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WEDNESDAY; JJLY 13th, 1955.
Lyceum Theatre
First Showing at 7,15 p.m.
Thursday,. Friday,, .Saturday
JULY 14-15-16 '
A• highly amusing frontier_
comedy in 'Colour .and. Cine
maScope. Starring:.are Robert
Taylor and Eleanor Parker,
No .Matinees• during July, .y
'` August '
Monday,, Tuesday, :Wednesday,
JULY '18-10-20
G q
'An. adventure melodrama
centering around•'emerald min
ing in SeutlfAmerica,• in Cin
emaScope and ; Colour: 'Starr-
ing . are Stewart Granger,
Grace Kelly and Paul' Doug
las. . • •
Misses Mary arid Helen Coln,-
ollieson are -employed . at Winghatn
;:for the holidays. ;:
Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins
and --11/1. Velma Couch; , `Wood-,.
k . `
stock Were ,wee end Visitors
with: Mr. arid Mrs: Earle Hodgins.,
• The. •ladies of .the community;'
• attended a , thiscellaneous shower
in the Anglican :Church basement
on' Wednesday evening iri :honor
of Miss 'Irlma Hodgins, R.N and
'(bride of this,: week. '
.Mr; and Mrs: William: Nash.,
•`Ingersoll, spent : Dominion''':Pay
weekend : with Mr. and„ Mrs.
Earle Hodgins':
Jim Collison, , Preston,':is spend•
in the holida `s'with his aunt,
g ,.
Catherine O'Neil,.
Mr. and •Mrs. Farish; Moffat
-ari ` Gordon* .Lang - id"�• spent art
d .. Gordon,' es e,, p.
evening with Mr." arid MrS: Earle
Hodgins!' and. Mr.. and Mrs. Don
Donaldson and: children.
Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lane,
.Mary and Ronald, who are• va-
cationing att• Bruce Beaeh, visited
Wednesday. with Mr. and Mrs.
Malcolm. Lane and fathiix.
Mr. r. and Mrs. Archie Campbell
of 'Port. Elgin visited Wednesday
with MS. Arthur Graham.
Mr.. Arthur Graham left ,for a
trip to the West on Wednesday.
He .will •be accompan ect,.:b .by
his siste:harm r -in-law, Mrs. Dorothy,
Thompson*. w;ho ;has been tech-
ing -at'•Oak Lake and their coos-.
in, Mrs.' Atkinson,`who will visit.
here,' She, was the •farmer Jennie
Gihniour, • '
Congratulations to Donna Tick
Olson • and. Jim.. •M • cFalrl n,
� Whd..
Were. successful in'their Grade 8'
exams' and to all the pupils -who
begin in :new 'gttades at •the Fall
terns., Mrs. Burton • 'Collins 'is re
engaged . as teacher.
Mars. • Stanley, ,. Johnstone • and
Noreen are spending awhile here
With' her 'parents, • Mr. and Mrs.:
s ,: y Guest.
Miss Donna . Nicholsonspent
the .past week. with Mr. and Mrs.:
.Harold Slessot:
Elaine Slessorof'Gl:amis,.is hot
*laying ••with Karen: and Evelyn
Kinlough Friends .
Honor' Bride -to Be.
Irlma Hodgins :was guest
of honor, t . ' a 'miscellan
a eous
:shower ,held in; the Anglican
Church 'parlors • when' over ; one
hundred friend's gathered, to. ex-
tend best 'wishes and present ,the:
bride-to-be .with many lovely and:
useful •gifts: The room .was, pret-
tily decorated with_• streamers`' of,
pink and: 'white,', also *baskets . of
summer fl'tiwers aA 'short„program'
was-,enjoYed with Mrs. '`Howard'
Thompson presiding:. Readings
were given by ,Mts. Milford Wail,
Mrs: ,Frank Brown, .Mrs. •P..
Murray'; and Mrs.,H.'. Thompson.
Mrs.. lVtorley. Bushell ;conducted a
06ntest.. Mrs Jack Hewitt favor=
ed. with a solo A. -duet by Sheila
Haldenby and Sandra Percy Was
followed by, cotigrainity' singing.
Af ter..th , 'program the ..br cle„waa
"siown to her place of • h9nor 'by
Mrs. Wni, Belle to the strains of
the bridal chorus played, by Miss
Edna Boyle, Mrs. Arthur Graham
•read a humorous address and ex-
tended best wishes on. :behalf of
the gathering while Judy .*Bell
and Evelyn.. Nicholson presented
the gifts. in :a' decorated basket,.
also. of pink and white. Triose.
assisting . with the. gifts. Were
Mrs,. Wm. Bell, Mrs, 'Don Mae
Ewan :and Mrs: Dem Gillespie,
•While Mrs. Bert Nicholson read
the.abtached' verses. Irlma thank-
ed the ladies for the lovely gins.
and invited thern to her home fol
lowing, • the shower. ::where her
trbusseau was displayed. "For
she's a jolly good fellow was'
sung" after whieh ,i•efreshmerits;
were served• •
W.I. Program Wins Tint
The hi:VY I: met in the a *all ori
Thursday evening,.the hostess be:•
ing Mrs. Donald' 'McEwan and
Percy: Mrs. Frank.
Thompson' presided.. , Following
the: . opening: exercises .a contribu=
tion ..was made , to the Museum
expense fund. Mrs. 'Jim.Smith , and
Mrs: Sam` Farmer .were.appoint
ed to arrange for 'a short course
'to 'beheld later in'the. Fall: Mrs.
*organ Johnston rePorted,•ori .the
bus trip to 'Detroit: A • dance. and
baking sale were also planned..
Sessions;.- of. the ' district annual
Meetingwere 'r
, w r reported by Mrs:
Jim Smith, XVirs, P.. A. Murray. At
this meeting • Holyrood ::w a s
warded' first plane for -the 1955
program.` Mrs.. . Wrrr: Eadie gave'
the highlights 'Of :Mrs. • McNaiugh
ton's address. The •• 4-H , girls
known as ',the.' "Holyrood Merry
Milkmaids" :presentedtheir." skit',.
"The proper way to pre.pparean
invalid's tray", ' under the dir-
ection of, ,the . •leader, Mrs: P. A.
.Murray. Those taking part' -were
Sandra and :Marion Per y,
bara , Murray, •• Joan Sutton . and
Shirley ;Congrant Mrs. Frank:
Thomp-son,.read .atn article: on the-
presidents': conference:: at ;'Guelph.•
The roll .call. .yvas "Don'ts for par
ents". It: was cided^•;to ;have •;ihe
• Cl'ayton':Scheifel.e of• R•,13_. No. 2; Waterloo, ;has ,had . a' purebred herd..of Scotch
Shortl orns• for 15 years, but he believes: that he' has, . bigger• improvement in
quality . aver the last dive years. .
• "The quality -showed potieeable improvement since I .began 'breeding anti-.
ficially, five ''years `ago",••he said.: "Tile . Waterloo artifici•al:•. insemination •• unit,'...
which had been handling semen fol dairy breeds, only, up to then, , started supply-
ing the beef men;'.•
By 'irnprovenaent of quality he' means b"at: the ',progeny. of his artificially -bred
. cows `make larger•' and quicker ga�i'ns' than, he 'used. • to. get with, natural breeding.
1,1e has sent some. steers fine" his cowl; to'the beef testing station•at 'Arkell..
�.. ..• One-fioir—, h Unit-ibirf K.la✓v rno-r°-Ov-e eel, 1wEnnt-o;^.-•-•test- ,122e-�months
g p . 1:,• r. g .g . it weighed 981 ..pounds," It ,
• age at 547 � oupd.s• -At�l� nizrntlr t�f a;e.•at slau �,htet..
gained 2.21 pounds a .day, •
' Another steer sited:: -by B�raeda6n La.nc'er went' on test at 515.pounds at 6.1;;�
; ¢ g t., weighedc
• months: When it' went t the slaw beer hou,,e''. at 13 Months it )09 --
or` a ..gain of 2 01 pounds a ,day. `' •
"T never used to get'gains like this from my. own bull,", said Mr: Scheifele,
:.;`0.1. course, an,individual farmer cannot afford to buy • a $2000.00. bull- like the
Unit •
can on. a co-operative basis".• • •a • •
.as ,'Excepttrinal". 'The aver.
• The per -day rite of oaten on the.two calves tested ��
•`. age rate: at the station for' all :calves tested is under •t�.o pounds .a day.
i �t e and stor' 'apeared' • ecently on the • farm • page of the
The above pctut �' p
Ki:tuhener-Waterloo Record.
will" be held at.. the Waterloo Cattle. Breeding Association, •R,1. No.. 1, Waterloo,
(*"forth and east of 'iVaterioo) on the ei�ening of July 19th, at,7.39 p.m; ...
Our Guest Speaker Is: , •
HON. F. S. T.
FREE ''LUNCH.. - .
Two Shows Each Night at. 7.30 Saturday Matinee at 2.30
Starring g Vera Rou'lston, Forest Tucker, Ruy Middleton; :Joan
Leslie,. Johne RussDavisel*, , PatBartoO'nBriMen,acLanewith Buddy Baer,
Jim , in
u technlcolor
• • The Greatest°American .Drama Since "Gone •With The .Wind":
I' It's
Family Week a The Playhouse Theatre Friday ani
•Saturday—$1.00 admits Mum. ' and Dad, with no
charge :for~thee family,.regardless Of number. ;'..
Federation Picnic I
You are invited . to attend the Annual' Picnic of . the
Huron; County Federation of Agriculture
in the '
• starting , at 2.00 pm: (D.S.T.)
There • will 'be. a Softball Game and Sports Events
• for ..Young.. and Old with . a Picnic' Lunch' to follow.
You are requested. to bring a - Picnic . Basket.
Beverage.:' wi'il' ' be provided;;
Wilfred Shortreed,.
President: . .
• vt ismornii.k:.ieoii�o'�tr�(t
Gordon M Greig;
• t�tt�i:.�tt�o,�o�.
•coffee: maker remains in ,the hall.'
The' ,convener,. Mrs:' Frank ;1Vlaul
den, was in .charge of the •follow
ing program : and. gave:. the .topic
"Medicine 25 years ago :and
day". ',Mts. Ed Thompson gave'
the topic "Goof health . rust be
lost.. to -be• appreciated":_Marjorie:
TThom.pson' favored 'witha piano
number:rs: Wesley Gtruest gave
the closing remarks. Each'. 'mem-
ber received a lovel ortrait••
Her..M'ajesty Queen Elizabeth II
suitable: for framing. ' Following
The 'Queen' and: grace ; refresh-
ments were served..
'are Mrs. William Cot- and Mrs..
Ralph Hill. •
Mr. and .Mrs. Alex Percy spent
the week=end With London vela.
atives, 1, . .
Messrs:- Jim:Hooper. and Allain '.
mall .of London, Donald Roberti-• ' • i
son.. 'of Kiingarf, Misses Helen
Shclimaeher and Lois Haldenby
spent tile week -end - with • Mr..and
Mrs. Wm...Wail.. - •
_ '
1VIr. a • d Mrs,--John—lllacL, an.
arid , Ronald . of Ripley, Mr, and.
Mrs. •.Elmer. Johnston of Listowel.,
Mr: and Mrs. Joe.. Cassidy of Tees -
water:. -a iei•P .Su "clay guess volt l . .
Recent visitors. ` with Mr:. ;:and:
Mrs.. W.' .E : Haldenby, were •.Mr.
and ;Mrs. Hugh Becking `and .son
Hugh of. Matheson, .1Vir. and Mrs..
F,,red Jackson' .of Toronto : and
Mrs. Johnstone MacLeod of Huron:
.—.Miss Sharon Wall_ of London Minister -inducted '•
is heildaying wvrth,`;Mr. arid. Mrs. • R
ormerly, bf" •..
• Pugwash, Nova' Scotia, :was . -in-
.Mrs. 'Rech ` Graham.
Ha tee: • you • renewed `your'. Sen-
ev. G W Sach f
Wm.: Wall
Lay Bible School Plans ' ' •
i ducted 'last week ' as pastor, of
'A meeting to arrange for the the United Churchcharge o.t7 ••
Kirilough District Bible Vacation.' Bervie, Chalmers and • Kinloss.. '
School was held on Friday even- He :succeeds Rev.: F. •G •Purchase•::'
ing last iri the Anglican church:: who has retired:
Miss May• Boyle, director, was in ,
charge.' Rev: John• Prest opened
th.e . meeting •_; with prayer, and
Mrs. Perry Hodgins' reported on.
last year's .,school.. and gave the
financial. ' `.statement. . The time
elosen -for- the=school-=�wll�be=
August 1 , Io . 5 inclusive...All
Leaders :tot '.the grades • were alto.-
p=pointed ..as: follows: boys. 9, years
and .upward, Rev.. and Mrs. Prest.;
::Intenmedtate and -Junior -girls, 9
to .13 ,years, Mrs.' Howard Thomp
`son,' .Mrs.• ,Murton.: Collins; Miss
,Joan Sutton and •M'r's. Geo.
denby; primary, Miss May Boyle,
'Mrs: Milton . Walsh, Mrs: Ezra
Stanley, Miss Lois .•Haldenby; •
kindergarten,. Mrs.. grank; 1VIau1d-
en, M'rs.'' Perry, Hodgins, Mrs.
Bert Moffat,. Mrs.. • 'Frances
Scott and .'Marion Percy; song
leader, •Miss Mary McCosh.• Any -
.1 - . .'.'' .Q_..as,1 t in air
are- asked - to contact the.directort,
Miss May Boyle Timetable for
the school tis.' 9 .a.rn. to 1.1,45-
9 to 9.20, sing song; 9.20 to 9A5,
story; 9A5 t.o 10.10., 'Bibb'' study
and. 'worship,•. 10;10 to •10:30, re-
creation; 10.30. to, 10.45, • refresh -
merits; • 10.45 to; 11:45crafts.
Classes called. Monday,. August
1St in kinlou:gh ''Presbyterian
Ch zrch at 9/o'clock„ •
• On Sunday next .the Ven: Ar ch-
•deaeon M Villiarit-••4ownshend—at
London :will be the guest preach-
er. at the Anglican anniversary
services at 11 a.m. and ,8 •p.xn:
Towrishenci was -a former rec-
tot•'here and P. cordial invitation'
is extended to All. Sunday :School
will be at• 1Q. o'clock.
'Mrs. Mdford Wall will enter-
tain the W.A.. at her home on.
Thursday aftet'noori. 46:tiUener:
• .y
Mode fror ..coreqfnIty selected. .
blends of hordPfiber ,... uniform
from .end to end . s . no bunches
6r. thin spots. "
R'reventi delays by ru,%n nfi
through knottier without tangling
--or br'eaking:-Protected agonist:.--�
insects; rodents and rot. Top qubt•'
sty twr♦e at.a low. Co.op,ptice.,.
i� hraamosa ,:.