HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-07-06, Page 15 i.dR milt, X 15 , e- 1 ^s; fro Dr ie n - to .16 z. $2.50 A Year in Advance -41.00 Extra To U,S.A: LLTCKNQW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY. 6th, 1955; • EIGHT FACIES. Indigent Hospital Charges Soar To Very High Figure Locally At the July .meeting' on Mon- day - da evening; the Municipal, Coun- ei] received and .passed a seven - months' account for • indigent in. the t, of .hospitalization"aSSlpun. .$2,795,50. The, total amount ` of the account was $5,5900 paid a by: • +the County, of, • Bruce ,with •thall of . the anaounf• reeoverable from • the municipality. : • ` The seven months' bill from, November 1st to 'May 31st; rep- ' •resents a mill rate of 2:8' mills to provide, for the expenditure,. and on ' thebasis of the' past seven months, indigent cost • for• a 'full : year Could run to approxi-'. mately .five' • mi11s: ' The bill for $2,797.50 represent; ed hospitalcare during this per- iod for some. 16 'patients at `Vic- • Coria: Hospital, Toronto General, Wirigham, The Schaeffer .Nursing.' Home, Kincardine' . 'and , Baker's. Private Hospital w '-Presented • Report A.' M Harper of ' Goderich per- sonally presented ` the auditor's' report,,covering, the various de partments of the municipality: In ;accepting: the report the., Board decided to write: a letter: of thinks. to 'Mr° and for: his presenta tion. and explanation. Exempt: Legion • Property • By-law No: 7 was 'given . the reuuired• readings.' and passed; subject to approval by . the De- partment :of Municipal Affairs: ' , The by-law: provides for; ex • emptier) from, taxation;: exceP,' t .for localimprovements' and —sc-•hool purposes, the - lands afnd • preinises of Lueknow Branch 309 ..of the . Canadian •Legion, for a • period„ .of. ten years. .Council deferredh -' •' e; till t •e next ,meeting the making of a ',grant. 1.6 th.e Fire Company's' Resusci tater. Fund, . with the .idea • than the size of the . grant will depend on • how muchthe fund may be short of its objective. Im resp onse to a .. revious re:L =. • A quest : by . the '• Lucknow • .:District High School Board, for hard sur- facing' ur-facing' of the . road ,from. Highway 86 to , the .school, Council .pointed Out .that :this .section of road . had now :been primed and sandedand • .according'.to the 1955 :read, :bud- get. no further expense could be .considered this `year.: ; Council ', passed• a resolution. supporting Andy Robinson, M P. for Bruce; 'in his ''bid 'to' - have the Government increase their es= ites i`n an effort to stamp out the lamprey : eel in order to. -'re- —store trout in:Iake Iruren. Civic Holiday will be'proclaim- ed. for Monday,' August 1st, and Council''s next,regular session, '"Will ;be on • 'Auust ..2nd LEFT MONDAY FOR/ Bic.' .C.' CAMP Beverley :Ashton, 17. year-old daughter of Mr. •and Mrs. Lloyd .Y Ashton of town,left' on Monday. ty train` from Toronto for Lake O'Hara 'Adventure•Carri•..e, British ritish Columbia, where 'she ,will attend a' ►;•,month leng •-G-i-ri-=-Guide-C-amp in the Rocky Mountains. • Beverley. was 'one . of • two in. Ontario . awarded 'a Wishart Campership which allows .'her free train 'transportation, to and fr'orn the camp. One hundred •Girl;, Guides from all parts of the Do- minion will attend the Camp..To rEach their estination, :the girls ;rriust walk s-ven miles front' the nearest, train top, •Hector, ,B.C, Besides the camp experience, t. e,gir `ro p w n sm end;tiirie 71a .Win- xxipeg, Regina, Calgary and three hays in Vancouver and Victoria. While :making these 'stopovers they Will be guests orf -:the :various` provinces for meals' and sightsee- , ing. •a. Beverley was recently awarded. 'ih "Gold Cord", which rs the highest honour in Girl, Guide. work. LLOYD BARKWELL GOES - TQ GERMANY WITH RCAF , Lloyd . Barkwell;' son of , Mrs, .Barkwell ` of', town, • will l •go to Ger-Many, with.,., the 'RCAF ' on 'August' 15th. Lloyd- is a .cook.; an -tile Air Force, and has been in the .ser- :vice for two years. • He is presently stationed at North .Bay,. and expects- 'to -be stationed ;at' Swibrookin in. Ger- many. 'WANT TO.- BOWL? Increased in� t has been shown at the'�rlocal : bowling .greens' this season; • and with a full three:.months of. tbowli'ng re- maining, anyone interested should start immediately. Membership has; increased and the local club is str%ving to make as strong an organization as' possible: Winners' of the jitney. on Tues- day, June 28th, were. Howard -Ag- new;: Lloyd Hall, Leonard Mac- Donald,;:Mike; Sanderson, ` Roy Finlayson: ENGAGEMENTS Mr: and Mrs: Harold' IL' guson, . 'Goderich, ' announce engagement of their daug Alva Lorraine, to .'James L rence Olson, son of Mr and. Ahbert ; Olson, Toronto. The, ding: will' take -place-,at-North-S United Church, Goderich, • 30th... QUITE A CHANGE FOR ''`THE OLD ..MAN": For the first time'in almost '25 years the Publisher's edi-- 'torial...contribution.. to getting . lout• this issue .'has been 'al - most nil. We slipped away • last .Thursday and didn't get' , back until Tuesda y, afternoon. Y The boys had things • in good • shape •to: publish 'on schedule: With Don. doing racticall. , • ng p, Y all the'•writing for.this' issue,' ,it' is the first tithe since took' over in June . of 1931, for. the late A. D. Mackenzie, 'that we've had` a breather • from scratching off the .copy every week-- barring. holiday weeks' of course.•' .. • • EIGHT LUCKNOW SCOUTS ATTEND CAMP MARTYN Eight Lucknew' Boy Scouts are attending a ten-day • camp' for Seouts from'' the 'Saugeen District ar UC NOW. SCOUT T .A. O JAMBOREE MBC�REE Ian Marshall, • 16 -year'' -old :son of, Mrs.. Annie Marshall of Luck - now, . will attend the 8th 'World` •Boy Scout Jamboree at Niagara Falls in .:August as a represents Live from the' Lucknew Troop: Ian .is on:e. of about 35 • boys making up the Great' Lakes Troop No. 7.: He has'•been given . some financial assistance. by the local` Scout Association -that will : help hurl on: the, 10 -day : Jamboree. • Ian is presently at • Cadet Camp at' Ipperwash ' but, 'Will return . in tune for the'Scent Jamboree: to Toronto. Mrs, Chin and Frank ' SCHOLARSHIP--;WJ-NNERS ,AT ;WVINGHAM , SCIOOL BILL' RITCHIE SPENDS SUNNIER AS JUNIOR RANGER Bill I ,itchie, 17-year=old son' of Mr.. and Mrs, Alf Ritchie•of town will - spend the -summer months„as a Junior. Forest., Ranger. in North ern' Ontario.: Bill is employed by.., the • Department of Lands.and. Forests; and • will be • one.. of 25 boys -Working at Restoule Lake; about 20 miles from Powassan The`"'yo _4g 'group will: be en a ed in .• earing g ea ng •about 25 .'acres of`" land on the 'lake,' to be used as 'a provincial: park when .coal- coin - Piked. • Mr:, 'a[nd Mrs° Ritchie, ;Bill and Donna, motored north. last Fri- day;.. and Visited 'with Edgar Rit- chie in Huntsville exiroute: Edgar joined them• Sunday when they. continued on ; to' Pawassan. Bill• has had a 'career. as. a 'For- est •Ranger in mind for some time and his summer job will act as'a good "testing ,ground” at Camp Martyn near. Inverhuron., They include Doug Schmid, Ted Collyer; Bruce Baker,,. • Fraser Ashton, Thorn.Collyer, Bill Rob- inson, Arthur -Short and Bill 1�Ia�rshall. ' Local'. Scoutmaster 'Stuart Coll- yer wil, fact' as one of the leaders at the camp; The group' left ,:by Allan Reed's bus ,on Saturday. • VANCOUVER ..TRIP Mrs° Rose Chin and Frank Chin Fer- 'of' Toronto • left, recently • for a :.the' 'month's holiday in Western Can her;' oda, They ' plan to. motor as far aw=' as' 'Vancouver where they Will Mrs. 'deliver the .car, After a visit with Wed-. relatives they,. •plan .`to fly • back t: July were , accompanied ; by another couple' from 'Toronto.. • 120 )Tur ' Fo • n U p r Red Cross $wimClasses, .. Are Makin 9four CrrPs WeeklyTo Teeswater. Expectations) `were' more..,"than doubled ', on Monday •morning wheri',120. children: from Lucknow and district' signed, up to take the twice -weekly swimming in.struc- tion course at Teeswater `pool. Last• year sixty . children'*as about • the ;maximum, and this surprise registration has, caused some alteration in the' plans. '.:' The new schedule will include four .weekly : trips- . for: Allan. Reed's bus service.' Beginners will go ori Wednesday. and• Sat-, '•urday,' mornings. at 9.00, and the Juniors and; Tntermed ates " nn Monday and Thursday ..mornings•; at 00. • The classes , are ,sponsored • by the Lucknow and Vicinity grane•h of the Red Cross' .Society to inn, cc u a any chirdren •firth district who • areseven years and over. The instruction will continue at: the • Teeswater : Lions 'pool for •the sin -inner ,months. '. • Must' Be Eight Notification was,; received here 'on Wednesday. ' from,' officials of the Teeswater pool. that because Of the large' attendance, .they Can give ightinstruction : only `•to •children eight, years • o .f age n .and•!^ , over : e • SPRING FEVER Eleven'Y ear - old Jtrimy', Coaksworth; son :of Mr. and Mrs. Bert CocksWOLth of Ailsa. Craig, and fbrn'ierlyof Luck - now, seems to get 'the:. urge to' wander . at times, This »spring Jimmy and a couple, of • pais set out for school' one day but never arrived. When , `die failed tv Corrie---herrie--f-or dinner and supper, • his par= ents 'notified the police.. The "hitch -hiking three. Musket - Vers"! :_a. out..:2 30. ,., .were -found b , a.m. 00 miles• from home, near Sarnia. According : to Bert the' ;boys didn't know where ,they were going, but knew where they .weren't go- ing—school. o-.in;g---school.. . 1. RESUSCITATOR FUND. GROWS Donations' to the Lucknow Fire Coni;pany "Resuscitator Fund as of Monday ;noon of this week had. reached $458:00:. Another drive was launched ; by :volunteers on Saturday night, and they are gett- ing, closer t9 I. the .'bare minimum Objective Of :$600.00...,• Jim Cameron $1.00; ,Miss • E. McCluskey<• 2.00;, Little Lights Junior Red Cross; Room 2, Luck- now Public School.' 2.85 Bob Mc- Intosh 2.00; Archie 'Macln.tyre. 1.00, 1 aynard: Ackert 2.00, Wm, Stewart .2,00; Dungannon Wo men's •Institute%10:00; Allan Reed .2.00 Jack. Bradley,2:00; Al Irwin 12.00;. • 1VIrs. Wilson '.Inn xi 2:.0.0; Douglas Graham 1.00; Hazel Cul bert 1.00; Bob.; Mole ;2.00; T. A. Cameron 1,00; John, Dahmer .2.00;. Dorothy Cook . 1•:00, Mrs. Eileen White 1.00; Bill .Brown .,50; John Murdoch 2°00; Bill ,, Arnold 1°00; George Tucker 1°00 Jack Kil— patrick 2500,. Dan MaeLeod '1,00; Ken • Nicholson '2,00;, Earl Harris 1:00 Chas. McQuillin 1,00;- Hugh 'MacDonald1:00; (Russell • Gaunt •1.00; • Warren : Wyl'ds . 1:00 Bob •Reid 2 0 Haro1d"Johnston 1:007 R. E. Crawford 2.00; Eddie Moore 1.00; Harvey Ritchie 1•.00; Wm: Bain' '2.00;• George Westlake 2:005• Vernon' Hunter 1.00; Frank Mil- ler '1.00; . Howard Barger 1.00; R. D. Ross 1:00;‘. Bill. Houston 1,00; Bill Eadie '1.00,• _Wm. ,MacIntyre 1.00; Wilmer Howey 5.00; Orland Richards 1.00; W. T. •Roulston 1.00; . Bill 'Humphrey, .Sr.,' 1.00; Harold Ritchie 1:00;. • Cant Mac, D naLd 2 Uri; •-A� Al_iga%�1.510; Glenwood Campbe1 5.00•;.. 'Ira Campbell 5°00e Wm. C Johnstone •2.00;. Wm. M. MacDonald .2:00; J:'. E. Bannister 1:00; Chrastena Car- rick .00; W. L: •MiacKenzfe 2,00;. Jane, Johnstone • 2.00•;, • Wm: Port- eous 2.0k Jerry Cranston 2.00; Donald It. MacDonald 2,90;.Eldon Henderson 1.00;- Austit Solomon 2.00. Ival . and Barry iNlcQuillin;: sons of Mr: and Mrs, Fred • McQuillin of'West. Wawanosh, and .Mari-' anne 1VIc.Kiblbon • , granddaughter anddau,ghter of Mr. and Mrs. 'W.: A Ru's'sell • of town, have all ',been awarded scholarships for good, standing at, Wingham :District High School. .` Marianne Won the Lions C'ltib scholarship for top. standing in Grade , ; 9, and 'also ..the whole school. Her •-Percentage was :95:4° Barry won 'a scholarship for top student; in Grade 10 with "'an 86,8 percentage. ' Ivan's . percentage of 78.7 'gave him 'third 'standing. in Grade 12, and the• Dr A. J: Ir- win schollarship Barry was .,also, stop .•student, .in. Grade IN,'dast year, T LOCAL :YOUTH SAVES nCOUSI N What : might easily have been a "drowning fatality at -"The Foot of . the Twelfth"' in 'Ashfield ••-' Township was narrowly. averted'• due to the -fast. action •of a local 'youth,. 14 -year-old Art Howald. The • incident 'occurred . about two •weeks ago but it' was not ; until. last week end that we learned 0( 4; Mr, and Mrs. Worden Howald .and family, and, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Marriott and ; family were spending an afternoon at the beach. : Art. ,and • his 12 -year-old: cousin Joe . Marriott, were swian- ming along. the lake on a :`.log in :the 'water 'up to • their chest, and were passing over the stretch.. where the river enters .the• lake.' The river had apparentlygouged: out a path -into the lake. When young Joe, a :non -swimmer.; fail- ed to ' touch • bottom, he beearne ' alarmed, 'and, the. two lost. • the' log Art managed to get •:Joe c ashore, • being a fairly good swimmer himself.. Aside • from shock and •swallowing ; some ... " water,,. the . young ' lad luckily escaped a more disastrous Fate,' 'brit had.' hebeen alone ,possibly,. would not have. been so fortun ate. • . This spot where :.the river joins �• ' Lake Huron has long lieen noted , . • as 'adangerous ' area for swim- mers, and the public :should: be ever mindful of this with the'`' summer season ahead Public~ Invited RE -MEN TO -TAKE ST. ..;),OHNS COURSE The 'St. •• Johns Ambulance peo- ple are ,holding a 'course in .anti- ficial respiration in the Recrea- tional Centre . tonight,'' Wedneas: day, sponsored by the Lucknow Fire • Company, and which ;the' general -public is invited to 'at- tend. Members of the ` Ripley Brigade will, also be present The Firemen have been helped. in •the 'financing of this ..project ; by the pub:lc. donations • to the Resuscitator Fund. Two St. ,Johns 'nen, from' Strat •ford, one oaf'whom is John. Wil- son, 'son-in=lanw 'of,:.,Mr. and .Mrs. Philip Stewart, will 'demonstrate': the 'methods of . artificial respir- atien commencing at 8:00 P.M: �r-sChibh.iisc'..Narr�wiy , • • git 4. Escaped Destruction By Fire�: The'Liicknow Bowlers.' •Club -House narrowly escape etrus-' tion by ''fire about 'the supper hour on Friday afternoon, :but tole;' outbreak was 'nipped in due time and the: 'bi.ilding. saved. An. . alarm was turned in, from Gordon Brooks' home :after they had noticed -clouds of smoke bil lowing forth 'from' the building.• 'Gordon and Jerry' Culbert, fought. the •blaze with ,a garden hose un-. til the Fire Company arrived,.. but -va•erg••---hanrpercd--gteatly--in tli efforts, by the 'ainuunt of smoke. The fire originated' in the• men's lavatory and burned'out the floor and .wall, before it was discov,er- ed. Smoke filled the other rooms, and it ;was difficult • to pirf` down the : extent of the. •`b]a2e' while fighting it. The burned -out room was the only one with a ceiling, and this fact . was possibly the reason for thepanies: not spread- 'ri The cause of • the blaze , is a mystery. There is no electrical current in the building' unless Abe_greenflQo Rights}_are The. lavatory is ,generally open, and it •is thought: •a• .careless. smoker (young or old), might .have been. responsible for the outbreak. -In- surance was carried on tne'build ing. DISTRICT _GIRLS- ;RECEIVE • ACHIEVEMENT -:CERTIFICATES, Fort. -ei h • y, g t• 4 H Homemaking . Club grris„ in South Bruce 'receiv-• • ed Certificates of • Achievement at the Achievement Day. in Walker ton District High School. District garb receiving awards were: Marie. Coning of . Purple received a .Provincial' Hon=. or. Certificate for completing` ,12, prtoj'ects; Marilyn Carruthers and Irene Roulston of . Kairshea, and Elaine 'and Joyce .MacNay of Par d amount received County:' Honor 'Certificates 'for completing ,six projects; Certificates' for coinplet- ing two projects Wein to Beatrice, Betty & Joyce Haldenby of West- ford, , estford,, Shirley.'Coiigranf of Holy- rood, ,Marion Buckton, Amelia. Carruthers, Irene Roulston .and Marilyn Carruthers of Kairshea, Irene Elphick,• . Maine .'.And ' Jo- YCe 1VTgNaY,.Jean' Anne_w Bi.ckiards, Marlene Stanley and Mabel Stan- ley of Paramount, Donna Hedley,. Mary. Ann McCosh,• •Doreen Mc- • Leod, Esther 1VIae o a1 i 1yn Parker, Elizabeth Scott, Frances. Scott and Louise Trantor of purple Grove. There were 130 girls who con- ,• pleted 'the project, ;,The • Milky Way'' -0110 ' • • ..:.•,.rw^.rt,.�rdc.e.1.,....�i��"i'MMit'i7�r..>�lE,�.;.uMJt�d. • '�:.`. / � _ i` 1 �,iL 1!';iiuYi:. '•. ��r, �.. l! Mc.f�' :.:r4:'', .Y :..rl�l::..wv.