HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-07-13, Page 2•
TY.v ''!'soz!r�� tar tR.t �.'
tFariner - Gr�wer
$1000 per acre • is an 'easy mark at prevailing prices, if;
care for them in a scientific way. •
• The largest grower and dealer•of certified raspberries.
it Ontario, is sending a specialiss ill ;raspberry -growing to
call On interested prospective 'growers. Explanation of Mod-
ern' growing methods. Also recommendation to canners and
dealers. for •crop. marketing.': -
Plants at.;cimmerCwalrate Term payrnent, no int
:to approved
planter of one acre., . Only. 'a limited . acreage
• ' available. for Fall iplanting 1955.. All replies must be mailed to
on or. before July 19th: .
Miss • Joan ' Hamilton is attend-
ing summer school in Toronto,:
Mr.. and Mrs. W. F. MacDon-
Margaret and Mack visited
with Rev; and Mrs. G. S. •Baulch
and family' of Campbellville on
Sunday.; .
„Mrs. Jack Needham. of Corunna
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd:•MacDougall and" fain-
ily.. Suzanne'is staying at , he.
Presbyterian Camp at.Kintait
Miss Shirley McClure is h
(laying in Paisley.
Mr. and Mrs.; Ira aicIde • nd
boys and Mrs. L. MacIver vi ':t=
edSunday with . Mr.. . and rs.
Jahn•�•Diickie at Hope Bay. 4
Miss .Irene- Roulston is empl • y-
ed• for the summer.,at Bal an
Mr. and . Mrs. Alvin: Miller . rid
MT. and Mrs. Leslie. Campbell of:
Strathroy spent Sunday at he.,
home of Mr.: and Mrs. Cliff RP
• stop:
Mrs.' Tena . Daym'an of Bruce -
field is visiting with Miss Mary
and • Ross- Murray. •
•.• Mr. and Mrs. Jixn Durnin were
'visitors on Sunday with Mrs.
Luxton at Kincardine. •
' -Miss . Margaret Disher of .Tor
onto was a visitor last week with
Mr.. and Mrs. ' Cliff Murray'. and
family.. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lettner , of
Toronto' were visitors with Mr:
and Mtcs.' Mike Curnrnins,_.
• Miss Marilyn CaYneron, of Ash-
field • was a holiday visitor _with
Mary B. and Barbara Ann . Pur-
-Mrs. Jirn . Wilson is spending
a few' days withfriends at L• ist
Miss •Dorine Kennedy of Win='
,nipeg spent a few days with her
aunt; .Mrs. Lorne .Durnin and Mr.
Dur' nail.•
The Ladies Auxiliary to Can-
adian •Legion,. N.o. 309, Lucknow,
held ..their annual picnic. at Kin-
cai'dine • on 'Thursday, July 7th,,
with about fifty present; includ-
ing some from Ripley Auxiliary
who •wereinvited along . with
Howick Auxiliary.
The. ,Sports were supervised by
the entertainment : committee with • Mrs.. Bob_ Reid,, convener,
welcoming• the ladies :and their
The results' of.the sports Were
as follows: youngest child :Pres-:
ent, Marilyn ~ Hamilton; girls' 4.
Yek's and; under, Marilyn' Arm-
strong!, Donna Forster boys 4 &
under, •. Hughie' Johriston, Barry
Lemoine; girls. 6 and under; ,Hel-
en ' Johnston, .'Isobel . MacMillan;
boys 6 and under, . Hugghie 'John-
ston Billy ;'Thomson;. girls 8 and
under, Sharon Johnston, ,'Karen-.
Wasney;: boys 8 and under,. Ross
•Forsterr Jiminy • MacNaughton;
girls 10 and under, Trudy Thorn-
son, Sharon Johnston; boys 10 &
under, Ross ' Forster . .and, Jimmy
MacNaughton' (tied).; girls 12 and
under, ' Nancy Forster, Trudy
Thomson; boys 1.2 • and' under,
Tom • ' Wasney, " • Ross • Forster;
wheelbarrow race, Jirrnrny. Mac -
:Naughton and Nancy •, 'Forster,
Ross Forster . and Tom Wasney;
Most: freckle; Mrs, Eileen Le-
rnoine and Mrs. Agnes •'Morrison
(tied), unmarried ladies' race,
DawnSinnaanon, Nancy Forster
i00,:yard dash (open),. Mrs. Mae
Hunter,. Mrs. Bob Reid; over 50
year race• Mrs: Lorne.. Johnston
kick the slipper,_ Mrs. Mae Hun-
ter ; and Mrs. Sadie ' MacMillan
(tied) ; call the cows, • Mrs. Lorne
Jkihnston and ;' Pearl,. :Connell 'formerly' of ' Kinloss, marked her
d largeste
st Carload,
Mrs: RoY
90th birthday.
Black ' and Mrs. ' 13ob 'Reid• (tied); Ashfield Council presented Sid
largest 'family. ; present, Mrs: :L.e .. Srnithof Zion with,a silver medal
in recognition.;;•of . his :efforts inrescuing. Dorothy : McQuillin on.
July.. 1st, ' 1 34,,,,.When= her sister
Ruth lost . her life: •.
`••The 'civil :war that was .as-
s-sociated . with ° church ` 1 e a g u,e
honkey-coni rded-with co) leasan.t
social evening attended by some
three hundred persons Mr. J : W.
Joynt presented the trophy to Dr:
R. L. Tr.eleaven and L. ;C: Thonzp..-
son.:: "Pelt". McCoy ' carne in for
a lot of praise for;'having; refereed
so; . efficiently. 'Dr.' cW. V. ' John
.$ton presided.. He: *as chairman-
of • the league executive._
. WEDNESDAY,, JULY . 18th, 1955;
A -R -D S
Tin Years. Ago • in which her sister-in=law Mrs.
. ..• ,
Donaldson of St, Will
Barkley was. killed and her '
Rev J.
W. her injured. Their team . of
Peters ;Church was tranferred to horses was killed. The Barkleys'
Hyde Parr( Parish. " formerly lived near .Belfast. •
Rexford Ostrander .(bought Mrs, The, play,- "The .Silent Detect
D. C: Taylor's ';building ; orr ' Main 'ive", was presented locally by
St.; which he transformed' into Lila Taylor, Rena Gordon, Annie'
the Sepoy Theatre. :Boyd,-- Frances . Siddall -Isabel
The Lucknow .High. School Douglas, Mrs. J, W. Joynt, Mrs.
Band made its. first • public „op- D. 'Gilbertson, D. Gilbertson, D,:.
pearance at the school • corn- J.:.McCharles ' T S. Reid and P;
mencernent, •. • J. Mac'Millan.„ ` 4'
Lieut. Rod Finlayson of Loh- Rev .'J,, S, 'D'uncar solemnised
alsh was, . killed ,'in action: • ' the marriage of Miss Mary,Camp
Wes Huston, ••who';+ had sold his bell -'and Mr, harry' Pierce.' Prior
barber 4business' to Jack `Can'p= to their: departure: to Winnipeg
bell, bought Ben Pearlmares 'lady •Mrs.: Pierce was presented with
les'. and `men's wear store. 0 e. beautiful'. -Oak cabinet of silver
The 'home of ;Mrs. James Valad ware by LuCknaw friends in ret-
at Holyrood wasdestroyed• by ognition :,of her• faithful and
fire; obliging services as post mistress.
Mrs .G;•Alton (Elsie Vint) died Reeve J. G..M.urdoch, read a corn -
hi Wingham Hospital 16 hours plimentary address;
after she had been fatally burn- The Lucknow district was pro
ed when gasoline fumes were foundly;shocked by, the' death of
ignited bY. a., laxitern. J'. G: Murdoch, •on••.Sunday 'night,'
Gordon' Irwin of Kinloss and ,February 21st, . He. had .attended
his 'cousin,. Charles Irwin of Lon- , the' Presbyterian Church that
don, 'were badly hurt in a• motor- morning and. Walter Stewart's
cycle -truck collision in London.. funeral in the ,afternoon' and
shortly, after was stricken :wit} •..
• what.•was then. termed acute
digestion: •
Twenty; Years . Ago
AlexMcLeod, age:_B7,,•,..and 'a
native of Lochalsh, was drowned
whileworking.' on the : docks at`
Vancouver. ' ,The Terrains .. were
•brought . to, the family home' :with
interment in Lochalsh 'Cemetery.
After, a .lengthy • illness •with .a
heart condition, the dtath of .'T.
S ;„Reid, ;former Lucknow: bank
manager, ,.occurred at Orillia.
Mrs.. Helen ,'Hudson . of Elora,:
moine, Mrs..Forster and • Mrs.
Thomson (all tied); most .grand
children,-- Mrs:. MacFa-rlane—tall
est' ; lady; ' Mr's Agnes Thomson;
shortest: lady, .Mrs. -Ensign; wed-
ding anniversary nearest picnic,
04 --Mks-.- 4manda-Hamilton; birthday -
nearest ,picnic, Cathy . Cobourn
widest smile,' Mrs; Pete Johnston;,
liar's contest, Mrs:`' Grace John-
ston, 'Mrs. K. Forster,.:Mrs Eun-'
ice Reid .• and Mrs. MacFarlane;
rnusical :,Contest, ' ••Mrs. Kathleen.
Forster and Mrs. Anna Johns on:
(tied), Mrs. Herb McQuillin and
Mrs. Grace Johnston (tied) ani
mal contest,• :Nancy Forster and
Mrs. Margaret Wasney'. (tied);
, consequence .'contest; Mrs. :Sadie
Hainilton, • Mrs. black, Dawn Sin-
• name n, Mrs Grace Johnston;
Mrs. Bob ;Reid: • '
'4 • A. good number of the ':spryer
y • girl's and all the --children took
': to the water to .cool off. A lovely
lunch was served by` the lunch`
corrmrnittee. ' Mrs..' MacCreath.' of
Ripley thanked the Luckngw
• Auxiliar forhaying y' g invited',
draw was made for a lovely
gold. satin •cushion. made by Mrs.
4. Agnes Thomson. and •was won: by
Pearl Connell:
reatest'. FREE -OFFER Anywhere!
Woad Famous
} •>;.4
* .4
It}s as • simple.' as A.B.C..
to .e get your : 60 -piece : set
of • Silverware FREE:
' Save : only- $12:00 of our' coupons ' and we'll' •iv'e You
absolutel•. u
fre . g wish! !
absolutely: e any piece of silverplate ,o
yu wish.
OR .NOT . . • .
p,,,• for only ,10c: in cash, and only
$7.00' of, our. Coupons,' .we'll
give, yob any piece of. •silver-
to plate ' you wish:
Free Del><very. Phone' $2y; Lucknow
62•�W��rfX��.I�LC'Ai�''.�.v+,CAw/J'•/' �' �r'iFrRI�.'i'•'/� / A
�stiPhSielYl.^Y•.YL°JiY tii.W+a
The seventh- annual.' interde=
nominational .Jun i or Farmer
Church Service ,will be • held on
Sunday,. July. 24th . at 8.00 pan.
in' Knox' Presbyteriab Church at
Goderich. ' •
The address will be i •y
Rev. Robert MacMillan; minister
at Knox 'Presbyterian Church:
Mr; W. H. Bishop wi•1l • be organ-
ist for the'serv%e andwill lead
the thirty-six voice Junior Farrn-
er choir. Junior Farmer members
taking, partin the service: will'
include Lois Jones, president Of
Huron . County Junior, Institute;
Arnold Alton,. president of. Duron
County Junior Farrners;" Cather-
ine Campbell, vice Pres.; Junior
Institute;--HeI:err-Johnston; }:firm rr"
County director and-LloydHol-
land,. 2nd. yice Pres., Huron Co,
Junior. Farmers. Along with the
Junior Farmer -choir music will:
be • provided by NLiss Doris John-
ston , and her marimba and 'the
Tuckersmith :Junior :F a r m e r
quartette :including Geo. Turner,
Gordon Johns, Stanley Johns and.
Bert Pepper, •
Thirty .'Years Ago':'
Leslie McGuire of Huron Twp.
was killed in. the railway ..yards'
•at Detroit •
Joseph Taylor died ath1s'hom
here in. his 67th year.
Mr. and •Mrs. Robert Mullin ob-
served. their 50th wedding . anni
versar - '
'John Barnby of Ashfield ,cele-
celebrated his_143rd birth :y.'_ his
health .was good but he triad lost
his 'hearing and was almost blind.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacKin.-
,noon-oei-ebr-atecl their golden -wed-
1ding., anniversary.
Eliza Winnifred Hunt• er, 11_.
Sear -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hunter of Ashfield, died
in Wingham : Hospital following'
an. appendectotny, • • • '
Mrs. Win. Congrarn of Holyrood.
died suddenly at her ,.home.. An-
other. sudden death was that of
Mrs. Duncan MacLeod, • of Kin-
tail. -
Forty Years Ago
Mrs, John Graharrl; yeast . of
town, received word of '•a railway
crossing accident at Echo .Buy
EverS'one '. from the student to
the businessman needs, a type-
writer,' and we can now. supply
'you .With new. Remington type-
writers on a rental basis, Is costs
anlys$5 -a.Lmo-nMI-or-42. 564-
Fifty Years .Ago
Wesley. Cook's 'home on. Con.
1, Kinloss, was destroyed
',Walter Horne':.sold his ' ;black:;
smithing .business on Stauffer `St,
"to., Robert Cole of •Toronto.., •
. George"Girvin sold his barber
business • to John' Henderson,-
,Mrs. .- Graham'
Kinloss died at the 'age, of 82
and another Kinloss . resident,,
Mrs. Mary McConnell died• at the,
age . of 90 at :they home , of•+her
daughter, .-Mrs. • Stevenson. of
Members of the Lucknow' Fire •
Compahy attended in a body .the
funerati.ofl Dan • McKinnon Who' •
w- :�as-kiirle�c at. Niagara F`aIts ,The
'remains .were'' broughthere for.
By mutual' ;consent " announce,.
Ment was: anade . of the dissolution
of the *.partnership .. of. D.'; R, lel c
Intosh and Thomas. .H: Alton. ds
general .merchants '.with' Mr,' Me-
Intosh: continuing •the' business:
Sixty.. Years 'Ago..'.
r . Roderick , :MacKenzie 'died al
the home of his daughter, Mrs:
'Kenneth, Henderson,' 'Huron Twp.
at the age of '95 years. He cane
to. Ashfield in.,184t:;
A Horse -Dealers Union ikas
organized ,, in •. Lucknow ; for the
purpose of •putting ,down cheat=
ins, ly�irigvand ,unfair=.dea1:in=g: The
meeting was . presided_ 'Over by
Bob; } swirl -with-> BiH --Jelin t-o:n
acting as secretary.. • •
Wm: ' Gardner . of Ashfield . w•as •
awarded the eontract for build -
1i g th `ri`e v''atone school
amount for ;$98.5: , The . price . in.,
eluded all the workexcept paint=
ing• and 'seating •
Anniversary services were held :
in t mid-March by, the• Lucknow '
Baptist Church. The pastor was.
Rev. W •Walker.
.. 'Students. at SS.: NO. '5, Cori,.'
6, Kinloss, .were O. Sutherland.
A. Valens; A: McGillivray, J Wil
song 'M. McCaul, G. Carleton; R.
P--i� c-e;-•z�r:�athe-rkanci;-S.-Wa-1•�;rau: .I
A " McCaul, B. Pierce, M, :Hemi
sort; L. :Fraser, ' A. McLeod,' W.
Wilson, M. McLeod, G. 1-laig1.
A, Carleton, W..'Walker, L. Smith, • -
J, McKinnon.:
week. ,Enjoy+ the use Of these,
modern :machines. We can supp)>
you with any Remington.. ty tip,.
'writer or adding machine, tars:
would be pleased ,to show y 'Yo
their features. • '
Lucknow, Omani
" -
.Authorized as.second class mail, Post Office Departmeit 'Ottawa.:
Established 1873.- Publisheda Each Wednesday Afternoon
Subscription •' rate -$2.50 a year in advance—to A. 3.53
' Campbell 'Thompson, Publisher
• ..