HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-07-13, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JTJLY 13th,' 1955 L-UC",F�fO��" UNITED CHURCH: •Minister:'. • Rev.; G. A. Meiklejohn, , • B.A., SVVNDAY, JULY 117th • 10.00 a,m.: Church School. 1Lu0•a.m. Morning.: Worship _ 1. .Wallace McClean, • Evening Service Withdrawn.; Lu..ckno W Presbyterian Church Rev. Wallace. McClean,• • • i .: . Minister • . ' • ! .SUNDAY;. JULlt • 17th.--> !, 10,00 a.m.: Sunday, School. !. 11.00 am Morning Worship in the United Church dur- • ing July. I.. 3.00 • pan.: Erskine, . Dungan- j non. , .' Evening,Service Withdrawn ,� ST. • HELENS Mr, and Mrs. Mel Brown : of Kitchener .. 'are holiday : visitors. with Mr.. and . Mrs. R. Woods: Little , Miss :Donna Sparks is..;a holiday - visitor..: with her.' aunt, Mrs-. Fred • 1VicQuillin and'Mr. 'Mc- Quillin. Douglas•. Miller of Strath roy also visited - there and with. other...relatives .last week.' Mrs. .•.. do, rdon • McIntyre • .and, '‘Donald•''af Br.acebridge are• he'll iday.visitors` 'with:. Mr ' and, 'Mrs. W. ..:Mr. 'George. 'A., Webb returned • from` the hospital last week and rte: convalescing,: at , the :home sof.: his 'daughter., Mrs. E. W. :Rice and Mi, Rice.. : : `. Kennet' Gaunt of Londesboro • �,i,'._ � �_. • cousin,' Murray.' Gaurtt. . ' Gordon MacPherson ' Wins W.L. Mail Box Award 7 TN,E LUCKNQW SENTINEL, •.Luc LUCKNOW, `ONTARIO DR« °VAL' EIS DIES,w�.. LBO1N1NKINLOSS Dr. John 'A, • `Valens,, a native of Kinloss Tpwnship, passed 'away at. Saskatoon on. Tuesday, June: 28th. Dr. Valens •was the oldest son. of the late. Mr. and Mrs: Wm, Valens, •Concession 6, Kinloss. He was .82'. •at .his death, Dr; Valens had practised medi- cine in Saskatoon.. from 1906 to •'1.945; :retiring front practice -in ,1946. He was president- of the: SaskattiheWaii Medical Associa° 'tion: in 1919 and in 1945 he was. made a life member%of the Can- • adian 'Medical Association, , After retiring helived In Sask- atoon•, but suffered ',Aooi,`�, hea1lh most `of) the 'time,. and had spent the last three years Of :his ' li`fe in- 'the ,hospital. He leaves his widow, -one dau- ghter :and three' 'grandchildren and' • two 'brothers. - • • Saskatoon was a town, of 3,000 ••then Dr. Valens arrived in Jan- uary 1906 There vias a large• area to coven and' -trips had to he made " by: horse and buggy. 'Slimmer or winter,., in .blizzards and rainstorms, the doctor at- tended the •• 'calls 'of patients 'for :a., distance of 40•• or' 50 : miles around. Dr. Valens', practice was typical of ,that. of•.. the ,pioneer, doctor, in a new' eoun'try. Patients Were kept'• at homeor in • tents , - and . the doctor ' once • estimated that he brought between 5,000 .and 0.00 'babies, into the :world :during..his years . of practice.. Few of. these were •;born,' in: 'hospital.: Dr. 'Valens was ••presiden't, . of t-i5i:ted Sunday :with Mrs. Mc= the•Saskatchewan division: of the Nall at, town Canadian .1Vledidal Association • frail' 1919 to 1920. He was elect- Lorne', MacDonald' •of Peter- 'ed eter-•ed .to. the council of the'':Colle'ge"; borough spent: the 'first of the g of Physicians and. Surgeons al week with relatives here: and. re- Saskatchewan'•n•°.1933 and re hewed old•••friendships. • mained• a rimernber, until 'January. 'gr. and Mrs.: A: E: Shelton and 1945= when he resigned: to;becomechildren •'C nnie . and. Rieke` of o y registrar .for •ofre year ... In.' June Peace River Alberta, are visiting 1945 he received a 'senior rnern- .'with ''his' ,brother., IMr. Chr's of Service, . - ;- John' • Alexander.' Valens •was. ncl' and , Henry Caesar is 'residing at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. W; G. Reed. • . ' • ' Mrs. Etta , Roberts is confined . to 'bed at her home With an at- tack of phlebitis.. .Mr.• "and Mrs. John . MacLean of Chicago are visiting . with his n cle, Mr.Donald MacLean. . Joy Johnston ' of .Kincardine :has- been holidaying 'here with 'her paients, 'Mr, and Mrs.'Red- Vers Johnston. Dean' McInnes of Toronto spent the,week-end here, with his bre- _ trier, John , Ntc nnes.. a Mr end Mrs. Jack` /Mcleod • and childr. en, ' Lois; .Bette and Billy 'of Woodstock, were week -end ' visitors , with his father , Mr: W. •S. McLeod. Miss •Mina 'Graham of Chili- cothe, 'Ohio,. has been. visiting here , for .a 'couple Q f • weeks. •G. Mr. 'Fred ' Thornpson, 'Who . is visiting . *ith 'his • ,son 'Frank' on' the old home farm in ' Kinloss, Was.?. • caller ' in; town last" week. •Nancy Guthrie' and Karen Davidson of Hamilton are 'Visit-. ing 'With the latter's. aunt; 'Mrs... Russell Robertson. • • .Mrs: Wm..Blueis'_spending the 'Week with. her parents, 'Mr; .'arid Mrs.:J. D. Anderson. Bill . retain ed to Detroit" on.':Tuesday. Mr a d ' Mrs. ;lames Gawle .mo y and William •Hackett .of Wingham be ship inthe CMA, for 40 years 'Shelton ' and Mrs Shelton Mrs. J. R. • Clipperton and born Sept. 4, f873, oh a farm ' ..children Lynda Raymo in -1(1 -Town h'i. , the - -Brenda_,:_rof__.T:ondon-_have- been. s p, of a dest ,siting with. ' :cher . ;parents, 11VIr. of a family of 'nine..He left School and Mrs.. Sam Reid and .other wh•eh 13. years of age' to work relatives.. on: the home 'farm. and',rerrain- Th'e St. • Helens' W I.. meeting 'ed at: •home until he was•_18,:wheii Alfred Andrew Of. Orillia was was :held ;in the Community Hall 'he , aftended• Waterdown . high through here• last week on a ..busi-.' on Thursday afternoon, -July .7°. school.andobtained a third class ness. trip• . and spent Thursday lt, -was: 1 e.•. s Chi ren .wi'th� -13 �ce.rtiticat,...•• He attended Model night at the old home with. Mr.. ,,vis.i.tors' `present:, The rein . call taught' .at •the home ' school for Andrew,: who'•was hospitalized in children;. 13 niemtbers:,and. three school 'iri Kincardine. ',that. fall, and ;Mrs, Gordon Kirkland. Mrs. •was answered by ``Memories 'of ? i.; years. He resigned to go West Toronto for,, two months, was able: to return . home • a couple of weeks' ago. Mrs. Sarah IVcDonald..and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard •Lewis,:.Detroit, spent, the • week -end: with• Richard Barker and ..Were- guests at the ;Hayes -Blackett :wedding' and re- ception ,at e-ception,at the home of the .bride's. parents,. Mr. and Mrs..', John Rlaekott,wR.iupley Dr. W. G. • and, Mrs.` Robinson, Mat--7.garet Ann ancrapOuglas`t activities iri Saskatoon for, many Dryden are spending this week Years. •, • with his sister, Mrs. John Kilpat- ' t••tis- f irst_.wife• diesl:_.in the in- rick and Mr. Kilpatrick: 'Dr.' and fluenza .p e-� ide*mic in October:1:918, Mrs. J. T.. H. Robinson and``faxn and in. 1920 he married : Edna ily. of ' Walkerton :'were' Monday, Peacock of Saskatoon. He is sur- Visitors at„ the •Kilpatrick, .home; vived by• his :widow, a' daughter;. Jim Russell. ,,of Ottawa spent NTi Ben (Cornell) Chappell of the ' week -end here; and on..his• Winnipeg' and a granddaughter, return was accompanied. by his ,Betty Anne Chappell also of. Win- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Rus- nipeg. His only. son, Dr. Jack D. sell ,who '-will visit for 'three Valens, was 'kilted in ail automo weeks in the nation's capitol, •be- chile ac•C;ident in California. nearly fore 'leaving ;by,.train for Regina .two years ago. ": ' • where they will visit' with'' Mr. ,and Mrs. ,Stew'art ',Russell 'and .With ' their daughier , iss sa.e Russell. Visitors witha•Mrs. Win. Bushell at the .week -end were, Mr. and Mrs, James Bryce, Port .• Elgin;. Mr. and Mrs, Howard' Heritage and John; D., Toronto;, Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Blue, Ripley; Mr.. and Mrs, 0'. M; 'Morgan, .Larch- mont, New York,: Mr, Braden, Teeswater. and Mr: and Mrs. Max. 5 School Days" and ` the 'children in 1895.. • • • He. worked''on a farhn at• Alex- ander, Manitoba, during harvest, then' attended Brandon colleg- iate, •and' .later Normal •school Winnipeg. He went to. Saskatche- Wan ;in1899 •to teach in the•towil' ,school at. Estevan. He entered medical . college at. Winnipeg. int 1901 : and_. • graduated_ ' with ,his M.D. degree i.ir ;'1904: Dr.' •'Valens': .was. prominent in church, civic, fraternal and sport enswered with a ' nursery rhyme. The ;financial . report was given, with cash •,on • hand being $95.06, As there is no_ regular' meeting in. August It Was decided to have an 'evening meeting. in the Hall• on August 4th to make plains for the 'Golden t anniversary. celebra- tion. It was also decided to:have 'a eoinmuniti picnic on Friday ev- • ' ening, July .16th, at the Foot sof the Twelfth..T piClze -for the best mail, box was . awarded. to Gordon MacPherson.:. Sohn ' •and• Elmo Pritchard we�t`e x�e judges The children put on the .program. which 'consisted of a 'song by 'Gladys McDonald, Nancy Dorseht; and Nancy Curran; instrumentals Eby 'Nancy' Curran, Mary B. Pur -i. don and Eddie ' Gaunt; . a solo by Gladys -McDonald; current' events by Eddie Gaunt and:prepared •by 'Miss Beatrice McQuillin. Miss. ;Donna Woods gave ' the Motto,. 4• In youth: we .learn, in. age we understand", and %t was well pre- d The: meeting closed ,with The Queen.: A picnic , lunch,' was . served 0 . The Missionary meeting is 7'trr Keep in mind the coMmunity h, ' today (Thursday) at Mrs, picnic. on .Friday,, July 16th. at Peter Cook's;: the Foot of .the Twelfth; • Every- Mr. add,: M. Allan McAuley' cow 'welcome, Come` at 7.00. Ba:,- of 'Ripley Vi itea Sunday'. ;with • Thursday Friday Saturday SHREDDED WHEAT pkgs. _ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ' Old South, 48' oz. , PAGE THREE.' .�a 31c -25c BREAD FLOUR Robin Hood, 7 lbs: ._; ZINC RINGS;' Heavy, dozer. • RED 'RUBBER RINGS• •_ 3 boxes • PREM Tin • 4,. yJ R Halls Economy ,..Food. Market. Fresh Fruits & Vegetable$ • Free Delivery,' (Phone 26 K1NGSBRIDGE .' Mr and Mrs. Michael :Law and four children of London; spent Sunday' at the home of Mr., &nd Mrs: Blaize ,Martin. Mr and Mrs. Frank Dwyerand ,two children of • St.;Catharines, .and Mrs. Timothy • Dwyer of, Kin - kora .'were' visitors- at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Don ' Fra'yne dur- ing the past ' week. •`Mr. and Mrs. Victor Finnie .& ,children• visited with Mrs:" .•Jas. Wallace ',who ''is a patient: in St. Joseph's Hospital 'London, on Sunday. •. Mr.- and Mrs: Waiter 'Clare vii; ited with the.., Ryan farnily . at Chesley' on Sunday. . • • Mr.' Emmett ()Weill, his sister and friend ..:of Jackson,' were recent visitors at:. the: home of :Mrs. Martha O'Neill. • 1VIr :and Mrs • Ed: • Slea., and three sons • .eh • . Detroit spent. last week -end' at 'the' . home • of their sister, Mrs. Jack -Kinney._ _ ^ • Rev.:•"�Father Michael' Dalton visited . ;with .:his : relatives here during •-the past week: , Mr.. .and Mrs. Ralph. Bicknell and :three. children :of --Toronto are vacationing with the Frayne family. . for a ; week. Mr.: and Mrs. Van 'Osch, Who recently arrived ':from. Holland .for an' .eitended visit With their son .and, ` daughter., Mrs. Harry Gielan• and family of Exeter, are now visiting with ,Mr, and:: Mrs. J. Van •Osch, a brother, at Luck_ Miss Marion .Dalton and Mr:' arida ¥rS. Pardoe and children of Detroit visited at ' the • home . of Mr'. and :Mrs. J. Dalton' during the past week. Lucknowiite Wins tat Draw Prize Our annual garde! party was very well attended on Monday, everting, July 4th. 'Approximately 400 people were present for the supper from. .5 30 ,to 7.30 p.m. Other friends Came later for .the' ,dancing, bingo. and 'games •The • ZION • 4 ket lunch.. ' . is. Your .Subscription Pard? • ' IIURON .CO: CROP REPORT lixying progressed favorably• during the past 'week. Dry. wea7 thcr still prevails, rain r�:.';badly neeCTxl .Cutting of wheat started in the 'south enol of, the County this week and other spring. grains aro cotrl:mencing' 'fb, tun ' color, 1Vf;lk flow has dropped'tsff ' coni. •sidrrably and in some.eases dairy nerds are .being put ort' supple- i'nentary feeding, .Lti7c#df�_. L..ptark�IMC31�i • Mr. "and •Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Anne. Allss Pat• yp'Laidl:iw of London is visiting With Mr., and._ Mrs. Geo;e Hunter. 1Vf .r : o Rirla-rd-- eeeom • panted Mrs: Donald• lgurra•y and Mr;;° Rinser :Irvin •to a - shower. for Miss Lot i'a"rne Ferguson., -bride-to-be,. last;. Wedtiesday e--. enrtig at Goderich Mr. Geong.c. , i• unter spent 'part of last week in London with. Mr. and. Mrs', Hen Laidlaw. - • -Mr. and igrg. !Tdrn Blake and ,Olive visited Sunday with Mr.: and Mrs.' Will .hitch, i. "Skinny" Girls Get Lovely Carves 'G°ain.5`:to•10;Uis.New Pep. Thousands' who nevercol gain weight be- fore now,have-shapely;'attractive ; figure“s Nie more bony.limbs ugly hollows. They thank ..• •Ostrez Touic Tablets; Helps but flesh on body skinny due to impaired appetite because blood , lacks.`Get-acquainted” digeent; stion, pep. size nl 600, Try Ostrez for new Rounds,`' lovely: curves, n•ew pep. t•oday, All druggists draw for th`e 12 .prizes, on , the:, tickets. sold took ..place " at mad` night, with' the prizes; going . • to l st, G. Tucker of Lucknow; Myrtle . Goebel- of . Detroit; ' Mrs. Art Rebar of. Detroit; Mrs. Jack Kinney,; _-Miss Marianne . O'Keefe; Sisters of ;St. Joseph; St.'. Anne's Convent,. Windsor;; •Jas.:Doherty, !R. 3, Goderich;• Mrs..Jack Bract ley, R. 3, Goderich, • Mrs. Joseph' O'Brien,' Goderioh; Mr. Williarra 1Clare, Lucknow; 'Mrs: Bernadine Kinney, Detroit,, Frank :Dalton ,R:.:._3;-Goderith. _.. . _.. WHITECHURCH Mrs.' Walter James. held a 'Star% -1'ey demonstration- in -her—home •last. Wednesday °night .with. Mrs. •Raba. ;Reed; of` Line know as -dem- . onstrator.The lucky draw went to -Mrs:. G. Farrier, 'There.''` were about 24:resent: Lunch was Ser- ved by , ethe. -hostess assisted bar her nieces„.: Sharon and Carol ,Moore.. • . • BORN' • in Nanilrno, B.C., to' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leeson;. a daughter,, :on. June 28th, a sister:'.' for Bobby..Mrs. Leeson is the former Doris . McClenaghan. Mrs. Robert Secord and Susie of •Hanover.: spent .a few days las week with Mr-,' and. Mr& E. Gros, korth .. • • Mrs, Colwell of Kiincardine'vis- ited one day last....weel with Nir. and Mrs. V. Emerson.. M .4o 'Imp( ..4mtv41164 1 1 'Bushell, Ronnie and Brenda, o.f' ® LO•AL TRADEMARKS, tr. --Holy rood ".. • • 4. • • BOXED GREETING CARDS Save "money by buying', your greeting earls by the' boil 1 have in stock 'boxes of assdr'ted all occasion, floral pen notes and floral •stationery, also' straight boxes .. of synitt athy',. get. -well, birthday cards. • DON TliO1b2PSON:., :_.. ,.:._ .. �: ;. .. .,.-. F5�'�:miAltis:�l:�:bd:."g'c..."'R"..5.,�.•]F..�.YS,.YZ SEPOY 5 a $1.O® STORE DRY GOODS • LADIES (ma CHILDRENS WEAR CHINA •KITCHEN UTENSILS'GREETiNG CARDS (nst TOILETRIES et.444TOYS l'Azhte. 108W LUCRNOW) ONT. 108W ,•.cifr.Y„gO.; 'iYbk� �l!'�'<..fs.��Bs.�a Ilr�..rs'r��.:••i •,�i.l.,., Jar wt'.1•‘,.ia