HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-07-13, Page 4• • • • PAGE FOUR 0 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LTJCKNOW, ' ONTARIO 4.2 • WEDNESDAY, JULY lath, 1955, r FOR SALE—number of weanling pigs. Allan ,Hiker R. 1, Lucknaw, phone 87-r-4 • VOR, . SALE -10 little pigs, eight • : • weeks : old, .George Fisher, White- church. . i• .x i°. • FOR SALE • T four •dozen quart sealers, Mrs:; C. Weatherhead, Luckiiow. • FOR ,SALE-Rnuinber of good el}n to s..JohnrR. Gilmore,' 1': 3., •Luck' - now. : , • • LAUNDRY SERVICE: for prompt and .careful laundry service con- tact' Mts. .W. G.; Reed, half mile north of Lucknow. ' FOR,,SALE- -5 .foot; Allis Chal niers combine, complete with pick-up • and straw spreader; Fbersali.. grain throwe ...and_pipe seven -foot swathes, •Jack Ackert, liolyrood, • - 3'009 cmcKs. ' R.O.P. sired, .bred to• •lay, • Pul-: lets in. iRed•.x. Su§•sex; :Red x Rock; Red .-x .White Rock, between .8 and .7. weeks, of age. This is, your opportunity to• purchase reason- ably. priced pullets, • delivered free within- a reasonable distance on orders •of 100• or more: • Write SCOTT POULTRY FARMS Sea forth or phone 853• COMING ° EVENT ANDREW -LANE :P ICNIC • The Andrew -Lane family gath- ering, will be held' at Ashfield Park. (at the Foot. of the Twelfth) on Saturday, • July 16th Basket lunch. Keep the date' in mind and. plan • to attend. • MASONS' BUS TRIP The I.ucknow Masons and their wives Will go by, ibus o the;•F,x. hi,bition Park. at. Toronto On Sun - Insure With The CU LROSS MUTUAL. • FIRE, INSURANCE CO. Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory • settlement of claims. FARISH ' MOFFAT • Your, Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater lehone...Tecswater_ day; 'Tilly 27th 'for the occasion of a church.' service :to be•held TR G . ... .... F T �A•RMS , ON..... by, tha Grarid. Lodge of*; Ontario Fare $3.00 return, Those wishv- OPTOMETRIST: ing to .go kindly contact Harvey MacDonald •.GODERICH Webster' or 'Leonard .not later than Saturday, July', 9th. PALACE' GARDENS Entertainmentat the Palace 'Gardens, •Formosa, on • Sunday July '17th, will be presented- by eco, din `_.• Eddie 'Mahler, Apex r d• g. • Notice To Creditors artist of Toronto and . the Rustic weeks old Fred .MacGregor,, Kon- I ALL PERSONS .having claxrns . . • , fail; 66-r-8 Dungannon. against the estate of Joseph Joh+:: ' C.fJ F, PICNIC The Canadian Order'of Forest, er-s• picnic will,.he held at..Poplar Beach en Thursday, July. 21st at ck.. 7 o'clo' •• . ° ' FOR SALE -9 York- pigs, • seven R amblers. England, late of the Village ot` Lucknow in .the' County' of Bruce, laborer, Who died on or about the twenty-fourth day, 'tit March A.D. 1955, are . notified to . send FOR SALE --quantity • of cedax to •the 'iundersigned on •or •before. and baled hay: Bruce MacMillan, the •18th day of July A.D: 1955 R. 1,. ,Lucknow • P full_ artioulars ._Q. their _ .claims '--i) York pigs,.ei ht iting. Immediately after the. FOR SALE1 g. inwr weeks old. Gordon :Kirkland R.. said •18th day of July ' the: assets of :the said 'testator will: be dis- tributed' amongstthe partiesen- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which 'the: executor shall then have notice. 'DATED this' 27th day. of June, A..D.., 1955:, ' 'Crawford & Hetherington Winghani Ohtaiio.:' -• Solicitors for the Executor. FOR 'windows '56 x 64,-, sash and glass, . new. . Ken Cameron; ,Lulcknow, ‘• •` • FOR SALE—good extension table, 3 -leaf, :and 4 Chairs. Apply -to Mrs.. R. H. Thompson, phone 109'L•uck-- how\ NURSE WANTED -Registered or graduate nurse`required at' Baker Private Hospital. Apply . to E V. Baker, , manager.,./ APARTMENTS :AVA I ABLE Apply, Gammie Apartments. FOR .SALE'— 1939 'Ford 'coach, good running condition, • good. tires. Price ; $95.00... Phone . Wing= ham 401-W3., • HOUSE' IFORC- SALE moddr-n--`-8 room .brick house on Havelock. St. Oil.furnace, hardwood ..floors.: • Apply to Dr:: T: B° Cleland;•Luck now. • REST HOME' ACCOMOITATION Aceom-odation- a -v -a -i 1=a b±e:. at- Carruther's ; Convalescent Home. Horne -cooked meals, modern con-' veniences, warm. ;Registered nurs- ing available .if . required. in case of. of. sickness., Apply to Elliott Car- ruthers; R. 3, .Holyrood phone 27-16 Ripley.' SanitarySewage ge Disposal Have your .• septic tanks; cess 'pools', .'cellars; etc.,; .pumped and ••cleaned' • with 'sanitary ;modern equipment,;' All work :guaranteed satisfactory. , For quick service write • or phone Louis • 131ake, Brussels, O t., phone Brussels . 42-r-6. . • ,4• ARTIFICIAL ,INSEMINATION • Waterloo Cattle Weeding Breeding ".Where, Better Bulls Are ',Used!' . ;Artificial insemination • service CLERK'•S NOTICE.• OF FIRST. ,.for all 'breeds •'of' cattle. For ser, POSTING ' OF; ,VOTERS', LIST vice orinformation phone Clin- ton 242. collect. between . 7:30 and 'yoters Lists, 1955, Municipality, 410 00 , a,m on week days and 7.30, of the Township of Kinl • .: and 9:30 a.m. on ,Sundays. County of .Bruce EGGS WANTED I Notice is' hereby given that 1 Hatching 'eggs wanted..by••orie • have' complied 'with Section' 9 of the 'Voters' List Act and • that 'I kiaue_.-posted.-up, at myofiice a ESTATE SALE The- undersigned las' been in- structedto'sell .`by Public Auction. for' the ' Estate:. of the'. Late Idla. Hayworth, LUCKNOW' ; . Saturday, 'July 16th FU,RNT�fiJRE '-j= 2,7:dr-e-ssers;--1•- ww.ashstand; •- 2 . 'beds, 2 extension' tables, 1 thiria cabinet, :1 buffet; couch, 4 :reeking chairs, 1 •trunks, lawn ,chair, ':3 ,small :tables, • -2 cuPiboards, ' 1'. °`stove, ' .6 kitchen; •chairs,•.1 rug, .1* ewing.'machine, 1 goal—1 s-toveT....bedding, dishes and other. articles.; • REAL, ,ESTATE being. :Lot Number,• 315, on thewest oside, of .Stauffer ,•Street, in. the. yin - age" of, ,Lucknow: On the prop ,erty there is a four, -roomed .bun galow residence,. containingkit- chen,; 'living rocon; two , bedrooms,' sun • porch ` and woodshed: TERMS' =-The said. .property Will 'be sold. .subject 'to a reserv'e,'bid. and con ditions • of ` sale 'Ten percent .pur chase price, ;cash; balance in `3 ays. ,i . • • Terms—Cash sire: 2.01 .ps ' William Mclntos'h, ,Administr'a tor, • "Lucknow, Ontario. Wellington ' Henderson, . Aut... KAIRSHEA PICNIC..• The Kairshea, .Women's Insti- tute picnic Will be held • this Thursday afternoon,. July 14th, at Poplar. 'Beach. • • CARD OF .THANKS I 'wish 'to .extend • ;'my 'sr'ncere thanks to. all those who so;k'indly remerribered me With their.. cards, letters and• visits while -in. the, 'hospital. • GEiORGE ;, A. W. '• WEDDING BELLS : C'HISHOLM-PAYNE Olive Irene: •Payne,•• daughter of Mr: and Mrs. J. F. `Payne,' Mea - ford,. ,became the bride• of.Mr. Leonard J. •:CFiisholm,..• Auburn, son ':of Mr and' Mrs:: John'Chis-; holm. 'Dungannon,. 'in' a .ceremony; perforned by Rev: 'R•:'' Durand in Saacr d Heart Onurch; Wln ha i. Given in marriage by her bro _ther;. Mr. Bruce Payne of Ceylon, the,bride, wore (ballerina length gown' of white net ,over satin. styled, with •embossed` flowers, scattered Over. ' the gown and mat ching.:jacket: A. tiara of pearls held her shoulder .length.veil and she- carried a -cascade of Sweet=. heart roses: Mrs. Murray Oke. of Windsor, :sister • of the bride= grootri;, was matron of honor and. wore a 'ballerina 'length gown of, mist '. blue nylon net over .•satin. A headdress of matching net and bouquet Of 'pink carnations' corn- pleted her .ensernble.. Mr. alturray; Oke was' best man: Mr. Raymond • FOR•APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 For , Ap�pointrt ent or •Information See • Wm, A. Schmid, 'Phone '167-w,•, Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTIr ' AUTOMOBILE. AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With ..Tack. Today. • J. A. McDONAGH R.R.. 3,, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5; •Dungannon W. ANDRE R. W Barrister and Solicitor • LISTO.WEL, : ONTARIO .. IN LUCKNOW EVery Wednesday. and Saturday • :..:; Afternoon Office in th'e, Joynt=Block Tel'ephone::,. -._ Office, 13.5 ' Residence:31-3: T R GT.. O W,.., Q.C. �'� Barrister, aEtc.. Wingham and Lucknow IN LIJCKNOW ' Each 'Monday ,and ,Wednesday Located in the Municipal Office :_ 'Phone • Wingham Office `48 _ .�. �, est, .enc. d Kenneth J.. MacKenzie, Ilr.O• * OptoMetrist • .LISTOWEL, ONT.:. at•.foriner"..ro "- the na Jewelery •. store;. Ripley, 16•11.111.. to 9. pm., • WEDNESDAY'; ' JULY 20th • and .every. Second' Wednesday; Eyes examined .- Glasses. fitted, For: appointment 'phone -Roy MacKenzie, 96, r-24, Ripley. • • • AGNEWS'' AGENCY Howard .Agnew Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF 'Ontario Insurance Agents'' Association, , GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago. Telephones; •, 'Business 39 Residence .138 NOTICE, ., of Canada's largest 'and oldest established hatcheries. 'Eggs. tak- en 'every week ..in the' Year. Big "'Premmium paid. For full details• • write box number T.H., Lucknow Sentinel: . . R.R. lolyr"ood, on the 9th. day 'of 'July, 1955, the list of all per cons ,entitled' to vote in the said Municipality' • at 'Municipal .Elec- Bt31LDING FOR, SALE -4: -ib .Rip- tions and that such list remains ley, new, 'size 30'x31', composition there for ••inspec•tion siding, .,sfeel tb.of, cement flour, ° And I hereby call tipon, all, outside chimney, heat y wiring, . voters to take ,``immediate • prop it Suitable for service station �'ceedings to have\ any • errors or,. or builders supplies. This, omissions corrected according to, ing is ieing'priced for immediate 'law', the last day for appeal being sale.' Apply to Alex B 'NlcKague1 the 23rd .day of JU1y, 1955.' ,lone 96W, Teesi*. ater,' repress 1 Dated-"tliTs`-`9t1 "d y .of -74141 y; entative for Morris E;•Percival 1955. Real ,Estate.'. R. . .1'. LANE, q -......-:=.,:.` Clank.. of, T.wp. of Ki oss. ; , .OF CARD THANKS- . , I • CARS . OF 'THANKS . 'Sincerely GeSpence e y thank all hose who re- thank..all those whoremeMbered' membered. him with cards and him with gifts and 'cards' while fruit, and who visited Ihim''wl.ile: in the Hospital and those who •, in the hospital.' . ° ' . 'assisted .'with' the hay. ' JOH NSTONE'S. FUNERAL .HOME 'Phone 76 Day : or -Night.-----. Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL • HOME' At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices Established 1894 McLENNAN and MacKEN21E • FUNERAL SERVICE. Service§• conducted accord : ing to .your •Wishes '. at: your, Home,' your :Church,, 'or...at Our Memorial Chapel at...no charge. • . AMB.ULANCE,. SERVICE Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night • 'STATE FARM' MUTUAL TOMOE-i L -E INSURANCE Investigate .Before .Investing` RE:UBEN-WILSON R.R. 3; Goder.ich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon .o..: G. ALAN WILLIAMS. Chisholm,, brother of: thebride- Optometrist a. groom,. ushered. .. After a'recept on in the Bruns Office on Patrick: $t„ just st=ick Hotel, `the .couple left..fora off the` Main' S1 in Bedding' trip to Northern Ontario ' F . WINGHAM and . southern points.. :They, will Professional Eye ' Examination reside on .the ,bridegroom' arm 'Optical Services in. _aW t';Wvanosh: • • INSURANCE' ....;_CA"Operative__Life :.Insurance_..._ Ce -Operative Automobile Insurance•, , • . , •, Mercantile & Farm" Fire Insurance` Economical -and Reliable. SALES' BOOKS AND RESTAURANT PADS ... 14/1 N e, A e i u P f o ., JOHN DICKINSON & CO. (CANADA) LIMITED .;Place hour Order At THE' SENTINEL OFFICE • . 'Phone Sar Lucdow • Evenings by appointment. 'Phones Office, 770; Res. 291 WINGHAM: MEMORIAL SHOP We• Have Been. •Memorial. Craftsmen For'. Thirty -Five: • ;Years', 'Always -1J jg - THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship. • •,?ricgs Most Reasonable. Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A.' SPOT`TON... 'Phone '256, Viringham, Ontario WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES Our Pew sample alburti of •:per- sonalized accessories for parties,; anniversariesg weddings,, . a rid every occasion is noW, on hand. New designs, new colors, new items in, personalized serviettes, A phone call' will bring' these samples to your ddor, or drop and see them at The Sentinel :T. A.CAMERON :. • LUCKNOW ' ' 'Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon •" 6• RONALD . G. McCANN'' Public 'Accountant U CLINTON, .ONTARJO . • Phonesi 561,: 45$. Office: Royal Bank Building. Residence: • Rattenbury St. ROY.N..'BENTLEY - . publle Accountant 4:'Btrittania Rd ;t (corner South St.) i'iODERICIL, ' ONT. !telephone i01'1