The' Editor The Big ' Four 'Again Editor Lucknovv: • Sentinel Dear Sirs ' That'the ineeti.ng at the surnmi ill—be-- importaiit .• no one- can have any dou'bt.:As to just haw successful it.,will: be is; pretty dif-- ficult to predict. Although.' few •of us are in a position to' • tack:le the problems our statesmen. will' be .trying to solve,. .this shouldn't prevent us' from taking - a keep, interest in ..the proceedings. Tf. we ,keep .in' mind, 'Some. of, • the' 'not• so' recent events that have. Lied ,up to this meeeting, our oterest will be greater. In .many respects. our twentieth. century has . been, in a class by itself. ;Never • ,before' until this century had there been a ;World wide conflict with forty-five, years 'still .to ,go we've already' had two of them. M'an's :'travel. conquest -of : the=-glabie,h-as, brought„ many complications and ch,all enges: Western' civilisation with the aid, of Colui•ribus Was. able to bring the civilizations of:. the world under one roof around the year 1500. In a . sense' this .put, us in a civllizati.on league . with some of 'the main competing:. :teams being the. Hindus, Ms - Buddhists. • The.. star team in ' this league has ;undoubtedly been our ''own, . Western civilization. The point. �I wish to einphasize, •is that we Won't °necessarily continue to hold the top; ' position. There ire countless, rriillions;.'an . th.ese• tither 'teain, s who :detest;•oiir .lead- ership.'' After. World War I've thou ght g this had been the war to end. Nisar. Needless `to•. say we were' ly .misfaken After World War. II we felt secure. for a time be- cause .we alone had the kno:W how of the atornic_b_c nb,_ Now that we no longer have; this .ad- vantage we are • told that the Weapons. of destruction are now so 'terrible that no ',nation ,would dare.• start a . war. •That ' is the point in history we' have reached to, date,..• , Qne ' thing that has surprised' fie is. ,that there hasn't 'been a' greater protest against the. fact. that there WAS a World War II. One 'should have imagined .great' indignation expre$'sed from • al, walks of life as 'to what blunder- ing or .blttnderings led to. World War •II, In' their' rush to get. into the,•post-war . market our big business • leaders. missed t arid are continuing to miss many oppor- tunities to promote the • cause' of peace;' Rut' rather than leave theSe problems for.•our politicians and big business 1end.ers to solve alone, there are .many 'things that u-to...help. e ^^cause along, .That is'why it Sc's important that we: do our best to understand the meeting at the..Suzrrattr. , (Editor's Note .- "Itanicho" Presses the hope that theie Civil' (be some ` replies : other ncont- mentaries on this suibject in re= Sponse to his letter:;) JV .•p 01. 1?AGE SEVEN is'rr' tha by ROSEMARY THYME ° .Yesterday Ispent a Couple of hours. tagging for. -..our Hospital Aid, I :always find, it. a most in- triguing study, in human behav- iour iour : the variety of responses :we get in.ansrner to 'our proffer - 'Phone ,181 . Kincardine PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE• POULTRY :Po. Wiry Culling A 'Specialty. • ' n accordance with ;government regulations Our poultry' coops...are-thoroughly washed and disinfected ' for your protection. ed box and the appeal; . "Would''�-�>�.�,...,-.,.�.,..,,.�,• O help our. There are the people who start; BOY LEAVES: HOM reahing,°for .•ttbair purse as soon, as thhey see you these are in • (By -A,. W. B.) the._ Minority, of. ,course• ' Then .Two there are: they nes who � sa'' "O}r. years, ago from ..this very ones, 1/ �� Y day .my, diary `contains the fol- T got one' this' ni,orning". T •can. 'lowing entry; • always tell • (.or think .I; can) I " My correspondence this• •week whether, they. did or they didn't, includes a letter sent by a moth. The ones who are being.truth- er in Yorkshire to say how' ful are quite :matter -of -•fact, with pleased she '•was to have- her son an assurance in their, :voice which. ,an airman;' here: in Canada,' to suggests ` that they could ,produce visit us; ane ..how he appreciated it if they.• had to, The ones who this happy meeting.and stay in figure 'that this is the !best ex our: Ontario 'home. On � his wa across country,he foind'a, warm welcome *high: ihelped'. '.to un wrap the strangenes. of. .:himse'1 contacting• those who .tried • to be L friendly in. the • •. Canadia scene. ' • . Our hospitality,. I •hope,'„wil never .need.. the t ge and.;inspir you caret h :l_ hospital?” AS; TI•IE IJNIFORMEQ.' • euse to avoid giving a donation 'BELLS have. a ,note of : impatience in McWHINNEY--SPROUL their voices as; Much .as_ to say, How dare • you:ask ' me again The United "p:Ch'urch Parsonage, 'this afternoon!"• 1 . g , ., .•. as if you had Dungannon, was the, setting for some,magic way of knowing that a wedding Saturday when Louise they, in particular,- had bought :a Verdella .Sproul,. R. 3, ' Auburn, tag. One .poor woman Was. caught became the' bride of.•Mr. Harold badly with-ant—annoyingly tr-tuth-- Lloyd McWhinney, Port Albert.; NI daughter ..;;when she ing .emotional leave -taking -Of; a ll The brider•iS a daughter of Mr. glibly' told me that she had •got other airman. • Who one . Sunday .anl Mrs. ,Howard Sproul,, R. 3, one, ',her.. small daughter . (or 'so recentl was` 'sa in • .'oo Y.. y g g dbye to Auburn, ' and the • bridegr. oom is I. figure), pipes up' shrilly, "You ''his' mother 'It was;': Sunda• ; an a son• of Mr. and Mrs, .•Llo d Mc-.; never did": Y y� the uniformed lad was about to Whinney, Port Albert:. Rev; G. The men who :don't want to 'say the tender words and show Watt performed the eereinony. give stalk . lby. without • recogniz- • 'the . f on'd affection for 'his oth ' rri er The bride .'wore a waltz -length' ing your existence, The .women that going overseas ' called•, for gown of lace and satin. The''bod don't• have .any, :change, or. I told Courteously ','he` .saw. his 'Mother ice of • nylon net with folds of Mrs, So -and -So that. I'd' get one alight' from the bus on which •h tulle, at the .neckline, was taps from her'. `There is. always the was..'to ,continue. He 'reciprocated ped with a lace iacket.wsth` long man who says, "This is the third the dear 'mother's, fling' of arms pointed sleeves and Peter Pan. time you'ved :tagged me", ,as :if he round his ; shoulder, .:her 'kissin g collar. •ernbroider.'ed with sequins; couldn't.' understand •how you• h;im," arid' farewell. whisper . As The• full skirt..featured .rows of could fail to remember ,having: he submitted . to :her• affectionate frilled •. nylon tulle' 'over bridal . previously. approached ...Tell' an, pressure the bus driver. stood •with satin. Her three -quarter -length u1 standirrg=loolting, cha And his hand. near '''the bell ,push..'.to veil .• of : embroidered,' tulle.was there isa.also• the. type •'wh�p.: wallet. sigral� oin 'on " again. 8 g Caught to . a. headdress of` 'whi'te up; with no tag in: evidence, ..who' • `Just then an angry voice .was mohair, •'and•. she carried. a white waits .until g h. you smile• -and offer• heard from wthi�t 'the .bus : call- Biib;le topped -with--redxroses•-•arid- the--eolleetion--box—therr---drags-"-a- ing ."Start up a rn' condutct `T lil -of-the-valley Mrs: Elwin Sil-' tag . from his g��'' Qr' y y. pocket,. � and ' grv�s: Why wait?: can, t.people stay '6,. Goderich, sister;. of 'the •a..:hearty„"ha-ha-ha". This i's sup- their farewells •at• home?" • bride, was matron of honor and:. posed to• draw .an • equally hearty. Then the conductor" spoke..up wore an . orchid»shade :.. Waltz laugh from the tagger •.too ;-• ..• for. all : Within and without„ to length gown :Which featured ° a . I 'aro asked the greatest variety hear, "Young man,:: 'I'm not strapless' bodice topped by a"mat of questions:` Where to buy meat? eying you.: Take' :all' the• time ching' lace Jack-et•-and•'7Skirt fail-, Where could a. ninety,. dollar` there is to say. goodbye .•to your: ing into points, of• nylon.• tulle, cheque be cashed ori Saturday.,rnother. You never kno :hen Her headdress . Was of Matching Could I recomm'epd a doctor? • it; will •be the last: time If ° some ll;awe s an 'she arried-a: nose: Jimmy :has a rash Have.;I heard people in, here are :.in ,a ;hurry.'to gay of, yellow chrysanthemums, of any fisherman's itch? get' their-. si'ns: forgive •'let' them: forgiven, he7xr Miss •Sharon. Sling, R.'6, Goderich, I •-'have had -'a diversion; here,, hneel,"down in' the bus and ask niece of the ,bride, :was flower, girl have been.. entertained by a. ama11 for .it. ,There are more important. and. wore a frock. of ,yellow riy- lass regaling me with: wondrous things than getting to church, Ion sheer with little frilled , ulf-. tales ..of Cinderella. She is not :punctually'.• ed sleeves and the skirt •of rows. gale four, but is certainly: a high, • of tiny frills. S'he vvore' a match=',IY, cntertain•ing. conversationalist, ing wreath of flowers and . Cate with. himself and :myself to draw ried •a tiny •-nosegay o1.,of chid .her out. Her nadle is 'Rob'in, and' chrysanthemums, Mr.'. ;. Albert, .w hili she .•was telling' me' a tall' evi , sienna, e nt., • was , • es, h as"strcld l .. - the' master of the house shouting' y Tooled To Repair All• 1'11kes Of Tractors - Allis Chalmers :`�B" TRACTOR f•in A=1 ' Condition. ' OrgE :USED FLOW' 40 CRAWLER, FOUR -ROLLERS 1, _ Before Buying See Us ation of an incid nt•,;of the 'touch,.' COMBINES • . - WAGONS, ,BALERS; MOWERS'' SIDE RAKES a KI.NLOUGH GARAGE. r e• :• man. For. a reception-thatwe47*`a-bbold rribrrr-to--g'et-otrt--ofthat- in .the • United Church basement, cherry tree:, Poor Robin' Was quite' the bride's'mother received wear -;.hurt untilwe'..shoWed her• the. in a:. navy tr.icotine .dress_:_trim bird and . explained that it was riled with pin, m,atchiing access-' a ,robin too. `We Tdon't.-have••ro:b- `oriel and• a 'corsage of sweetheart "ins in . Toledo;". said ' she,; "just roses.: She , was assisted by the. me• But we have kittens".: ,a bridegroorn's mother;who wore 'She. was telling us about being" a ;nylon :figured 'dress, white 'ac- cessories and -going inthe . and a 'corsage of pink water, "Canada is „good", she sweetheart. roses: Fo'llowing' •the said with emphasis,,, So I jump- ed' right in. I splashed and .splash; ed and then 1 swam' right along 'th.e .other, top". `The other top' being the bottom:' as we discover-. stones aqua coat vt hite access -('ed • after a lengthy exp]anation• as 'reception the couple' left . on' a •rnotor trip to Northern Ontario, the ' bride 'travelling in an aqua :linen dress trimmed with ihine ones an • a corsat, • eet'. roses, Mr : and Mrs. McWhinney will reside on; the: bridegroom's farm . in Ashfield" `township. • Guests were present from Point Edward, Blyth-;- Kincarelinc,.Dun-. annon, Viel irra and• God.et ich: ° .LANGSIDE .Doh't•forget the Sunday. School picnic .On the school' grounds on. Saturday ._afternoon. •. PvRryo - welcome,. Congratulations. to . Nancy and- Donelda Cochrane' 'and; Ronald. Conley ;of`-S.S. No. 9. and Colleen •• Tiffin, Phyllis, Steer. and George Y:oung of No 8>:ori--gassing. their entrance exams.• • • Recent visitors :at the. home. of Mr..' and Mrs. "•Chester Feagan Were • Mr. and Mrs: W.. E. •Elliott of Minico and 1VIr. Gordon Pea-. - o and Mos Bert Moffat, Jim- my and, Donna , were . Sunday af'- ternoon visitors with Mr. • and +M.rsL_._Pbiti ` Steer ' and fa -n 1y' • Mrs. • Hester Falconer of Cale- 'don ale'dors was a 'visitor last week' w,i.tlh. COtOP..,. AUTO INSURANCEa an. -Now,... cdep TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL ,TRUCKS as well as the_ farm 'business: For -information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon -704-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, IItI'PLI Y, 'Phone 20-r-23 ' • • -to.,•wh.eree:..i:t'.1ay in rel:at ol., to-th-e 'top' We. she and T, Were acir•niring thevery fetching, frock .she was. Wearing: She was quite compla- cent a,boiit• it,, arid the crisp •or, Bandy. petticoat under it, "and this”, she proudly displayed, "are nv nylon : Sunday . School pants". •feel finding the small .Robin good copy, so shall have to eX= plain 'to. her . Daddy , Why he mustn't call her ' away and tell Mier i`ot tc5` bother 2n *`' ht nu s drifts: over. saying. what do" you know about Cinderella naw'I'.. 'A soda •:clerk . in a Michigan drugstore interi.ted $7;000. They can't call, him • a jerk "now. •,' ,Increased ' earrings 'bring in- creased yearnings, • ` er niece; Mrs.: i usseil Ritchie `and Mr. Ritchie,' • We are 'glad to report Mr. bun - Can McConnell is able to• be up. again,.' • • Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence McLeod took in London Centennial, son ''Saturday. a Mr, toy • Huffman returned home from° Wingham Hospital :on Sunday after being a ' patient there for, a few 'weeks following' his car accident at Whiit_e:church;.. SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE ' We can service ' you with new or renewal subscriptions to most y national; ina aazrnes, • includ- ing magazines, daily .papers, etc., It costs: you. gothing more, but will save you time and'botif-.1. r. Just k ,phone. call to us, and. you will get immediate service. The Lukiknow Sentinel ,Phone: BRECKLES 18-r-20,. Ripley THE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS MONUMENTS L1TON M,EMTORIALS WALKERTON • j p 00 1 We are the:. only : manufac- turers in this 'part -o'f .Ontario of high . class ' .monuments, ' 'who import granite from the. Old :Country in .the rough by , 'the carload .and pro.cess'from:.. fbe rough tothe/ finished' Monument.. No. iihiddleman: When choosing a monument come and see one of • the, ,Tlarges ,selections in. On�riai� Established over -sixty ye:. Writeor: phone :Walkerton 8 and reverse, charges. • SKELTON:` IEMORI'AI S WALKERTON HALDENBY. ELECTRIC. MOTOR SERVICE - rmat}r•re-*ntt-Fiel-d• _Windings Brushes, Bearings,' Et t.... Repairs to ' Fractional and Integral Horsepower Motors, Also. Electric;. Fans, Vacuums, Clippers; Dr 1 Drills, Etc. .11ALDENI3i ELECTRIC,: Kinlough Phone Ripley 111-r-29 441 1W • ^,j•KWoil=.f�k'r MJi!•f'�li.�_r.,Y,1..{i.':II.J'n.Y:"Y �:'iu:..1�,1RP •0